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最近,接到杨鑫辉教授从南京惠寄的大作——《中国心理学史论》一书,读后,受益匪浅,也感慨良多,这里谈几点心得体会,以就教于心理学界同仁。  相似文献   

中国的跨文化心理学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受国际跨文化心理学的影响,中国的跨文化心理学研究从20世纪80年代开始发展。30多年来,中国心理学家在跨文化心理学的基本理论、认知和认知发展、人格和智力、情绪和心理健康等方面做了大量跨文化研究。但在研究课题的选择、研究方法等方面还存在很多问题。本文对中国30多年来的跨文化心理学研究进行了述评。  相似文献   

本文分析和比较了中国人的本土心理学研究与中国心理学史研究在实质上的异同及其面临的困境,初步寻求二者在研究上的契合  相似文献   

历史研究过程就是用理论观点(论)来分析具体历史(史)并得出新论点(论)的过程。因此,历史研究过程中的史论关系,前一阶段表现为以论带更,后一阶段表现为论从史出。以论带史和论从支出的轮番循环强调,就成为文学研究不断进步的内在机制、以前人们没有从历史认识的循环角度来考察史论关系,往往偏执一端或空提交论结合,这都是应予纠正的。  相似文献   

面对心理学的现状,不少学不得不承认心理学正处于分裂的状态,分裂的事实使心理学陷入了危机之中,心理学急需整合。心理学的整合需要宏观的指导,应从哲学基础、人性观、方法论以及心理学体系的构建四方面思索整合的途径。  相似文献   

文献传播是佛教在中国汉地实施传播的一种方式.佛教在中国汉地的文献传播方式是按照佛经汉译→汉文经录编撰→汉文大藏经刻印这一历史进程进行传播的,在这一历史进程中三者之间彼此关联,对佛教在中国汉地的成功传播起着重要作用.  相似文献   

探讨现象学方法的发展历史是过去心理学史家轻视的一个研究课题。本从心理学方法学的视角分析了西方心理学现象学方法的发展轨迹,认为西方心理学的现象学方法可分为三个发展时期:①现象学方法的孕育、形成期,它以经验现象学为标志;②现象学方法的发展、成长期,它以实验现象学为标志;③现象学方法的成熟、整合期,它以人本主义现象学为标志。本认为现象学方法是心理学方法体系中不可或缺的组成部分,探讨现象学方法对促进我国心理学发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国古代“名实论”的心理学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要概述了中国古代名实论产生和发展的历史;并详细论述了中国古代名实论的认识心理学思想和管理心理学思想。  相似文献   

浅析女性主义心理学研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东西方文化的不断深入交流,对心理学的发展也产生了巨大的影响。藉由此,心理学朝着多元化发展。西方女性主义运动为女性主义心理学的发展提供了良好的平台,它的研究历程中形成了三个研究取向:经验论女性主义心理学、认识论女性主义心理学和后现代女性主义心理学。通过对着三种取向的研究,对女性主义心理学方法论的争论是女性主义心理学研究的焦点,解决女性主义心理学同主流心理学之间的矛盾。从中国本土出发,使得女性主义心理学能够切合中国国情,以得到良好的发展。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学是国外60年代后迅速崛起的一个重要理论流派,被誉为心理学领域的第二次革命,其知识观也导致了知识理论研究的革命性进展。本文对现代认知心理学的知识观进行了简要述评,以期增进对现代认知心理学知识理论的了解。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of educational psychology as reflected in texts and courses from the point of view of textbook outlines and from the point of view of researchers who focussed their inquiries on our texts and courses.  相似文献   

当前青少年犯罪心理分析及教育对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前青少年违法犯罪是一个严重且复杂的社会现象,其原因是多重的,但心理问题是青少年犯罪的起点,青少年犯罪从心理角度而言,主要产生于不平衡心理、逆反性心理和孤独及空虚心理。基于此,作为“三位一体”教育模式中的学校教育应真正的实现“应试”教育向“素质”教育的转变,强化德育、法制教育及挫折教育,以达到预防青少年犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

本文从教育行政法制建设过程中弱势群体的权益难以维护的原因入手,提出了一系列解决问题的方案,包括立法建议、建立中介机构、监督方面加大透明度、强化公民的行政法律意识等。  相似文献   

The overall objective of this investigation was to explore the views of border history teachers on a wide variety of issues that influence their instructional approaches, curricular content choices, and capacity to teach history more effectively. More specifically, the focus was on identifying factors that affect their ability to utilize culturally relevant pedagogy and to integrate into their classroom instruction elements of the local border community, and of the Latin American, Latino, and Mexican American experience. Findings confirmed that structural factors such as mandated curriculum standards, adopted textbooks, and high-stakes tests all serve to limit the teachers’ ability to integrate the Latino and minority experience into their classroom narrative. Although most teachers expressed support for the inclusion of Latino history, in actual practice they reported having insufficient time, training, or resources to adequately do so. The implications that Latino curricular exclusion has for students on the border are also discussed.  相似文献   

为改变我国英语教学普遍"费时低效"的现实,满足学生个人和社会发展的需求,双语教学这种"新型"的教学模式被广泛讨论。实际上,双语教学在我国早有渊源,清末教会学校中便出现过双语教学。本文梳理了清末到现在百余年间双语教学的历史,旨在分析其历史发展特点,并总结其主要历史经验,即:(1)双语教学应保证民族尊严;(2)双语教学需要丰富的外语资源;(3)双语教学应考虑学生外语水平。期望对后面的研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Continuing professional development (CPD) doctorate programmes may not be the only learning and development opportunities which universities and other organisations can provide for educational psychology practitioners (EPs). However, as Morris and Brightman pointed out in 2006 Morris, S. and Brightman, C. 2006. In what ways can universities make a relevant contribution to the provision of relevant continuing professional development (CPD) activities for EPs?. CPD Link, 28: 324.  [Google Scholar], they are likely to continue as important sources for professional development for some years to come. Such programmes serve the purposes of providing continuing professional development for individuals, conferring higher status on the professional group and, for some, developing specialist skills and knowledge. This paper reports on two studies carried out nearly a decade apart. The first involved the collation of data from eight focus groups in London and the Home Counties who discussed the costs and benefits of setting up part‐time doctoral programmes for experienced practitioners in 1998, as discussed by Cameron in 1999 Cameron, R.J. 1999. “Continuing professional development in educational psychology: Practitioners’ views on a new part‐time doctoral programme at UCL”. (Unpublished internal report: available from the author on request.) [Google Scholar], and the other was a small‐scale follow‐up survey in 2007 using a questionnaire which was based on the issues arising from the earlier focus group discussions and which was designed to explore consistent, changed and evolving views and opinions of practitioner EPs towards this extended form of EP professional training. While both studies uncovered evidence of the research–practice divide which has been a feature of EP practice for many decades, it was clear from the 2007 survey that much of the ambivalence of practitioners to the “academic dimension” of training, present in the first investigation, had dissipated and that national doctorate programmes for experienced practitioners had become a familiar feature of the educational and child psychology landscape. Some theory/research versus practice tensions still remain, however, and these, together with their likely implications for current and future developments in the profession, are also considered. Finally, some key issues arising from both the 1998 and the 2007 studies are used to illuminate the potential role of CPD doctorates in enabling EPs to address future challenges in the practice context.  相似文献   

对如何根据中学生的心理特点,通过适用分析、联想、推理、论证、归纳等方法实施教学,充分发挥学生的记忆、思维、想象等能力、激发学习兴趣,达到提高教学质量的目的进行了论述。  相似文献   

地方自治是以民主为导向,以处理国家权力和地方权力为内容的国家制度。中国的地方自治主要是民族区域自治、特别行政区自治和我国逐渐形成的具有鲜明中国特色的基层群众自治。和西方相比中国的地方自有其自身的特点,但也面临着很大的挑战,需要进一步的完善。  相似文献   

The issue of diversity in both physical and epistemological access to programmes in higher education is an important concern worldwide. In South Africa, as elsewhere, access to professional clinical psychology training programmes is extremely competitive, and there is an important imperative to diversify the student profile. Perspectives of black students on access to clinical psychology training in South Africa have been extensively studied, but the views of white students are minimally documented. We interviewed four white professional clinical psychology trainees on their views about the role race plays in selection for professional training. Four major themes arose from the participants' responses: uncertainty versus transparency; internal shame versus external blame; race versus socio-economic status and language and relevance versus irrelevance. Participants expressed discomfort with selection procedures, and though there are several limitations to this study, such as the small sample size, the need to open the door to discussions on the frightening topic of race is essential for a socially responsible approach to future equity, diversity and representativeness in professional training in higher education in South Africa.  相似文献   

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