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高职院校新生入馆教育是图书馆助力学校人才培养,引导和促进高职学生全面成长的重要方式,本文采取线上调研和访谈法等形式对重庆市44所高职院校图书馆开展新生入馆教育的情况进行调查分析,总结出当前高职院校新生入馆教育中存在“管理认识不足,馆员创新不够”“调研分析缺失,教育标准不明确”“教育模式陈旧,培训效果不佳”“组织实施乏力,缺乏评估约束”等共性问题。针对上述问题,应结合新生入馆教育文献调研和高职院校实际情况,提出高职院校图书馆开展新生入馆教育的新思路和新举措,为高职院校图书馆开展新生入馆教育提供参考。  相似文献   

通过实验研究探讨心理训练营对高职学生人格特质发展的影响.筛选大一新生40人,开展为期6周的心理训练活动,同时设置实验组和对照组,进行实验性心理训练营活动,并在训练前后对高职学生人格测试结果进行对比.测试结果表明,心理训练活动对改善高职学生人格特质短期内具有促进作用.探讨心理训练营对高职学生人格特质发展的影响,对于高职院校开展心理健康教育具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

高职院校新生入学教育是大一新生的第一课,其入学教育开展的质量、成效的高低直接关系到学生整个大学阶段的学习、生活,关系到其综合素质的拓展,甚至直接影响其成长成才。本文从高职院校大一新生的转变入手,结合高职教育的特征重新梳理了高职院校新生入学教育所承载的任务及引导方式,以期对促进高职院校新生入学教育工作有所助益。  相似文献   

采用心理测试工具90项症状自评量表(SCL-90),对某高职院校2011级6415名学生进行心理健康测评。研究结果表明:高职院校大学新生心理健康整体状态处于正常水平,但也有25%左右学生的测评数据表明存在不同程度的心理问题,主要表现为:强迫症状、人际关系敏感、敌对、偏执、抑郁等方面,且学生性别及成长环境与新生心理健康水平密切相关。结论:高职院校新生中存在不同程度心理健康问题者占有一定比例,应重视高职院校心理健康教育工作开展的科学性与实效性,提高心理健康教育工作整体水平。  相似文献   

赵力电 《文教资料》2009,(28):235-237
高职院校班主任的管理工作在学校学生管理工作中起着重要作用.而新生班主任工作的好坏对学生能否成才有着深远的影响。本文论述了在高职院校新生中常出现的问题和新生班主任的工作策略,并提出做好新生班主任需要不断完善和加强的四项原则,以便更好地管理班级。  相似文献   

高职院校的班主任工作具有一定的特殊性,面临的学生情况相对复杂,本文就高职院校新生的现状进行了分析,对新生班主任如何开展学生工作进行了探讨。均是作者有感于在高职新生班主任工作实践中的体会。  相似文献   

高职院校非计算机专业的学生需要掌握计算机的基本知识和应用能力,而新生入学时计算机水平的参差不齐和不同专业对计算机课程需求的差异,都对计算机课程的教学提出了不同的要求,如何合理设置相关课程并采用合适的教学模式因材施教,是很多计算机教师一直探讨的问题。文章从江西旅游商贸职业学院非计算机专业的计算机课程和学生的实际情况出发,对高职院校计算机课程的设置和教学模式进行了分析,提出了课程设置的方案、课程体系改革及发展方向。  相似文献   

高职院校的班主任工作具有一定的特殊性,面临的学生情况相对复杂,本文就高职院校新生的现状进行了分析,对新生班主任如何开展学生工作进行了探讨.均是作者有感于在高职新生班主任工作实践中的体会.  相似文献   

高职院校计算机教学中学生应用能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代社会对高职院校毕业生的计算机应用能力要求越来越高,计算机技术水平的高低和计算机应用能力的强弱,已成为今天衡量高职毕业生质量和水平的重要尺度之一.教师在教学中要创造性地开展计算机教学,着力培养、训练和提高他们的计算机应用能力.  相似文献   

于江 《辽宁高职学报》2007,9(12):109-110
阐述了开展心理行为训练,对高职院校心理咨询工作具有重要意义,建议在高职院校大力推广心理行为训练,以推动心理咨询工作深入开展。同时,提出高职院校心理行为训练的实施应分阶段、有侧重地开展,注意避免出现影响训练效果及安全的问题。  相似文献   

In this article, we apply Max Weber’s ideal types of fief and benefice feudalism to elite and non-elite chemistry departments in the USA. We develop a theoretical analogy of academic feudalism in regard to three dimensions: power relations, engagement with companies, and the impact of structural changes on the autonomy of scholars. We use a mixed methods approach to track changes in productivity and industrial collaboration on a departmental level and the researcher’s understanding of research autonomy on the individual level. On the departmental level, our findings suggest that scholars located at elite departments are able to utilize federal and industrial resources to increase publications over time. On the individual level, we establish that researchers in both segments perceive their autonomy as being very high, whereas practical autonomy differs according to department. While scholars at elite departments remain relatively autonomous in practice, scholars at non-elite departments often tend to tailor their research to specific requirements to receive funding.  相似文献   

A total of 232 college students in six different courses in three departments participated in a study to examine the effect of perceived course mean on course and instructor evaluations. Following a midsemester exam, students were given their actual earned exam scores and a manipulated class mean that was either ten percentage points higher or lower than the actual class average on the exam. Participants then completed an evaluation of the course and instructor. It was hypothesized that students scoring above the manipulated mean would rate the course and instructor more highly than students scoring below the manipulated mean. It was further hypothesized that students who were told that the class mean was higher would rate the course and instructor more highly than students who were told that the mean was lower. Results supported the first hypothesis. However, hypothesis two was not supported. Students receiving the lower manipulated class mean rated instructors more favorably. Results suggest the need to consider both individual exam scores and class averages in understanding the grade-teaching evaluation relationship.  相似文献   

Student learning and perceptions of the academic environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the effects of the organisation of curricula, teaching, and assessment on student learning and looks at the different demands which different academic environments make on their students. After a brief review of research into learning contexts in higher education, data from a course perceptions questionnaire are presented. The principal dimensions which students themselves use to characterise academic environments are identified. The perceptions of students in six departments at one British university are compared; it is concluded that students in different subject areas see themselves to be studying in markedly different environments. The results also suggest students' evaluations of the teaching and the courses in each department. Data from the course perceptions questionnaire are supported and amplified by a preliminary analysis of results from semi-structured interviews of students in the six departments. The most important factor to emerge from the item analysis — the degree to which students feel that their teachers provide a facilitant atmosphere for learning — is confirmed. Students' perceptions of their departments and their teachers are shown to exert important influences on their approaches to learning. It is also suggested that a student's perception of a particular learning task influences the level at which he tackles it.  相似文献   

计算机应用基础课程建设与教学改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"]计算机应用基础"课程是高职院校各专业课程体系中重要的基础课程之一。目前"计算机应用基础"课程建设与教学中存在学生区域性的差异、个体差异、教学资源紧张等问题,要通过设立计算机应用基础教研室、建立专职教师队伍;实施分层次组班教学、改革教学内容、方法、手段及评价方式等途径,实现课程与教学的新模式和新方法。  相似文献   

根据《大学生体质健康标准》的要求,对国家示范性院校学生体质健康测试结果进行多年跟踪分析.结果表明:经过国家示范性院校体育课程的学习,使我院学生的体质健康合格率呈现逐年提高的趋势,但仍未能达到国家体质健康标准的基本要求.对其原因进行分析,并提出了若干建议,为进一步推动国家示范性院校体育教学改革工作的深入发展,提供切实可行的依据.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines two US interdisciplinary graduate programs which involve faculty and students from different disciplines. Haworth and Conrad’s engagement theory of quality graduate education was applied. It was found that when interdisciplinary programs facilitate engagement by supporting diversity, participation, connections, and interactive teaching and learning, students report positive experiences. Engagement is particularly achievable when an interdisciplinary administrative unit (e.g., a school or center) grants degrees and serves as a tenure home for faculty. Students earning degrees in traditional departments had more difficulty connecting interdisciplinary requirements to their disciplinary work, and were often faced with incompatible program requirements or advice from faculty members. Although they desire to do interdisciplinary work, the students and faculty in traditional departments are required to meet additional and often conflicting requirements. Engagement may further be complicated because these participants feel divided between collaborations, social networks, and expectations that pull them in different directions.  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning increasingly demonstrates benefits for student access and success, but evidence is still needed of the impact of these strategies on sustainable development of communities and their infrastructure. This case study examines a university Police and Society course that partners with four police departments to use both experiential learning and service-learning in the form of ride-alongs, simulation trainings, and written and physical examinations, as well as hosting a police–community relations event. Focus groups of students and officers reveal how service-learning and experiential learning build capacity for police–community relations. Orienting students toward officer procedures, requirements, and culture creates a learning opportunity for both students and departments, while police–community relations activities humanize officers and build public understanding and trust.  相似文献   

During 2007 all Danish university curricula were reformulated to explicitly state course objectives due to the adoption of a new Danish national grading scale which stipulated that grades were to be given based on how well students meet explicit course objectives. The Faculties of Science at University of Aarhus and University of Southern Denmark interpreted “course objectives” as “intended learning outcomes” (ILO) and systematically formulated all such as competencies using the SOLO taxonomy that operates with five numbered progressive levels of competencies. We investigate how the formulation of ILOs using the SOLO taxonomy gives information about competence progression, educational traditions, and the nature of various science subjects. We use all the course curricula (in total 632) from the two faculties to analyze and compare undergraduate and graduate courses within each department, and different departments with each other.  相似文献   

借鉴英国职教经验 探索高职发展道路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国的职业教育经验主要是:重视职教立法;坚持“以学生为中心”的教育理念:普通教育与职业教育相互结合;教育部门与企业界密切合作;大力推行国家职业资格制度:在课程改革方面,倡导“能力本位的教育与培训”。借鉴英国经验提出“一个目标、两个依靠、三级平台”的办学模式和建设三支队伍的思想。即以准确的培养目标定位统揽教育教学的全过程:依靠行业组织和行业研究会办学;建立“校企互动”的人才培养模式;通过搭建工具学科、专业基础理论和专业技能三级教学平台,按照不同的要求分层次开展教学活动,确保学生的素质达到培养目标设定的要求;建设“理论型”、“技能型”和“双师型”三支各具特色、互为补充、相互促进、共同发展的教师队伍,形成实现培养目标的生力军。  相似文献   

高职院校开展计算机应用基础课程教学,要注重对学生实际操作技能的培养,要根据计算机应用基础课在专业培养能力中的地位和要求,确定课程各部分内容所形成的能力培养目标。通过对教材加工、教法研究、项目引导、分组操作、考核采用自评互评,充分调动学生积极性,突出学生在教学中的主导地位。在提高计算机实际操作技能的同时也明确专业方向。  相似文献   

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