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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):364-368

According to the literature on school effectiveness and school improvement and the role of the school principal in this regard, the lack of time management skills and abilities among school principals can be regarded as one of the main factors that lead to principal inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the school context. But, how do male and female principals compare in terms of time management and how does gender influence one's decision-making skills in relation to time management? It is clear from the literature that no research has been conducted locally with regard to possible differences in the time management skills and abilities of male and female principals and on the problems that they experience in this regard. This article, based on an empirical study of the perceived differences between male and female principals’ time management skills and abilities in selected Gauteng schools, gives an indication of how both male and female principals rate themselves in terms of their own time management skills and abilities. The findings show that male principals have less effective time management skills and abilities as compared to their female counterparts. In the end, the study would recommend that both male and female principals should set their own priorities and devote sufficient time to these priorities so as to enable them to manage their time more effectively and efficiently in the school context.  相似文献   

The mission of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) to provide staff development in open and distance education within the Commonwealth countries is noted. The paper then draws upon selected findings from the COL Training Impact Study (a study of 114 training events provided by COL over a 10-year period) and discusses the respondents' views on the needs and forms of provision that can be employed in providing staff training in open and distance education.  相似文献   

Experimental models of education that incorporate the mother tongue of immigrant children into the structure of their curricula constitute obvious cases-in-point for assessing the validity of bilingual or multilingual education for such children. The present case study of one such model, the so-called Foyer Bicultural Education Project of Brussels, is intended to shed some light on the relationship between formal mother-tongue training and the development of global language proficiency in minority-language children. Since this particular case-in-point involves three languages — Italian (the mother tongue), Flemish and French — it is especially interesting with regard to the validity of the so-called interdependence principle, as formulated by Cummins (1979). The findings presented here confirm Cummins' principle that the development of literacy in the mother tongue is a determinant of global language proficiency in minority-language children.
Zusammenfassung Versuchsweise eingeführte Erziehungsmodelle, die die Muttersprache von Einwandererkindern in die Struktur ihrer Curricula einarbeiten, stellen ganz offensichtlich Beispiele dar, die es ermöglichen, eine Daseinsberechtiging für die zwei- oder mehrsprachige Erziehung solcher Kinder zu etablieren. Die vorliegende Untersuchung, das sogenannte Foyer bikulturelle Erziehungsprojekt aus Brüssel soll die Beziehung zwischen formaler Muttersprachenausbildung und der Entwicklung globaler Sprachkompetenz bei Kindern mit Minoritätensprachen erläutern. Da der vorliegende Fall drei Sprachen betrifft — Italienisch (als Muttersprache), Flämisch und Französisch — ist er besonders interessant im Hinblick auf die Gültigkeit der sogenannten Interdependenz-Hypothese, die 1979 von Cummins formuliert wurde. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse bestätigen Cummins Hypothese, daß die Entwicklung der Literalität in der Muttersprache ein Determinant der globalen Sprachkompetenz bei Kindern mit Minoritätssprachen sei.

Résumé Les modèles expérimentaux d'enseignement qui incorporent la langue maternelle d'enfants immigrants dans leurs programmes d'étude constituent des exemples évidents d'évaluation de la validité de l'enseignement bilingue ou multilingue pour ces enfants. La présente étude de cas sur un modèle de ce genre, le Projet Foyer d'Education Biculturelle de Bruxelles, vise à apporter quelques éclaircissements sur la relation entre l'apprentissage formel de la langue maternelle et le développement de la compétence linguistique globale chez les enfants appartenant à une minorité linguistique. Du fait que cet exemple spécifique comprend trois langues — l'italien (langue maternelle), le flamand et le français — il est particulièrement intéressant quant à la validité de ce que l'on appelle le principe d'interdépendance, tel qu'il a été formulé par Cummins (1979). Les résultats qui sont présentés ici confirment le principe de Cummins selon lequel le développement de l'alphabétisme qui s'appuie sur la langue maternelle détermine la compétence linguistique globale d'enfants appartenant à une minorité linguistique.

Faced with the prospect of engaging nearly two thousand employees before the situation became urgent, this case study shares why the best interests of employees, customers, and shareholders are neither disparate nor a zero‐sum game. It also shows how it takes passionate leadership coupled with proven HPT principles to unlock synergies. Its hallmarks are high employee engagement, quality customer interaction, and improved profitability.  相似文献   

Much discussion has recently taken place about uses which can be made of historical material in science teaching. A great deal of advice, taking advantage of the particular and unique contributions which the history of science can make to science education, is available. The encounter between Thomas Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce in 1860 is frequently referred to when teaching about the theory of evolution and an investigation of the main characteristics of reports of this incident in both educational and historical literature has been carried out. The purposes of using this incident in the educational setting are identified and the appropriateness of these purposes is discussed in the light of a historical understanding of this encounter. Specializations: Physics education, concept development, history and philosophy of science and science teaching.  相似文献   

In the 19th century, a shift in classroom technology from monitoring to recitation was staged in several European countries. The analysis draws on late 19th- and early 20th century lesson plans that were produced as part of the final teacher examination by students at two Swedish teacher training colleges, in order to explore how the lesson was restructured as a pedagogic text in the course of this transformation. The argument focuses upon the structure and transformation of the lesson designs, the discursive pattern of the text, the narrative involved, and the message or moral reflected in the text. The inquiry demonstrates that a classroom technology originally advocated in order to enhance the teacher's control of pupils and to influence children's minds, thoughts and morality became one instrument in the creation of a school for symbolic representation and meaning-making in a rapidly changing world of modernity.  相似文献   

Technological advancement serves as a major key to a nation's development. On the other hand, proper engineering knowledge (acquired through appropriate structures) plays a major role in the attainment of a high level of technological advancement. Most developing countries find it difficult to impact adequate knowledge and training to engineers at different levels of training. An overview of the problems militating against proper engineering education in Nigeria is taken in this paper. The paper identifies poor funding, inadequate equipment, students' population explosion (without commensurate facilities), lack of high-quality manpower (in terms of trainers or teachers), inadequate industrial training and poor attitude of employers as the dominant problems faced by engineering education in Nigeria. The paper, in addition to finding solutions to the above problems, recommends better remuneration for practising engineers, appropriate government policy and disposition and intervention of professional and international bodies (through provision of financial and material assistance) for assisting in the training and practice of engineers in Nigeria and in order that the country may achieve meaningful development comparable with foreign countries.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to share a case study from Brunel University London’s Department of Life Sciences, where a change project was established to manage a significant increase in undergraduate student numbers. It gives an insight into the key factors behind the successful implementation of change, in particular focusing on how the project empowered academic and professional services staff to work together to develop shared solutions. It also emphasises the importance of adopting a project management approach, and the benefits a structured project framework can offer when managing change. Examples of specific solutions developed by the project’s work streams are reviewed, along with an analysis of the overall impact of these. These solutions enabled the Department to transition smoothly to a significantly increased student intake without negatively affecting staff workload or the student experience. It is hoped the lessons from this case study will be helpful to those seeking to embrace the challenges of the shifting higher education landscape, by demonstrating a way to successfully manage and implement change which is both positive and effective.  相似文献   

This article is designed to add to the literature dealing with the supervision of research degrees. It examines the discourse of supervision in the context of accredited research supervisor training at one British university. The data is based on naturalistic observation of course participants and in‐depth interviews with a range of stake‐holders. It explores the metaphors employed by supervisors to describe their roles within the research award process. This is the first stage of a larger project that is looking in more depth at supervisory discourse and using the analysis of that discourse as a heuristic device to encourage reflection in professional education.  相似文献   

Needs assessment plays an important role in training and human performance improvement efforts, but the literature contains little research on this topic. This study extended previous research on the Performance Analysis for Training (PAT) model of needs assessment by examining its implementation to determine environmental and occupational health and safety training needs in a government agency. Using case study methodology and the lens of responsive evaluation, this study resulted in three perspectives about the actual needs assessment implementation. The three professionals' distinct areas of expertise (evaluation, health and safety, human resource development) informed the case in unique ways. The results can be used to improve the PAT model and also to give human resource development and performance improvement professionals insights about nuances of needs assessment practice.  相似文献   

In this knowledge‐based economy, corporations invest millions of dollars in training and expect a return on that investment; similarly, employees have a vested interest in wanting to further their knowledge and their ability to contribute. The types of e‐learning strategies and instructional methods being employed elude the use of asynchronous discussions as a viable instructional method. This article summarizes a case study in which asychronous discussions were used as an instructional strategy in two training interventions.  相似文献   

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