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请从下面的图画中找出各人喜爱的物品:(1)A:What do you like,Ben?B:I like strawberries.(2)A:Which do you like,a toy car or a toy bus?B:I like a toy bus.(3)A:I'd like to draw a tree.B:All right,Lin Tao.(4)Helen likes dress,but Lily likes skirt.(5)A:I like red flowers.And you,Kate?B:Me too.What do you like?!山东@白冰…  相似文献   

当你打算好好招待你的朋友,问他们想吃点什么或喝点什么时,你该如何询问呢?记住了,只要你热情地问他们“Whatwouldyoulike?(想要吃点/喝点什么?)”,他们就会把想要的告诉你。  相似文献   

英语课上,山羊老师提了一个问题:What do you like best?请跳跳鼠回答,跳跳鼠的肚子正咕咕叫,于是张口就说出了答案,没想到同学们哈哈大笑。想知道跳跳鼠的答案吗?那就快来走走跳跳棋吧,每走一步都会得到一个字母,把这些字母组合起来就会得到答案啦!  相似文献   

Do you like me?     
I'm a girl of thirteen years old. I'm tall and thin with short hair. People say I look like my father. I am good at math and I like English very much. I can play the guitar very well. I want to be a guitar player when I grow up. I have a lot of pen friends. They are very friendly to me. We learn from each other. Of course, I'm getting on well with my classmates. I can help them with their English and math. Next week, our school will have an English contest. I think I will be the winner,…  相似文献   

一、教学内容PEP《小学英语》第三册第五单元What would you like?A部分第二课时Let’s talk&Group Work二、教材分析及教学目标学生已掌握部分"三会"食物类单词和两个句型"Do you like…?""I like…",也在三年级  相似文献   

新年到了,辞旧迎新之时,美国人常向别人表明他们新的一年的打算,这就是他们的New Year's resolutions(决心)。同学们在新年开始也一定有很多计划吧,怎么用英语说出来呢?跟我老T来学几个句型吧。I’m going to study hard.我打算好好学习。I want to do more exercises.我想加强  相似文献   

教学内容:EEC英语小学5年级下册《What would you like to eat?》教学目标:1.学习本节课的重点单词hamburger/French fries/ap-plepie/Coke.学习重点句型(1)What would you like to eat?I’d like...(2)对于他人的看法表示赞同That’s okay with me.  相似文献   

I am Maria.I am from Mexico.I like New York better than other cities.It’s a busy place, and there are many people on the streets.Supermarkets are open for twenty-four hours every day. You can always find some places to eat. I am Dimitri.I am from Greece.Los Angeles (洛杉矶) is better for me! The life is more relaxed (轻松的) than the life in New York.The weather there is better too.I can go to the beach and enjoy the sun,because the weather is warm.I like the sunshine and the palm trees(棕榈树) best in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

1.Tom’smothergoestoEngland.ShewillstudyEnglishforaboutayear.2.Tom’sfatherisabusiness-man(商人).Heisverybusyeverydayandhas___1___timetodohousework.3.Tomandhisfatherdon’tsweepthefloorandwashtheplatesaf-ter___2___.Theydon’tcleanthetable___3___twoweeks.Thereismuchdust(灰尘)onthetable.4.OneFridayafternoon,Tomcleansthetableandotherfurniture(家具)___4___becausehisfriendswillcometohishome.Hewantsthemto___5___agoodtime.5.Whenhisfath…  相似文献   

多媒体教学这一现代化的教学手段在教学过程中广泛使用,其积极作用有目共睹。在教授What would you like?时,利用多媒体教学对激发学生兴趣、提高教学效率很有帮助,并引发对现代教育技术对小学英语教学的思考。  相似文献   

链接一:英语对话和作文 A=Susan B=Susan’srnother A: How bitter life! The teacher said I told a lie. Just because I told her that I forgot my homework. She shouted at me. She was so angry! She said she wanted to write a note to you.  相似文献   

What can you do?     
ComPlete the boxes!What can they do?Rob1 .Can Pigs月y? N。,th即can,t!2 .Can bi川s月y?3.Can kangaroos(袋鼠)jump?4.Canerocodiles(鳄鱼)e!imbtre5.Can Penguins(企鹅)danee?6 .Can elePhante run?7 .Can dogs Swim?…蓄然:Vx;KeV…矿’芍巍__然______蒸___~_{Sally…浑动村e canP扭yfootb日Ilb口t heC日力货S留勿i,衬eCan…)lS力eC口n,,.娶金f;峪四汉沼黔~~~恤~闪针X︸ 一V︸ ︸婚8 .Can hiPPos swim under water?9.Can tortoises(乌龟)run fast?10.Can seals(海豹)walk?夔恕,吵叶----一--一一------------一一_-一_一…  相似文献   

[本课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标)九年级第4单元SectionA。]一、教材分析本单元主要内容涉及用虚拟语气来讨论假设的情景。虚拟语气的构成及使用对初中生来说是一个难点,  相似文献   

[本课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标)九年级第4单元Section A。]一、教材分析本单元主要内容涉及用虚拟语气来讨论假设的情景。虚拟语气的构成及使用对初中生来说是一个难点,但又是交际领域中不可缺少的项目。  相似文献   

For many people in the U.K. owning a car is as essential as owning a house. Indeed many households now have at least two cars. Add to this the fact that most haulage in the U.K. is carried on the roads and you can begin to imagine the volume of traffic and the problems which this causes, not only in the big cities but  相似文献   

单词识记:1.tiring adj.累人的,令人疲惫的,表主动,用于描述事物的特征adj.tired疲劳的,厌倦的,表被动,一般用于描述人们身心的状况。2.educational adj.教育的,有教养的v.educate教育,训练n.educator教育家3.peaceful adj.平静的,宁静的,和平的a  相似文献   

[选自人教版义务教育四年制初一年级(下册)《英语》第25单元第97课。]一、教学目标1.知识与技能:掌握表示食物的名词及其单复数形式的读音,能正确运用like的一般现在时的疑问  相似文献   

would like是本单元的重点,也是中考测试的一个热点内容,意为"想要",具体用法如下:  相似文献   

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