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王晓洁 《河北教育》2005,(13):33-35
Contents: 1) Four seasons 2) Different clothes for different seasons Teaching Aims: 1) Students can say something about each season. 2) Students can say the clothes we wear in different seasons 3) Interest the‘students to enjoy English and love English.  相似文献   

Teaching Material:   《Learning English》 Book 7 Lesson 21: A Skating Lesson.   Teaching Aims:   1. Students can read, write, say and understand the words: think, teach, learn   ……  相似文献   

Whenyou want to go shopping decide how much money you can,spend for newclothes.Thinkabout the kind of clothes youreally need.Thenlookfor those clothes onsale(销售).There arelabels(标签)inside all newclothes.Thelabelstell you howtotake care of your clothes.Thelabel for a shirt maytell youto washitin warmwater.Asweaterlabel maytell youto wash by wash-ingin cold water.The label on a coat may say“dry clean only”.Washing mayruin(损坏)this coat.If you do as thedirections(说明)say onthe label,you…  相似文献   

Students aren't all alike.For example,Jackalways comes up with a different way to approach aproblem from anyone else's.Tom prefers copyingexamples from the board,practicing at home,andreproducing procedures on a test. Alex will shutdown if not given explicit step-by-step instructions.Students learn in a variety of ways.How can ourinstruction and assessment address the needs ofstudents as different as Jack,Tom,and Alex?  相似文献   

1.Farmers say,“As a man sows,so shall he reap.”农夫说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。2.Hunters say,“A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.”猎人说:双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。3.Tailors say,“Make clothes to one’s own measure.”裁缝说:量体裁衣。4.Carpenters say,“Such carpenters,such chips.”木匠说:什么木匠出什么活。5.Fishermen say,“The best fish swim near the bottom.”渔夫说:好鱼居水底。6.Blacksmiths,“Strike iron while iron is hot.”铁匠说:趁热打铁。  相似文献   

Step1.Revision&Presentation 1.Get the Ss to read some words about animals.eg:cat,hen,chick,lam,goat,lion(课件呈现这些单词并配图)2.Present:different/be different from T:Which one is different?Why?3.Help the Ss to say:Lion is different from the other animals because lion lives  相似文献   

Life is getting better and better with the development of industry and agricultrue. We can have all kinds of food from different areas because transportation is much more developed than ever beiore. People are dressed in colourful clothes made of different materials. More and  相似文献   

<正>【教学过程】Step 1 Warm-up1.Review some words and phrases:a.Students draw these symbols on the blackboard.b.Use these symbols to say some sentences.(意图:通过画图,复习关于指路的句子。)2.Let’s find out these places:Direct the way to these places on the big map ofthe blackboard.Hospital,bookstore,park,toilet,KFC,supermarket,  相似文献   

Students aren't all alike. For example, Jack always comes up with a different way to approach a problem from anyone else's. Tom prefers copying examples from the board, practicing at home, and reproducing procedures on a test. Alex will shut down if not given explicit step-by-step instructions. Students learn in a variety of ways. How can our instruction and assessment address the needs of students as different as Jack, Tom, and Alex?  相似文献   

O ur clothes are a powerful tool that can make us feel better about ourselves. One way in which this works is by wearing different colors of clothes. Normally when we are sad, we will wear dark colored clothes. Oppositely, when we are happy, we often choose to wear brightly colored clothes. The rea- son for this is that our choice of color mir- rors how we are feeling. Those who don’t believe in the idea are often heard saying,“if only this truly worked”. Well in reply to those people, the…  相似文献   

How To Say It     
1.You can say that again!完全正确;正是!A:The Kansas City Royals seems to have lost a lot of games.堪萨斯城罗依尔队经常输球。B:You can say that again!正是如此!  相似文献   

(1)Students must apply (申请) for a place before attending any class. Applications whether by post or in person, are dealt with strictly in the order they received at the Adult Education Office.You can apply:  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1 .Students often say that they need a man of h astheirteaehersothattheelassis interesting. 2 .You will not know whether it 15 b or sweet if you don’t taste it yourself. 3 .Three beautif  相似文献   

What can make people fall asleep easiest? Patient:Sleeping pills. Students :Textbooks.  相似文献   

Functions:1.C an understand and say the drills:—Look at…—It's sm art/pretty.A nd can use them to com m unicate andpraise freely.2.C an understand and say the words:ashirt,a T-shirt,a blouse,a jacket3.C onsolidate the usage of the possessivepronoun:m y4…  相似文献   

Students map out① their own course timetables。Since last fall②, the students of the No. 8Middle School of Fuzhou City have been al-lowed to lay out their own course timeta-bles. According to their actual situations andinterests, students can choose③ to attendclasses at different levels.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。(A)根据英文解释和例句,完成下列单词的拼写。(首字母已给出)1.f____(go down)例:In autumn,the leaves____from the tree.2.k____(put to death)例:Did the car____the dog?3.a____(by oneself)例:I can do the work____.4.d____(have clothes on)例:The boy is too  相似文献   

何苗 《中学生英语》2016,(Z2):40-41
Have you ever paid attention to the English expressions that include words about clothes?Let’s see if I can name a few"off the cuff~1",or without any preparation.你有没有留意过包含和衣服相关的词汇的英语表达?让我们看看我是否可以即兴说出一些,不预先做任何准备。We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous"have ants in their pants~2".They might also"fly by the seat of their pants~3",or they use their natural sense to do something in-  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm-up(略)Step2.Review“the wordsabout clothes”T:Where is Yao Ming now?Is he in China?S:No,he is in the USA.T:Yes.Now he is in Hou-ston.He has a basketball matchtoday.The match is betweenRocket and Nicks.So he has togo to New York.How can  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.教师故意在上课铃声响后几分钟走进教室。T:(站在教室门口,敲门)May I come in?引导学生说:"Come in,please."(If you say"yes",you can say"Come in,please".)设计意图:教师故意迟到,在学生的等待和疑问中出现,激起学生的好奇心,为下一步教学作铺垫。2.Greeting.T:Nice to meet you,  相似文献   

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