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■教学目标:通过本节教学初步理解红灯停、黄灯等、绿灯行的交通规则,并学说red light,yellow light,green light.■教具准备:1.矿泉水瓶三个,红、黄、绿三种颜色的颜料各一。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION A growing and seemingly insatiable bandwidth demand in the marketplace is bring Free-Space Op- tical (FSO) technology into the carrier space as a means of broadband access for closing the “last mile” connectivity gap throughout metropolitan networks. Terrestrial short-range FSO systems which are gen- erally point-to-point links between buildings on the campus or different buildings of a company can be used to setup wireless communication networks or to supplement radio a…  相似文献   

Optical science and technology have taken giant leaps following the advent of lasers in 1960. We look at some of the key ideas and how they have led to making optical technology an important part of modern life.  相似文献   

The discovery of "twin quasi-stellar objects" arose interests among astronomers and astrophysicists to study gravitational leasing problem. Deviation of light from straight path is caused by the presence of massive objects, i.e., the presence of gravitational field according to the general theory of relativity. It is shown that the low energy effective field theory on D-branes is of the Born-Infeld type. In this work a Born-Infeld type gravitational field is pasttflated. An explicit representation of the angular deviation of light path is derived based on the space time metric in the Born-Infeld theory.  相似文献   

The answers given by a group of physics graduate students to two problems on the speed of light are analysed. The results seem to confirm the use of spontaneous ideas which are very similar to those which form the ‘spontaneous’ kinematics proposed by Saltiel (1980). Some consequences related to the teaching of physics and special relativity are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMatRush (JuncuseffususL .Var.Decipi ensBchen)isaperennialherbaceousrootplant,whosestemisusedasrawmaterialforwovenstrawmats,seatsandhats.InZhejiangandJiangsuProvinces,China,itistransplantedinthemiddleofNovemberandharvestedinearlyJunenextyear.Amo…  相似文献   

教学过程设计一Step 1.Greeting 1.Sing a song“A rainbow“2.Hello,boys and girls!How are you?Nice to meet you.(活动意图:此项活动让学生感觉到教师的亲切,同时培养学生讲文明有礼貌的习惯。)  相似文献   

教学过程 设计一 Step 1.Greeting 1.Sing a song“A rainbow” 2.Hello,boys and girls! How are you? Nice to meet you.  相似文献   

In their articles, Ajay Sharma (Cult Stud Sci Educ, doi: 10.1007/s11422-017-9835-z, 2017) and Noel Gough (Cult Stud Sci Educ, doi: 10.1007/s11422-017-9834-0, 2017) shed light on the impact neoliberalism has on the teaching of science and suggest ways to ensure that science education remains critical and socially equitable. In this paper, I illustrate how their proposals influenced my instructional choices during the fall of 2016 in a course entitled Epistemology and Education.  相似文献   

Educational development for research supervisors is still a recent phenomenon. Early optional sessions on research supervision have now been replaced, particularly in the UK, continental Europe, and Australasia, by comprehensive and, in some cases, mandatory programs. Yet some of these programs focus solely on the administrative roles and responsibilities of supervisors, attempting to provide technical “fixes” that deny the genuine difficulties and complexities involved in supervision relationships. Some research supervisors resent the intrusion of educational developers into what many of them have regarded as a private pedagogical space. They interpret such programs as further instances of the quality assurance agendas of governments and university administrators, and are justifiably suspicious of what some describe as the colonial underpinnings of educational development. These reactions create tensions for educational developers. This article explores why educational development can be problematic for research supervisors. It then charts some current supervision educational development programs that seek to go beyond administrative interpretations of supervision. Finally, it examines whether the “Compassionate Rigour” supervision program, developed to address these difficulties, manages to respond respectfully and sensitively to supervisors’ educational development needs.

Le développement pédagogique des superviseurs de recherches demeure un phénomène récent. Les séances optionnelles portant sur la supervision de recherches de jadis ont été remplacées, particulièrement au Royaume‐Uni et en Australasie, par des programmes approfondis et, parfois, obligatoires. Pourtant, certains de ces programmes se concentrent seulement sur les rôles et les responsabilité des superviseurs au plan administratif, cherchant de la sorte à fournir des ‘trucs’ qui ne tiennent pas compte des difficultés et complexités réelles sous‐jacentes aux relations de supervision. Certains superviseurs de recherches n’apprécient guère l’intrusion des conseillers pédagogiques au sein de ce que d’aucuns considèrent être un espace pédagogique privé. Ils interprètent de tels programmes comme des composantes additionnelles des programmes de maintien de la qualité mis en place par les gouvernements et les administrations universitaires. Ces superviseurs redoutent, à juste titre, ce que d’aucuns décrivent comme les bases coloniales du développement pédagogique. De telles réactions instaurent créent des tensions pour les conseillers pédagogiques. Cet article explore pourquoi le développement pédagogique peut apparaître problématique aux yeux des superviseurs de recherches. Ensuite, il décrit certains programmes actuels de développement pédagogique reliés à la supervision qui cherchent à dépasser les interprétations strictement administratives de la supervision. Finalement, il examine le programme de supervision ‘Compassionate Rigour’, développé dans le but de palier à ces difficultés, pour voir si celui‐ci répond à la fois respectueusement et sensiblement aux besoins des superviseurs en matière de développement pédagogique.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Liquid crystal light valves (LCLV) are devices whose function is to convert an input image pos-sessing specific wavelength, intensity and coher-ence to an output image in which some or all of these parameters are varied (Efron et al., 1985). Therefore, they can be used as image amplifiers for large screen projection display, image wavelength converters and incoherent-to-coherent image converters for optical data processing and correlation. The appli-cation potentialities ar…  相似文献   

Research on ecological literacy often takes for granted that participants understand, and can construct the meaning within, the complex concepts involved, simply because they are able to use the appropriate terminology in a ‘fluent’ manner and/or can select the correct option on multiple choice tests. In this study, and in the larger two-year study it is part of, a trend has been unearthed regarding the ecological literacy of university students entering into a Bachelor of Education program. An analysis of the meaning contained in participant definitions has revealed that the vast majority of teacher candidates, graduates of many different universities, are unable to explain the meaning of key integrating ecological concepts at even a minimal level of maturity, alluding to a possible systemic problem. The findings, though preliminary, suggest that until we inquire into the meaning that teachers possess for key concepts rather than accepting fluent but shallow use of these concepts, we may be taking too much for granted.  相似文献   

The reasoning patterns used by a sample of Western Australian secondary school students aged 13‐16 were investigated with regard to the following reasoning modes: proportional reasoning, controlling variables, probabilistic reasoning, correlational reasoning, and combinatorial reasoning.

There was a wide range in students’ reasoning abilities at all year levels. Large percentages of students did not use formal operational reasoning patterns when they attempted to solve problems assessing their ability to use each of the five reasoning modes. Commonly used, but incorrect reasoning patterns were identified for each reasoning mode.

The students’ ability to use formal reasoning patterns was found to be an important factor in determining student achievement in lower secondary science, in their selection of year 11 science subjects, and their achievement in these subjects.

The results of the study indicate that it is important for teachers to be aware of the reasoning patterns of their students and the cognitive demands of course content, so that they can optimally match the content and their teaching strategies with the abilities of their students. Further research is needed to establish the nature of instruction which might best facilitate cognitive growth.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained with a 1-sec dark and a 1-sec houselight-illuminated delay interval to discriminate between sequences of two and four flashes of light (feeder illumination). The sequences could be discriminated on the basis of the number of flashes, the number of gaps, or the duration of the gap between flashes. A choose-few bias was obtained at extended dark delays, but not at extended illuminated delays. Pigeons appeared to confuse long dark delays with the longer gap between flashes on few-sample trials. In Experiment 2, additional sample sequences were included that made gap duration an unreliable cue for discriminating between the few and many samples. A significant choose-many bias was obtained at extended dark delay intervals, but no biased forgetting was found at extended illuminated delays. The pigeons appeared to discriminate light flash sequences by relying on multiple temporal features of a sequence rather than using an event switch to count flashes. The biased-forgetting effects observed appear to be due to instructional ambiguity that results from the similarity of the delay interval to features of the flash sequences. nt]mis|This research was supported by Grant OGPOOD6378 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to A.S.  相似文献   

The mainstream of Comparative Education may be criticized from two directions: Firstly, for what we may call its overwhelming case and country-study tradition, which tends to neglect theoretical and integrative approaches of what should be the focus of attention: defining, conceptualizing and questioning human education and its respective institutions and processes — the school, family education, adult education, etc. — as the raison d'être of educational science, of which Comparative Education is an integral part. Secondly, for largely ignoring education in non-Western countries, either by sheer ommission of non-Western perspectives, experiences and studies or by the widespread tendency to separate non-Western realities into special branches such as thnicity and education, educational problems of the Third World or multi-cultural education. The world systems approach to Comparative Education proposed here tries to remedy these shortcomings in that it offers, firstly, a radically generalized theoretical perspective, because it aims at a theory of the modern school as it emerges from a global and comprehensive concept of comparison. Secondly, it presumes that non-European countries are not the outside world to our or their European or Western experiences, but instead that they form an integral part of what in short is to be termed the modem world. Hence non-Western societies have to be integrated into a truly comprehensive framework of comparative education, the object of which is to describe, analyse and understand the world-wide existence of structurally similar yet socially differentiated and ideologically distinct nation-state controlled education systems.
Zusammenfassung Die Hauptrichtung der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft kann zwei Ansatzpunkte zur Kritik geben. Erstens vernachlässigt ihre überwiegende Tradition der Fallstudien und Länderstudien theoretische und integrative Ansätze dessen, was eigentlich ihr Schwerpunkt sein sollte: die Definition, Konzeptualisierung und Hinterfragung menschlicher Erziehung und ihrer entsprechenden Institutionen und Prozesse wie Familienerziehung, Erwachsenenbildung usw. als die grundlegende Aufgabe aller Erziehungswissenschaft, deren integraler Bestandteil die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft ist. Der zweite Ansatzpunkt der Kritik ist die weitgehende Nichtbeachtung von Erziehung und Bildung in nicht-westlichen Ländern, entweder aufgrund eines völligen Fehlens nicht-westlicher Perspektiven, Erfahrungen oder Studien oder aufgrund der weitverbreiteten Tendenz, nicht-westliche Erscheinungen in spezielle Untergebiete abzuspalten wie Ethnopädagogik, Bildungsprobleme der Dritten Welt oder multikulturelle Bildung. Der hier vorgeschlagene WeltsystemAnsatz der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft versucht, diese Unzulänglichkeiten zu überwinden. Hierzu wird, erstens, eine radikal verallgemeinerte theoretische Perspektive angeboten, die auf eine Theorie der modernen Schule abzielt, so wie sie sich aus einem weltweiten und umfassenden Vergleich heraus ergibt. Zweitens wird davon ausgegangen, daß außereuropäische Länder nicht eine Außenwelt für unsere oder deren europäische oder westliche Erfahrungen darstellen, sondern daß sie stattdessen integraler Bestandteil dessen sind, was man abgekürzt die moderne Welt nennen kann. Deshalb müssen nicht-westliche Geselleschaften in einen wirklich umfassenden Rahmen der Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft mit einbezogen werden mit dem Ziel, die weltweit verbreitete Existenz strukturell ähnlicher, sozial und ideologisch jedoch unterschiedlicher, staatlich kontrollierter Bildungssysteme zu beschreiben, zu analysieren und zu verstehen.

Résumé Le courant majeur de l'éducation comparée peut être critiqué de deux points de vue. Premièrement, pour ce qu'on peut appeler sa tradition excessive d'études nationales ou d'études de cas, qui tend à négliger les approches théoriques et intégrantes de ce qui devrait être son centre d'intérêt, c'est-à-dire définir, conceptualiser et remettre en question l'éducation humaine, ses institutions et processus respectifs (l'école, l'éducation familiale, l'éducation des adultes, etc.) comme la raison d'être des sciences de l'éducation, dont l'éducation comparée fait partie intégrante. Deuxièmement, on peut le critiquer parce qu'il ignore en grande partie l'éducation dans les pays non occidentaux, soit en omettant purement les perspectives, les expériences et les études non occidentales, soit par la tendance répandue qui consiste à diviser les réalités non occidentales en sections spéciales comme l'ethnicité et l'éducation, les problèmes d'éducation du Tiers Monde, ou l'éducation multiculturelle. L'approche mondiale de systèmes de l'éducation comparée proposée ici tente de remédier à ces carences en offrant, premièrement, une perspective théorique fondamentalement généralisée, parce qu'elle vise à une théorie de l'école moderne tout en émergeant d'un concept de comparaison global, complet et général. Deuxièmement, elle présume que les pays non européens ne constituent pas le monde extérieur à nos expériences européennes ou occidentales ou aux leurs, mais plutôt qu'ils font partie intégrante de ce qu'on peut appeler en résumé le monde moderne. Donc, les sociétés non occidentales doivent être intégrées dans un cadre vraiment général d'éducation comparée, dont l'objet est de décrire, analyser et comprendre l'existence de par le monde de systèmes éducatifs d'Etat structuralement similaires, mais socialement diversifiés et idéologiquement distincts.

Education and Information Technologies - The purpose of the article is to describe the trainings implemented as part of the project “E-Active Residents of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian and...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONManyangiospermsflowerataboutthesametimeeveryyear.Thisoccurseventhoughtheymayhavestartedgrowingatdifferenttimes.Theirfloweringisaresponsetothechanginglengthofdayandnightastheseasonprogresses.Intheearly20thcentury,amutationintobaccocultivarMary-landMammothwasdiscoveredthatpreventedtheplantfromfloweringinthesummerasnormalto-baccoplantsdo.慚arylandMammoth?wouldnotbloomuntillateDecember(GarnerandAllard,1920).Thisreflectedtheeffectofphotoperiodonflowering.Afterwards,onthebasisofl…  相似文献   

Many policy documents addressing the future of teacher education do not take into account the fundamental unpredictability of the future, nor the opposing forces that will try to influence that future. Through the analysis of 48 scenario documents on the future of education or teacher education, we identified a set of unpredictable key factors that have to be taken into account when addressing the future of teacher education. We also identified four main futures that may lie ahead for teacher education. We analyzed these four scenarios using the concepts of activity systems, boundary objects, and boundary crossing. This revealed that the extent to which activity systems are open to boundary crossing and are willing to remove institutional boundaries will largely define the future that lies ahead for teacher education. Future scenarios in themselves can play a role as boundary objects that facilitate the dialogue and boundary crossing between these activity systems.  相似文献   

The paper makes an analysis of the C-E tourism translation of Wudang Mountains from the perspective of the principle of"read,translate and write"and puts forward suggestions.  相似文献   

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