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人工智能作为科技革命与产业变革的核心驱动力,是未来社会发展的主要特征与趋势。以阿尔法围棋引发的体育价值认识问题为切入点,探究人工智能时代体育的价值取向与价值表达。人工智能围棋的崛起让人类逐渐陷入被人工智能机器“超越”的忧虑,进而对围棋运动中人的价值产生质疑,这实质上是人类对人工智能的认知局限和对体育价值的定位偏差所致。人的体育参与过程与情感体验才是体育价值真正的栖居之所,亦是人类忧虑的消解之道。体育学界需要转变对体育价值的认识方式,将人工智能技术的发展视为促进体育发展的积极动力,在人的体育参与及情感体验基础上深化体育价值内涵,凸显体育人文学在人工智能体育研究中的独特价值。  相似文献   

尹航 《围棋天地》2021,(1):51-62
2020年12月4日,福建海峡银行杯2020世界人工智能围棋赛在福州市鼓楼区吴清源围棋会馆落下帷幕,卫冕冠军星阵围棋在决赛七番胜负中4比0完胜采薇围棋,第五次获得世界人工智能围棋赛的冠军。在本次比赛中,开源软件KataGo以及相关改版软件能走多远无疑是棋迷和棋手们非常关注的话题。  相似文献   

安冬旭 《围棋天地》2020,(2):112-112
2019年12月15日,寒冷的古都西安,围棋的竞技胜地,一场赛事正如火如荼地举办——由西棋团队的五名围棋老师和人工智能星阵围棋展开对抗。从落下的第一个子开始,就受到了很多围棋爱好者的关注。这场赛事举办的时间实在难得,适逢西安棋院13周年庆典,邀请到了许多围棋界的知名人士和热爱围棋的家庭一起共襄盛举。  相似文献   

桥西华 《围棋天地》2010,(11):103-107
围棋技艺与金融博弈有异曲同工之妙,围棋棋手和金融衍生品交易员具职业相似性。有围棋背景和相应心理素质、思考习惯的人,在从事金融衍生品交易时更加如鱼得水。大胆想象,若是中国从围棋棋手中选拔出一群交易员,又会是怎样一番景象?  相似文献   

2016年3月在围棋史上是一个微妙的节点。彼时,传奇落幕,新王将立,中国围棋彻底压制韩流已成大势所趋,然而人工智能却已在人类触不可及的隐蔽之处蓄势待发。正是这暗流涌动的时节,敏锐的胜负师李世石说出了他对胜负世界的谶言:“韩国围棋将再次成为世界最强。”  相似文献   

话说三国时代,围棋人才辈出。东吴更是围棋乐园,棋艺高手层出不穷;川西盆地,棋艺名家,娱乐而休闲;而曹魏棋艺乃世家风范,每每出手必然大手笔。如果说三国演义是围棋擂台赛的话,那么每局博弈更是妙手频频,引人瞩目的棋筋故事更是流芳百世,成为天下棋迷津津乐道的话题。请看这擂台赛上几个典型的棋筋片段。  相似文献   

何旭红 《围棋天地》2014,(14):108-108
由兰州市体育总会主办、西固区体育总会承办.兰州天庆集团赞助的第六届敦煌·天庆杯围棋大赛.经过两天七轮800余盘的激烈博弈,于6月8日落下了帷幕。天庆集团少年才俊山俊哲获得公开组冠军.关涛、付辉.曹弋、宋开亮、马群、许斌.梁青分获第2至8名:团体前6名分别是天庆集团、天弈围棋培训部、弈博雅围棋俱乐部、西北师范大学,天马围棋俱乐部.中核兰州铀浓缩有限公司。少儿高段组冠军由宋昊儒夺得,2—8名获得者分别是张帅、郭泽玮、黄钰浩、王智寒、丁溯涵、王彬宇、郝睿杨;团体前5名分别是威立雅集团、安宁围城、天元围棋、天马俱乐部、敦煌棋院。  相似文献   

博弈在东华计算机对弈(computer game)的研究自从1950年由Shannon提出利用计算机来下国际象棋的概念以来,就成为人工智能领域中最吸引人的课题之一。这一课题包括认知科学(cognitive science)、软件工程(software engineering)、机器学习(machine learning)和组合对局理论(combinatorial game theory)。1997年IBM在超级计算机上开发出来的"深蓝"(Deepblue)国际象棋软件战胜了人类等级分最高的世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫,这是人工智能发展的一个重要里程碑。中国象棋的博弈研究同属于这一范畴。  相似文献   

毛宪民 《收藏》2001,(4):42-44
围棋是我国传统棋艺之一,在我国古代称作“弈”。东汉人许慎所著《说文解字》云:“弈,围棋也,从升,亦声。”它与我国古代另一种游戏“博”常常并称为“博弈”。  相似文献   

戴耘 《围棋天地》2004,(20):54-54
博弈论虽然在某种程度上从棋牌类游戏获得灵感,但它的方法是数学的,即在量化的基础上寻求可求证的、普遍适用的计算法。博弈论的心理学观点则是以人的行为法则为出发点。那么,数学博弈和心理博弈在围棋上是如何体现的呢?  相似文献   

世界围棋运动在东亚地区较为普及,水平也较高,其中主要国家为中国、日本,韩国。目前世界上主要使用三种围棋规则,即中国规则、日本规则和应氏规则。围棋要推广至世界,围棋世界规则的统一至关重要。统一世界围棋规则要遵循充分酝酿原则、继承性原则、超前性原则、争议搁置原则和最大代表性原则。借鉴国际象棋联合会、中国象棋联合会以及现代奥运会的创立经验,统一世界围棋规则当务之急是建立世界围棋联盟。  相似文献   

The processes of talent detection and early development are critical in any sport programme. However, not much is known about the appropriate strategies to be implemented during these processes, and little scientific inquiry has been conducted in this area. The aim of this study was to identify variables of swimming, ball handling and physical ability, as well as game intelligence, which could assist in the selection process of young water-polo players. Twenty-four players aged 14–15 years underwent a battery of tests three times during a 2-year period, before selection to the junior national team. The tests included: freestyle swim for 50, 100, 200 and 400?m, 100-m breast-stroke, 100-m ‘butterfly’ (with breast-stroke leg motion), 50-m dribbling, throwing at the goal, throw for distance in the water, vertical ‘jump’ from the water, and evaluation of game intelligence by two coaches. A comparison of those players eventually selected to the team and those not selected demonstrated that, 2 years before selection, selected players were already superior on most of the swim tasks (with the exception of breast-stroke and 50-m freestyle), as well as dribbling and game intelligence. This superiority was maintained throughout the 2 years. Two-way tabulation revealed that, based on baseline scores, the prediction for 67% of the players was in agreement with the final selection to the junior national team. We recommend that fewer swim events be used in the process of selecting young water-polo players, and that greater emphasis should be placed on evaluation of game intelligence.  相似文献   

The processes of talent detection and early development are critical in any sport programme. However, not much is known about the appropriate strategies to be implemented during these processes, and little scientific inquiry has been conducted in this area. The aim of this study was to identify variables of swimming, ball handling and physical ability, as well as game intelligence, which could assist in the selection process of young water-polo players. Twenty-four players aged 14-15 years underwent a battery of tests three times during a 2-year period, before selection to the junior national team. The tests included: freestyle swim for 50, 100, 200 and 400 m, 100-m breast-stroke, 100-m 'butterfly' (with breast-stroke leg motion), 50-m dribbling, throwing at the goal, throw for distance in the water, vertical 'jump' from the water, and evaluation of game intelligence by two coaches. A comparison of those players eventually selected to the team and those not selected demonstrated that, 2 years before selection, selected players were already superior on most of the swim tasks (with the exception of breast-stroke and 50-m freestyle), as well as dribbling and game intelligence. This superiority was maintained throughout the 2 years. Two-way tabulation revealed that, based on baseline scores, the prediction for 67% of the players was in agreement with the final selection to the junior national team. We recommend that fewer swim events be used in the process of selecting young water-polo players, and that greater emphasis should be placed on evaluation of game intelligence.  相似文献   

围棋棋谱作为对弈活动的记录具有成为著作权法保护的作品的属性.围棋活动更多的属于艺术创作而非单纯的体育竞赛,棋谱能够通过记载对弈过程表达对局者的思想和感情,双方对局者在对弈过程中的独创性也可以借助棋谱得到充分的体现.围棋棋谱在权利保护方面要注意对作品的新闻报道和汇编整理,而在权利限制方面对于依照棋谱下棋的行为可以作为侵权例外加以排除.在棋谱的管理上可以采用著作权集体管理的方式提高管理效益,也可以对根据棋谱作品形成的数据库给予著作权保护,从而为充分开发棋谱著作权的经济价值提供保障.  相似文献   

电子竞技是信息时代背景下产生的特殊运动项目,它是以网络为基础,以高科技软硬件为运动器械,按照一定的体育规则进行的人与人之间的对抗。研究探究了电子竞技的起源,认为其演变过程为:玩耍→游戏→电子游戏→电视游戏(先驱)→电脑游戏(主流)→单机版电脑游戏→网络游戏和电子竞技。在梳理电子竞技发展脉络的基础上,对其概念和特征进行了分析。与国内外赛事逐渐增加、电子竞技产业化和运动员职业化进程日益加快的现状不相适应的是,电子竞技运动员竞技能力的认知水平及损伤预防和康复相对落后。基于此,从运动训练学视角切入,探究电子竞技运动员的心理、智能、技术、战术、体能以及能量代谢系统特征,并对电子竞技运动员损伤原因及其康复路径进行探讨。  相似文献   

采用案例分析法和文献资料法,研究大型运动会式国民体质测试的组织方式,旨在为我国国民体质测试工作提供参考。研究表明,集中优势、集约测试,以最短时间、最优组合、最佳方案来完成大型国民体质测试的运动会式组织方式是可行的、高质量的和高效率的。建议在进行大型国民体质测试时,根据测试时间长短、测试季节特点以及本地区人力、物力、财力状况,结合大型运动会式国民体质测试组织方式具体实施。  相似文献   

王子 《冰雪运动》2015,(6):34-37
冰壶运动被称为“冰上围棋”,是集健身、娱乐和竞技为一体的冬季体育项目,是一项需要出色控制身体动作和充分体现优秀心理品质的集体运动。采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、定性分析法等研究方法对影响冰壶运动员比赛成败的心理归因进行研究,认为赛前过度紧张、自信心的影响、自卑畏怯、动机因素、团队协作因素、外界环境等是影响冰壶运动员比赛成败的心理因素;并提出了比赛前、比赛中和比赛后的心理调控训练的路径,为冰壶训练提供参考。  相似文献   

武术套路演练的形态与眼神   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
武术套路的演练,作为一种表现其独特技击美和艺术美的运动形式,形神兼备是其追求的最高境界。形态与眼神的高度和谐统一,体现了武术运动特有的民族风格和卓然特色。本通过对形态与眼神在武术套路中的作用以及相互间的关系分析,提出科学合理的形态与眼神的练习方法,为提高套路演练水平提供帮助。  相似文献   

In the growing field of sports vision little is still known about unique attributes of visual processing in ice hockey and what role visual processing plays in the overall athlete’s performance. In the present study we evaluated whether visual, perceptual and cognitive/motor variables collected using the Nike SPARQ Sensory Training Station have significant relevance to the real game statistics of 38 Division I collegiate male and female hockey players. The results demonstrated that 69% of variance in the goals made by forwards in 2011–2013 could be predicted by their faster reaction time to a visual stimulus, better visual memory, better visual discrimination and a faster ability to shift focus between near and far objects. Approximately 33% of variance in game points was significantly related to better discrimination among competing visual stimuli. In addition, reaction time to a visual stimulus as well as stereoptic quickness significantly accounted for 24% of variance in the mean duration of the player’s penalty time. This is one of the first studies to show that some of the visual skills that state-of-the-art generalised sports vision programmes are purported to target may indeed be important for hockey players’ actual performance on the ice.  相似文献   

定向运动是一项有趣味性、大众性、竞争性的户外体育运动,是智力与体力相结合的运动项目。在高校开展定向运动有利于培养学生的野外生存能力、创新能力,提高学生的智能,锻炼学生顽强的意志,促进学生良好道德品质和集体主义精神。文章对太原师范学院在学生中开展定向运动的可行性研究发现,定向运动可以缓解体育资源的不足,丰富学生业余生活,对于增强学生综合身体素质、开发学生智力、增强社会适应能力以及野外生存能力方面都有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

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