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你是生物多样性的一部分,没有生物多样性你就无法生存。你能摧毁它,也能保护它!  相似文献   

由于生活的环境和家庭结构的变化,导致现在的很多孩子以自我为中心,不懂得去感恩帮助自己的人。这对孩子的发展是不利的。意识到这些的时候,家长往往采用“说教”的方式。  相似文献   

当环境保护已成为世界性问题的时候,作为一名教育工作者,能为它做点什么? 一、树立环保意识 随着以英国产业革命为标志的工业文化的兴起,人类第一次体会到认识自然和改造自然的巨大乐趣.工业文化的兴起,一方面创造了巨大的物质财富,另一方面导致了生存环境的日益恶化.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,环保已经变成了一种新的"时尚"。鉴于幼儿期是人们习惯养成的最佳时期和可塑时期,所以环保教育应该从娃娃抓起,学前教育期对幼儿进行环保教育有着深刻和长远的意义。一、在环境创设中萌发幼儿环保意识幼儿园的环境创设往往是教师的事,孩子们接受的往往是现成的已经布置好的环境。我们就让孩子参与进来,给他们提供丰富的自然材料、废旧材料,让孩子们跟我们一起去设想,去创作,去布置,在创设环境的过  相似文献   

怎样培养孩子的低碳意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州读者美欣来电问:“现在提倡节能环保,提倡低碳生活,请问,什么是低碳生活?又怎样教育孩子,让他们也能从小树立低碳生活的意识呢?”  相似文献   

查·艾霍尔有一句名言:“有什么样的思想,就有什么样的行为;有什么样的行为,就有什么样的习惯;有什么样的习惯,就有什么样的性格;有什么样的性格,就有什么样的命运。”习惯在每个人生活和事业中表现出来的强大力量是不可低估的,好习惯是人走向成功的基石会让其受益匪浅,坏习惯会让人的努力付之东流而成为成功路上的绊脚石。对于小学生来说,拥有良好的习惯就更加重要。  相似文献   

体验低碳生活,要从身边的小事做起,从穿衣做起,让学生建立穿衣与低碳生活的联系,理解建立节约型社会的重要性,掌握低碳生活从穿衣做起的方法等.  相似文献   

体验低碳生活,要从身边的小事做起,从穿衣做起,让学生建立穿衣与低碳生活的联系,理解建立节约型社会的重要性,掌握低碳生活从穿衣做起的方法等。  相似文献   

培养孩子的环保意识,父母要做孩子的榜样。更重要的是父母能结合身边的小事,让孩子真切地感受到环保和自己的生活息息相关,让环保意识深入到孩子的心灵。  相似文献   

周迅——环保女王 担任联合国中国区环保亲善大使的周迅,不仅推广新的环保理念,还参与策划了“城市绿色生活”环保专题活动,希望以此能够唤起更多人的环保意识,培养更多人将环保行动转化成真正的生活习惯。  相似文献   

作文评讲是习作教学的重要环节。作为一种教学手段,作文评讲应着眼于人,关注学生个性和潜能,促进学生作文素质可持续发展。那么作文评讲如何促使学生持续发展呢?  相似文献   

Task analyses are useful when teaching children how to complete tasks by breaking the tasks into small steps, particularly when children struggle to learn a skill during typical classroom instruction. We describe how to create a task analysis by identifying the steps a child needs to independently perform the task, how to assess what steps a child is able to do without adult support, and then decide how to teach the steps the child still needs to learn. Using task analyses can be the key to helping a young child become more independent.  相似文献   

This article describes a viable alternative to hiring full-time certified teachers or to using lay volunteers to provide children at risk of failing in school with academic coaches (tutors). The Academic Coaching Program described herein recruited and trained students enrolled in a university's school of education programs to serve as academic coaches primarily for 7th and 8th graders in an inner-city school in which 96% of the students are placed at risk by the socioeconomic (SES) status of their families. The program extended the school's regular instructional programs in reading and mathematics. It provided the at-risk students with high-quality coaching by university students through a systematic process of training the university students in the school's reading and mathematics programs, monitoring them as they coached, and providing feedback to the coaches on a regular basis.  相似文献   

In this article, an emerging framework for investigating and interpreting the experiences of learning in later life is presented. This framework is contextualized by a study in which the lived experiences of later-life computer learners were investigated. Significant ontological and existential interpretations from the study provided insights into the meaning of time in later life. Time for the omega generation is particularly important because people look to the past and the present for both meaning and integrity. They then use this knowledge to look to the future for a time when they will no longer be living. The period of older adulthood is also unique in the life course as an opportunity to learn. With no time constraints, people in later life are able to devote time to learning in a way not previously experienced. Interpretations from the research project provide a link between learning in later life and the ontological and existential search for meaning. These three related constructs (i.e., time, later life, and learning) are explored in this article.  相似文献   

退与进,是辨证统一的关系.当条件不具备、时机不成熟时,如果采取冒进的方法,急于求成,往往会事与愿违、适得其反.这时候,进反而变成了退,退一步才能进两步.  相似文献   

针对社会发展对不同层次人才的不同素质需求,指出我国高等院校在开展素质教育时应不同层次区别对待.提出本科生应重点学会学习、硕士生应重点学会研究、博士生应重点学会创新的素质教育培养目标,同时就如何实现相应的素质教育培养目标提出建议.  相似文献   

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