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本文概废水中蕴含着大量能量,如何高效地回收利用这些能量对于满足世界能源需求,降低废水处理成本,提高污水处理的可持续性具有重要意义。微生物燃料电池(MFC)是近年来发展起来的一种从废水的有机污染物中提取能量的新型生物技术,有望实现废水处理的可持续性发展。然而,目前MFC技术离实际应用还有很长的距离。MFC系统的扩大化问题是阻碍该技术实际应用的关键。本文详细讨论了MFC扩大化过程中的主要问题和挑战,并提出了未来的发展方向。MFC与其他技术结合可以实现较高的出水水质或获得高商业价值的化学品,然而该方面的研究才刚刚起步,要实现其实际应用还需要解决许多问题,包括如何提高生产效率,提高经济可行性,提升系统的稳定性和可靠性等。  相似文献   

化学电源中的燃料电池一直是高考出题的热点内容,通常是以新科技材料为背景设计内容,微生物燃料电池很好的体现了高中化学知识在新科技中的具体化应用,培养了学生兴趣的同时又能提高了他们对知识的应用能力.  相似文献   

构建了一种连续流无膜人工湿地-微生物燃料电池,其水力停留时间为 2 d. 系统以葡萄糖为基质启动2 ~ 3 d 后,在外接电阻为 1 kΩ时,其稳定输出电流密度高于 2 A /m3,同时,COD 去除率大于 90% . 比较了阴阳极间距为 10,20,30 和 40 cm 的系统. 当间距为 20 cm 时,系统的产电电压、库仑效率和能量密度皆最高,分别为 560 mV,0. 313% 和 0. 149 W /m3,且 COD 去除率也为最高,达到 94. 9%. 此外,各系统中的 DO最低浓度均出现在装置中部. 结果表明,COD 去除率越高,系统产能越高,因而库仑效率也越高. 人工湿地-微生物燃料电池系统作为一种低成本及环境友好的污水处理同步产电技术显示出实际应用潜力.  相似文献   

将电化学阻抗谱用于微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cells,MFCs)阻抗测试中,研究不同阴极极化电位下立方体MFCs反应器中空气阴极上的电化学过程,利用适宜的等效电路对电化学阻抗谱进行拟合,得到MFCs的欧姆内阻Rs、电荷转移内阻Rct及韦伯阻抗Zw等参数。研究发现,随着阴极极化电位的增加,欧姆内阻Rs基本不变,平均值为26.81Ω±1.7Ω,而电荷转移内阻Rct从88.21Ω降至57.15Ω,说明阴极上发生的氧还原反应的驱动增加,利于氧还原反应的发生。  相似文献   

简述了MFC特点、工作原理与运行影响因素,重点综述了MFC处理污染废水的研究成果,包括可处理的污水种类、应用与最新研究进展,并讨论了MFC在污染废水处理工程中存在的问题.  相似文献   

模型案例具有形象化与趣味性的特点,在环境工程教学中历来占有重要位置。微生物燃料电池是近年来新兴并迅速发展的一种环境保护技术,可以在处理污染物的同时回收能源,具有良好的发展前景。该技术可以作为案例引入到环境工程专业教学中。从环境工程主要知识点、新型案例教学设计和课堂实践等方面介绍了其与环境工程专业教学的密切联系,展示环境工程领域最新的发展动向,以此激发学生学习专业课的热情,培养学生的研究能力与创新意识。  相似文献   

在现代城市中,废水始终是一种让人头疼的产物,直接排放的话对环境污染极大,净化处理的成本又太高。目前在欧美等发达国家,每年有近3%的耗电都是用来净化废水的,而这些电力义是靠燃料提供,因此产生的花费和温室效应不容小觑。如今,  相似文献   

采用双室结构研究了不同实验条件下,以天然混合菌接种的微生物燃料电池产电能力.发现在V底物/V菌液=5:1的条件下各电池的电流输出高于2:1条件,提高阴极的密度和强度可增加开路电压,但会降低工作电流的输出.一次性放电实验显示,不同微生物燃料电池产电和电子回收能力差别显著,功率密度变化为196.6-1283.0mW/m2,COD去除率在35.0-47.3%,库仑效率在28-50%,电子回收潜能大.开放性生态系统中的微生物比封闭环境中的微生物催化效果好,未驯化的硫化细菌催化底物产能的效率低.  相似文献   

微生物固定化技术在废水处理中应用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对微生物固定化技术方法的介绍和对比,分析评价了固定化微生物在废水处理应用中的研究进展。并具体分析微生物固定化技术在难降解有机废水、含重金属废水、氨氮废水和高浓度有机废水中的应用,也指出这种技术从实验室阶段到工业废水处理应用阶段中还存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

通过对微生物固定化技术方法的介绍和对比,分析评价了固定化微生物在废水处理应用中的研究进展。并具体分析微生物固定化技术在难降解有机废水、含重金属废水、氨氮废水和高浓度有机废水中的应用,也指出这种技术从实验室阶段到工业废水处理应用阶段中还存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

A sequential anode-cathode double-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC), in which the effluent of anode chamber was used as a continuous feed for an aerated cathode chamber, was constructed in this experiment to investigate the performance of brewery wastewater treatment in conjugation with electricity generation. Carbon fiber was used as anode and plain carbon felt with biofilm as cathode. When hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 14.7 h, a relatively high chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of 91.7%–95.7% was achieved under long-term stable operation. The MFC displayed an open circuit voltage of 0.434 V and a maximum power density of 830 mW/m3 at an external resistance of 300 ?. To estimate the electrochemical performance of the MFC, electrochemical measurements were carried out and showed that polarization resistance of anode was the major limiting factor in the MFC. Since a high COD removal efficiency was achieved, we conclude that the sequential anode-cathode MFC constructed with bio-cathode in this experiment could provide a new approach for brewery wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The various stages and progress in the development of interconnect materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) over the last two decades are reviewed. The criteria for the application of materials as interconnects are highlighted. Interconnects based on lanthanum chromite ceramics demonstrate many inherent drawbacks and therefore are only useful for SOFCs operating around 1000℃. The advance in the research of anode-supported flat SOFCs facilitates the replacement of ceramic interconnects with metallic ones due to their significantly lowered working temperature. Besides, interconnects made of metals or alloys offer many advantages as compared to their ceramic counterpart. The oxidation response and thermal expansion behaviors of various prospective metallic interconnects are examined and evaluated. The minimization of contact resistance to achieve desired and reliable stack performance during their projected lifetime still remains a highly challenging issue with metallic interconnects. Inexpensive coati  相似文献   

The various stages and progress in the development of interconnect materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) over the last two decades are reviewed. The criteria for the application of materials as interconnects are highlighted. Interconnects based on lanthanum chromite ceramics demonstrate many inherent drawbacks and therefore are only useful for SOFCs operating around 1000 ℃. The advance in the research of anode-supported flat SOFCs facilitates the replacement of ceramic interconnects with metallic ones due to their significantly lowered working temperature. Besides, interconnects made of metals or alloys offer many advantages as compared to their ceramic counterpart. The oxidation response and thermal expansion behaviors of various prospective metallic interconnects are examined and evaluated. The minimization of contact resistance to achieve desired and reliable stack performance during their projected lifetime still remains a highly challenging issue with metallic interconnects. Inexpensive coating materials and techniques may play a key role in pro moting the commercialization of SOFC stack whose interconnects are constructed of some current commercially available alloys. Alternatively, development of new metallic materials that are capable of forming stable oxide scales with sluggish growth rate and sufficient electrical conductivity is called for.  相似文献   

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