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Background:?The school environment has shown itself to be an important factor in explaining adolescent behaviour. The relationships and experiences that pupils have at school have been found to influence their development, psychological well-being, self-esteem and social adjustment.

Purpose:?The aim of the study is to explore whether there is a relationship between pupil–peer and pupil–teacher relationships and psychological well-being and self-esteem, and whether this relationship varies according to pupils’ experience of bullying or being bullied.

Sample: Data consisted of a sample of 3694 students (mean age?±?SD 14.3?±?0.62 years; 51% girls) from elementary schools in Slovakia.

Design and method:?Questionnaires were administered to the students. In terms of data analysis, linear regression was firstly used in the whole sample to explore pupil–peer and pupil–teacher relationships and psychological well-being (the depression/anxiety and social dysfunction subscales of GHQ-12) and self-esteem (positive and negative self-esteem subscales of RSE). Next, the whole sample was divided into four groups in terms of involvement in bullying (normative contrasts, passive victims, aggressive non-victims and aggressive victims). Linear regression was used to explore the associations between pupil–peer and pupil–teacher relationships with the two factors of psychological well-being and two factors of self-esteem in these four groups.

Results:?As findings showed, better pupil–peer relationships and also pupil–teacher relationships were significantly related statistically to less depression/anxiety and social dysfunction, as well as to more positive and less negative self-esteem. All bullying categories were significantly related to pupil–peer relationships and the four dependent variables. However, in the categories of aggressive victims and aggressive non-victims, the pupil–teacher relationship was not significantly related to their psychological well-being and self-esteem. Also, in all subgroups, better pupil–peer relationships were significantly related to less depression/anxiety and social dysfunction, as well as with more positive and less negative self-esteem.

Conclusion:?Given the differences found in the connections between pupil–teacher relationships and well-being and self-esteem, between those who bullied and those who were bullied, it would seem that the school environment can play an important role in implementing anti-bullying prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Basic education has two main goals: to promote high quality learning outcomes and pupils’ personal growth and well-being. The interrelated nature of learning and well-being is here referred to as pedagogical well-being. In this study, we explore Finnish comprehensive school pupils’ (N = 518) experienced pedagogical well-being by examining the kinds of situations that pupils themselves find either highly positive or highly negative during their school career. Pupils’ pedagogical well-being is empirically examined in two complementary aspects: (1) determining the point in the pupils’ school career in which the critical incidents are situated and (2) identifying the primary contexts of pupils’ experienced critical incidents of pedagogical well-being. Results showed that critical incidents for pedagogical well-being reported by the pupils were situated all along their school career. A variety of episodes causing empowerment and satisfaction, as well as disappointment and anxiety, were reported by the pupils. Pupils perceived the social interactions within the school community as being the most rewarding as well as the most problematic part of their school career.  相似文献   


This study compared relative cognitive strengths of American Indian and White students, ages seven through twelve years. The sample group included 57 American Indian subjects and 60 White subjects attending schools within a single school district in southcentral Montana. These children had all been referred for assessment for possible placement in an enrichment program for students of high ability. All subjects were administered the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, and scores were analyzed through a one‐way Analysis of Variance. There were found to be no significant differences between the two group means on the Mental Processing Composite. However, Indian subjects scored significantly higher than White subjects in Simultaneous Processing, and White subjects scored significantly higher than Indian subjects in Sequential Processing. Indian subjects also achieved significantly higher scores in three of five Simultaneous Processing subtests. Possible interpretations of statistical differences and implications for educators are discussed.  相似文献   

This chapter is a based on a study that examined, first, Finnish comprehensive school pupils’ transfer to secondary school and, second, the ways in which pupils’ experiences of schooling can contribute to the development and planning of an undivided comprehensive school system. Traditionally, Finnish discourse on the flexibility of the transfer has concentrated on the teacher's role as the central transformative force in bridging the gap between primary and secondary school. The voice of the pupils, who experience the changes, has tended to be regarded as of minor importance. When moving towards a fuller understanding of the transfer experience, it is important not only to include the pupils’ perspective but to examine, first, the school community and the factors promoting and/or preventing its functioning and, second, the learning environment of the adolescent. The results of the study clearly show that the pupils are able to assess the qualities of their school as a learning environment and to cope with the changes that result from the transfer to secondary school. Pupils were also ready to participate in developing a more unified comprehensive school system, but expressed their school experiences in a manner reflecting their developmental stage of adolescence and the prevailing school cultures. Thus, it remains the professional task of the teacher to analyse and interpret these messages in order to identify the key ingredients needed for developing such a system.  相似文献   

Recent Annual Courses of the Association of Educational Psychologists (2006–2008) have each focused on aspects of positive psychology either in keynote speeches or in workshops. This paper argues that whilst educational psychologists (EPs) are right to be positive about the future, the profession is currently undergoing a period of rapid change and uncertainty that will likely bring its own discomfort and challenges. EPs will not be immune from the emotional impact of change and stress and it is imperative to be positive, forward looking and skilled at scoping the evolving environment in order to take advantage of developing opportunities. Additionally, practising professionals should not underestimate the importance of individual casework, assessment and therapeutic interventions and ensure they are sufficiently skilled to be able to undertake this work in conjunction with their existing activities. It is argued that although the profession does have the potential for a vibrant future, it is incumbent upon participating professionals to get it right by being seen as relevant to the current challenges.  相似文献   

The article explores the Social Guarantee Programmes, one measure at attending to diversity within the Spanish educational system. It is an alternative measure that aims to break away from the organisational structure of Obligatory Secondary Education, seeking an organisational model and educational strategies that pursue satisfactory results through motivation, interest and the recovery of the student’s self‐esteem. The article presents the obtained results following ethnographic case study methodology. The research was performed in a secondary education school in a town in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain. The group chosen suffered significant learning difficulties and problems in adapting to schools. Our intention was to analyse and understand the relevant educational practices in the context of these programmes, since they were so innovative in nature.  相似文献   

Teachers in Swedish schools must balance the values imposed by law while simultaneously attempting to respect freedom of religion for their pupils. This study aimed to empirically investigate how teachers handle pupils who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, a minority religion. Eleven, adult ex-members were asked to reflect on their experiences during school years (13–16 years) in addition to interviews with two teachers, one school psychologist and one school counsellor. The study found that teachers often do not know how to handle situations with children belonging to minority religions. The article concludes by discussing practical implications of the study.  相似文献   

The argumentative essay has endured as a popular form of university assessment, yet students still struggle to meet key intended learning outcomes, such as those associated with critical thinking. This paper presents the results of a study that examines the instruction provided by Australian essay writing guides to support students’ development of a questioning, critical viewpoint. Thirty publically available guides were chosen from a range of university types, and sourced from central student learning units and humanities disciplines. Findings of this documentary analysis show that some guides provide too little context for essay writing as an academic practice, and conceptualise definitional, instructional and procedural aspects of the task in ways that may not align with intended outcomes. The conclusion indicates a need for further research about the teaching of argumentative essay writing.  相似文献   

Based on qualitative data gathered in one Finnishuniversity, the article examines disciplinary culturesof four study fields: computer science, libraryscience and informatics, public administration, andsociology and social psychology. It is suggested thatthe core of each discipline can be conceptualized asa moral order that defines the basic beliefs, valuesand norms of the local culture. Following this frameof reference, the analysis of students' accountsdemonstrates essential differences regarding how thevirtues and vices of studying are understood and whatkinds of social identities are constructed indifferent fields. The implications of the results forthe quality assessment and the development ofuniversity teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a teaching quality assessment questionnaire and assess its reliability by using it with a sample of first‐year medical students. Principal components analysis with varimax orthogonal rotation resulted in the development of a 12‐item, two‐component tool, adequate for use in lectures and small‐group sessions. The two components were named ‘curriculum’ and ‘relationship’. The Cronbach coefficient alpha values indicated high reliability and internal consistency. According to the results obtained this teaching quality scale is a reliable measure and may be useful in identifying themes in disciplines and among teachers that may benefit from some professional development. Amongst its advantages is that it can be used with an optical reading tool.  相似文献   

This paper reports the views and perceptions of around 1000 students in their final two years of compulsory schooling in respect of self-efficacy, goal orientation and motivation, stress and interpersonal skills. Gender differences are also reported. The study found that most students were generally positive about school and their future and felt in control of their lives. However, whilst male students felt better prepared in terms of problem solving, they were more likely to rely on luck and others to control their successes than were females. Whilst most pupils enjoyed going to school, over half often felt stressed, bored or fed up with school, and most of this group were female. The majority of students, of both sexes, felt comfortable approaching and communicating with teachers and adults in general, although up to a quarter had difficulties in this respect.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s many strength-based assessments (for example, inventories, checklists, interview schedules) have been developed for use with children and young people, but these have offered a limited appraisal of the contexts in which strengths are present. In this study a new form of contextualised strength-based assessment was used within the routine practice of an educational psychologist. A multiple case study explored how this approach worked with eight children and young people referred to a local authority educational psychology team, ranging in age from 6.9 to 19.2 years. Qualitative data were analysed holistically using a story-board method. In all cases, participants identified situations or contexts which they associated with the presence of specific strengths. In some cases they highlighted aspects of a situation which might be hypothesised to have pedagogical value. There is discussion of the tensions that can arise in using this approach in schools when a more negative view of a pupil has already emerged. Nevertheless, the introduction of fresh information, about the type of contexts which suited specific children and young people, was helpful in providing ideas and recommendations which may have otherwise been missed.  相似文献   

Educational leadership discourse has for sometime been the major intellectual pillar of what was once known as the field of educational administration. An examination of the postgraduate coursework programmes available to aspiring principal leaders at every Australian university supports such a contention. While this discourse does shed light on the ubiquitous concept of leadership, it does little to explain the context in which leadership theory is supposed to contribute to the operational environment of schools. This is where Bourdieuian scholarship is particularly helpful. By shedding light on the complex social space in which principal leaders function, Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are particularly helpful thinking tools. For a variety of reasons the economic field has held philosophical dominance for much of the last 30 years. This has impacted significantly on the work space of principal leadership and needs to be understood if the familiar narratives of leadership theory are to be of contextual use. When investigating the social space of contemporary principal leadership, my recent study of two sets of Queensland‐based principals will be used. The emergence of enterprise bargaining into the workspace of these principals will be used as a means by which to demonstrate the cross‐field contagion of the economic field on to the field of schools. The paper contends that the field of educational administration must endeavour to view leadership theory critically and contextually if the complexities associated with contemporary principal leadership practice are to be understood.  相似文献   


A survey was undertaken among students at the University of Oslo in order to include their comments in a recommendation that was being prepared to elucidate the disabled students' situation in the future. Students were requested to write shorter or longer comments concerning their day as a disabled student, in order to expose barriers, weaknesses in the organization of services and other concerns. They were also requested to make recommendations as to improvements. The students’ answers indicated that they encountered several practical problems in their education, including a lack of understanding and cooperation from administrators, faculty staff and lecturers, a lack of adaptive aids and other resources and inaccessibility of grounds and buildings. Students made recommendations to improve the delivery of services. On the background of the information given by the students, the paper reflects on the issue of higher education's responsibility in relation to adjustments. The Reform‐94 within upper secondary education makes the issue of responsibility even more current.  相似文献   

Streaming in secondary schools is not beneficial for improving student outcomes of education with vast amounts of educational research indicating that it does not improve academic results and increases inequity. Yet teachers often prefer working in streamed classes, and research shows that teachers mediate the effects of streaming on students. This study sought to add to the understanding of teachers’ role in student learning by investigating how teachers conceptualise the students in streamed classes. A qualitative case study approach was used, where 18 teachers were interviewed in-depth to create narrative examples, three of which are presented here. These narratives summarise the research findings that teachers saw students in high and low streams as having homogenous characteristics according to five dichotomous categories: approach to learning, attitude to learning, learning style, autonomy and background. Students in mixed-ability classes were viewed along these same continua, but as more heterogeneous groups. Furthermore, these views of students had direct implications for how teachers planned for learning and the expectations that they held of their students. The discussion links streaming research with teacher expectation research, suggesting that teachers of streamed classes in this secondary school hold specific whole-class ideas that affect student learning. The article concludes with recommendations for further inquiry that links these two important fields of educational research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a game‐like 3D Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE), Quest Atlantis (QA), is used in an after‐school programme to engage a group of 14 academically at‐risk primary students in their learning. It adopts an activity theoretical perspective to identify the disturbances and contradictions during the implementation of the after‐school programme. Based on the analysis of these disturbances and contradictions, the main findings highlight: (1) the importance of the less visible social mediators – the rules, community, and division of labour – in the programme; (2) the pivotal role of the teacher; and (3) the role of QA as both a tool and an object to the students. The findings suggest the importance of the social context where information and communication technology (ICT) is used and the possible use of its engaging elements to first extrinsically motivate these students in their learning.

Eine theoretische Perspektive: Aktivität in Richtung des Designs eines ICT verbesserten ausserschulischen Programms für Risikostudenten

Dieses Papier prüft, wie eine spielähnliche 3D‐Multibenutzer Umgebung (MUVE), “Quest Atlantis (QA)” bei einem außerhalb der Schule benutzten Programms verwendet wird, um eine wissenschaftlich gefährdete 14‐er Studentengruppe in ihrem Lernen anzusprechen. Die Analyse auf Basis der Störungen und Widersprüche zeigt die (1) Wichtigkeit von weniger sichtbaren Sozialmediatoren – die Regeln, die Gemeinschaft und Arbeitsteilung – im Programm, (2) die entscheidende Rolle der Lehrer und (3) die Funktion des Spiels QA sowohl als Werkzeug als auch als Gegenstand für die Studenten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Wichtigkeit des sozialen Kontexts wo Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) benutzt und gebraucht werden und der mögliche Gebrauch seiner verbindenden Elemente erstmals von außen motivieren das Lernen dieser Studenten.

Perspective théorique sur une activité visant à la conception d’un programme extra scolaire renforcé par les TICE et destiné aux élèves en difficulté

Cet article examine comment on utilise un environnement virtuel à utilisateurs multiples (MUVE) Quest Atlantis (QA) en 3D dans un programme extra scolaire pour impliquer dans leur apprentissage un groupe de 14 élèves en difficulté scolaire. On a adopté une perspective théorique de l’activité pour identifier les troubles et les contradictions rencontrés pendant la mise en place de l’activité extra scolaire. En se fondant sur l’analyse de ces troubles et contradictions, les résultats obtenus font principalement ressortir: (1) l’importance des médiateurs sociaux moins visibles comme_les règles, le groupe, et la répartition des tâches_dans le programme; (2) le rôle central de l’enseignant et (3) le rôle de QA à la fois comme outil et comme objet pour les élèves. Ces observations font apparaître l’importance du contexte social là o[ugrave] on utilise les technologies de l’information et de la communication et le recours possible à leurs facteurs d’implication pour commencer de l’extérieur à motiver ces élèves pour leur apprentissage.

Una perspectiva teórica sobre una actividad conduciendo a un programa posescolar apoyado por las TICs dedicado a los alumnos «en peligro»

Este artículo examina como se utiliza un entorno lúdico virtual en 3D, Quest Atlantis (QA) para usuarios multiples (MUVE) dentro de un programa posescolar para incentivar a un grupo de alumnos «en peligro» para que aprenden. Se adoptó una perspectiva teórica activa para identificar los trastornos y contradicciones encontradas durante la implantación del programa posescolar. Basandose en el análisis de esos trastornos y contradicciones, los principales resultados han destacado (1) la importancia de los mediadores sociales menos visibles, las reglas, la comunidad y la división del trabajo_dentro del programa (2) el papel fundamental del profesor y (3) el papel de QA a la vez como herramienta y como objeto para los alumnos. Esas observaciones resaltan la importancia del contexto social cuando se usan las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) y el posible uso de sus elementos cautivadores para dar a esos alumnos el primer incentivo externo de su aprendizaje.  相似文献   

Nature connectedness counts as a crucial predictor of pro-environmental behavior. For counteracting today’s environmental issues a successful re-connection of individuals to nature is necessary. Besides the promotion of knowledge transfer the aim of the educational program presented in this study is to connect students to their environment. This research explores the impact of an outdoor environmental education program on primary and secondary school students’ nature connectedness with regard to the extent of their nature experience and participant age. The intervention was implemented in two durations: one-day and five-days. Participants were divided into four subsamples from seven up to 18 years of age. Findings suggest that both intervention types evoke immediate shifts towards a stronger nature connectedness among students (p < .001). Notably, the five-day outdoor education interventions were significantly more effective in sustainably promoting nature connectedness compared to one-day field trips (p < .001). Seven to nine year old students performed the strongest shifts towards nature. The value of short-term and residential outdoor environmental education interventions is discussed.  相似文献   

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