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中国私立大学的困境与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书院教育的退场和近代私立大学的销声匿迹中断了中国源远流长的私学传统。直到1982年颁布的《中华人共和国宪法》首次规定"国家鼓励社会力量依法举办教育",使私人办学成为可能。20多年以来,中国私立高等教育在艰难中发展,推进立法、积极融资、扩大自主权、创造宽松的环境、建立评估中介组织是促进私立大学发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

书院教育的退场和近代私立大学的销声匿迹中断了中国源远流长的私学传统.直到1982年颁布的《中华人共和国宪法》首次规定"国家鼓励社会力量依法举办教育",使私人办学成为可能.20多年以来,中国私立高等教育在艰难中发展,推进立法、积极融资、扩大自主权、创造宽松的环境、建立评估中介组织是促进私立大学发展的主要措施.  相似文献   

一、越南高等教育的历史概况越南高等教育深受中国、法国、前苏联及美国的影响。自1986年“杜梅”政策出台以来,越南的高等教育开始建立权力下放、自主办学、私人办学和开放办学的新模式。随着经济的发展,科技的进步,越南的高等教育得到了长足的发展。目前,为满足...  相似文献   

试论民办高等教育的界定与立法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一众所周知 ,我国民办高等教育的崛起 ,与民主党派、社会团体以及国家企事业单位的积极参与是分不开的。因此 ,从宏观上把握 ,民办高等教育与严格意义上的私立高等教育有明显的区别。或许是基于此 ,有的论者将民办、私立并列 ;有时人们则以“私人办学”概括之 ;更常见到的是“社会力量办学”之说 ,后者显然是根据 1 985年《宪法》的有关条款 ,其权威性当然不容置疑。也有人批评目前的民办高校实际上是“官办”或“变相官办”。迄今为止中国是否有严格意义的私立大学 ,不少人是持有疑问的。坦率地说 ,如果是指民办高校尚无应有的法律地位而过…  相似文献   

1975年以前,越南有两种互不相联的高等教育体系。在越南北部,即越南民主共和国,有36所高等教育机构,包括河内大学以及各种综合的和专门的学院,共有学生75000人。在越南南部即越南共和国,有7所公立和私立大学、两个技术教育中心和其它各种专门学院,注册学生数为93000人。越南统一后,所有的高等教育机构合并到一个统一的体系之中。自从高等教育重新组合以来,在1979年1月政府做出的《关于高等教育改革的决定》的方针指导下,越南的高等教育体系获得了不断的发展。有关高等教育发展的数据如下表。  相似文献   

2世纪80年代以来,非洲的高等教育危机引发了私立高等教育的发展,肯尼亚是一个典型的代表.肯尼亚私立高等教育历史虽然不长,但发展速度迅猛,已经成为高等教育的重要组成部分.本文立足肯尼亚的现实,分析了该国私立高等教育发展的原因,介绍了其发展现状和私立高校的特色,最后从持续发展的角度提出了私立高等教育面临的挑战,意在全方位地展现肯尼亚私立高等教育发展的概貌.  相似文献   

日本私立高等教育发展的经验教训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自明治维新以来,日本的私立高等教育发展迅速,为社会培养了大最高级专门人才,成为推动日本现代工业飞跃发展的一支不可缺少的重要力量。本文旨在通过历史的分析,揭示日本私立高等教育发展的经验和教训,作为我国民办高等教育发展的参考。一、制定合理的教育政策是私立高等教育发展的关键。私立高等教育的健全发展是  相似文献   

美国私立教育券探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私立教育券是美国教育券的主要类型之一,由私人和社会团体捐资,帮助低收入家庭子女接受私立教育,具有很强的慈善性及一定的政治、文化价值取向。不同的私立教育券计划在资助额度、服务学生数量、目的及导向上存在差异。私立教育券的推行对改善学生学业成绩取得了一定成效,但实践中仍面临如何维持计划的长远推行和留住学生等问题。  相似文献   

经费问题是私立高等教育的一个根本性问题。美国是私立高等教育最发达的国家之一,私立高校在其国家高等教育体系中占有举足轻重的地位。本文从学费收入、政府资助、社会捐赠及服务收入等方面归纳了美国私立高等教育多元化办学经费来源的主要渠道,深入分析了美国私立高校经费筹措特点,以期对我国民办高等教育的发展和研究提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

对“私立高等教育”进行界定看似一个简单的称谓问题,但却反映了有关政府部门对待“私立高等教育”的态度和政策取向以及社会的看法。不同的称谓反映不同办学形式的身份和法律地位,只有对“私立高等教育”进行名至实归的准确界定,才能保障我国私立高等教育发展政策制定的科学性,才能真正促进我国高等教育事业的整体发展。  相似文献   

In 1986, the government of Vietnam introduced a policy termed “doi moi,” resulting in profound changes to shift the country from being a centrally planned economy to a market economy. With dramatic changes in Vietnam's economic structure resulting from doi moi, it was also essential to carry out reforms in education. One such reform was to allow for privatization to occur in education at all levels. The focus of this paper is the emergence of private higher education in Vietnam in the period following the introduction of doi moi with a special emphasis on the most recent developments in private higher education. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The determinants and impact of private tutoring classes in Vietnam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Private tutoring is a widespread phenomenon in many developing countries, including Vietnam. Using the Vietnam Living Standards Surveys 1997–1998 and 1992–1993 for analysis, this paper finds evidence that private tutoring in Vietnam is a necessity in the household budget for both primary students and lower secondary students, and the trend to attend private tutoring is stronger at higher education levels. There is no evidence of gender discrimination in expenditure on private tutoring. Ethnic minority students spend less on private tutoring at the primary level but not at the lower secondary level, as do students living in rural areas. However, spending on private tutoring would fall significantly if the qualifications of primary school teachers are increased. Private tutoring is found to have significant impact on a student's academic performance, but the influence is larger for lower secondary students. This paper contributes to the available estimation techniques by extending the simultaneous Tobit model of Amemiya [(1974). Multivariate regression and simultaneous equation models when the dependent variables are truncated normal. Econometrica, 42(6), 999–1012] to a joint Tobit-ordered probit econometric model to address the possible endogeneity of household spending on private tutoring.  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the academic performance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Vietnam with 50 universities and 50 colleges in 2011/12. The two-stage semiparametric data envelopment analysis is used to estimate the efficiency of HEIs and investigate the effects of various factors on their performance. The findings reveal that HEIs in the surveyed sample show that there are still potential avenues to improve their existing performance. There appears to be a difference in the efficiencies of public and private HEIs in the reported year. It is noted that the inefficiency of HEIs are not entirely a result of managerial performance, but also influenced by other factors such as location, age and the contribution of tuition fees. Our results are expected to provide more understanding of the operational efficiency of HEIs for educational managers and policymakers to find possible solutions to improve the performance of Vietnamese higher education.  相似文献   

依附与发展:俄罗斯私立高等教育特点评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2007,28(3):60-63,73
转型以来,俄罗斯私立高等教育迅速发展.除了具有世界私立高等教育的许多典型特点之外,俄罗斯私立高等教育还有一个独有的特点--公立组织参与创办私立高等教育机构.从俄罗斯转型的特点以及私立高等教育所遭受的认同性危机来看,私立高等教育机构与各种公立组织的依附关系,可能是俄罗斯私立高等教育获得认同以及生存发展的必要条件.  相似文献   

随着高等教育市场的不断完善,民办高等教育逐渐开始从公办高等教育的补充成分向拥有独立市场地位的教育主体进行角色转换。而民办高等教育的先天缺陷造成了其仍是高等教育市场的次要成分,这种客观壁垒不利于民办高等教育市场竞争力的提升。本文通过公办高等教育与民办高等教育的现状及发展变化趋势的对比,分析了民办高等教育市场竞争力的现状,探讨了消除高等教育市场内部壁垒,提升民办高等教育市场竞争力的意义,并提出了提升民办高等教育市场竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

在古代越南,教育不仅指向吏才之养成,也指向全民儒学教化和封建德治社会的塑造,这要求教育充分发展规模,具备相当程度的开放性和普及性。自陈朝以降,官学与私学并进,逐步形成了一个由京城至乡社庞大的教育网络体系。教育和科举的平民化提高了越南民族的教育素质,也促进了古代越南的社会阶层流动。  相似文献   

中国大陆民办高等教育的立法进程体现为两条主线,其一为国家有关民办教育的相关立法进程,其中当然包含民办教育中高等阶段的事项;其二为国家有关高等教育的立法进程,其中理应包含高等教育中民办性质的成分。有关立法存在着一定的问题,其中核心问题是尚未实际确立民办高校与公办高校的平等法律地位,关键问题是民办高校的法人治理结构缺乏相应的法律规范,根本问题是民办高校的产权、正当权益缺乏法律保障。  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed a significant growth of private higher education around the world. The growth included the number of private education providers, and also the growing number of students. While some countries are experiencing trend growth, others are witnessing decline. Some of the reasons for the decline include increased regulation and stringent accreditation and reaccreditation of higher education institutions and courses, government policies to encourage the growth of public universities, and acquisition of small providers by large private education institutions. The growth of private higher education has increased competition, and it has also established collaboration with public institutions. The growth of private higher education has also raised concerns about ethical governance, maintenance of academic standards, and mechanisms to plan, review, and improve educational outcomes. This paper focuses on Australia where despite growth, there is limited research about private higher education. This paper reviews literature on the global growth and decline of private higher education. It then analyses the trends in Australia and possible scenarios for the future of private higher education in the country.  相似文献   

从发展阶段上看,我国民办高等教育经历了快速发展时期,正处于逐渐向内涵式发展过渡的转型期。我国民办高等教育的发展一直沿着两个逻辑起点展开:一是依附于公办学校的发展路径,二是国外精英教育的发展路径。随着社会变革的不断深入,两条路径先后遭遇了历史的尴尬。在转型时期,我国民办高等教育的发展路径应该在厘清性质、准确定位的基础上,充分利用市场机制发挥我国民办高等教育发展的资源性条件,回归到我国民办高等教育发展的本土化道路上来。  相似文献   

Private initiatives in higher education in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa's higher education crisis has prompted the growth of private institutions. Enrollments are very low and in most African countries do not account for a significant proportion of university enrollments. The largest number of private institutions are in Kenya which is the subject of a case study. Private institutions provide professional training in fields of employment opportunity but also offer an education that emphasizes character building functions of higher studies. Private higher education is expensive to provide and costly to attend. Many private institutions are caught in a dilemma. They can not achieve significant efficiencies by reducing instructional costs without damage to the quality of their programs, and they are reluctant to raise tuition and accommodation charges because of the distorting effects on student recruitment. As long as public higher education is provided at low or no cost and private higher education is entirely self-supporting, the private sector will have a peripheral role in higher education in Kenya and other African countries.  相似文献   

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