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The paper reports a case study using asynchronous text-based discussion. It considers the role of the tutor and discusses the extent to which online discussions can facilitate social constructivist approaches to instruction and the creation of knowledge. Participants were 17 trainee teachers studying on a post graduate teaching course. The asynchronous text-based discussion (using e-blackboard) focused on planning for progression in children's learning in history and culminated in the trainee teachers writing individual assignments on the topic. The paper analyses the different types of contributions made and reports on the trainees' evaluations of the benefits and limitations of using e-blackboard. It concludes with recommendations and areas for further research.  相似文献   

教育学科的发展离不开与其他相关学科之间的互动与回应,但必须警惕其对教育学科的控制与束缚。文章试图提出一种“学科语境”的研究进路。该研究进路坚持以当下存在的问题为中心关注,力求语境化地——即设身处地地、有差异地——理解和研究实践中和思维中的困惑,尊重任何一种学术问题存在的合理性,但又会深入地考察它所存在的具体学科情景。强调学术性而非政治性的、经济性的、抑或其他的批判态度,切实注重不同学科之间具体的限制和边界,探讨特定问题对学科场景的回应。文章试对“高等教育产业化”论进行剖析来解读学科语境的研究方法。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Rapid advances in technology during the last few decades have provided a multitude of new options for teaching and learning. Although technology is being widely...  相似文献   

裕固族教育研究是一个只有60余年历史的新兴学术领域。近5年来,裕固族教育研究最显著的变化和进展,就是以裕固族教育为研究对象的5篇研究生学位论文的产生。本文通过对这5篇学位论文的描述和分析,对裕固族教育研究的最新进展作了述评。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,后现代逐渐成为教育研究热点。我国学者从不同视角对后现代教育进行研究,包括教育目的、课程教学、研究范式,到道德教育、教育管理、教育技术等。从研究主题看,涉及到教育多个不同领域;从研究向度看,可以划分为"解构"与"建设"维度;从研究目的看,重点在"改进"现代教育;从研究趋势看,相关研究并不会消亡且将深刻影响我国现代教育。  相似文献   

网络交际语(CMC)是网络特定语境下的一种社会方言变体。目前网络交际语言中的有些词语及语体形式已经被广大网民所接受并广泛地应用于现实的面对面交际(FFC)中。但由于网络语言自身诸多的社会性特征,在形式和语用上都有别于面对面交际中的语言,应用在面对面交际中往往会引发一系列的社交语用失误。这种交际失误主要体现在对传统语用原则的违背上,会导致交际会话含义的产生及交际效度的降低。以网语中典型词语及语体为例,在交际双方所处的物理、心理及社会等多维度内,探讨网语进入面对面现实语境,可能引发的交际语用失误是必要的;总结网络交际语言的语用特征及规律,分析此类语用失误的本质和原因,探讨如何规避此类失误,对现实语用和网络语言规划具有指导意义。  相似文献   

教育行动研究方式因其在解决教育理论脱离教育实践、促进教师专业发展、推动课程改革等方面的作用而受到倡导。这促进了我国教育研究的发展,但同时也出现了一些问题:表现于"重理轻用"、"低水平重复"、"文不对题"等对教育行动研究的泛化及滥用现象;混淆教育行动与教育行动研究;教育行动研究过程中存在"去理论化"倾向。秉持跨学科研究取向,以问题为中心,正确认识、评价和定位教育行动研究,廓清概念、规避"唯方法主义"倾向、重视理论思维,方有助于我国教育研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种电阻的方法-同异步伏安法,并阐明了它的意义。  相似文献   

E-moderation has been a common practice in asynchronous discussions of postsecondary courses. We consider here e-moderation of synchronous discussions in the school context. We adopt a design research approach to elaborate an environment, the Argunaut system, that fits the reality of classrooms in which moderation of several small-group synchronous discussions in parallel is desirable. We describe the Argunaut system and then describe an experiment in which a moderator could elaborate several strategies in 2 synchronous discussions (1 with 2 groups in parallel and 1 with 4 groups in parallel). Through the technique of cued retrospective reporting, we could identify those strategies and could show how technology and moderation are interwoven. We then assessed whether the actions of the moderator had some positive impact on the flow of the discussions. The positive findings that emerge from this study indicate that teachers can enact this novel practice in classrooms, enabling by such proper guidance for productive engagement in the synchronous discussions of many students in the same class.  相似文献   

We propose a two-component theory of text signaling devices. The first component is a text-based analysis that characterizes any signaling device along four dimensions: (a) the type of information it makes available, (b) its scope, (c) how it is realized in the text, and (d) its location with respect to the content it cues. The second component is a reader-based analysis in which signaling effects on text-processing are hypothesized to depend jointly on (a) the relevance of the signaled information to the readers' goals and background knowledge and (b) the accessibility of the signaled information to cognitive processes. The two components of the model are closely related: The text-based component specifies the information made available to the reader, and the accessibility of that information is influenced by the realization properties, scope, and location of the signaling device relative to the cued content.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is known as a Learning Disability (LD), a reading disability and a neurological disability; yet there is confusion about dyslexia and the associated support required in learning. Challenges are experienced by adult students with dyslexia in both social and organisational contexts. This study explored the life experiences of adult students with dyslexia, in Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Colleges in Australia. The shift from a prior negative self‐perception to a current positive social identity in adult students with dyslexia can be developed through key supporting relationships and interactions in educational institutions.  相似文献   

近年来,学者们围绕着教育学原创问题纷纷发表自己的看法,涌现了不少成果,下面就有关研究做简要述评。关于教育学原创的研究,学术界目前的提法不一,有教育理论原创、教育研究原创、教育学原创、教育学研究原创等,本文将其统一称为教育学原创研究。  相似文献   

身心康宁是一种使人们的身体、心理和精神信仰共同达到理想完美状态,并且使人们生活更充实的生活方式,是心理和谐的重要指标,具有多维性;人们从不同的角度,提出了身心康宁的理论模型,设计了身心康宁的测量方法.由于文化和语言的差异,需要在借鉴这些理论模型和方法的基础上,形成中国人特有的身心康宁的理论和测量方法.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the research field of emotional intelligence (EI) and examines the usefulness of the construct in the debate on educational policy and practice. The authors examine two approaches to the theory and measurement of EI and summarize the evidence linking EI to life success and academic achievement. Also considered is whether or not EI can be changed or developed, and how it might be facilitated in educational practice. In conclusion, while a distinct construct of EI remains debatable; many of the attributes encompassed by this term do predict that life success and programmes of socio-emotional learning in schools may usefully contribute to the development of these attributes.  相似文献   

2018年我国教育研究者围绕外国教育史展开了多维度的研究,成果丰硕。本文从2018年公开出版的50多种学术期刊和15本外国教育史著作中遴选260篇外教史学术论文和7本著作进行研究总量解析,发现2018年外国教育史研究的主题、国别、时代、论文期刊分布以及代表著作呈现出明显的不均衡特征。从研究主题上来看,本年度较之以往研究有所继承和创新。在欧美高等教育史研究、教育思想家研究等传统研究主题持续深入研究的同时,更加凸显了“教育国际化和全球化”“教育科学化”等研究领域的热度,促使更多的研究领域逐渐受到关注。  相似文献   

Communicating and collaborating online are becoming common requirements in education. The specialized notations and symbols necessary for some content areas where mathematical expressions are part of the conversation require that users select appropriate communication tools. The purpose of this article is to describe tools that can be used for online, asynchronous or synchronous communication involving mathematical expressions.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the degree of variation in the accuracy of classifying student performance to proficiency-level scores with changes in the number of proficiency levels and the measurement accuracy. Furthermore, we examined the degree to which the classification accuracy varies across different ability levels given different numbers of proficiency levels based on the same test and the same set of cut-scores. The results of the study based on simulations indicate that the classification accuracy decreased, on average, by 10% for an increase of 1 proficiency level, 20% for an increase of 2 proficiency levels, and 20% to 30% for an increase of 3 proficiency levels. In addition, classification accuracy varied 10% to 20% for tests with reliabilities that ranged between 0.70 and 0.93. The findings regarding the variability of classification accuracy for different score ranges point to serious limitations of interpretability of single indexes that are intended to represent classification accuracy. Suggestions are made for estimating classification accuracy for critical score ranges.  相似文献   

Recent research in a text-based educational context has demonstrated a seemingly paradoxical disfluency effect in reading, namely that learning with hard-to-read (disfluent) materials helps learners recall more details than learning with easy-to-read (fluent) materials. Many follow-up studies using a variety of participants, learning materials, and experimental designs have been conducted to verify the effects of disfluency manipulation on recall, transfer, judgments of learning, and learning time. However, a number of them have failed to replicate this effect and the mixed findings bring into question the generality of the disfluency effect with respect to learning. In this meta-analysis, we tested the overall effect of perceptual disfluency on learning with texts, as well as moderators of this effect, based on 25 empirical articles involving 3135 participants. Results showed that overall, there was no effect of perceptual disfluency on recall (d?=???0.01) or transfer (d?=?0.03), but perceptual disfluency did reduce participants’ judgments of learning (d?=???0.43) and increase learning time (d?=?0.52). Tests of moderation focused on the most commonly studied dependent measure, namely recall. There was no evidence that characteristics of the participants, learning material, or experimental design moderated the effect of perceptual disfluency on recall. In general, though perceptual disfluency can be used as an effective metacognitive cue to reduce judgments of learning and increase learning time, there is not enough evidence to show that it either stimulates analytic processing or increases extraneous cognitive load.  相似文献   

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