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据预测,21世纪中期人类社会将进入以智能机器人为代表的智能时代。最近10年,有关机器人的研究与应用水平取得了重大突破。开展机器人教育。有助于使我们不至于在机器人时代落伍。机器人教育有理论和实践两大领域。理论方面,机器人教育有自身的理论基础与基本理论,  相似文献   

"寓教于乐"的教育思想,生生不息.随着科学技术的飞速发展,诠释这一思想的内涵越来越丰富.作为表达这种教育思想的技术产品--教育游戏,以其特有的教育价值和技术优势,不仅得到飞速发展,而且受到广大青少年的青睐.研究了开发教育游戏所涉及的关键技术,构建一个适用于情境教学的教育游戏软件开发平台,并通过一个教育游戏设计案例展示此平台的功能.最后对未来的研发工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - According to UNESCO, sustainable education requires a participatory development process. This article reports the results of three case studies...  相似文献   


The results of a survey of the views of employers and tutors in higher education on the scientific curriculum for 16‐ to 19‐year‐olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is reported. The results show that a limited range of scientific ideas are seen as essential by representatives of all areas. Both employers and tutors in higher education believe that developing a student's capability in a wide range of generic skills (including mathematics skills) should be an aim of courses leading to advanced science qualifications. Higher education tutors tend to require higher levels of thinking in the use of the ideas than do employers. The implications of taking note of employmnent and higher education needs for secondary science education are discussed.  相似文献   

Is there a place for Indigenous Knowledge in the science curriculum for a Zulu community in rural Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa? This article argues “yes,” based on a participative research and development project that discovered relevant science learning in a Zulu community. Among community concerns for relevant factual and performative knowledge, we found that culture and worldview are critical to community identity, to visioning educational outcomes, and to learning in school science. Cultural practices may contribute to pedagogy and curriculum; curriculum, in turn, may affirm cultural practices. Further, worldview needs to be understood as an aspect of knowledge creation. By understanding key aspects of an African worldview, science educators can contribute to both meaningful science education and community well-being. By fostering culture and worldview, a rural community can make a unique contribution to science education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this brief paper is to provide insight into the kinds of work being done by an education research group in a US physics department. As will be evident, instructional technology raises many interesting questions and lends itself to a wide variety of studies. References and contacts are provided for readers wanting more detailed information on the research. The paper is based on a presentation given at the Workshop on Best Practices of ICT Use in a University Environment, 24 September 2004, in Zürich.  相似文献   

本文介绍日本高等职业技术教育的改革与发展 ,特别是介绍了日本在职业教育方面的基本政策、原则、和教育理念。  相似文献   

I argue that there is potential for collaborative work between science educators and citizenship educators. However, following comments about that potential, I raise a number of challenges. Those challenges relate to the public perception of science, narrow academic perspectives of some science educators, and problematic attempts to develop a form of science education that, at times, some have claimed is relevant to — or, even, a form of — citizenship education. The latter point is considered with reference to some science educators’ perceptions concerning the nature of citizenship and citizenship education. I argue that the perceptions of some science educators seem to suggest significant differences in understanding from at least some of those who would regard themselves as citizenship education specialists. In the final main section of the article, I suggest, briefly, some ways in which further work to develop collaboration between science educators and citizenship educators could be considered.  相似文献   


Thought experiments are tools often used by physicists. Learning authentic physics then also means that students need to develop a familiarity with the reasoning processes of thought experiments. This study examines the nature of learning processes that involve communication about image‐based micro‐worlds in optics. The results of this study show that students’ investigations often have the structure of thought experiments. Thought experiments that use computer‐based microworlds are powerful because they capitalize on the human capability for imagery that allow learners to ‘see’ the physical processes and construct qualitative understandings. In this study, the structure of students’ activities as thought experiments arose from their collective efforts which started with the construction of an optics simulation. In the course of the activities, students’ understanding evolved from fragmented views of optical situations to system views that included multiple components. Collaborative thought experiments are therefore emergent phenomena, triggered by the events as a whole rather than being pre‐designed. In the course of the activities, students who participated in collective problem solving gradually adopted shared graphical representations and meanings.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issues and concems identified by a small group of teachers implementing technology ideas using the national document,A Statement on Technology for Australian Schools (Curriculum Corporation, 1994a), represented in four key questions they posed as a result of reflection upon their existing ideas and practices, early in the study. These same issues and concerns framed their later experiences as the study progressed. The case study of one of the teachers is used, to illustrate how the teachers implemented technology education working from their own perspectives and tackling issues and concerns that made sense to them. By reviewing the teachers' own questions about technology implementation, it is becoming, clear that what may be important for professional development in technology education is related to the questions that the teachers themselves are asking about their own, beliefs and practices.  相似文献   

To develop the pedagogic efficiency of informal education in science teaching, promoting a close cooperation between institutions is suggested by Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins. In their article, they point out effective examples of how teachers and educators work together to develop programs and activities at informal education places such as science museums. Their study explored and discussed the viability and relevancy of school visits to museums and possibilities to enhance the connection between students’ visits in informal contexts and their learning in schools. Given that students learn science by crossing the boundaries of formal and informal learning contexts, it is critical to examine ways of integrated and collaborative approach to develop scientific literacy to help students think, act and communicate as members of problem solving communities. In this forum, we suggest the importance of students’ lifeworld contexts in informal learning places as continuum of Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins’ discussion on enhancing the effectiveness of informal learning places in science education.  相似文献   

本文分析了三个不同典型的中小学信息技术教育网站,总结出中小学信息技术教育网站发展的现状,提出相应的建议,并设下一个针对中小学信息技术网站的评价量表。  相似文献   

新余市民办高职教育曾经被国家有关教育行政部门誉为”新余现象”,尽管新余市的民办高等职业教育取得了很大的成果,但是从总体看,新余市高民办等职业教育在发展中仍然存在一些问题和不足,这些问题不解决,必将制约新余民办高职教育的发展。文章针对新余市民办高等职业技术教育的问题提出了对策建议,期望新余民办高等职业技术教育能够更好地发展。  相似文献   

利用现代教育技术,打破传统体育教学模式限制;联合多所院校,建立体育教学网络媒体库,共建网络教学平台,共享资源,最大程度发挥优势资源;实施以教师为主导,以学生为主体的自主学习模式,调动学生的学习积极性,提高教学质量,推动体育教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

创新高校科技管理机制服务国家科技专项发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家科技重大专项是国家科技发展的重中之重.组织承担重大专项是高校服务国家目标和提升科技综合实力的重大机遇.通过运用科学管理理论,对高校科研管理模式进行探讨,并提出若干创新科技管理机制举措,以推进科研管理体系的创新和促进科研管理水平的提高,更好地为学校、地方和国家科技发展服务.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the radical changes taking place in skills development for work and life, and their implications for the content of education and schooling. It examines skills development for employability and workforce education, with particular reference to technical and vocational education and training (TVET). In turn, it is argued that the impact of these issues upon the world of work will be reflected in those education reform initiatives that will become necessary to keep pace with such institutionalized change. This was a keynote presentation by Rupert Maclean at the APERA Conference and draws heavily on the chapter by Victor Ordonez and Rupert Maclean ‘Seeking a New Education Paradigm for Teaching and Learning to Meet the Changing Needs of Education for All and skills Development for Work and Life‘ in the book ‘Learning and Teaching for the Twenty-first Century: Festschrift for Professor Phillip Hughes’, Rupert Maclean (Editor), Springer Academic Publishers (forthcoming). The authors thank UNESCO-UNVOC consultant Professor David Wilson for his valuable inputs to this paper and to the keynote presentation.  相似文献   

开放教育计算机专业的教学管理工作是一个新事物。本从学生管理、教师管理等方面作了一些总结、探讨,以便更好地依据现代远程开放教育特点,采用“以学生个别化学习为主、教师辅导为辅”的学习模式,以提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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