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晚清“巡警军”考析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学界以1901年编练巡警军的上谕为清政府创办警察的起点,实则巡警军并非完全意义上的警察。它源于晚清的兵制变革与治安观念的转换,但清廷对其规制并无明确计划。由于督抚理解不一与地方情形各异,各省编练时,有的军事色彩浓厚,有的将之办成近代意义上的警察。清廷赞同后一方案,从而走上建立近代警察制度之路。  相似文献   

创设巡警是晚清新政的重要内容,直隶是举办巡警最早、成效最大的省份.直隶巡警源于保定,发展于天津.州县巡警则天津举办最早.直隶省州县巡警的发展具有天津向周边辐射的特点;各地仿照天津经验,都实行分区管理;由于经费是本地筹措,绅士在举办巡警过程中发挥了重大作用;各地财政状况不一,导致巡警员额受到经费不足的严重制约.直隶巡警开中国近代警政之先河,但同时又激化了国家与基层社会的矛盾.  相似文献   

我们来到郑州特巡警大队,开始了采访学习活动。我们观看了郑州特警‘疏拥堵,保畅通’启动仪式。只见巡警叔叔们穿着蓝色制服,套着有特巡警字样的绿色背心,戴着白色的警帽和手套,排列成方阵。他们站得像松树一样笔直,看上去威风极了。这让我想起巡警叔叔们坚守岗位时的情景,他们  相似文献   

一张张幻灯片呈现了庄宜生与病魔抗争、与犯罪分子斗争的顽强意志,一阵阵掌声来自聆听报告听众内心油然而发的敬意。“我看到捷克作家伏契克说的一句话:‘生活没有旁观者。我爱生活,并且为它战斗。’我把这句话一个字、一个字刻在心底,擦干眼泪,开始向生活发出战帖,向生命极限发起挑战……”8月11日上午,庄宜生在其先进事迹报告会上用平实的语言介绍自己,却让听众看到了一位热爱生命、  相似文献   

1908年,湖南设巡警道署,下设警务公所,湖南警政正式确立。湖南规范建警经费、明确警察职权,湖南警政迅速发展。  相似文献   

利用“Facebook”发展网络学习社区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当高等教育机构都在宣传远程教育“一站式服务”特点的时候,他们并没有热衷于(至少在现阶段)把Facebook这样的工具加入他们的绑定服务。这些服务现在可以通过诸如Angel和Blackboard的课程管理系统(CMSs)实现。高等教育现在还没有准备好完全接纳CMSs。从理论上说,学生们在CMSs中可以更有效地学习。然而,其他的社会网络工具(如博客、维客和播客)显得要比Facebook更适合在远程教育中使用。要注意的是,对CMSs进行"整合"而不是"代替"是这一类工具现在唯一的功用。使用这一类网络工具的用户大部分都支持这一事实即Facebook能为大学生们提供一种社会出路。因为,不管它效果如何,社会交往总是人类教育的核心。在这一方面,Facebook会起到作用,但是把这一作用融入到远程教育中却缺少了一股推动力。学生们可以把它作为合作学习中次要的信息交流途径。例如:学生们可以通过在自己的空间中邀请同学来共同完成小组作业。Facebook提供的服务(如聊天、结识新同学、安排社会、学术会议等)可以通过使用CMSs当前的技术来实现,同时避免社会网络中普遍存在的安全漏洞和其他法律问题。目前对于Facebook应用在网络学习社区中的观念很可能一夜之间被颠覆,基于Facebook的新发展,技术融合以及远程教育管理者观念的改变,面对一些学生学习花费时间长的这一情况,Facebook改进了原来在推进学习(如完成任务花费的时间)中的功用。Facebook的引入可能使学习环境很舒适,但是笔者很想深刻的挖掘该技术,并探索将它用于学术领域的可能性,把它作为一种潜在的方式使学生可以远程互相学习而不用挤在一个狭小的空间。  相似文献   

1923-06-10《大公报》昨日北京空气极劣,巡警均一律罢工索饷。军警当局至东厂胡同,向黄陂(注:即黎元洪)交涉,形势极为紧迫。黄陂已表示,为今夕内阁问题,不能解决,即当赴津内阁问题。顾少川于前夕又表示不干,昨晨黄陂在东厂胡同,昨日黄陂因外间空气不佳未赴府召集李根源彭允彝,及政学系分子。讨论良久,其结果遣章行严往颜骏人宅,再挽顾氏组阁,但颜仍表示拒绝。  相似文献   

Facebook社交网络具有及时性、开放性、互动性等优势,这给英语教学模式变革带来了契机。Facebook社交网络环境下英语教学模式的建构涉及情境、协作、会话和意义建构四大要素,采用定量研究和定性研究相结合的方法对其进行设计和实践,并对其成效进行评估,对于提高教学的针对性、发挥学生的主体性、调动学生的学习积极性都具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Internet网络的迅速发展使得图片资源检索逐渐成为人们关注的要点问题,如何综合利用各种技术,在种类繁多的图片资源中实现快速、准确的检索,是我国网络资源检索系统发展的方向。本文主要讨论了目前Internet网络图片资源检索系统内涵、应用技术、发展现状以及解决措施。  相似文献   

占领微信 随着智能手机的普及和应用软件的快速发展,“微信”以其个性化立体式服务的强大功能成为年轻人的新宠,备受青睐。不过与此同时,  相似文献   

Facebook,美国一个大学生社交网站,如今能引起“暴怒”,究竟怎么回事呢!  相似文献   

Teachers sometimes do things that negatively impact their own credibility in classroom settings. One way instructors maintain credibility among students is by keeping a veil between their personal and professional personas. The advent of Facebook presents new challenges for instructors seeking to keep their personal lives private in order to maintain credibility among students. In educational settings, Facebook communications can blur the personal and professional boundaries that students and professors are accustomed to. As such, instructors in higher education sometimes struggle with the implications of ‘friending’ students in the context of social networking. The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not educator usage of Facebook had any impact on student perceptions of instructor credibility. Facebook presence was examined in the context of teacher ‘misbehaviors’ (that is, actions by educators that negatively impact their credibility). A modified version of Teven and McCroskey’s (1997) Source Credibility Instrument was given to a sample of college students (N?=?187) to compare instructors that use Facebook with those who do not. While students appear to be generally accepting of instructor usage of the social tool, some findings suggest that there are probably ways to abuse it in a manner that could lead to negative perceptions of credibility. Ultimately, results from this study indicated that there were no significant differences among student perceptions of instructor credibility based on whether or not an educator used Facebook.  相似文献   

Very few research papers and case studies have shown successful integration of both Facebook and Moodle in the educational experience of students. This study sought to evaluate the educational benefits of the increasingly popular Facebook—which plays an important role in students’ social life as well as their academic life—and to compare it with the widely used course management system Moodle. In this study, the authors surveyed students of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Organizational Science in Serbia on their attitude toward Facebook and Moodle as productive online tools for teaching and learning. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. The results of this research answer the question of whether or not using Facebook as an educational tool is more effective than using Moodle and how it affects students’ everyday learning activities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to enhance our understanding of how college students connect online prior to their first year. Before students ever set foot on a college campus, they are making friends, joining clubs, locating activities, finding roommates and discussing future student activities all through the social network site, Facebook. Anticipatory socialisation theory frames this research to focus on the social, academic and career aspects of the transition. A case study approach and content analysis methodology sought to better understand frequent topics and themes for pre-college students. The primary foci of the pre-college Facebook interactions were connectivity and commonality among new students. An unintended finding was the discovery of crowdsourcing on post-secondary social media sites. Crowdsourcing taps into the collective intelligence of the public to complete tasks that an organisation would normally either perform itself or contract to a third-party provider; hence, outsourcing to a crowd. In this case, the crowd is comprised of pre-college students about to start their first year of post-secondary education.  相似文献   

Space Walking     
看过宇航员太空漫步的电视画面吗?他们遨游太空时气定神逸,飘飘欲仙,让人觉得太空旅行仿佛真的就像在公园里坐过山  相似文献   

荒野是生态批评的重要内容,是人类获得救赎的家园。新历史主义从《丁登寺》中看到了荒野,却没有看到《丁登寺》不是走出荒野,而是走向荒野。类自然主义的主题在荒野这个特殊生态中得到充分表达,但预示了启蒙与反启蒙的两种趋势。  相似文献   

2004年,马克·扎克伯格创建了脸谱网,改变了世界。现在,他是该社交网巨头的老板,也是世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。但是,马克到底是个怎样的人呢?他有可能会被他自己创建的公司解雇吗?  相似文献   

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