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体育专业是一种特殊的专业,随着近几年云南省高校体育专业学生就业面临诸多困难因素,怎样才能做好高校体育专业学生择业工作,是当前地方高校体育院系学生工作的一个重要课题.针对云南省高校体育专业学生择业问题,从学生的择业意向、择业期望、择业心理、择业指导方式、择业时注重因素及学生择业优势的自我评价等方面展开了问卷调查,并提出了相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

本文针对云南省高校体育专业学生择业问题,从学生的择业意向、择业期望、择业心理、择业指导方式、择业时注重因素及学生择业优势的自我评价等方面展开了问卷调查,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大学生数量剧增,而社会企业提供的就业岗位有限,大学生的就业形势日益严峻,面临的就业压力越来越大,很多大学生毕业后在择业时缺乏明确的目标和规划,对职业缺乏正确、全面的认识和理解,自我定位不合理,导致大学生的就业能力普遍较低,造成人才的大量浪费。职业生涯规划教育是引导大学生正确认识职业生涯,明确职业目标,对自我进行合理定位,寻求自身发展的重要途径,该文主要介绍高校开展大学生职业生涯规划教育的必要性,并结合当前高校大学生职业生涯规划教育现状及存在的主要问题,提出了几点改进意见。  相似文献   

高职生制定职业生涯规划,具有特殊的迫切性和重要性。大一是高职生制定职业生涯规划的最佳时期。高职生职业生涯规划的核心是确立奋斗目标,关键是实施在校三年期间的行动计划。要采取合理、科学的方法步骤,不断进行反馈调整,使之充实、完善,以实现适宜的职业定位和美好的人生理想。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯教育是时代发展的需要,是大学生成才的内在需要,开展职业生涯教育有利于引导大学生合理规划职业生涯,是大学教育中的重要内容。高校应该把职业生涯规划教育作为大学教育的重要环节,建立起全程化、全员化的课程教育体系,多层次、全方位的评价体系和集教学、科研、咨询为一体的专业教师队伍,从而引导大学生做好职业生涯规划。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the broader college and career readiness agenda encourage educators, researchers, and other stakeholders to focus on preparing students for life after high school. A key emphasis is literacy, as the ability to read and comprehend written language is critical to success in college and careers. Understanding the level of reading comprehension needed for college and careers has important instructional implications. This study examined text complexity levels of various career texts using the Reading Maturity Metric and compared them to expectations in the CCSS. Text samples were selected for jobs from the five job zones in the Occupational Information Network database. Text complexity demands for all careers were generally in the CCSS range of college and career readiness and increased as job zone and required preparation increased. Results could provide specific career-related targets to make the CCSS reading requirements more relevant for students.  相似文献   

This study investigates the career guidance needs of 600 Black secondary school students. It also examines how Black secondary school principals perceive the guidance programs in their schools. The results indicate sixteen categories of career guidance needs which should receive priority in planning guidance services for this population. The students consistently felt their needs were not being met. Not less than 60% expressed a need for additional help with finding jobs and careers, understanding the guidance program, developing self-understanding, career awareness, exploration and planning, interpersonal relationships, value clarification, selection of courses and acquisition of decision-making skills in sharp contrast to the help they feel they have received. Career guidance in Black South African schools has not received proper attention for a long time. It has only been in recent years that this phenomenon has attracted the attention of educationists (Cloete and le Roux 1978). Students have always experienced difficulties when making decisions about their careers. Tenuous choices seemed to be a result of the students' lack of sufficient knowledge regarding themselves (i.e. their abilities, attitudes, interests and values) as well as vocational careers, school preparatory subjects and courses leading to those careers, educational and vocational opportunities available to them and financial assistance (Prediger et al., 1973). Self-understanding is the single basic goal of school guidance programs. Through self-understanding, students can begin to know, appreciate and utilize their aptitudes, interests, values and limitations. It improves analytical and critical thinking, growth and development. Students who understand themselves are characterized by their ability to make more rational educational and vocational plans. McDaniel and Shaftel (1956) maintained that every individual should be helped to study and understand himself as a unique person and to respond to the pressures and stimuli of the time and place in which he lives; Holland (1973) suggested that one needs appropriate and accurate information about oneself as well as the occupational field in order to make a realistic choice of vocation. Self-understanding and acceptance is a pre-requisite for the process of choosing an occupation. Super (1957) observed that along this road to self-knowledge every young person needs assistance and that success in understanding oneself is a sine qua non for the development of independence and decisionmaking skills. Interests are important in that they can help students begin thinking seriously about educational planning, vocational exploration and eventually about career development. Ginzberg (1966) believed that many young people do not know enough about the world of work to be able to translate their interests and capacities readily into occupational choices. Hoppock (1967) holds the view that one develops interest in an occupation because one has been exposed to it before. The same is still true today. Many young people are unaware that the choices of subjects they make and the activities they participate in at school can influence vocational choices which will affect their future lives. Super (1957) further contends that probably no other decision a young person makes is as crucial for happiness in life as his or her choice of work, including the educational preparation for it. Carlyle says that ‘it is the first of all problems for man to find out what kind of work he is to do in this universe’. Illuminating the importance of work in one's existence, Karl Marx said ‘man becomes man through his work’. Boy and Pine (1971) speak of work as ‘a therapeutic and personally integrating experience’. A careful look at the secondary educational system of South Africa reveals emphasis on an academic curriculum that is designed for college-bound students though not all Black students go to college. For most, secondary school is the terminal point in their formal education. This being so, the secondary school curriculum ought to provide them with sufficient self-knowledge concerning their aptitudes, interests, aspirations and skills to become successful and productive members of society. Napier (1972) contends that a society which fails to nurture the capabilities and talents of its youth fails in its obligation to them and to itself. As Tyler (1970) has observed, high school students are generally concerned about becoming independent adults, getting jobs, marrying, gaining status with their peers and helping to solve the ills of the world. Generally speaking, this is also true for South African youth. To assist them with these concerns, career guidance is essential for Black South African secondary school students today. With the help of adequate career guidance, every student should leave the school system equipped with the ability to think critically and make realistic personal decisions and plans for their future. However, this need students have for career guidance in their schools is sometimes overlooked. It is also conceivable that the degree to which individual students need guidance should vary. Differences in need seem to depend largely on differences in physical maturity, socioeconomic and cultural forces, and personality characteristics. Available evidence suggests that although there may be a common set of students' needs their priority for certain students varies and shifts in accordance with age, sex, experience and geographic location (Prediger et al., 1973; Crites, 1974, Carney and Barak 1976). According to Herr and Cramer (1979) guidance has been defined ‘as that part of pupil personnel services — and therefore of elementary and secondary education — aimed at maximal development of individual potentialities through devoting school-wide assistance to youth in the personal problems, choices and decisions each must face as he moves towards maturity’. There seems to be a consensus among guidance authorities that the following major services constitute the guidance program: the inventory service, the information service, the counselling service, the placement service and the follow-up and evaluation services. These services are an intergral part of the total school curriculum and they facilitate the instructional program as it attempts to help each student attain the maximum level of his or her potential. Research studies (Super, 1949 and 1968; Holland, 1973; Boy and Pine, 1971; Hoppock, 1967, Napier, 1972) indicate that out of an effective guidance program grows the capacity and freedom of the participants to contend more assertively for their beliefs and plan and execute strategies for making vocational decisions more efficiently and effectively. It is, therefore, imperative that each student be helped to reach the highest level of his or her potential as a human being. The present study sought to investigate the career guidance needs of Black South African secondary school students and the degree to which these needs are being met by the present guidance services in the schools. In addition, the views of the principals of the selected schools regarding the present status of guidance services were sought.  相似文献   

How do university students perceive the key relationship between their university education and the labour market? This article describes the perceptions that 827 Egyptian and Omani seniors—both males and females, studying commerce, education, and engineering—hold about that relationship. For these students, a major motivation for attending university is their perception that it will help them get better and more secure employment. They are also confident it will help them enter appropriate careers. However, they are less satisfied with the way in which university curricula prepare them effectively for appropriate careers. In addition, an analysis by nationality, gender, and field of study revealed statistically significant differences among the participants. The Omani students are more confident about their education than the Egyptians—who call for more reform of their curricula to fit labour market requirements. Women are more motivated than men to enter a career after university. The field of study had only a small impact on students’ perceptions of this key relationship.  相似文献   

目的:为了解学生对医疗保障制度的知晓和应用,为大学生提供全面周到的医疗保障服务。方法:采用自制调查问卷,对2010级-2012级在校大学生进行自填式问卷调查。结果:(1)50名被调查的大学生中,有32人(64%)知道大学生医疗保险。(2)有22人(44%)生病会首选校医院就诊,45人(90%)经常在药店购买药品。结论:调查发现大学生对医保知晓和应用率不高,对医保内容和如何利用医保不甚了解。建议以校医院为主要责任单位应该加大宣传力度,规范医疗服务,为大学生提供及时、全面、到位的医疗保障服务。  相似文献   

随着"80后"大学生步入职场,职业观等方面的许多问题已经凸现,在这种背景下,大学生职业生涯辅导教育就显得十分迫切。通过将复杂适应系统(CAS)理论中的7要素与大学生职业生涯辅导过程相结合,为中国当代大学生职业生涯辅导提供了一个理论模型。  相似文献   


A traditional way of assessing program effectiveness of academic programs has been by determining the percentage of students who complete programs and receive degrees or some other acknowledgment of completion. This method of assessment is particularly problematic for community colleges because only 4% of students who enroll in occupational-technical certificate programs do so with the intention of earning a certificate. These circumstances pose significant problems for certificate institutions as well as for those in coordinating/governing units at various levels who must assure that these programs are meeting the goals of the students and institutions in addition to the needs of a region or state. The purpose of this study was to investigate an alternative way of evaluating the effectiveness of occupational-technical programs to determine if they are meeting the goals of the students and institution by providing students with entry-level skills into the workforce or the ability to advance in their careers. Data were collected from the institution and from noncompleters in occupational-technical certificate programs at an urban community college. The study investigated when students choose to drop out and why. It concluded that these students are very pragmatic in terms of their education and that they enroll for specific reasons and drop out when they achieve their goals. This study not only confirmed that students meet their career goals, but also that the institution meets its goals as well since it is successful in preparing students for the workforce or in advancing them in existing jobs.  相似文献   

试论大学生职业生涯规划教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学阶段的职业生涯规划教育主要是教会大学生进行学业规划,开展自我评估、生涯机会评估,设计职业生涯路线和目标,制定行动计划与措施。对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育可以使学生正确认识自我,进一步了解社会,增强自信心,从而促成学生自我实现。  相似文献   


This study is an investigation of the college and career counseling needs of economically disadvantaged, academically gifted minority students. Two groups of students were studied and compared ‐ one group of 50 low‐income students, predominantly minority, who were chosen for a special college counseling program, and a second group of 42 middle to high income students, predominantly Asian and Caucasian, who were participating in a summer academic program. Students were compared on college plans and preparations, aspirations and expectations about higher education, support from others, motivation, values, and career interests and maturity. Results showed that the gifted disadvantaged students had lower educational aspirations, felt somewhat less prepared for college and less confident about being admitted, had unrealistic ideas about how to finance college, and perceived that college life would be more frightening and lonely compared to nondisadvantaged students. Student groups were similar in motivation to attend college, support from significant others and values. Disadvantaged students had better skills related to selecting a career but expressed less confidence in making a career decision. The results suggest a need for differentiated college counseling programs for disadvantaged minority students.  相似文献   

由于中国社会正处于转型期,社会职业的多变性与过渡性,经常会使高职学生职业规划研究陷入"落伍"的尴尬,又因实践与规划无法奏效而使职业规划指导或研究沦为空洞而抽象的说教。高职学生的职业规划的科学机理,应该定位于人文素质常项、专业技能常项的把握。当代职业多变或迁移过快,派生出了新职业对原有职业规划元素的适应、衔接和修正等一系列动态思维观照。  相似文献   

近年来,作为学生工作主力军的高校辅导员承担着多重角色,随着高校对大学生职业生涯规划的重要性意识的提高,高校辅导员又赋予了崭新的角色,即承担着对学生职业生涯规划的重要指导与引导角色。因而,了解当前大学生职业生涯规划的现状,以及如何有效发挥辅导员在学生职业生涯规划中所承担的角色成为了本文的主要研究内容。  相似文献   

The way in which the government defines financial need does not always account for the individual decisions families make when sending a student to college. Many students who do not qualify for federal financial aid must still pay for part of their educational expenses, and need a part-time job in order to do so. The Job Location and Development (JLD) program was designed to help these students find the employment they need, to pick up where federal work study leaves off. Since 1979, the MU Career Center and the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Missouri–Columbia have together operated a JLD program on campus that, since its inception, has helped more than 25,000 students find employment while in school. Those employment opportunities serve to not only assist students in funding their education, but also to provide students the opportunity to learn about themselves—their strengths and weaknesses, their career interests, perhaps what major they ought to choose—as well as valuable skills they can use after graduation.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of 16 to 17 year old students who took part in a school based project activity designed to motivate them to consider a career in engineering. The scheme can be considered a success in that an uppermost estimated figure of 19% more students were recruited to engineering undergraduate courses than might otherwise have been the case in the absence of the scheme. The price that was paid for this was that for every additional engineer recruited to an undergraduate course there were ten participants on the scheme. The way that youngsters make decisions about career choices is discussed in an attempt to throw some light on the mechanisms for uptake (and abandonment) of careers in engineering.  相似文献   

Elementary and secondary students spend more hours outside of class than in formal school and thus have more time for interaction with everyday science. However, evidence from a large international survey, Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) (OECD 2012), found a negative relationship between number of hours attending after-school science and science assessment scores in many countries, raising questions about why. The secondary analysis of the 2006, 2009, and 2012 PISA surveys found that in most Western countries the longer students attended after-school science programs (in a typical week), the lower their PISA standardized science test score, but the higher their positive attitudes toward future science careers, interest in science, and self-confidence in science. Several potential hypotheses for this relationship are examined and rejected. Further analysis of a causal relationship between frequent attendance in after-school programs and student achievement and attitudes should clearly identify the content of the program so that the analysis could distinguish experiences closely related to regular school curricula from the informal science activities that are not. A new analysis also should include carefully designed longitudinal surveys to test the effectiveness of informal experiences on later life choices in career and study.  相似文献   

重庆市大学生职业心理成熟度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市大学生的总体职业成熟度和职业成熟度各因子的表现水平均一般。其中以职业世界知识最低;大学生职业成熟度在性别上存在显著差异,男生比女生职业成熟度高;大学生职业成熟度在年级上存在显著差异,大四最高,整个发展趋势呈“V”型;大学生职业成熟度在是否兼职上存在显著差异,兼职过的学生比未兼职过的学生职业成熟度高:大学生职业成熟度在家庭收入上存在显著差异.家庭收入高的学生职业成熟度高。  相似文献   

Students in middle grades are making decisions that greatly affect their future educational and career paths. Many times students do not have the necessary information or assistance to help them make decisions that would engender success in their educational and career paths. For students to be able to think about their career plans with any depth, they must have a foundation of career awareness and career exploration experiences. These experiences can help students realize what is required of them when interested in a certain career or career cluster and help them form realistic career plans. Implementation of a six-year plan of study, curriculum infusion, and job shadowing are just a few of the critical elements that need to take place in the career exploration phase. These elements, along with others found in a comprehensive career guidance program, can help assure students are cognizant of the many educational and career opportunities available to them and how to capitalize on these opportunities.  相似文献   

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