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促进社会包容——美国社群信息学研究述评   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着社会结构中虚拟社区对传统社区的拓展和图书馆社区信息服务活动的延伸,社群信息学(CI)逐渐成为LIS研究的热点。CI产生于信息通讯技术(ICT)的应用实践,强调ICT与社群的互动与平衡,特别是利用ICT使一般社群、弱势群体、边缘化社群增强能力和获取权利,以缩小数字鸿沟,实现社会信息公平。CI研究的主要内容包括ICT有效使用和社区能力、CI行动的可持续发展和CI的社会包容性等。美国的CI实践形成了政府、地方、社区、学界四方合力、相互补充的发展模式,其典型的案例分别是技术机遇项目、社群信息学行动、社区技术中心和社区网络化行动。美国CI的理论与实践对我国社会管理创新和包容性增长具有借鉴意义。CI研究不仅能成为学科发展的增长点,也能为中国社区问题的解决提供一种切实可行的行动方案。  相似文献   

社群信息学(CI)是一个关注社区和信息通信技术(ICT)的互动关系,探讨将ICT应用于赋能社区发展和实现社区目标的新兴领域,在欧美等地发展迅速且成果丰富。文章梳理了近十年国外CI的研究文献,从数字鸿沟成因、ICT接入、社群信息服务、ICT与社会资本关系和CI批判性思维等5个主题总结现有研究的主要内容;分析CI研究的发展趋势,包括跨学科、跨机构、跨地域研究,注重宏观与微观情境的识别和探知,重视基本理论的建设和完善,以及立足社会实践并适应社会需求;建议我国CI领域增强对国际CI研究经验的学习,促进学科与国际交流合作,加强CI领域的专业教育,推进CI教学、研究和实践融合,进而推动CI研究范式、理论与实践的发展。  相似文献   

本文阐释了Community Informatics(CI,“社群信息学”)的内涵和主要思想,认为它与我国的社区信息化和农村信息化分享共同的兴趣与宗旨,即运用现代信息技术推动社区发展;与社区/农村信息化相比,CI之新在于,它以社群主义、网络社会理论、社会资本理论等当代社会科学理论为基础,强调ICT应用中的社区振兴(或社区赋权)和社区参与.本文认为这些新理论以及与之相适应的新方法对解决我国社区/农村信息化效益低下等问题具有重要的参考价值.本文也提出了与CI引进相关的其他问题,例如CI应该成为谁的视角和方法,应该如何规划自己的“东渐”路径与前景.  相似文献   

王平 《图书情报工作》2015,59(9):136-142
[目的/意义]了解国外社群信息学(community informatics, CI)研究与教育基本情况,为国内开展相关研究与教育提供借鉴.[方法/过程]通过网络调查和文献分析,考察国外CI课程设置、教学方法、研究机构、学术会议和学术期刊的基本情况和特点.[结果/结论]研究发现国外CI教育与研究实践呈现出资金支持下的以项目为导向、教育与实践一体化的特征,具体表现为:① CI研究与教育紧密结合,相互支撑;② CI研究与教育受惠于研究基金支持;③ CI研究与教育凸显实践特色;④CI研究与教育重视方法论指导.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]构建情报学领域核心作者研究兴趣相似性网络,研究该网络的社群结构与社群隶属问题。[方法/过程]在CSSCI数据库以中图分类号为检索条件,下载该学科1998-2015年所有的论文数据,通过普莱斯定律识别核心作者。将作者研究兴趣用词袋模型表示,并计算作者间研究兴趣的余弦相似性,进而构建核心作者研究兴趣相似性网络。在此基础上进行社群划分并识别各社群研究主题,计算作者对各社群的隶属度与模糊熵。[结果/结论]研究发现,当前我国情报学研究可分为信息组织与检索、文献计量与科学评价、竞争情报与知识管理、情报学学科整体研究4个领域,大部分作者研究并不局限于单个领域,竞争情报和文献计量领域界限明显,较少有作者将彼此作为次要隶属社群。  相似文献   

"数字鸿沟"自1989年出现以来受到学术界的广泛重视。文本梳理国内外的研究成果,将数字鸿沟研究划分为四代:第一代研究的核心内容是拥有者和缺乏者在接入信息通讯技术(ICT)方面存在的鸿沟;第二代将ICT素养和培训方面的鸿沟、ICT利用水平方面的鸿沟纳入其话语;第三代研究重点放在ICT接入与利用活动之外的信息资源和知识上;最新一代的学术思想则是从社会分化、社会排斥及社会不平等的角度断定不能按照传统的数字鸿沟思维来对待本已在社会上处于劣势地位的群体。表2。参考文献86。  相似文献   

社群信息学起源于20世纪80-90年代西方国家的社区ICT应用活动,其主要宗旨是运用现代信息技术(ICT)推动社区发展。我国自2010年开始引介西方的社群信息学,当时国内已存在同样宗旨的研究和应用领域,即社区信息化和农村信息化。与此相关的研究和实践构成了社群信息学在我国成长发展的重要的本土情境。  相似文献   

消除数字不平等:公共图书馆的一个社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王化民 《图书馆》2012,(5):17-20
数字不平等研究是在数字鸿沟研究基础上发展起来的研究信息通讯技术(ICT)资源分配不均的新视角。图书馆界就公共图书馆承担消除数字不平等,实现信息公平的社会责任已达成共识。完善公共图书馆制度,倡导社会包容,发展社会资本,加强自身建设是公共图书馆承担消除数字不平等的社会责任的实践路径。这一社会责任的实践在今后的研究和实践中需要进一步探索和深化。  相似文献   

社群建档是公民,尤其是非主流的少数社群参与档案资源建设、保护群体记忆与文化的重要途径,可以通过建立实体档案馆和在线数字档案馆两种方式进行.以加拿大"另类多伦多"在线数字社群档案馆的建设实践为例,从传播学的视角解读社群档案建设的本质与过程,分析数字社群档案馆建设的两大关键问题及解决方案,为我国社群档案馆建设提供启发.  相似文献   

社群数字不平等的理论模型及其在中国情境中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The greater number of government efforts to stimulate participative governance in communities using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) often fall short of expectations. In South Africa extending e-government to communities has been in the form of more and/or better equipped ICT-enabled community centres, called Thusong Service Centres. In this paper, based on action research experiences, we report outcomes of interpretive research into ICT-enabled approaches to participative governance in communities. Using the Diffusion of Innovations theory as an analytic lens, the findings reveal a subtlety that is not often mentioned in the call for participative e-governance; people from communities prefer to work in groups rather than individually. The collectiveness inclination is a common denominator of many developing countries where people choose to come together to leverage the few available resources. Individuals become apprehensive when made to work on their own using the ICT. The research reveals the necessity to re-design ICT to suit small groups as part of participative e-governance rather than the normative ICT design that suits individual work styles. Additionally, the research reveals that by working in groups, communities are more willing to accept the government initiatives that are being energised with the use of ICT. Methodologically, the research revealed the ethical issue that arises from action research in its raising of unrealistic expectations in a community.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of using community radio stations to extend information and communication technology (ICT) benefits to poor communities in South Africa. Six community radio stations in six rural South African communities were studied, using face-to-face interviews, community conversations, and observation method. The study found these radio stations have ICT presence, but because of a lack of resources they are only able to allow their stakeholder communities' indirect access to these technologies. It concludes that for these stations to realize their full development potential of extending ICTs to poor rural communities in South Africa, collaborative innovative strategies will have to be instituted.  相似文献   

Most of the Indian University Libraries are accessible not only to the academic and research communities but also to the general public. In this paper, an attempt is made to describe the effects of ICT developments on Indian University Libraries, how much they have been able to catch up with more developed institutions and what the future agenda for connecting knowledge and communities will be. This paper gives an idea about ICT developments in India, ICT applications in Indian University Libraries, and the role of INFLIBNET and future programs.  相似文献   

Most of the Indian University Libraries are accessible not only to the academic and research communities but also to the general public. In this paper, an attempt is made to describe the effects of ICT developments on Indian University Libraries, how much they have been able to catch up with more developed institutions and what the future agenda for connecting knowledge and communities will be. This paper gives an idea about ICT developments in India, ICT applications in Indian University Libraries, and the role of INFLIBNET and future programs.  相似文献   

孟笛 《图书情报工作》2015,59(18):127-133
[目的/意义]虚拟社区研究勾连了传播学、社会学、管理学多个学科,是新媒体研究的重要领域。对该领域进行文献分析,梳理国际学术界虚拟社区研究的发展脉络,并深入探讨该领域的三大重要主题,对国内学术研究将有所启示。[方法/过程]基于SSCI、A&HCI数据库,遴选出虚拟社区研究中最受关注、影响力最大的文献进行文本分析和总结。[结果/结论]虚拟社区研究经历了从广阔宏观的社会学论述到具体专业性主题社区的实证分析的演变 。即通过对虚拟社区的概念及特征、虚拟社区的知识共享以及医疗健康虚拟社区三大重要主题进行深度解析,文章指出未来的虚拟社区研究更加关注"人与网络"的相互作用,并将进一步推进现有协同创新的知识网络框架。  相似文献   

This paper stems from the observation that researchers in different fields tend to publish in different journals. Such a relationship between researchers and journals is quantitatively exploited to identify scientific community clusters, by casting the community detection problem into a co-clustering problem on bipartite graphs. Such an approach has the potential of leading not only to the fine- grained detection of scholar communities based on the similarity of their research activity, but also to the clustering of scientific journals based on which are the most representative of each community. The proposed methodology is purely data-driven and completely unsupervised, and does not rely on any semantics (e.g. keywords or a-priori subjective categories). Moreover, unlike “flat” data structures (e.g. collaboration graphs or citation graphs) our bipartite graph approach blends in a joint structure both the researcher's attitude and interests (i.e., freedom to select the venue where to publish) as well as the community's recognition (i.e., acceptance of the publication on a target journal); as such may perhaps inspire further scientometric evaluation strategies. Our proposed approach is applied to the Italian research system, for two broad areas (ICT and Microbiology&Genetics), and reveals some questionable aspects and community overlaps in the current Italian scientific sectors classification.  相似文献   

In the context of Internet and Communications Technology (ICT), this research investigates the acceptance of hate rumor and its consequence during a community crisis situation. Extending prior rumor research for this context, we develop and test a refined model using data collected from victims of a large scale (hate) rumor spread incident. Our data analyses present three main findings. First, during the crisis situation, platform characteristics of media synchronicity and richness of expression affected the likelihood of rumor recipients believing the false rumor to be a true message. Second, rumors received from people with closer social ties were more likely to be believed as true. Third, rumor belief during the crisis was associated with greater intensity of informational and behavioral actions. Our findings provide governments with insights to mitigate the spread of hate rumor especially under community disaster situations. Implications for research and policy are discussed. This paper contributes to the IS literature on rumor theory and its implications by explaining how diverse communication technologies are used in a community crisis, thereby opening new avenue for future research to address the negative consequences of using communication media in the complex ICT mediated world. It shows how media characteristics along with social ties affect the “politics of plausibility”.  相似文献   

Web2.0时代,虚拟学术社区作为知识交流和共享的重要平台,在科研合作中发挥着越来越重要的作用。探究虚拟学术社区中用户社区认同感的影响因素,有助于挖掘用户持续使用社区的深层次动机,推进虚拟学术社区的建设。文章采用扎根理论研究方法,对使用过虚拟学术社区的相关用户基于半结构化访谈提纲进行深度访谈,运用质性分析软件NVivo12对访谈资料进行开放式、主轴、选择性三级编码,识别出虚拟学术社区用户社区认同感的影响因素。研究结果表明,影响虚拟学术社区用户社区认同感的核心因素有3个:社区平台因素、个体认知因素和人际因素。社区平台因素包括社区运营、社区功能、社区品牌效应、社区活跃度和社区氛围等,个体认知因素包括感知质量、感知易用性、感知成本、感知信息安全、主观规范、自我效能感和期望确认等,人际因素包括交互关系、信任关系和互惠关系等。在因素识别的基础上,为虚拟学术社区运营提出建议。  相似文献   

This article includes a brief profile of selected engineering libraries in Maharashtra state of India and discusses salient issues related to strategic cooperation and consortia, with particular focus on the current situation. It examines the structural, financial and technical factors that have compelled the academic libraries to think about the formation of statewide consortia. The author surveyed forty-nine libraries to get an idea about the current status and explored the possibilities of forming regional consortia with a mission to enhance access to information and knowledge through cooperation for benefit of the engineering communities. The focus is on librarians' perceptions/opinion on the formation of state level consortia; ICT infrastructure; users' needs; collection development policies and the services provided by engineering libraries to the community.  相似文献   

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