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高校学生工作泛化及对策研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高校学生工作泛化,是新的历史时期我国高等教育改革、发展的产物,它集中表现为高校学生工作的内涵、职责处于不断扩展、派生、交叉、融合态势。学生工作泛化既是挑战,更是机遇。因此,必须对泛化背景下的学生工作职能进行重新审视和认知,对学生工作力量重新整合,对学生工作队伍进行专业化、专家化构建,对高校相关管理制度加以完善。  相似文献   

论高校学生工作的专业化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校学生工作要适应国际化浪潮、市场经济发展、大众教育推进、高校规模扩大以及学生需求深化的要求,必须走专业化道路。专业化是促进学生工作发展的必由之路,它能够纠正学生工作人员行政化、业余化的倾向,有助于提高学生工作的社会声望,有助于学工队伍的稳定以及学校的发展。学生工作专业化包括职业化和专门化两方面内容。可以通过实行资格认证制度、科学划分职级序列、实施培训进修机制和健全考核晋升体系来建立和完善学生工作专业化。  相似文献   

高中物理学困生成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高物理学困生的成困是复杂而多方面的,本文从学生主观方面,教师教学方面,课程教材和学校方面以及家庭方面探讨了高中物理学困生形成的原因,认为学生主观方面,教师教学方面是形成物理学困生的主要原因。  相似文献   

主要讨论了在物理情境教学中,创设物理学习环境的作用、意义和特点,并指出了在创设物理学习环境中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

结合师范专科物理学教材的特点和多年的教学经验,筛选部分内容作为探究对象,在五年制专科师范开展了物理研究性学习的实践研究.本文是对这一研究的阐述和分析.  相似文献   

结合师范专科物理学教材的特点和多年的教学经验,筛选部分内容作为探究对象,在五年制专科师范开展了物理研究性学习的实践研究.本文是对这一研究的阐述和分析.  相似文献   

人文素质是一个人的内在精神和外在气质的综合体现。本人认为加强护生人文素质教育无论从做人、做事、护士职业特点和构建和谐社会的需要等方面都是非常必要的。本文就物理教学中渗透人文素质教育进行探讨,力求从教学内容和教学方法入手,不断探索、创新,有针对性地加强护生的人文素质教育,提高他们的人生境界,塑造理想人格。  相似文献   


This study compared the student course evaluations of standard education and distance learning courses in the school of social work of one southern university. The sample included 14 distance learning (DL) and 122 standard education courses. A 20-item quantitative student course evaluation and a 7-item qualitative questionnaire were used to compare differences between social work courses taught in a standard classroom setting with those taught using distance learning technology. Comparisons of identical courses taught in both formats found that students rated distance learning higher than the standard classroom for a course having predominantly lecture content. Conversely, ratings for clinical practice courses were just the opposite with lower ratings for distance learning than the standard classroom. Results of a qualitative survey (n = 39) of students conducted at the end of a course taught by distance learning found that 73% of the students felt that distance learning technology interfered with class participation. However, 73% of the students felt the instructor handled technological problems in a professional and patient manner. Although 54% of the students reported that they would take another course by distance learning, more research is needed to determine what social work courses can be most effectively taught by distance and classroom formats.  相似文献   

高校学生工作走专业化之路是大势所趋,但目前存在着将专业化等同于职业化、以专职化替代专业化等误区。实现专业化既需要培训,更要形成专业情意,并在职业发展的基础上,积极争取外部环境的支持。同时,还要分析学生工作专业化的弊端,进行长远制度设计,以推动学生工作的健康发展。  相似文献   

With the progressing development of economic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, we need groups of high-quality innovative talents to enhance the overall scientific and technological innovation capacity and competitiveness while also improving the visibility of students on the international stage. Accordingly, the cultivated talents should develop a more open vision, more novel awareness, and a more proactive learning attitude. They will be more sensitive to new things, have stronger practical capacities, and have the courage to break through routines to conduct their work more innovatively. Therefore, we have established a talent cultivation philosophy of "profound foundation, wide range, internationalization, and value innovation" in the physics education and have explored the extra-curricular learning and development pattern of physics students in order to promote a well-rounded development.  相似文献   

贾乖平 《成才之路》2021,(15):130-131
物理教学中运用合作学习,不仅能增强师生、生生彼此的互动交流,还能使学生学习的自主性得到有效发挥,提高物理教学效率和教学质量,促进学生综合发展。文章从合作学习及其应用意义、合作学习应用的原则、合作学习的应用策略三方面,对物理教学中的合作学习进行探究。  相似文献   

当前高校学生工作"边缘化"倾向刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等教育的改革和发展,高校学生工作出现了滞后现象,游离于高等教育的改革发展之外,甚至走向了“边缘化”。对目前高校学生工作在认识观念、政策制度、机制和队伍建设方面出现的一些“边缘化”现象进行梳理和分析,可以有效改进和提高高校学生工作。  相似文献   

“教育-管理-服务-发展”视阈下高校学生工作定位探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"教育-管理-服务-发展"是"四位一体"的有机系统。检视现实,当前高校学生工作在定位上还存在模糊之处,与学校的整体工作有待进一步契合,与学生的关系有待进一步理顺,教育、管理和服务的职能有待进一步平衡。针对于此,高校学生工作须在学校整体系统中进一步开放融合,主动引领,特别是要合理厘定教育、管理和服务的相互关系,力求三者之间界限清晰而又相辅相成,为学生的全面、全员、个性和持续发展提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

今天,很多教师已经注意到了忽视能力训练的这一个问题,但如何通过采用合适的学习策略,提高学生能力依然是个难题。传统的英语学习法不是那么令人满意的,采用小组活动法是个好的办法。  相似文献   

This paper reports an exploration of the conceptions of quality learning held by two samples of physics teachers – final year, high school physics teachers and academics teaching first year university physics. We begin by outlining our view of quality learning, that is a view of learning in which learners take control of their own learning and engage with active construction and reconstruction of their own meanings for concepts and phenomena. This view of quality learning recognises the crucial role of the affective dimension of learning on the extent to which students engage with and maintain such constructivist and metacognitive approaches to learning. The study explored the qualitatively different ways in which individuals conceptualise quality learning in physics, using semi structured interviews that explored aspects of learning that the respondents regarded as worth fostering in their classrooms. The interview approach was a modification of the Interview-About-Instances approach that allowed the possibility of interviewees suggesting instances of particular relevance to their view of quality learning. This process resulted in a considerable quantity of rich and complex data related to a large range of aspects of physics learning. These data are summarised here, and the qualitatively different conceptions of the respondents with respect to four significant aspects of physics learning are discussed. These aspects are: doing experimental work; linking physics to the real world; students taking responsibility for their own learning and being confident/feeling proud of what you can do.  相似文献   

The study describes teachers' collective work in which they developed deeper understanding of their own students' mathematical thinking. Teachers at one school met in monthly workgroups throughout the year. Prior to each workgroup, they posed a similar mathematical problem to their students. The workgroup discussions centered on the student work those problems generated. This study draws on a transformation of participation perspective to address the questions: What do teachers learn through collective examination of student work? How is teacher learning evident in shifts in participation in discussions centered on student work? The analyses account for the learning of the group by documenting key shifts in teachers' participation across the year. The first shift in participation occurred when teachers as a group learned to attend to the details of children's thinking. A second shift in participation occurred as teachers began to develop possible instructional trajectories in mathematics. We focus our discussion on the significance of the use of student work and a transformation of participation view in analyzing the learning trajectory of teachers as a group.  相似文献   

新时期高校学生工作的内涵分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着外部环境的变化和内部体制改革的深入,高校学生工作面临着新的形势和挑战,必须重新认识和正确定位新时期高校学生工作.新时期高校学生工作的内涵分为学生思想政治教育、心理健康教育、贫困学生资助及学生就业指导工作.只有在实践中不断完善和把握学生工作的内涵,才能做好新时期高校学生工作.  相似文献   

兴趣是学习的动力。初中物理教学有启蒙的性质,一方面要传授知识,更重要的是激发学生对物理的兴趣。作者通过新课程教学改革实践,总结出在教学中如何通过学习目的教育、实践活动、契机诱导、教学过程、克服学习困难等六个方面进行课堂情境创设并在教学中善于引领,捕捉契机,从而激发学生学习物理的兴趣。  相似文献   

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