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Only one thing is definite for the future of our professional ethics. As long as there is an Association, the Code of Professional Ethics will not stabilize permanently but will continue to unfold. The members who formulated the Code as it stands at present, as well as those who subsequently interpreted it and those who recently revised it, were cautious and deliberate. They deserve respect for being caring and thoughtful. These efforts ought to be continued by their successors.  相似文献   

Conclusion Professional ethics express what a professional society is about. They are an emblem to focus on, to support, to identify with and to advocate for. Our Code expresses who we are, what we do, and shows how our profession functions for the good of all. Our areas of work are related specialties. Those who are unqualified have the potential to do harm. Although ethics is a word with multiple connotations, what professional ethics are about is sociological. Professional ethics are always a matter of work and who is qualified to perform what task for which clients. Professional ethics should ultimately be for the benefit of those who are served by those who labor in professional occupations. Our Code reflects our profession’s relationships with the larger society and, it is anticipated, the present update will be officially adopted by our affiliated professional organizations and state affiliates.  相似文献   

随着我国内地城市化进程的不断展开;同时,伴随着东部发达地区产业结构向内地的梯度转移,对应用技术性人才的争夺日益激烈。作为培养应用技术性人才的高等职业学校,如何抓住这一历史机遇期实现职业教育的本土化发展,也就成为新形式下需要回答的问题。对问题的破解除了采取常规的突出专业结构优化的措施外,还应在高职学生的职业道德素质教育上下工夫。  相似文献   

政法院校试点班教育是我国高等教育的新生事物,亦是我国政法人才培养模式的全新探索,试点班生源的特殊性和差异性给试点政法院校思想政治工作和职业道德教育带来了新的挑战和机遇;面对新的教学客体和教学任务,如何因势利导、与时俱进,不断创新教学内容,变革教学模式,革新教学评价机制,把学员锻造成为真正具有完美人格和高尚司法职业道德的未来基层法律工作者,是摆在试点政法院校思想政治理论教育工作者面前亟待解决的崭新课题。  相似文献   

学前教育作为基础教育的重要一环,对幼儿成长发展具有重要引导教育意义,是幼儿健康成长与快乐成才的前提。因此学前教育专业教学备受关注。近几年频发的虐童事件无一不折射出学前教育中职业道德教育的缺失,因此本文就五年制院校学前教育专业学生职业道德培养分析探讨。  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical analysis of the education policy move towards teacher professional standards. Drawing on Lacan’s three registers of the psyche (real, imaginary and symbolic), the paper argues that moves towards codification (and domestication) of teachers’ work and identities in standardized (and sanitized) forms, such as the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership professional standards recently adopted in Australia, can be read as a colonization of the Real and the imaginary by (a rather static, mortified form of) the symbolic. The paper argues that in response to such normalizing moves, we need to consider how we might conceptualize the reanimation of what it means to teach and be a teacher, something we attempt in terms of enabling each of the psyche’s registers to inter-animate each other, as a means of engendering teacher identities characterized by criticality, creativity and passion – that is, by an ethics of singularity rather than by standardization.  相似文献   

This article provides a narrative review of the scholarly writings on professional ethics education for future teachers. Against the background of a widespread belief among scholars working in this area that longstanding and sustained research and reflection on the ethics of teaching have had little impact on the teacher education curriculum, the article takes stock of the field by synthesizing viewpoints on key aspects of teaching ethics to teacher candidates—the role ethics plays in teacher education, the primary objectives of ethics education for teachers, recommended teaching and learning strategies, and challenges to introducing ethics curriculum—and maps out how opinions on these matters have evolved over the three decades since the initial publication of Strike and Soltis’ seminal book, The Ethics of Teaching. In light of the review’s results, the article identifies critical deficits in this literature and proposes a set of recommendations for future inquiry.  相似文献   

语言作为一种文化现象,在中国改革开放以来,社会主义现代化转型不断加快、经济市场化进程不断加速的时期,语言文化发生了蜕变。语言作为一种社会人际交往的手段,它既服务于社会需要,又反作用于社会,影响人们的社会生活。语言正逐渐成为一把双刃剑,充斥着社会生活的方方面面。不论在哪一个民族,哪一个时代,哪一个阶段,语言都应该是社会真、善、美的表达,而不应该沦为攻击、谩骂、诋毁的工具。本文就社会话语伦理和社会伦理的关系进行探讨,为进一步构建和谐的社会做出积极贡献。  相似文献   

十七世纪英国经验主义伦理学是与欧洲大陆理性主义伦理学不断争论中发展起来的,从最初的理性主义逐渐向情感主义转化,观点的转变首先体现在对道德感的重视,注重对人心理和道德感的研究。本文前人对伦理学研究的基础上,对近代情感主义伦理学中的道德进行探析。  相似文献   

工程伦理是一种职业伦理,亦是一种实践伦理。工程伦理的多维度决定了工程伦理学研究方法的多元性。通过对工程伦理的案例分析可以看到,技术的革新和伦理的完整是工程伦理学的两项关键的支撑。工程职业被社会赋予的职业信任与工程师满足社会期待的职业诚信,是工程方面在建设和谐社会的最高目标。深入工程伦理学研究成为应时代要求的终于之举。  相似文献   

高科技发展尤其是机器人的广泛应用引发了人们对应用伦理学的再思考,机器人伦理的出现进一步深化了这一问题。它以其交叉性的学科特点扩展了应用伦理学的研究视野,同时,机器人伦理的现实应用也有利于技术的协调发展与和谐人机关系的构建。  相似文献   

中国传统医德具有丰富的内涵,其医乃仁术、重义轻利等内容在古代医家之间传承。经过千年时间的洗礼,中国传统医德仍然熠熠生辉,仍然对当代医者具有指导作用,对当代医生道德规范产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

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