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20世纪80年代以来,国际跨国集团为适应日益激烈竞争的需要,都把企业人力资源开发作为企业的重要战略,为提高本公司员工和各级管理人员素质,增强企业植心竞争力,纷纷办起企业大学,通过自己创办的企业大学,聘请有丰富经验的教育专家开发设计突出本企业特色的各种培训项目,把企业大学办成提高企业工人操作技术水平、提高企业中高级管理人员管理技能和综合素质的重要基地。本刊从本期起,陆续刊登由国家经贸委培训司李为民同志编译的介绍国外大型跨国企业集团的企业大学的资料,供读者参考。  相似文献   

企业员工招聘是依据企业人力资源规划吸引相关人员到本企业来,是企业获取、补充和储备人才的重要手段,也是企业创造和赢得竞争优势的重要环节。目前,企业员工招聘效度较低。提高招聘效度的建议有:提高企业人力资源规划的科学性;发布有效招聘信息;设计科学合理的求职申请表,确定审查资格;提高测评的信度。  相似文献   

<正>1955年全球第一所企业大学—通用电气公司的克劳顿维尔培训中心正式成立。截至2010年,在全球范围内,企业大学已达4000所,而世界500强企业中有近80%都设立了自己的企业大学。企业大学是以企业的可持续发展为导向,通过对各级主管干部及员工开展系统化的培训辅导,为企业打造育人、用人、留人的智力平台。企业大学的运营管理目标以及工作重点是要以培养多层级、多领域、多项目的人才为己任,帮助企业在激烈的  相似文献   

一、创建学习型企业,要注重自我超越,提升学习能力真正出色的企业是使全体员工全身心投入并善于学习、持续学习的组织,通过营造学习型组织的工作氛围和企业文化,引导企业员工不断学习,不断进步,不断地更新和调整观念,使企业获得长盛不衰的生命力。国内外很多成功的企业都十分重视员工的学习,西门子公司把培训看作是竞争的要素之一,它在国内外拥有600多个培训中心,开设了50余种专业培训,每年参加各种定期和不定期培训的员工多达15万人。摩托罗拉公司每年用于员工的教育培训费用超过10亿美元,其著名的大学已有14个。高度重视员工的培训,正是这…  相似文献   

企业大学是以为企业战略服务为宗旨,以员工、客户、供应商、合作伙伴等为服务对象,以学习为主要内容,以提升学习者知识能力及提高企业绩效为目的的新型大学。企业大学不同于一般意义上的培训中心,具有更深层次的理念与内涵。目前关于企业大学的理论与模型都处于探索的过程中。场论作为人力资源开发的一种基础理论,关注人在周围环境中的行为,对于以学习为核心内容、注重为员工创建学习环境的企业大学来说具有适切性。基于场论的企业大学模型由静态学习场和系统动态场构成,描述了企业学习、工作场所、绩效之间的关系。这一模型能够清晰地划分企业大学的逻辑结构,能够从战略性、经济性和绩效三个方面合理阐释企业大学的目标、方向和保障,指引企业大学的建设。  相似文献   

企业员工培训旨在提高员工队伍的素质,促进企业的可持续发展。企业要想永葆生产经营的能力,就一定要让自己的员工不断地适应新形势的发展要求,不断更新员工的知识和技能,不断做好企业员工培训工作,使企业保持可持续发展的后劲。本文对企业应如何有效地开展培训工作谈了几点认识和见解。  相似文献   

企业的激励机制如何进行,关键在于如何去调动企业员工的工作积极性,只有企业员工的积极性调动好了,工作效率才能提高,企业的经济效益才能提高.只有全体职工上下联动、齐心协力才能做好这项工作,才能使企业不断地发展壮大,才能使企业的效益不断地向最大化迈进.  相似文献   

随着企业的不断发展,企业与员工之间的关系更加密切。员工不仅是企业发展的重要因素,也是企业调动员工积极性的必要条件,发挥员工的创造能力是促进企业和谐发展的有力保障,也是企业始终追求的目标。如何提高员工的积极性,并引导员工形成爱岗敬业、努力超越、无私奉献的工作团体,就此本文作出了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,市场经济的竞争压力在不断增大,为了能够在市场经济中站稳脚跟,企业必须保持较高的劳动生产效率。不仅要配置先进的生产设备和技术,要拥有高素质的员工队伍,尤其重要的是还要保证生产资源与员工技术素质之间的合理配置。而建立企业的任职资格体系和实行员工职业资格认证就是实现这种生产资源最优配置的根本保障。因此,职业技能鉴定考务管理的工作质量对企业的生存和发展有着直接的影响。本文通过分析在职业技能鉴定考务管理工作中出现的问题,提出了保证职业技能鉴定考务管理工作的质量的建议,希望能够对读者有所启发。  相似文献   

在意大利大学改革的历程中,大学教师教学资格的严格评审,一直是意大利大学教师管理的重要内容。这种规范和严格的大学教师教学资格评审,在保证和促进意大利高等教育质量提高方面起到了关键作用。本文对意大利不同历史时期大学教师教学资格的评审及授予情况进行分析和评述,提出对我国健全和完善高校教师教学资格评审制度的启示。  相似文献   

职工文化和工会文化是代表职工群体的文化。前者侧重满足职工的精神需要,后者主要是维护职工权益。企业文化是代表企业整体利益的文化。在一定的企业范围内,企业文化往往涵盖着内部的工会文化和职工文化,但又不能代替工会文化和职工文化;而在一定的社会范围内,工会文化又涵盖着企业文化和职工文化,同时职工文化又有其独立的部分。为此,要加强企业工会文化、职工文化建设,形成以人为本的优秀企业文化,这不仅是维护职工权益的需要,也是企业可持续发展的需要,更是唱响新时代工人之歌,构建和谐文化的需要。  相似文献   

There is a constant interplay between the “people” (agency) and the “parts” (structure and culture), not only in teaching and learning, but also in postgraduate supervision practices globally. However, in South Africa, the tendency to use structure (higher education architecture, institutional history, institutional rules, policies and procedures) to address all challenges related to postgraduate (especially doctoral) studies has resulted in university managers ignoring the role that institutional research culture (social norms, expectations and practice) plays, not only in perpetuating some of these challenges, but also in understanding and resolving them. At the University of Zululand (UniZulu), these factors combine to affect not only the postgraduate supervision practices of supervisors, but also the quality of doctoral throughput (doctorateness) with overall implications for society in general. This article is a critical self-reflection on the author’s postgraduate supervision practice at UniZulu between 2011 and 2016 with a view to highlight how structure and culture combine to impact on his supervision work at the institution. The discussion shows how these factors impact on the quality of doctoral output with implications for the author’s practice and society in general. To deal with the challenges arising from the discussion, the article recommends: establishing a dedicated postgraduate studies unit headed by a director or dean as supervisors and supervisees need a support system that functions optimally; improving staff qualifications and training of supervisors to keep up with best practice in postgraduate supervision; and the Department of Higher Education and Training factoring differentiation realities into its funding modules for universities.  相似文献   

电大建设与发展30年来所取得的成绩有目共睹,但是其存在的问题如得不到解决就会制约它进一步为社会做贡献。在教学与管理中师资队伍建设中学历结构不合理、教学资源建设浪费、教学设施重复建设、远程教育教学资源和设备在教学中作用没有得到充分发挥。因此,采取多种形式提高电大教师的专业和学术水平,发挥电大系统的作用,加强研究和实践,不断进行管理改革,是提高教学质量的需要,更是发展电大事业的需要。  相似文献   

德国的职业教育教师任职资格要求较高,不仅要有高学历,而且必须有企业工作经验;教师专业发展规范,教师在职培训要求严格;聘用大量兼职教师,解决师资不足的问题。借鉴其成功经验,我国高职教育教师队伍建设,应转变观念,研究制定高职教师入职标准,制定专门针对高职教师的职称评审标准和体系,加强教师产学研合作能力的培养,建立健全教师培训和兼职教师聘任机制,加快队伍建设及良性发展,进而提高教育质量与水平。  相似文献   

An Exploratory Study of Stress in a British University   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports an exploratory study of stress and psychological well-being in British University staff. Unlike previous studies of stress in University staff, this study examines stress not only in relation to lecturing staff, but also research and support staff. Principal components analysis of a fifteen item stressor scale revealed two orthogonal dimensions, relating to quantitative overload stressors and role stressors respectively. Both were found to be related to a measure of psychological well-being. Differences in these stressor factors were found between the various types of university employee; academic staff were found to report more work load and managerial stressors, but reported fewer role stressors.  相似文献   


This article reports on teacher education in Uganda, with specific reference to the role that distance education has played in upgrading the quality of education in general and in supplying more qualified teachers to meet a growing demand, specifically for teachers involved in primary education. The investigation paves the way for the establishment of the Open University of Uganda and illustrates how the Primary Education Policy of Uganda has increased access to 7 million primary school learners to schools in 2002. The article also explains how the qualifications of 10 000 in-service teachers have been upgraded between 1995 and 2000. The successes of two major in-service teacher education programmes are discussed. The article also explains how the Mubende Integrated Teacher Education Project (MITEP) not only contributed to the training of teachers, but also focused the attention of educators on the possibiliities of distance education for Uganda. Furthermore, it also argues that the Northern Integrated Teacher Education Project (NITEP) has on the other hand achieved successes in the field of inservice teacher education. The programmes assisted in the training of academic support staff who work in distance education. The article concludes by addressing the further needs of distance education in Uganda and highlights the challenges facing distance education programmes in Uganda.  相似文献   

A student advisory committee was formed to complement program evaluation for an open learning center. The center's staff found that the student committee members not only gave valuable feedback about instruction and services but also served as excellent problem-solvers. As a result of this committee, the center improved its evaluation process, the staff gained insight into problems from the student's perspective, and, most important, the students were given an opportunity to develop themselves.Girard Weber holds an MA degree in Educational Measurement and Statistics from the University of Iowa and MA in Linguistics and English Literature from Northern Illinois University. His chief research interests are in assessment, and retention, especially of nontraditional students.Steven Prater holds a Masters of Education in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. He is currently Counselor for the Open Learning Center of John Wood Community College. He has worked as a counselor for nine years and has been a staff sponsor and mentor for nontraditional students and student groups.  相似文献   

英国剑桥大学历史悠久、享誉全球。"自治"是剑桥大学突出的办学传统,在选拔录取时享有充分的自主权,同时,要接受严格的监督。除医学、法律等特殊专业实行单独考试或联考外,剑桥大学一般不单独组织考试,录取选拔的主要依据是学生通过各种类型学习所获得的由校外考试机构主考的资格证书考试成绩;另外,对申请人进行综合考评,实行的是证书考试成绩与综合考评相结合的选拔录取制度。我国可以借鉴剑桥大学自主招生的经验,建立统一高考与综合考评相结合的高校自主选拔录取制度。  相似文献   

综合实践活动作为一门独具特色的课程,首次成为我国课程体系中一个相对独立的领域,然而师资力量则成为制约课程实施的瓶颈。本课题立足师范学校的办学特点,以提高师范生综合实践活动课的教学能力和水平为切入点,在课堂教学中多种教学模式和策略有机配合,有针对性地培养综合实践课教师应具备的基本素养和特殊要求,结果表明,这样既有利于师范生职业态度的转变和综合实践活动课教学能力的培养,也能有效促进师范生科学素养、信息素养和学业成绩的提高。  相似文献   

高校基金会在我国高等教育事业发展中所扮演的角色日益重要,基金会从业人员的素质直接影响到基金会的组织效率。高校基金会从业人员配备的关键是在明确基金会职能的基础上定义人员的素质内涵。而基金会人员素质的内涵可从基本素质与职能素质两大层面加以诠释。  相似文献   

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