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This article compares the results of the implementation of the new bachelor‐master system in the Netherlands and Germany. The Bologna Process presents the common European context for this reform process. However, the respective national contexts differ, and so do the actual implementation processes and the emerging outcomes. For each of the two countries, a limited number of aspects of the reforms that emerged as most relevant are highlighted. In the final section, some commonalities and differences are discussed. The former mainly concern the characteristics of the binary system in both countries and the introduction of accreditation in relation to the bachelor‐master system. With respect to the latter, the implementation strategy and the funding conditions are most strikingly different, related to the fact that in Germany the new system is implemented in parallel with the existing system, whereas in the Netherlands the new system will replace the existing one.  相似文献   

This article reports on teachers' reactions to a pilot implementation of a new standards-based teacher evaluation system in a medium-sized Midwestern school district. The system, based on the Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 1996), was intended to serve as the foundation for a new knowledge and skill pay plan for teachers. Teacher reactions were measured using both interview and survey methods. Teachers' overall favorableness toward the system, as measured by the survey, was correlated with acceptance of the teaching standards, perception of the evaluation process as fair and the evaluator as capable and objective, and perception that the evaluation system had a positive impact on their teaching. In interviews, teachers perceived both positive and negative aspects of the system, and for many these more or less balanced each other. While most teachers accepted the evaluation standards and the need for an evaluation system, many also perceived that the system added too much to teachers' workloads and did not provide enough feedback. Based on these results several changes were made in the evaluation system prior to full implementation. The results are discussed with reference to previous research and the Personnel Evaluation Standards.  相似文献   

新课程实施状况调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育课程改革全面展开,在顺利实施中也遇到了一些困惑。通过组织点面结合的系统调查,反映出新课程实施的保障系统、教师的教学行为以及教学理念等方面正在发生着可喜的变化,但也存在着不容忽视的问题,我们应采取积极有效的措施去解决,以保证新课程实施健康发展。  相似文献   

以问卷调查和访谈形式对某高职院校新生导师制实施情况进行调查研究发现,新生导师制的实施基本达到预期效果;学生对导师制态度不积极和师生见面时间不协调是制约导师制实施的最重要因素;过高的师生比和缺乏有效的考核与激励措施是影响导师制实施的根本原因.改进新生导师制应从解决师生比、提高导师素质及建立有效激励机制入手.  相似文献   

学分银行作为一种新的教育管理模式,越来越受到广泛关注.国外学分银行制度起步较早,具有代表性的是欧洲的学分转化与积累制度以及韩国的学分银行制度.学分银行在国内还处于实验初期,慈溪市对市民学分银行的理论和实践探索做出了有益的尝试,上海市学分银行的建设实践也值得其他城市 借鉴.无锡开放大学要实施学分银行制度,有赖于完善的组织保障和政策支持,重难点是要建设学分银行的标准体系,以及建立完善的制度保障.  相似文献   

This article presents the implementation of the constructive alignment theory (CAT) in a power system analysis course through a consensus-based course design process. The consensus-based design process involves both the instructor and graduate-level students and it aims to develop the CAT framework in a holistic manner with the goal of including different perceptions. The considerations required to implement this approach are described in detail. To examine the effect of this approach, three different course evaluations were conducted by querying the students during different stages of the course. These evaluations show that most of the students find a benefit for their learning in the implementation of CAT within the new course design. These observations are supported by a comparison of the students’ performance in the new course and the previous one. Finally, the revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) is utilised to identify the students’ learning approach towards the course. The aim is to correlate the students’ approach with their final grade to assess if students adopting a deep learning approach are rewarded with higher marks and vice versa, that is, to check if the CAT implementation was successful. Meanwhile, some of the R-SPQ-2F limitations, which affect the quality of the results, are identified and discussed. Additionally, to facilitate the practical usage of R-SPQ-2F, an algorithm was developed by the authors to rank the students’ approach towards the course. The results of the new ranking algorithm demonstrate positive correlation with the students’ final grade, which is an indication of the effective CAT implementation.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化速度的加快,在农村建立一个更科学,更有效的,新的社会养老保险制度是势在必行。鄯善县是新农保试点之一,农村家庭小型化,土地收益下降和农村劳动力的不断转移,使传统的家庭养老功能弱化,“老”与“养”之间的矛盾不断加大,建立新型农村养老保险制度的紧迫性越来越突出。本文主要阐述鄯善县新农保制度的现状,主要原因和一些条件的基础上探讨了县当前的经济,社会发展时期建立新农保制度的必要性。  相似文献   

城市管理相对集中行政处罚权是一项有生命力的新制度,全面推行这项制度需要新的理论和新的实践;针对当前城市管理相对集中行政处罚权工作存在的理论困惑和实践问题,有必要进一步把理论研究推向深入,推动理论界大力开展理论学术研究,全面推进城市管理相对集中行政处罚权工作。  相似文献   

课程是教育目标得以实现的载体,课程规划与实施是人才培养模式的重要内容。新疆高等师范院校在课程设置与实施方面存在着不容忽视的问题。所以,应以基础教育新课程改革为参照,重构课程体系,以未来教师的素质生成为目标,创新课程实施。  相似文献   

利用自行设计的“初中物理新课程实施现状调查问卷”,从新课程实施保障系统、教师教学方式、学生学习方式、科学探究、课程评价制度五个方面对初中物理新课程实施情况进行了调查,分析了新课程实施以来这五方面发生的转变及存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

嵌入式Linux是指固化在存储器或单片机中、执行独立功能的专用Linux操作系统.嵌入式Linux以源码开放,容易移植,成为嵌入式领域最有发展前景的嵌入式操作系统.本文首先简单介绍嵌入式Linux的定义、系统软件和硬件操作平台,重点论述了嵌入式Linux系统开发模式,并提出一种基于arm芯片和uClinux操作系统的新型开发模式.  相似文献   

高中新课程改革实施过程中还存在种种问题,遇到很多障碍。主要有心理障碍、制度障碍、操作障碍。心理障碍,来源于新课程实施者在实践过程中遇到的矛盾和心理压力;制度障碍,主要是课程管理体制和课程评价机制的不完善;操作障碍,主要是新旧课程判定标准的模糊,经验借鉴与个性创新的矛盾,教师素质对实施效果的影响和硬件设施与软件质量的分布不均。只有解决了这些问题才能达到新课程改革的良好效果。  相似文献   

User-design is an important new theoretical process for the creation of training, software, and computer systems in many contexts. However, the implementation of user-design has not been sufficiently explored. This case study details the implementation of user-design methodology in home healthcare through the context of diffusing a new laptop patient record-keeping system with home nurses. In many ways the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of user-design are borne out in this exploration. The case study examines inefficiencies in the process, frustrations over responsible participation and design, and the increased ownership built during the design phase which paid off in the long run during implementation of the new system.  相似文献   

"限塑令"作为我国已出台的涉及范围最广、目标群体人数最多、实施时间最长的环境类公共政策,在我国已经实施的低碳政策中具有十分重要的代表性。在结合前人研究的基础上,选取了消费水平较高、群体层次性强,并且便于实地研究的浙江和江苏两省,调查了两省九地市"限塑令"的实施情况,综合分析得出了制约低碳政策良好实施的因素,并据此提出了促进低碳政策有效制定和实施的政策建议,即建设多地共治的低碳政策制定模式、实现限塑行动由"自上由下"向"上下互动"的模式转变、强化行政问责制度的建设、完善落实监管体制、积极推进社会力量的介入以及加大对可替代品的投入与支持等。  相似文献   

In an effort to understand interpretations of new and revised physical education syllabuses, and conditions that appear to strengthen or weaken the desire to introduce them, this paper draws on insights provided by principals and physical education teachers into the effective implementation of syllabuses within Irish post-primary schools. Situating the discussion within the area of managing curriculum change we examine how the various elements of the Irish education system are involved in providing support for such curriculum developments. Using principals' and teachers' perspectives on the implementation of the revised junior cycle physical education syllabus we suggest how the dynamics within the education system might change to provide effective dissemination and implementation of new and revised senior cycle physical education syllabuses. We refer to the principles underpinning community of practice, some of which are evident in the Irish education landscape. We acknowledge that they offer the potential for a changing culture and context in which principals and teacher might work.  相似文献   

分析了公务员考核制度的激励功能以及存在的主要问题,提出了改进我国公务员考核制度的对策和建议。  相似文献   

房保俊 《高教发展与评估》2011,27(3):84-89,107,124
从教师的视角出发,采用随机抽样的方式,选取H大学450名教师进行了问卷调查,调查内容包括教师聘任制的实施效果、考核程序、考核指标、聘用条件等。研究结果表明:考核程序是影响教师聘任制满意度的最重要因素;教师的职称、学位越高,对聘任制的满意程度越低;理工类学科教师对聘任制的满意度明显高于文管类学科教师。  相似文献   

企业新型学徒制是我国技能人才培养模式与培养制度的重大创新。文章对近年来我国企业新型学徒制试点实施情况进行概览,分析了不同地区背景下的四个企业新型学徒制成功实施案例,以期对企业新型学徒制在全国范围的全面推行提供经验参考与模式借鉴。  相似文献   


In 2010, new amendments regarding special education were made to the Finnish Basic Education Act (642/2010), and they were officially adopted in 2011. The three-tiered support system that was introduced can be considered the Finnish approach to moving education toward a more inclusive system since it emphasises all teachers’ responsibility to deliver support within the regular educational setting, representing a new feature in the policy documents. This has brought about new expectations for special education teachers’ (SETs’) roles. Our research aims to contribute to knowledge about the implementation of the three-tiered support system and SETs’ roles in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland. The data were collected using a questionnaire (N = 158). The results indicate that the SETs have an important role in the three-tiered support system, both as those with the knowledge and those who share this knowledge. The SETs’ role is more evident when it comes to pupils receiving support on the second and third tiers. Although inclusive values are emphasised in the policy documents, the SETs still use most of their time teaching pupils in educational settings that are often relatively segregated (individual or small-group teaching), and for example, co-teaching seems to be a less frequent approach to collaboration.  相似文献   

Within the realm of school‐based interventions, implementation integrity is important for practical, legal, and ethical purposes. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that proper monitoring of implementation integrity is often absent from both research and practice. School psychology practitioners and researchers have reported that a major barrier to monitoring integrity is a lack of procedural guidance, and currently there is little research that has examined the psychometric reliability of monitoring procedures and materials. Therefore, the purpose of this two‐part study was to examine (a) the extent to which relatively novice educators could self‐learn and successfully use an implementation integrity monitoring system designed to evaluate a structured reading intervention program, and (b) the inter‐observer reliability of two individuals using the system to evaluate the same interventionist. Overall findings suggested that it is feasible for most individuals to learn the implementation integrity monitoring system (and associated materials) and the system can be used reliably across multiple observers. Implications of these findings are discussed, including how the procedures and materials might be adapted for other intervention programs to assist researchers and practitioners with monitoring implementation integrity.  相似文献   

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