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The objective of this literature review was to summarise current research regarding how consumers seek health‐related information from social media. Primarily, we hope to reveal characteristics of existing studies investigating the health topics that consumers have discussed in social media, ascertaining the roles social media have played in consumers’ information‐seeking processes and discussing the potential benefits and concerns of accessing consumer health information in social media.


The Web of Science Core Collection database was searched for existing literature on consumer health information seeking in social media. The search returned 214 articles, of which 21 met the eligibility criteria following review of full‐text documents.


Between 2011 and 2016, twenty‐one studies published explored various topics related to consumer information seeking in social media. These ranged from online discussions on specific diseases (e.g. diabetes) to public health concerns (e.g. pesticide residues). Consumers’ information needs vary depending on the health issues of interest. Benefits of health seeking on social media, in addition to filling a need for health information, include the social and emotional support health consumers gain from peer‐to‐peer interactions. These benefits, however, are tempered by concerns of information quality and authority and lead to decreased consumer engagement.  相似文献   

The impact of health library information has been studied in a number of settings and populations. This review examines both the methods employed and the outcomes reported in a series of impact studies conducted in four countries since the late 1980's. It demonstrates that health library information can affect patient care outcomes in various ways and has high cognitive and clinical value in diagnosing and treating patients. But there remains no agreed technique or methodology for determining the level of this impact. In many cases evaluation of the health library's impact will be located within a central process of evaluation of the greater organization to which the library belongs. Consequently, local ad hoc evaluation is rarely reported outside an organization. The author considers the question of whether it is worthwhile doing an impact study and what form it might take. The author concludes by identifying seminal papers on the topic.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the literature of a subset of the published research and commentary on peer review – the ethics of peer review. It attempts to track the various ethical issues that arise among the key participants in peer‐review systems: authors, editors, referees, and readers. These issues include: bias, courtesy, conflict of interest, redundant publication, honesty, transparency, and training. It concludes that debates over such issues as open vs. blind reviews continue unresolved but that new technologies offer some prospects for resolving old issues while they also may create new challenges.  相似文献   

Clinical medical librarianship: a review of the literature   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The history and evolution of clinical medical librarianship are analyzed and traditional and modified approaches, including LATCH, are reviewed. Cost and evaluation methods are outlined, indicating benefits and disadvantages of clinical medical librarian (CML) programs. The future of CMLs is explored.  相似文献   

AIM: To review the literature on the positive impact of information services, or information resources, on patient care in primary care. OBJECTIVES: To identify and summarize key papers on which librarians might draw in making the case for investment, and to highlight gaps in the research evidence Methodology: A rapid literature review was conducted in the summer of 2005. RESULTS: There is a small body of evidence to demonstrate the positive impact of library and information services on the direct care of patients as well as a beneficial impact on the care of future patients through the application of evidence to multiple patients. CONCLUSIONS: There is relatively limited research evidence of the impact of information, and library services, in primary care, in comparison with hospital settings and the research available is generally reliant on small samples. There is a lack of impact studies conducted with non-clinical staff. The review highlights the value of critical incident technique (CIT). It is possible to gather evidence of the potential for information services to deliver cost savings.  相似文献   

Information skills training: a systematic review of the literature   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The objectives of this study were to undertake a systematic review to determine the effectiveness of information skills training, to identify effective methods of training and to determine whether information skills training affects patient care. A systematic review, using an iterative approach to searching, was employed. Studies selected for inclusion in the review were critically appraised using a tool used in previous reviews. A tabular approach was used to provide a summary of each paper allowing synthesis of results. One thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven potentially relevant papers were located. On the basis of titles and abstracts, 41 potentially relevant studies were identified for potential inclusion. Further reading and application of the inclusion criteria left 24 studies for critical appraisal and inclusion in the review. Study designs included randomised controlled trials, cohort designs and qualitative studies. The majority of studies took place in US medical schools. Wide variations were found in course content and training methods. Eight studies used objective methods to test skills, two compared training methods and two examined the effects on patient care. There was limited evidence to show that training improves skills, insufficient evidence to determine the most effective methods of training and limited evidence to show that training improves patient care. Further research is needed in a number of areas.  相似文献   

因特网上的英语语言文学资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文介绍了在因特网上检索英语语言文学信息的主要途径,以及英语语言文学方面的重要网络资源。  相似文献   

AIM: This paper explores the processes of collaboration between a librarian and two academic physiotherapists working on a systematic review jointly funded by the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, and the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD), Bath, UK. The aim of this paper is to describe and evaluate some of the processes of collaboration between the three authors in their work in progress on a funded systematic literature review on the topic of hydrotherapy and pain. METHODS: The vehicle for describing and analysing these processes is a joint (National Health Service Trust and University) funded systematic literature review currently in progress on the topic of hydrotherapy and pain. RESULTS: Systematic review methodology is becoming increasingly complex and is rapidly developing its own research base. Librarian input is a key element in a successful systematic review. CONCLUSIONS: Systematic reviews play a critical role in informing healthcare delivery and research in the UK. The individual nature and inherent complexity of each review demands close collaboration between librarians, academics and clinicians. In addition to enhancing the reviews themselves, there are many other personal and institutional benefits of collaborative working. Consideration may need to be given to library staff structures and roles if these benefits are to be maximized and sustained.  相似文献   

Information needs of rural health professionals: a review of the literature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review analyzes the existing research on the information needs of rural health professionals and relates it to the broader information-needs literature to establish whether the information needs of rural health professionals differ from those of other health professionals. The analysis of these studies indicates that rural health practitioners appear to have the same basic needs for patient-care information as their urban counterparts, and that both groups rely on colleagues and personal libraries as their main sources of information. Rural practitioners, however, tend to make less use of journals and online databases and ask fewer clinical questions; a difference that correlates with geographic and demographic factors. Rural practitioners experience pronounced barriers to information access including lack of time, isolation, inadequate library access, lack of equipment, lack of skills, costs, and inadequate Internet infrastructure. Outreach efforts to this group of underserved health professionals must be sustained to achieve equity in information access and to change information-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

There is a widespread view held by health clinicians that their work effectiveness is impaired by 'information overload.' Building upon a previous work by Wilson, a review of the literature was undertaken to look for the evidence of this. It was found that the literature, particularly in the context of the clinical environment, was limited. This review explores the diverse overarching theories of information overload, effects of the phenomenon that are perceived to occur and proposed solutions to this problem. Many of the papers noted an information explosion but only three authors explicitly attempted to measure both the quantity and the complexity of this information. It was also found that the typology of the information studied was severely limited with most studies exploring information such as guidelines, access to journals, research findings and other knowledge intensive areas. Solutions proposed seem to concentrate on technological means rather than exploring the use of humans either in management of information or as a step in the filtering process.  相似文献   

Reports a 1995 survey of Wisconsin academic libraries regarding collection development practices in the subjects of languages and literature. In general, libraries rely heavily on faculty selections and course- relatedness, buying almost exclusively current English language material. An analysis of OCLC holdings indicates that Choice's 1993 “Outstanding Academic Books” are not widely held, confirming the survey results showing an emphasis on local demand over presumed quality.  相似文献   

In this article the author presents and explains in detail the elements, including the pros and cons, of two contrasting schools of thought in one of the key debates which the author introduced as a teaching tool at the UNESCO Training-the-Trainers (TTT) Workshop that took place in Granada, Spain, 27–29 October, 2008. That debate, briefly stated, is whether or not Information Literacy (IL) and Media Literacy (ML), to be truly effective, should be pursued as complementary concepts, not in some way opposing concepts. One side in this debate argues that the two concepts have mutually inter-dependent goals, and therefore should be ideally learned and pursued together, and, most effectively, learned and pursued in the context of Social Networking and Web 2.0 tools and applications. The other side of the debate disagrees, and concedes that while the two concepts are indeed inter-related, they should be pursued largely independently, with only an occasional cross-reference. The debate is directly related to the role which Information Literacy and Media Literacy play in helping students become literate in a digital, networking-based society.Without necessarily taking sides in the debate, although expressing a preference for complementarity, the author contends that it is absolutely essential that all persons (not just students) learn to become both Information Literate and Media Literate in this digital world in which we now find ourselves. Additionally, the author contends that Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools, such as Facebook, Tuenti (in Spanish context), MySpace and Twitter, including the rich portfolio of applications they encompass, can substantially assist people in achieving that goal.The author presents a number of case examples to support her thesis, drawn largely from Spanish libraries and Spanish educational institutions that already are using Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools extensively to train people to become digitally competent. The ideas presented in this article, both the theories and best practices, are current insofar as the Spanish context is concerned, but the original arguments and supporting evidence put forth by the author at the aforementioned Granada UNESCO 2008 TTT workshop have been updated because of new developments and ideas that have occurred since the workshop took place. However, the original materials which were presented to and debated by the participants and the expert-presenters, including the author, at the workshop, can be easily accessed at the public domain virtual space of the University of Granada website Universidad de Granada, 2008.Two UNESCO TTT workshops, not just one, were actually organized at Granada. One was a traditional type held on-campus at the Library of Andalusia, and the other was an online, or a virtual workshop. During the on-campus workshop, as well as during the online workshop that preceded it, an interesting discussion took place between and among the participants and the expert-presenters concerning the necessity to redefine IL from its current, largely Web 1.0 focus and orientation, to the newer Web 2.0 focus, with emphasis on Social Networking. This article tries to capture, amplify and hopefully clarify the key points of this debate as it was presented by the author and then debated in the participant discussions which ensued (see http://www.slideshare.net/nievesglez/taller-alfin-unesco-sesion-paralela-alfin-20-presentation).  相似文献   

Librarians have been writing about the allocation of resources for most of the twentieth century. For about 60 years, many of the writings have focused on devising formulas to assist with the allocation problem. While many individual formulas have been offered in the past, differences among them are frequently subtle and constitute variations on a theme. The present paper examines the existing literature that centers on formulation and ties together the concerns that have been expressed by writers in the past several decades.  相似文献   

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