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远程教育中的开放教育资源建设与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放教育资源运动开展到令已十余年,在教育界产生巨大影响.为推进远程开放教育领域对开放教育资源的有效建设和合理应用,需要根据远程教育、教学中媒体和技术应用的规律来明确开放教育资源的特点和应用优势.ACTIONS模式是远程教育中技术和媒体选择和应用的有效方法,以这一模式为框架针对远程教育中开放教育资源的开放性、可获得性、教学性和成本控制四个方面进行分析,可提出遵循以上特点的建设与应用方法建议:(1)从远程学习者的认知风格、人机交互特点等出发,以使用者最熟悉的方式提供资源,提高资源使用的便利性;(2)面向教学双方已成熟使用的技术,建设和应用资源,减低资源开发和建设的成本;(4)资源建设以课程为主线,但结构和内容以更灵活的方式呈现;(3)远程教育机构应有计划地从面向为远程学习者服务出发构建开放教育资源,提供开放资源与有偿服务结合的应用模式.  相似文献   

开放教育资源的社会化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以国外名校网络公开课在国内风靡流行并为社会大众广泛了解、关注和应用为标志,开放教育资源进入了社会化发展阶段.本文对开放教育资源的社会化现象进行多方面的深入分析,梳理了社会化的具体体现情况,讨论了社会化发展背后的理念优势、创新特质、传播基础和积累基础等特定基础,并分析了开放教育资源社会化产生的影响,最后从推动精品课程发展、推动开放教育资源发展、高等教育如何借鉴和应对三大方面进行了深入研讨.文章认为,开放教育资源的社会化是其发展面临的机遇和挑战,而提升开放教育资源可持续发展的能力、推动开放教育资源的深层次利用、创新开放教育资源的传播模式、促进开放教育资源的开放参与和内涵创新、建立与新闻传播媒体的良好互动关系将成为开放教育资源社会化阶段面临的重要实践课题.开放将成为世界高等教育发展的新纬度,并成为高等教育机构的一种发展和竞争策略.  相似文献   

对大学生应用开放教育资源自主学习的现状进行调查,分析发现大学生虽然具备了应用开放教育资源自主学习的基本能力,但是应用开放教育资源自主学习的意识不强;教师对开放教育资源缺乏管理与更新,对学习活动缺少引导和组织,很少参与学生的基于网络的学习活动;国内开放资源内容形式较为单一,精彩视频较少;拓展资源可追溯性较差;网站响应速度太慢等问题,并针对这些制约因素提出相应对策。  相似文献   

资源质量是开放教育的灵魂,是开放教育可持续发展的核心和关键。国内开放教育资源研究从始至今一直是学界研究的热门课题,而困扰开放教育资源建设的关键性问题始终没有得到有效解决。本文从开放教育资源含义入手,阐述了开放教育资源建设困境的表现及危害,围绕资金来源、版权问题、政策支持和机构策略、质量保障,以及平台技术等五大核心问题,梳理了学界主要观点,提出了应对之策。未来的开放教育资源研究需要强化基于学习者需求的资源建设,加大开放教育资源知名度、美誉度的传播,加快促成《开放教育法》的立法工作,构建统一规范科学的开放教育资源评价指标体系,促进“开放教育+”的复合型研究,并鼓励地方因地制宜创建特色资源。  相似文献   

开放教育资源在高职院校的应用效果以是否有利于培养学生的自主学习能力为评价标准,视频是开放教育资源呈现的主要方式,然而高职院校开放课程视频资源建设与应用存在很多问题。文章对开放课程视频资源应用于高职院校学生自主学习的理论基础和实践依据进行了全面分析,提出了新形势下高职院校开放课程视频资源的建设措施。  相似文献   

为满足各类社会成员对优质教育资源的多样化学习需求,数字化学习资源开放服务模式是开放大学继续教育的重要议题。该文在分析总结国内外数字化学习资源开放服务的基础上,以广州市开放大学中的数字化学习资源建设为例,从开放服务对象、开放服务内容与表现形式、开放服务方法与手段及开放服务反馈与评价机制四个方面进行了探索,并对其应用效果进行了初步评析。  相似文献   

开放教育资源在迅速推广和应用的同时,如何实现有效的可持续发展成为避免其昙花一现的关键。探寻开放教育资源可持续商业运作模式是开放教育资源发展亟须解决的问题。开放教育资源的可持续商业模式需要具备一些典型特性,包括自由性、利他性、公益性、先进性、人文性等。通过消化吸收经典商业模式,可以构建基于合作平台、价值平台、效益平台和政策法规平台的开放教育资源可持续性发展模式,并对其运作机制进行深入分析。欧洲的FTA项目在资源的可持续利用方面拥有丰富的经验,被公认为是欧洲探索研究开放教育资源可持续商业模式的成功典范。借鉴FTA的经验,探寻我国开放教育资源可持续发展之路,以期开放教育资源形成良性的生态系统,健康、稳定地发展。  相似文献   

开放教育资源研究是一项系统研究,既要关注微观的资源建设和运用,也要关注宏观的政策、法律、文化方面的影响作用,多维度地研究对于开放教育资源的发展是绝对有必要的.作为一项国家的教育发展战略,对于开放教育资源的研究需要跳出微观研究的窠臼,加强中观和宏观层次的研究,从而更加全面系统地展开开放教育资源研究.因此,可以运用开放教育资源属性模式,从政治、法律、经济、技术和社会文化等共五个维度对开放教育资源进行基本要素分析,尝试为我国开放教育资源运动提供长远的政策和理念导引,促进我国开放教育资源的健康、快速和科学发展.  相似文献   

英国开放教育资源项目(UKOER)是世界上第一个国家层面的开放教育资源项目。本文探讨了英国开放教育资源项目的两个阶段的主要研究内容和目的。作者探讨了该项目的技术要求:分析了JISC开发制定的相关技术基础设施要求,包括元数据、传送平台和内容标准、分享网站的内容标准等;梳理了资源发布的支持模式及保留模式;总结了开放教育资源启动之前的理论准备:在线学习内容分享的研究和混合学习的研究;分析比较了开放教育资源的两种开发模式:基于院校的模式和基于共同体(社区)的模式;总结了该项目的评价方式。英国开放教育资源项目的技术开发开放要求、之前的内容分享和混合学习的理论研究及资源开发模式对我们今后的开放教育资源项目都有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着网络和信息技术的发展以及对开放教育和终身教育的需求,开放教育资源项目在世界各地得以实施。其中欧洲的远程教育机构组织也发起了开放教育资源三大项目,即英国开放大学的开放学习项目(OpenLearn)、荷兰开放大学的开放教育资源项目(OpenER)和欧洲远程教育大学协会的服务于自主学习的多语言开放资源计划(MORIL)。本文在介绍开放教育资源的基本含义和属性后,从项目简介、项目特点和实施等方面分别对这三个开放教育项目进行了评述,最后概况总结了这些项目的特点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Enthusiasts and evangelists of open educational resources (OER) see these resources as a panacea for all of the problems of education. However, despite its promises, their adoption in educational institutions is slow. There are many barriers to the adoption of OER, and many are from within the community of OER advocates. This commentary calls for a wider discussion to remove these barriers to mainstreaming OER in teaching and learning and argues for a rethinking of the idea of ‘open’ to make it more inclusive by redefining the concept. It reminds us of the original thinking behind OER – which was to create universally available educational resources that can improve the quality of teaching and learning. This commentary posits arguments against conflating OER and open education, questions the narrow definitions of OER, and raises issues around how to be more flexible and open to mainstreaming OER and removing barriers from within the OER movement.  相似文献   

中国自2003年以来积极开展了以精品课程为主要内容的开放教育资源运动,但随着精品课程建设规模的不断扩大和应用力度不断加强,遇到了很多或预料之中或预料之外的问题。基于大学文化与开放教育资源发展的相关性,可以从三个方面对中国开放教育资源发展进行文化审视:第一,大学的行政化管理体制消弭了大学文化的作用,开放教育资源的建设与应用成为一项行政命令与计划,大学的主动性和创造性在繁杂的申请与评价流程中逐渐消磨殆尽;第二,大学的功利主义价值观侵蚀了大学文化的内涵,开放教育资源的建设与应用成为急功近利的面子工程,缺乏持续有效的过程支持和长期规划;第三,大学的同质性发展取向扼杀了大学文化的独特性,开放教育资源的发展成为千篇一律的流水线,缺乏良好的社会影响和成本收益。由此,从大学文化角度审视中国开放教育资源发展呈现出一种应然性。  相似文献   

The factors affecting the adoption of open educational resources (OER) in higher education have become a research topic of great interest as OER continue to be widely used in universities, affecting the quality of teaching and learning. The reasons for OER adoption are diverse, across both individual educators and cultural environments. This study explored determinants of OER adoption by university educators in three cultural contexts utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). Data on educators' behavioral intention to adopt OER were collected from 152 educators in three countries, Korea, Japan and the United States. In every culture, habit was the strongest determinant of this behavioral intention. Other highly significant factors affecting OER adoption by educators varied by culture. In Korea, the strongest determinant was performance expectancy, in Japan it was social influence and in the United States it was price value. The moderating effect of culture was significant on three paths of the model, and the cultural specificity affecting OER adoption was substantial. Theoretical and practical implications related to the UTAUT2 model and OER policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Learning has embraced the “open” process in recent years, as many educational resources are made available for free online. Existing research, however, has not provided sufficient evidence to systematically improve open learning interactions and engagement in open educational resource (OER) systems. This deficiency presents two challenges to the efficacy of OER systems. First, OER users might not take full advantage of open content since their interactions and experience with open learning systems cannot be optimized. Second, this lack of interaction could discourage the overall usage of OER systems, thus impeding their sustainability. This study addressed both issues by investigating technology acceptance levels among users of an OER portal, MyOOPS, in Taiwan. The study aimed to understand how open learners might be motivated to engage with OER systems. Based on 729 valid responses, the structural equation modeling revealed a lack of learning goal structure and irrelevance of self-efficacy in participants’ motivational systems. The result prompted an urgent need to reexamine existing motivational design thinking in order to address emerging motivational challenges in open and goal-free learning environments supported by OER systems.  相似文献   

Open educational resources (OER) can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free; however, OER are still untried in many academic programmes in higher education. This article reports a case of adoption of an open access textbook for an introductory information systems course and discusses the process and suggestions of adoption of an OER textbook based upon the authors’ own experience. The study indicates that the process of adoption of an open access textbook demands more intellectual work on the instructors’ side in comparison with the adoption of a new commercial textbook. The study suggests that discipline-based communities of practice (CoP) can ease the workload problem in the process of adopting OER textbooks. The findings are important in encouraging the OER community to shift from project-based OER textbook development to discipline-based CoP for effective OER textbook adoption.  相似文献   

The recent developments within open educational resources (OERs) and open licensing have generated considerable interest among distance educators since open and distance learning is supposed to be the largest consumer/user of and contributor to OER. In China, given the policy of development and use of elaborate courses, conversion of radio and television universities into open universities, establishment of the China Open Resources for Education, and adoption of Creative Commons by the Chinese government, there seems to be further expansion of OER movement in the country. Against this backdrop, it was imperative to know how distance education/open university teachers use OERs and what constraints they face in doing so. This study reports a structured questionnaire and open-ended interview findings on all the 74 teachers of the Beijing Open University for four variables: awareness, needs, utilization, and constraints. The findings show that while the teachers were generally aware of OERs, they misunderstood all web resources as OER; the Chinese elaborate courses dominated the perception and use of OER; and those who used OER mainly required it for teaching content, relevant research, and for adopting teaching methods. Searching for OER, choosing appropriate OER and copyright issues were the common constraints to effective use of OER. These results have been discussed further in relation to international research studies on OER, the context of Chinese distance/open university education, and the Chinese OER policy.  相似文献   

Digital media and open educational resources (OER) are said to redraw the boundaries between learners and teachers, by weakening the centralization of expertise and the distribution of subject-matter authority. This paper presents the findings of an ethnographic study of how the use of OER mediates the relations between self-directed learners and facilitators in two online open courses offered at a non-formal educational organization. Findings highlight the different role played by OER in mediating the relations between learners and facilitators in the two courses. In one course, early-stage learners encountered difficulties in repurposing OER and needed help to move to a more advanced stage of conceptual understanding. In the other course, well-read participants used OER to develop an affinity space in which the facilitator was a fellow learner. The findings suggest that OER are better viewed as artifacts-in-interaction rather than resources to be delivered as they are to learners. Although facilitators at P2PU do not play the role of academic teachers, it is argued that the influence of OER on the facilitator role can have implications for that of the academic teachers as well.  相似文献   

OER Commons项目是由美国教育领域的知识管理研究协会(ISKME)创建的共享开放教育资源的知识库与联接门户,旨在支持开放教育资源应用和重用。文章介绍了OER Commons项目的发展及其特色,并分析了该项目的开放机制,提出了对我国开放教育资源建设的启示。  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):185-199
Open educational resources (OER) have become new buzzwords in the glocalization of education. While OER are often espoused as enabling educational equity, the reality is not always the case. Looking only at the positives of new educational methods can mask perpetuating challenges, which makes the open aspect of OER a misnomer. Taking an alternative stance, this article critically evaluates the broader notion of OER through the lens of equity. It contends that while equity reasons often underpin the provision of OER, challenges continue to be experienced by some in accessing open digital materials for learning. This article explores some of these issues and argues that equity considerations are fundamental in OER design.  相似文献   

自2003年中国开放教育资源协会(CORE:China Open Resources for Education)——推广、应用开放教育资源(OER)的高等学校联合机构,即中国开放教育资源共同体成立以来,我国开放教育资源共享事业有了一定的发展。然而,开放教育理念在中国内地的传播、发展与影响仍然较为有限。了解和掌握我国目前开放教育资源发展的实际状况与水平,对于进一步推动我国开放教育资源深入发展具有重要意义。我们通过调查和量化研究得出的初步结论是:我国大学的个人已经具备了发表和使用OER的基本硬件设施条件,免费的OER能够对大学和个人形成吸引。大学和个人都认同使用障碍主要来自缺少对OER本身的了解,在使用过程中担心产生知识产权问题,对于发表OER的阻碍则是激励机制的缺乏。对于发表和使用OER的动机,个人更看重对于个人职业发展的积极作用,大学更看重对大学自身知名度的影响和降低开发成本。  相似文献   

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