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A good doctor Many years ago there lived a doctor in a small town. He was good and kind and was always ready to go and help others. People often wentto him when there was something wrong with them. Some years later, the doctor himself was often ill and began to forget things. People worried about 相似文献
吴卫兵 《中学生英语读写(高考版)》2002,(1)
1.When can you go as fast as a racing car?2.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?3.Who is closer to you, your Mum or your Dad?4.What's the poorest bank in the world?5. What month do 相似文献
1.A:Areyouagoodstudent?B:Yesandno.(=Yes,Iamastu-dent,butIamnogood.)2.A:Whatanimal(动物)hasaheadlikeacat,eyeslikeacat,ataillikeacat,butisn"tacat?B:Akitten.(kitten意为“小猫”。)3.A:Howmanymonthshave28days?B:Allofthem.4.A:Whydoesahorsehavesixlegs?B:Becauseithasforelegsinfrontandtwoinback.(forelegs是前腿,和fourlegs读音相同。)5.A:Whatquestioncanyouneveranswer“yes”to?B:“Areyouasleep?”6.A:WhatisapieceofpieinItalian?B:Apizzapie.(pizza是一种馅饼,和比萨斜塔Pisa读音相近。)7.A:Whattwowords… 相似文献
1.What's the beginning of eternity(永恒),the end of time and space;the beginning of end,and the end of every place? 相似文献
以下是一些有趣的问题,你能找出答案吗?1.M ary s husband is the grandfather ofm y son.W ho am I?2.John s son is the father ofm y son.W ho am I?3.M y father has not any brothers;m y m other has not any brothers,ei-ther,butI have m any uncles.W ho are they?4.M 相似文献
李白被称为李十二,韩愈被称为韩十八,“十三”和“十八”指的是什么排行?翻开唐代的诗文集,随处可见人名中的数字,如王维《送元二使安西》、杜甫《寄李十二白二十韵》、高适《人日寄杜二拾遗》、储光羲《答王十三维》、刘禹锡《韩十八侍御见示岳阳楼别窦司直诗》、皇甫冉《送柳八员外赴江西》、岑参《送王大昌龄赴江宁》、白居易《与元九书》等等。 相似文献
1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight? 相似文献
杨蓉 《中学生英语读写(高中版)》2002,(1)
People are not,so honest as they were once.The temptation to steal is greater than ever before-especially in the large shops.A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday morning.On Monday there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her.The woman first bought a few small articles.After a little time,she 相似文献