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To assess practice effects of verbal tasks which elicit divergent and evaluative thinking, students in the high IQ range were given written assignments in creative thinking every week for a period of 8 months. The difference between pre- and posttest means in fluency and flexibility on three Minnesota Tests of Creativity was compared for the total group and separately by sex. Boys scored higher in fluency and flexibility on tasks requiring divergent thinking, and girls scored higher in fluency and flexibility on the task requiring evaluative thinking. Little change was noted in flexibility scores on tasks requiring divergent thinking, and fluency of responses to these tasks dropped slightly. Significant increase in both flexibility and fluency scores was found on the task requiring evaluative thinking.  相似文献   

Creative thinking is the ability to produce responses that are both original and useful. Like other complex thinking processes, creative thinking draws on higher-order cognitive resources. The impacts of feedback, cognitive load, and self-efficacy on traditional complex thinking activities are well documented; however, little is known about how these factors influence creative thinking, which is unique in its requirement of originality. We investigated the impacts of social comparison performance feedback and creative self-efficacy on cognitive load during two creative thinking (divergent thinking) tasks. Higher creative self-efficacy was associated with lower cognitive load during creative thinking. Positive feedback was associated with lower cognitive load compared to negative feedback. Higher cognitive load negatively impacted creative thinking performance, and the impacts of creative self-efficacy and performance feedback on creative thinking were partially mediated by cognitive load. Implications for providing feedback to students during creative thinking tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

创造性思维是艺术设计中处于核心地位的思维能力,它以发散性思维为主要特征,讲究科学理性和艺术感性的融合,并强调灵感和直觉的运用。在艺术设计教育中培养学生的创造性思维能力,要让学生突破思维定势,学会发散思维;了解创造性思维的过程,学会捕捉灵感,形成创意;要改进评价机制,营造富有竞争力的艺术设计教学氛围来激励和启发学生的创造能力。  相似文献   

创意是设计作品的灵魂,好的设计作品离不开好的创意。本文围绕着在教学中怎样培养学生创造性思维从"绘画中用发散思维的方式去想象"、"提供培养创造思维能力的情景"、"制造激发创造性思维的气氛"、"教师自身素质对学生的影响"四个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

幼儿美术创造力是幼儿感受美、创造美的能力,是基于兴趣的更高层次创造性思维的审美体现,兴趣和思维进展水平是对美术教育中幼儿创造力发展的评判标准。因此,培养幼儿美术创造力的基本途径应当包括依据幼儿年龄和个性特点针对性的采用合理的教学方法和手段,利用不同绘画形式激发幼儿创造性思维以及对幼儿进行情感教育来激发他们的创造灵感等教育方法。  相似文献   

创造性思维是在揭示客观事物本质和内容的联系的基础上进行创新 .在物理教学过程中培养学生的创造性思维 ,是以发散思维方式和辐合思维方式进行的 .作为教师在培养学生思维方式的过程中 ,要不断地学习、创造、启迪挖掘学生的创造性思维能力 .  相似文献   

钢琴演奏是一种充满创造性思维的艺术活动。因此,在钢琴教学中教师应注重培养学生的创造性思维。文中从听觉能力的培养、对声音想象力的培养、灵感的激发、发散性思维的培养以及优化课堂教学模式等方面提出了培养学生创造性思维的方法。  相似文献   

创造心理活动是一种求新的心理活动,有其自身的规律性。所谈创造的社会需要律是说,个体的创造性需要与社会的创造性需要呈必然性联系,个体的创造性需要,以个体对社会创造性需要的认识为基础,社会的创造性需要是个体创造性心理活动的动力之源;创造的心理自由律是说,当个体心理处于无拘无束无压力的自由状态时,创造性想象、创造性思维才能产生,揭示的是心理自由与发散性思维、集中性思维、创造性思维之间的必然性内在联系;创造的设想尝试循环律,揭示的是“设想——尝试”的循环与创造成功之间的必然性联系。  相似文献   

创造性思维是创造力的核心。生物教育中培养学生创造性思维的途径是:实验引探,培养逻辑思维和直觉思维,训练发散思维,提高辨证批判思维能力,发展学生创新情感和增强社会实践能力。  相似文献   

在创新思维研究中,人们往往抬高发散思维的作用,贬低辐合思维的意义,甚至将创新思维与发散思维划上等号。本文认为,创新思维不等同于发散思维。人类思维在创造的整个历程中,呈现出明显的辐合与发散的交替,创新思维是发散思维与辐合思维的辩证统一。  相似文献   

创新教育既是一种教学方式,又是一种教育理念,在数学课堂教学中的实施策略是:转变教师的教育理念,营造创新的课堂教学情境;采用启发式等现代教学方法,加强发散思维能力的训练,注重猜想,发展直觉思维,培养学生的创造性想像力,培养学生的推理能力,重视逆向思维能力的训练;利用现代化教学手段;改革作业和评价方式。  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类四种基本思维形式之一。它的表现形式有发散思维、联想思维、创造想象、逻辑思维等。写作活动中的创造性思维以观察力为基础,有赖于想象的参与,是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维巧妙的结合,是发散思维与聚合思维的统一。在写作中创造性思维对写作语言语法中的句式选择、词汇用法等方面产生了积极的影响。同时,为了更好地提高写作水平,还应在写作中培养创造性思维,使两者相互促进。  相似文献   

论述培养学生创新思维的必要性、重要性,提出具体措施,即:提高教师素质,以"创新"培养"创新";建立新型良好的创新环境;注重发散思维的培养;善于把抽象思维和形象思维有机结合起来;注重学生的个性发展,培养学生的兴趣。  相似文献   

School is an excellent place to foster young learners’ creative thinking skills. However, the emphasis on creativity varies among schools. In two studies the putative influence of school education on the development of students’ creativity was examined by means of a retrospective approach. We investigated whether two influential factors within school education (1) school type (i.e., traditional vs. alternative vs. religious) and (2) perceived teaching style (i.e., independence, judgment, flexibility, integration) associate with students’ creativity at university entrance level. The difference was examined at the primary and secondary school level, respectively. Study 1a found that students who attended alternative schools at the secondary school level performed better on divergent thinking tasks as compared to students who attended traditional or religious schools. Relationship between students’ creative performance and the perceived teaching styles were inconclusive. Finally, teaching styles in alternative schools during secondary education were perceived as high in independence and flexibility. Study 1b replicated the finding that university students who attended alternative schools during secondary education have an advantage in divergent thinking. Taken together, our results highlight the positive influence of alternative school education on students’ creative performance at the university entrance level.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into the relationship between self‐acceptance, locus of behaviour control and the level of adolescents’ creative thinking abilities. From a sample of 250 pupils, aged 13–14 years, 30 creative and 30 control non‐creative pupils were selected, their scores on several measures were compared, and the results then analyzed for locus of control and self‐acceptance. Comparisons were also made between the boys and girls. The young people with a high level of creative thinking ability (fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking) were found to have significantly higher levels of internal control and self‐acceptance when compared with the less creative control group. Girls showed a higher level of internal locus of control than boys.  相似文献   

培养创新型人才是时代赋予高校的历史使命。高等学校只有积极营造有利于创新人才成长的良好氛围,优化大学生的知识结构和能力结构,充分尊重其个性特点,提高其创新思维能力,才能有利于大学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

大学语文是一门人文素质课,其目的是培养学生的人文精神,但传统的大学语文仍以单篇文章为主要教学内容,篇章之间缺乏知识的连贯性,信息量小。而超越孤立文本的教学方法可以有意识地突破一个固定文本的局限,实现多个文本的组合链接,营造一个扩散性、延展性学习的空间,从而扩大课堂学习的容量,有效地提高学生的文化品位,高效率地完成教学任务,有助于培养和形成学生的发散性思维和创造性思维。  相似文献   

逻辑思维是创造性思维是基础,是物理创造性思维的必要条件。在培养学生创造性思维能力时,应注意提高学生的专业素质,进行发散性思维训练,掌握思维收敛的方法。  相似文献   

在数学教学中,应注意拓宽学生的思维空间,培养学生的创新思维能力。发散思维即求异思维,是一种创造性思维,本文探讨了如何在数列学习中培养学生的发散思维。  相似文献   

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