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A fiercely contested debate in teaching reading concerns the respective roles and merits of reading schemes and real books. Underpinning the controversy are different philosophies and beliefs about how children learn to read. However, to some extent debates have largely been rhetoric‐driven, rather than research‐driven. This article provides a theoretical perspective derived from instructional psychology and explores the assumptions that have been made about the use of real books and reading schemes, which have tended to polarise arguments about their respective strengths and limitations. It analyses the structures of adult literature, children’s real books, and reading schemes, and examines the demands that they make on children’s sight vocabulary and phonic skills. The critical high‐frequency words and grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs) are identified that will enable children to read the majority of phonically regular and irregular words that they encounter which, perhaps surprisingly, occur more often in real books than structured reading schemes. Learning additional sight words or GPCs is of limited value due to their relatively low occurrence in written English and, thus, potentially minimal impact on children’s reading. Finally, the implications of this research for teaching reading are considered, particularly the complementary roles of real books and teaching methods derived from instructional psychology. In the past they have been viewed as diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

语言学习依赖于大量的阅读,儿童只有"培养广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,多读书,读好书,好读书,读整本的书",他们的语言能力才会得到长足的发展。目前我们儿童英语学习低效的原因也和缺少阅读、缺少语言环境有关。近年来,笔者在教学中倡导开展英文绘本阅读,扩大儿童的英语阅读量,让儿童尽可能多地接触原汁原味的英语,这无疑是提升儿童英语水平的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

One of Singapore's problems with reading acquisition programmes stems from the fact that although most of our children come from non-Englisg speaking homes, their parents' choice of the medium of instruction is English. This means that English is taught right from the first day the child enters school. Most of the other countries where English is taught and is not the mother tongue, use the mother tongue as a medium of instruction for several years before the introduction of English. Neither are Singaporean children totally immersed in English at school because they also spend part of their school time learning a non-English language, namely Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Investigation into problems connected with the teaching of English and reading is therefore very important for Singapore, especially since one of our education system's streaming procedures is instituted very early, at the end of the third year of schooling at Primary 3.  相似文献   

为了清楚地表达人们的思想感情,加深读者的印象,我们可采用修辞手法。试分析《21世纪大学英语》读写教程中广泛运用的几种修辞手法,并通过列举此教材中的一些例子来说明这些修辞的用法,读者可通过这些修辞用法,开阔视野,增强对文章的理解和欣赏力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether predictor variables, selected from readability research and from teacher nomination, might be used to grade children’s early reading books. Two hundred Reading Recovery books were rated on five variables thought to represent ‘semantic’, ‘syntactic’ and ‘phonic’ features of text. The variables accounted for 83% of book level variance. In a cross‐validation exercise they were found to be stable and reliable. It is suggested that the data support the validity of the Reading Recovery book levels, and that the formula can be used by teachers to grade children’s early reading books.  相似文献   


This article covers the contribution reading and stories (children’s literature) have made to reading, its study, its material world, and the implications for teaching and learning to read -particularly with picturebooks – at the heart of that practice. It first explores the category of children’s literature as a possible ‘lie’, but also its special contributions: animal story or fable as a ‘creativity and criticality genre’ par excellence, attracting artists and writers of extraordinary talent, frequently breaking boundaries, and unashamedly taking partisan positions on matters of identity formation and socio-political justice. Distinctive experiments in crosswriting and originality are cited, and the material poetics, or ‘thingness’ of books, from the constructivist tradition onwards, as one of children’s literature’s leading innovations. The article then engages with the role children’s literature has played in the ‘reading wars’, including teaching strategies and governmental policies for learning to read; the controversies and competitive tensions inherent in the metrics and mechanisms of reading ‘for the test’ or for pleasure. After decades of reader-response theory emphasising the active roles of the reader and the text, the piece concludes with a plea to re-describe reading for new, screen-based, visual literacies offering linear, radial, spatial forms of reading, or reader-as-player.  相似文献   

Teaching children in the primary grades the text structures and features used by authors of information text has been shown to improve comprehension of information texts and provide the scaffolding and support these children need in order to write their own information texts. As teachers implement the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS), they will need support and training on how to meet these increased curricular demands. In this article, we describe how children’s information books can be used as exemplars of well-structured text models to teach young students how to write selected discourse patterns required in the CCSS. As children in the primary grades learn to recognize and use well-structured example information texts as models for their own writing, they will be better prepared to deal with less well-structured, more complex text examples in their reading and writing in the years to come.  相似文献   

Children in low‐income, postcolonial countries such as Malawi have few opportunities with quality reading materials that promote independence as readers. In this study, we argue that access to locally produced text relevant to linguistic and cultural contexts is a fundamental human right for children throughout the world. Situating this study within the intersection of research on children's rights and complementary reading materials, we analyse data from a project in Malawi. We consider the ways in which a respect for children's educational rights – specifically, their rights to access information via children's books – can help them develop their biliteracy. Additionally, we examine how the Read Malawi program contributes to Malawian children's literacy development in both national and official languages. Our findings suggest not only a humanistic need for quality complementary books, but also the empirical justification for books in the hands of children; in particular, an interconnected relationship between borrowing books from school and engagement with Read Malawi was found, especially when we explore children's English proficiency. Through Read Malawi, this study exemplifies what a quality literacy intervention can do in supporting children's Chichewa and English proficiency and improving their rights to quality education.  相似文献   

Much recent reading research in Hungary has focused on the formation of readers’attitudes and value judgements. This paper reports the results of a number of such studies, based on research with various groups, including library users, ‘killed-worker’ students, and children. A‘more books’programme has been found to be successful in developing a more discriminating approach to literature, but there is concern over national trends in reading. International studies have shown Hungarian students to be comparatively good at science but poor at reading. More books are being bought, and the proportion of women readers is increasing, but adults are spending less time on reading, and have a growing interest in non-fiction. The results of reading research in Hungary are not regarded as of purely theoretical interest. Such results are regularly used by librarians and by educational administrators.  相似文献   

Yin Mee Cheah 《Literacy》1998,32(1):33-35
This article describes Singapore’s efforts at encouraging extensive reading for pleasure among Singaporean school children.  相似文献   

This article describes the insights gained by a group of primary teachers investigating the implications of CD-ROM for English with their KS2 pupils. As part of the IT in English project, they researched pupils' use of the CD-ROM and its effect on their learning. They developed effective strategies to help pupils cope with the reading demands and edit their own texts. Positive effects on critical reading, collaboration, and use of conventional information books were observed.  相似文献   

Supplemental reading instruction provides a way to improve the reading outcomes of students at risk for reading difficulties and to meet the challenges produced by increases in student diversity in today’s classrooms. The research–based intervention described in this article includes intensive, explicit, and systematic reading instruction in five areas: fluency, phonemic awareness, instructional–level reading with an emphasis on comprehension, word analysis, and spelling. This intervention was effective in improving the reading skills of low SES, second–grade English monolingual and English–language learners.  相似文献   

SATs, particularly in Key Stage 1 have always been perhaps the most controversial aspect of the recent curriculum reforms. In this article, Rhona Stainthorp reports her research into the validity and usefulness of the KS1 SATs. Her results make rather worrying reading, suggesting that the reading SATs are very crude measures of children’s reading abilities. As Stainthorp argues, from their results, we actually have no idea how well some children are doing at reading.  相似文献   


The politics of children’s literature and the actors surrounding it have never been more visible than they are now, in the digital age. As one of the first children’s series to gain widespread popularity concurrently with the spread of the internet, the Harry Potter septet arrived on the global stage at the perfect moment to develop an avid, connected fandom. But the fandom has laid bare the many conflicting ideologies of the fans themselves and of the actors surrounding the texts. This article examines the contentious issue of gender nonnormativity and its relation to the Harry Potter texts, the queer/trans reading practices and political resistance common to the fandom, and the ongoing disagreements over gender, made visible on social media, between Rowling and the fans of her series. The article discusses the Harry Potter novels’ varied and conflicting ideologies; queer/trans readings of the Potter septet, including both invitations and resistances to queer/trans reading by Rowling herself; how gender is queered and queried in and through fan fiction; and finally, the recent hostilities between Rowling and her fans. It concludes by discussing the worsening relationship between Rowling and her fans and highlighting how fans are using their collective power to undermine Rowling’s gender politics through fan fiction. By doing so, the article traces the complex politics of the reception of books for young people in the digital age, demonstrating that authors’ powerful voices continue to shape readers’ responses to texts long after their publication but showing, too, that readers often resist authors’ attempts to influence not only their textual interpretations but their politics.



There have been increasing demands to improve Swedish children’s reading habits, triggered by poor PISA results in 2013, and public healthcare has stepped in as a strong reading-promoting actor. Drawing on the emerging field of valuation research in STS, the paper explores the values enacted in health-related information brochures about reading that are distributed to all Swedish parents at various times of their children’s lives. The analysis demonstrates how the lack of reading books is enacted as a public health problem that requires prevention and intervention of public healthcare. Health is thus recruited as a stabilising actor in the process of determining the value and importance of reading and where the problem of non-reading of books becomes a private matter for families to solve. The analysis also shows how instances of health-promoting intentions of doing good can in effect be marginalising by viewing specific people as less valuable.  相似文献   

This article reports the continuation of some work already described in this journal in which the potential of electronic books for supporting reading was investigated. Jane Medwell’s conclusions suggest that this particular medium has a great deal of potential use in developing young children’s reading but also that the effects of different kinds of texts are different. As information and communications technology embeds itself into teaching practice there is a great deal to learn about its most effective use and Jane Medwell’s work offers a number of ways forward.  相似文献   

图画书不是插图书,不是认字书,也不是语言教科书。图画书运用"图"和"文"两种媒介,为幼儿创造了独特的阅读世界。从生命教育的角度看,阅读图画书就是幼儿与图画书、与同伴、与老师展开对话,共同建构多元化意义,从而引领幼儿享受图画书所创造的感性世界、故事世界、幻想世界的乐趣的过程。让图画书走进幼儿的日常生活,需要以合作共享为轴心建立生态阅读圈,以经验整合为轴心建立阅读系统。如此,逐步使阅读成为幼儿的生活方式,图画书才能真正以润物细无声的方式惠泽幼儿的生命。  相似文献   

This study employs the Specificity Principle to examine the relative impacts of external (input quantity at home and at school, number of books and reading frequency at home, teachers’ degree and experience, language usage, socioeconomic status) and internal factors (children’s working memory, nonverbal intelligence, learning-related social-skills, chronological age, gender) on children’s English-language development in phonological awareness (PA), receptive vocabulary (RV), and word reading (WR). Altogether, 736 four- to five-year-old Singaporean Mandarin-English speaking kindergarteners were assessed twice longitudinally. Their English-language PA, RV, and WR development was predicted using the eight external factors and five internal factors with Bayesian least absolute shrinkage and selection operators. Internal factors explained more variance than external factors in all three language domains. External factors had their largest impact on RV.  相似文献   

读书,是每个人成长过程中文化积淀的永恒主题、读书时光,是儿童生活中永远的快乐记忆。儿童阅读的现状不容乐观,值得引起我们的高度关注,在新课程标准的目标框架下,因地制宜,挖掘儿童阅读资源,开发校本阅读课程,结合各年级段的学习习惯培养目标,分层制定读书计划,引导儿童把读书的体验用喜闻乐见的形式表现出来,提高他们的阅读理解力由“小人书”走进阅读,再由小人书阅读爱上读书,让读书成为儿童成长中的一种时尚,让读书成为儿童生活中永远唱响的主题。  相似文献   

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