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1.在西方国家,接电话的人拿起电话后,常常先说“H ello!”,并“自报家门”,即说明自己的单位、住址或电话号码。例如:H ello!This is N o.14M iddle School.您好,这里是第十四中学。H ello!5658508.您好,这里是5658508。2.电话中的“我是……”,在英语里要用“Thisis...”表达,而不能用“I am...”。例如:H ello!This is M r W ang.我是王先生。3.问对方是谁时,英语中不用“W ho are you?”,而用“W ho s that?”。如问对方“是……吗?”,不用“A re you...?”,而要用“Is that...?”。例如:H ello,this is Bill.W ho s that?您好,…  相似文献   

一、请判断下列每组句子中的哪一个为正确的口语表达形式。请问你找谁?A.“M ay I know who you are looking for?”is Chinese English.B.“M ay I know who you are calling for?”is right.(电话中)你好,我是Jane。A.“H ello,I'm Jane.”is a word-for-word translation from C hinese.B.“H ello,This is Jane.”is right.在商店A.“Can I help you?”is right.B.“W hat do you wantto buy?”is C hinese English.当别人夸奖你时,你回答——A.“Thank you very m uch.”is right.B.“I did notdo so w ell.”is not the r…  相似文献   

根据图画补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A : ? B:This is W ang M ing. A : ? B:She is eleven. 2.A :W hats that? B : . A :Is it your cat? B :N o, .Its his cat. 2.D 。look after是一常用短语,意为“照料”。 3.B 。根据题意,只能选用形容词性物主代词 her 放在 new watch 前面作定语。3.A : 。 B:H ello,LiH ai? A : .This is Liu Lei. B:Sorry.This is Li M ing. 4.A :A re you athom e? B: , . A :W here are you? B: . 5.A :A re those your apples? B: ,they aren t. A : ? B:They are in the basket. 6.A :E…  相似文献   

拿起话筒Hello喂,This is…介绍我。Is Huang Wei in?我要找的是黄伟。Howare you today你好吗?I'm fine,and you?谢谢问候,下次见  相似文献   

A m aster ofa ship called out,“W ho is below?”A boy answered,“W ill,sir.”“W hat are you doing?”“N othing,sir.”“Is Tom there?”“Y es,”said Tom.“W hatare you doing?”“Im helping W ill,sir.”(本刊资料)I'm Helping Him  相似文献   

My coat and myumbrella please.Thank you sir.Here is your um-brella and coat.This is not my um-brella,sorry sir.Yes,it is.Thank you verymuch!Is this yourumbrella?My coat and myumbrella please.Thankyou sir.麻烦您把我的外套和雨伞给我,谢谢。This is your um-brella and coat.您的雨伞和外套。This is not my um-brella.sorry sir.对不起,这不是我的雨伞。Is this your umbrel-la?这是您的雨伞吗?Yes,It is.Thankyou very much.是的,谢谢你。中英文对照Follow me What colour is your new dress? Come upstairs and …  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

教学过程一、组织教学,引出新内容。1.G reeting(问候)(满面笑容向学生挥挥手)师:H ello,boys and girls.N ice to m eet you.生:(向师挥挥手,快乐地)H ello,M issH uang.N ice to m eet you,too.2.N ow m ake a dialogue with m e.与我对话。师:H ello.W hat's your nam e?生:H i.M y nam e is G ao W ei.(多问几名学生)3.师:Can you ask m e?生:Y es.W hat's your nam e?师:(出示卡片,引出内容)M y nam e is PanPan.I'm a panda.(出示卡片)N ow I'm a cham eleon.多领读几遍后抽查。二、教学新内容1.板书课题:U nit1It's red.介…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.补全对话 从下面方框内选出合适的句子填入空白处,补全对话。 A : 1 B :H ello,Steve. A :W hats your nam e? B :Jim H arold. A : 2 B :J-I-M -H -A -R -O -L-D . A : 3 B :Its 62975463.A .H ow do you spell it? B.Is this a case? C.W hats it? D .W hats your phone num ber? E.H ello,m y nam e is Steve. A : 4 B :N o,itisn t. A : 5 B :Its a com puter. A :Thank you. Ⅱ.看图完成对话 1.—W hats this? — . 2.— ? —Y es,it is. —H ere you are. —Thank you. 3.—A re these pears? —N o,they aren…  相似文献   

根据下面图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats that?B:.A:Is it your cat?B:N o,.ItsLiM ingscat.2.A:!B:H ello,Lin H ua?A:.This is W ang H ai.B:H ello,W ang H ai.This isX iao M ing.3.A:A re those your apples?B:,they are.A:?B:They are in the basket.4.A:E xcuse m e.B:?A:A re these your books?B:N o,.5.A:?B:They re in Class Two.A:?B:They are in R ow O ne.6.A:Can you see a car in Picture6?B:,.A:W hat can you see in it?B:.K ey:1.Its,a,cat,It,isn t2.H ello,N o3.Y es,W here…  相似文献   

Step1.W arm ing upAnswer quickly:please answer with“yes”or“no”.T:Are you a girl/boy?S1:Yes.Are you a teacher?S2:No.Are you in Class5?S3:Yes.Is ita window?S4:Yes.Is everyone here?S5:No.Is she yourclassm ate?S6:Yes.Are you in Row2?S7:No.Is yourfatherath…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Ⅰ.下面是一些常用的对话,请把它们补充完整。1.A:are you?B:Fine,thank you.2.A:are you?B:Im12.3.A:W ho is duty today?B:I am.4.A:Is Joan athom e?B:,I don tknow.5.A:is A nn?B:She is school.K ey:1.H ow2.H ow,old3.on4.Sorry5.W here,atB.提高阅读Ⅰ.你知道常用的电话用语吗?请将对话补充完整。K ate:1,2548901.Sam:H ello,is2Joy?K ate:N o,this is K ate.Joy isn t3.Sam:H i,K ate.45Sam.H ow are you?K ate:6,thanks.Sam:78Joy?K ate:She is in the bookshop.Sam:9,thank you.G ood-bye.K ate…  相似文献   

一、打电话(m aking phone calls)1.(全国卷Ⅰ,21)—Can I speak to M r W ang please?—A.W ho are you?B.Im W ang.C.Speaking.D.A re you John?2.(广东,22)—This is Tara Patelfrom Cotton H ouse in K idder-m inster.Could I speak to M r Sm ith,please?—A.H ello!B.Im M r Sm ith.C.W ho are you?D.Speaking.答案与简析:1.C2.D以上两题均考查打电话时的交际用语。用英语打电话和用汉语打电话在习惯表达方式上有着明显的不同。按英美国家的习惯,接听电话时问对方“是谁”,常用“W ho is that(speak-ing/calling)?”,…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm ing Up1.GreetingGood m orning,boys andgirls.H ow are you?…2.Sing a song“Apple Tree”(屏幕显示苹果树,同时出现音乐)3.Free talkT:H ow are you?S1:Fine,thank you.And you?T:I'm fine,too.Now pleaseintroduce yourclassm ates to m e.S1:H ello,…This is M issYang.This is…S2:Nice to m eetyou,M issYang.T:Nice to m eetyou,…(设计意图:本课所学的内容与食品有关,开头唱《苹果歌》,为本课学习作准备。通过唱歌、自由交流等热身活动,创设英语学习气氛,调整学生的精神状态。)Step2.Revision1…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

教学内容:小学英语(EEC版)第三册第七课第一部分。学习目标:学会说打电话时常用的句型,学会用英语提建议。教学重点:Is X X there?This isX X.Let’s go swim m ing this afternoon.教学流程:Step O ne:G reetingsStep Two:Leading in the class(W hen Iask the questions,m y m o-bile rings.T he screen show s:A w om aniscalling to m e.W e are speaking.)W om an:H ello.Is M iss Y ao there?This is M iss Chen.T:H i,M iss Chen.This is M iss Y ao.W om an:Let’s go swim m ing thisafternoon.(T he screen show …  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.H ow is he?2.W hatis he?3.W ho is he?4.W here is he?5.W hatis he like?6.W hatdoes he like?7.H ow does he look?8.W hatdoes he look like?9.W hatabouthim?简析:1.“H ow is sb?”常用来询问某人的健康状况如何,其回答通常是:“主语+be+fine/O K/all right/very w ell.”。例如:—H ow is your grandfather?你爷爷身体好吗?—H e is fine/very well,thank you.很好,谢谢。2.“W hatis sb?”主要用来询问某人所从事的职业,译为“(某人)是干什么工作的?”。例如:—W hat is your father?你爸爸是干什么的…  相似文献   

片段一:(老师预先在黑板上画一个超级大书包,在书包里工整地排列了三排四线格,可以填写八个单词。)师:W hatcan you see on the blackboard?生:Ican see a bag.(老师把“book”的图片贴进大书包里。)师:W hatcan you see in m y bag?生:Ican see a book.(老师出示一本书,里面夹着一支蓝色的钢笔。)师:W hatcan you see in m y book?生:Ican see a pen.师:W hatcoloris it?生:It's blue.师:So you can say,“This is m y pen.It'sblue.”生:This is m y pen.It's…(老师出示一个球“ball”,先让学生认读,然后在黑板上画一支圆珠笔。)师…  相似文献   

Our School     
阅读在线读短文,回答问题。 O ur School This is our school.It's a nice big school.Thereare tw enty -five classes.W e are students of G radesix. W e go to school at seven thirty in the m orning.Classes begin at eight.W e have six lessons everyday.After classes w e clean our classroom .W e gohom e at four tw enty. W e like our school. ⒈Is your school big and nice芽 ⒉H ow m any classes are there in your school芽 ⒊W hat grade are you in 芽 ⒋W hat tim e do you go to schoo芽 ⒌D o you li…  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.H ow is he?2.W hatis he?3.W ho is he?4.W here is he?5.W hatis he like?6.W hatdoes he like?7.H ow does he look?8.W hatdoes he look like?9.W hatabouthim?上面这些都是特殊疑问句,用不同的特殊疑问词可以询问不同的情况。下面分别作一简析。1.“H ow is sb?”常用来询问某人的健康状况如何。例如:—H ow is your grandfather?你爷爷身体好吗?—H e is fine/very well,thank you.很好,谢谢。2.“W hatis sb?”主要用来询问某人所从事的职业。例如:—W hatis your father?你爸爸是干什么的?—H e is a do…  相似文献   

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