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This study examined college graduates’ evaluations of their employability skills associated with graduate participation in various extra-curricular activities including being a core member of: (a) student government (such as student councils), (b) service (such as scouts clubs), (c) sports, (d) music and (e) arts clubs. The final sample comprised 28,768 business school graduates who hoped to enter the workforce immediately upon graduating in the 2008 school year. Results from propensity score matching analyses demonstrated that students who had been core members of extra-curricular activities were more likely to positively evaluate their communication, leadership, creativity and self-promotion skills. Furthermore, results suggested that different types of extra-curricular activities could unequally influence the employability of graduating college students. Leadership skills benefited most from involvement in sports clubs, while creativity skills benefited most from involvement in music clubs. Communication and self-promotion skills benefited moderately from all extra-curricular activities. Unlike other employability skills, the time management skills of students hardly benefited from extra-curricular activities.  相似文献   

The persistent racial and ethnic disparities in special education in the United States raise concerns about the potential misidentification of students. While previous studies have focused on how various student and school factors influence teacher decisions, there is less attention on when teachers disagree about student disability or special education. The current study uses national data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 to examine when teachers disagreed in their perception of student disability for more than 10,000 high school students. A unique feature of the data is each student is observed in two different subject classrooms, providing an opportunity to examine how differences in student achievement, behavior, and teacher characteristics influence when teachers disagreed in their judgment of student disability. The results indicate that teachers were more likely to disagree when student behavior varied across classrooms, while differences in student achievement and teacher characteristics were not related to disagreement. The study also found that teachers disagreed more for students who were Black, male, and from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The main findings highlight how disability is often a context-dependent social construct and have implications for how students are identified for special education.  相似文献   

Even more than other European countries, Germany must fear a serious future skills shortage and lack of experts. Therefore, increasing the proportion of high school graduates who wish to study at a university is a clear political objective. The aim of this paper is to identify variables that hinder or support the decision to pursue university studies. We used longitudinal data of 23,000 graduates of upper secondary school of the years 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 to analyze how tuition fees (which are charged only in some of the German federal states), family status, and students?? own cost-benefit analyses impacted their decision in favor or against taking up university studies. Results showed that the subjective costs of higher education were highest for persons of low social economic background, and for women. Also, the introduction of tuition fees in some federal states in the year 2006 lowered the percentage of students who wanted to enter higher education. Contrary to our expectations, however, this effect was observed in all federal states, irrespective of whether they had introduced tuition fees or not. Our results suggest that participation in higher education can be increased by both lowering (social and psychological) costs and raising (social and psychological) benefits of higher education.  相似文献   

Japanese schools have a mechanism for helping their students to find jobs, rather than leaving this function to market forces. The system embodies three principles. First, it tries to ensure that every graduating student within a school obtains a job. Second, it gives special assistance to students who are seen as "vulnerable" in the job market. Third, it takes into account individual merit (i.e. academic marks, school attendance and extra-curricular activities). The system recognises that a young person's initial full-time employment is crucial in obtaining an adult identity; that high school graduates are still immature and vulnerable, needing professional adult assistance to find "suitable" employment, and that they have unequal access to such assistance in their families. A key role is played by the teachers, who strive to obtain what they consider to be the most suitable employment for all their graduating students.  相似文献   

Based on a mixed methods case study design, the current study reports on a Promise Scholarship program offered by a community college and its affiliated foundation to graduating students at a nearby high school located in a low-income neighborhood of a large city and with a high proportion of African American and other students of color. Using a mix of government and private funding, all graduating students, regardless of financial need or academic achievement, were offered free tuition at the community college for one year. The promise of a scholarship plus an intensive outreach effort resulted in the majority of graduating seniors submitting scholarship applications and a four-fold increase in the proportion of graduates from the high school who subsequently matriculated at the community college. Once at college, the student recipients demonstrated a high rate of quarter-to-quarter retention. However, few placed into college-level courses in English and math, and their academic progress at the end of the first year was modest.  相似文献   

职业教育的健康发展需要中等职业教育与高等职业教育实现有机的衔接,而生源衔接是其中至关重要的一环。目前,我国中等职业学校尤其是职业高中的毕业生升学"无门"就业又比较困难,而高职院校的招生比较困难同时生源处于错位状态。实际上中等职业学校与普通高中的毕业生各有优劣,而职业高中毕业生既有较好的文化基础又有一定的职业技术,是高职院校的最佳生源。美国社区学院通过开展双学分运动促进了综合高中与社区学院的衔接,对我国职业教育的生源衔接有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The controversy surrounding trigger warnings has highlighted a mystifying confound in post-secondary education. Faculty, students and school bureaucracies are divided. While trigger warning proponents emphasise the value of protecting students with trauma histories from unscaffolded exposure to content related to sexuality, violence, race and political strife, agonists interpret the trigger warning as a threat to academic freedom, artistry and professor autonomy. This paper presents an episode that occurred at a prominent school of education, in which an instructor’s choice of content triggered a post-traumatic response in a student. As the story unfolds, the narrative shifts back and forth between the instructor’s and the student’s experience of the event. The piece concludes with a commentary made by a clinical psychologist and trauma expert, who weighs in on the challenges confronting both professors and students, as each attempts to navigate handling emotionally charged, potentially triggering contents in the post-secondary classroom.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between academic preparation and post-secondary educational outcomes. To uncover the factors that influence secondary-level school course-taking patterns and outcomes, multi-level modelling was conducted using data from a nationally representative sample of US secondary-level school students from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002. Results indicated (1) significant effects from student, family and school predictors on course-taking patterns and (2) significant effects from course-taking patterns on enrollment in post-secondary institution types with math course-taking pattern having the largest impact. Implications for educators and administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

Tracking low-income students after high school graduation presents significant problems for data collection. The Connector Study is an attempt to increase and enrich outcomes data in a longitudinal study of low-income graduates of a national network of innovative high schools by gathering alumni updates through telephone interviews with high school staff members who remain in touch with their former students. Approximately 2 years after they worked with groups of students in high school, these individuals were able to provide information about education, job, and personal outcomes for 96% of 563 graduates. The Connector Study strategy offers a feasible method for collecting quantifiable outcome measures for longitudinal studies. This method also provides information about student change and individual circumstances that is difficult to obtain from students themselves, and that goes beyond the basic outcome indicators available through federal and state student tracking systems.  相似文献   

基于中等职业教育基础性转向的政策背景,通过对全国10660位中职生的问卷调查,研究了影响我国中职生升学的若干因素。研究发现:中职生具有很高的升学意愿,且以本科为主要期望学历;毕业班和学习自我效能感强的中职生更可能选择升学;学生干部身份和学校生涯教育质量会影响中职生升学意愿;家庭对中职生升学与否的影响主要体现在经济、文化和社会资本,但影响方式和程度与普高生存在差异;对省域中职升学政策的了解和认同会促进学生升学,而对就业市场和本科招生政策的了解和认同会削弱中职生升学意愿。基于此,未来应从职教本科办学规模、高等职业教育招考机制、央地项目设置、公共财政兜底、生涯教育和升学指导等方面优化中职升学环境。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the labor market outcomes of graduates of post-secondary technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Philippines. Using household data for 2015–2016, the results show significantly higher wages for TVET graduates relative to those who entered the job market with a secondary school education or below. However, individuals who both trained in TVET and pursued tertiary (university) education tend to have a lower wage than those with secondary school education or below. This counterintuitive result may be partly explained by the tendency for such dual-level individuals to complete the lowest level of TVET. Graduates of TVET are found more likely to be employed compared to individuals who only studied at secondary school or below as well as those who studied at the tertiary level.  相似文献   

This study examines the emotional engagement with school of a diverse sample of 909 students in post-secondary vocational education in the Netherlands. Using multilevel regression analysis, we assess the role of students' background characteristics and school experiences, and their interaction, in students' emotional engagement with school. At-risk students do not report lower levels of emotional engagement, except for students using (soft)drugs. While Dutch dropout prevention focuses on fostering a sense of belonging through enhancing teacher–student relationships, we do not find a significant role of perceived support from school staff in students' sense of belonging. A good relationship with classmates is more important to engage students in post-secondary vocational education. Perceiving an academic fit is most prominently related to the emotional engagement of vocational students, indicating that a sense of belonging should not only be defined in social, but also in academic terms.  相似文献   

This study aims to find factors linked to university choice in China that work for or against students’ access to higher education. China has undertaken many reforms in the past two decades and has rapidly expanded its higher education system. The transition from a sequential to a parallel mechanism for students to select universities is a significant change in the admission process. The expansion of higher education increased the number of high school graduates who dream of going to top-ranked Chinese universities. With this dream, students start preparing themselves for higher education during basic education. Despite the increase in top-ranked universities, the issues such as school education, familial expectations, choices of city and of major have a significant impact on students’ choice of university.  相似文献   

在对"我们怎样做才能对学生最好?"的反思和追问中,加拿大基础教育给出了自己的回应:教育质量问责是为更好地提升学校的社会公信力服务;"公平不等于一致",教学计划的多样性决定教育的公平性,旨在促进每一个学生的发展;学校品质教育渗透在学校生活的每一个细节中,从而培养了守规则、会合作、懂感恩的高素质公民。  相似文献   

Making decisions about education choices is challenging and difficult for students. Utilising the theory of reasoned action, we specify and estimate a conceptual framework that captures the cognitive process of decision making of students in choosing top-up higher degrees in Hong Kong. Top-up higher or bachelor’s degrees are top-up undergraduate programmes forming a progression route for sub-degree graduates to earn bachelor’s degrees. We argue that attitudes, subjective norms and perceived value influence a student’s top-up higher education choices. Our results show that family members, educators, job availability and security, social image and difficulty of curriculum play critical roles in influencing students’ decision. We also find differences between females and males, between business and non-business students and between Year 1 and Year 2 students in higher education choices. These findings underscore the importance of educational institutions developing effective policies for promoting top-up higher degree programmes by taking cognisance of gender, the field of study and year of study differences and for policy makers to understand the dynamics of higher education.  相似文献   

Articulation,transfer, and student choice in a binary post-secondary system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the intersection of system articulation, transfer, and the choices that secondary school students make when they apply to college and university. The investigation is based on the results of a study that was undertaken to determine factors that influence choices that secondary school students make between enrolling in community college or university, and in particular whether or not those choices are affected by the degree of “articulation” within a public system of post-secondary education. There are several studies that have emerged recently in the United States and Canada that examine factors that influence the choice of university and 4-year college. There are a few studies that examine the choice of community and 2-year college. None, however, either in Canada or in the United States, has sought to examine “college choice” comparatively among students who apply to baccalaureate (4-year colleges and universities) and sub-baccalaureate (community colleges) programs. This study examines college choice on the basis of two series of longitudinal surveys conducted in the province of Ontario since the late 1980s, and on a series of surveys and interviews of students, parents and guidance counselors in six secondary schools, each with a different student population, since 2004. The third study—called the “college choice” project—tracked secondary school students as they made decisions about attending college or university, and as they finally selected the institutions that they would attend. The study concludes that greater conventional articulation will not significantly affect rates of transfer, that for most students plans to transfer develop after they enter college and are not a major factor in their initial “choice,” that the rate of transfer is highly dependent on the corresponding arrays of programs at colleges and universities, and that articulation might better be thought of as a subset of other basic forms of inter-institutional cooperation. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the ASHE Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, November, 2007.  相似文献   

Universities have been forced to pay more attention to the utilization of marketing techniques in their recruitment process due to the sharp decrease in the number of high school graduates. Astute college recruiters have been trying to recruit and retain the best and the brightest of the graduating class in the hope that it will improve the reputation of the institution and, in the long run, total enrollment. This study attempts to develop a profile of the excellent student who is likely to attend a given institution. Such a profile could be used to aid universities in their recruitment of the excellent high school student.  相似文献   

Work-based learning interventions, particularly cooperative education, are a viable way to support the post-high school transition process, enhance work-related cognitive development, and increase the occupational engagement of at-risk youth. Using propensity score matching to analyze data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the impact of participation in cooperative education on two indicators of postsecondary transition readiness, including postsecondary education plans right after high school and importance placed on work, were examined for students deemed at risk of high school failure. Participation in cooperative education had a significant positive effect on at-risk students' postsecondary education plans right after high school. However, no significant effect was detected for the importance students placed on work.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对400名高考学生的心理健康与应对方式的特点及其关系进行考察。结果表明:(1)高考学生在强迫、焦虑、学习压力感、适应不良和情绪波动性5个因子上都普遍存在轻度的心理健康问题,且应届生学习压力显著大于复读生;(2)对于应届高考学生来说,男生的学习压力显著高于女生;对于复读生来说,男生的心理不平衡显著高于女生;(3)在压抑维度上,应届生和复读生存在显著差异,复读生高于应届生;(4)高考学生的心理健康与消极应对方式呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

In the last two years student enrollment in post secondary educational institutions in British Columbia has developed an erratic, and largely unpredictable, pattern. University enrollment, particularly in the humanities, has stabilized, while technical and vocational institutions are attracting increasing numbers of students. In an attempt to open new insights into this phenomenon, a study of the educational plans and aspirations of graduating high school seniors in the province's 144 high schools was initiated.Data were gathered from 18,899 students in a total population of 27,593, a response rate of almost 70%. Subjects identified age, sex, high school program, grade point average, various socio-economic characteristics, and their intentions regarding post secondard education, if they intended to continue, when, and where.The results produced a considerable amount of new evidence which, in part, provided answers to many previously unexplored questions. For example, while 90% of high school graduates indicated their intention to continue in tertiary education, only 50% stated that this step was imminent. The comprehensive community college proved to be more popular than the university in areas where colleges existed. Socioeconomic factors appeared to be closely related to students intentions.Further follow-up studies related to this project are being carried out. It is apparent that an entirely new field of insight into the current problems of post secondary education is being developed.  相似文献   

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