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早拆脚手架体系是在确保现浇钢筋混凝土结构施工安全度不受影响、符合施工规范要求、保证施工安全及工程质量的前题下,加快材料周转,减少投入,降低成本,提高工效,加快施工进度,缩短工期,使之具有显著经济效益和良好社会效益的一种先进的施工新技术。  相似文献   

楼板进行早拆时处于混凝土早龄期,此时混凝土强度处于高速发展阶段,需要对其进行早拆使其承受荷载,必须对其安全性进行充足的验算,否则将会造成安全隐患甚至酿成安全事故。理论分析部分采用两种模型基于开裂荷载进行验算并将结果对比分析。在理论分析的基础上利用 ANSYS 进行数值模拟,并将其结果与理论分析进行对比分析。  相似文献   

本文通过分析悬挑式脚手架的基本结构,针对其搭拆过程中的施工要点、受力与强度计算及检验和使用 .过程中应注意的问题进行探讨,以期通过本文的阐述加强对悬挑脚手架施工技术的推广,为保障施工安全,取得较好的经济效益发挥促进作用.  相似文献   

"拆词"是一种重要的修辞手段,其所指的"词"应该是一个广义的概念,是"词和短语"的合称;拆词产生的客观基础主要是语言文字基础,主观基础跟人们的心理基础有关;拆词可从语义和形式两方面作分类;其主要修辞功能有:突出特征,加强语义;强化感情,色彩鲜明;生动活泼,幽默风趣;协调音节,整齐和谐.  相似文献   

建筑工地上的高楼在不断增高。高楼瞧瞧身旁的脚手架,很不服气,问:你怎么老是要比我高出许多呢?今天我比你高是为了明天你比我高。脚手架回答。  相似文献   

翻译的标准要求译文忠实、通顺。然而,因文章体裁和文化差异的限制,有时在翻译中不可能达到句子结构上的绝对忠实。因此,翻译中常常要在忠实于意义的前提下脱出原文语法结构和词汇的束缚,表现出较大的灵活性,英汉翻译中的拆句技巧就是这个方法的运用。  相似文献   

脚手架的安全至关重要,脚手架的安全与否制约着整个施工安全生产过程.可是部分施工现场脚手架的搭设达不到规范化、标准化、合理化和科学化的安全防护,致使架体倒塌、倾斜等事故还时有发生.因此,笔者结合工作实践经验,详细阐述了施工中工字钢悬挑脚手架及普通钢管脚手架搭设与拆除的施工方案,供同行借鉴.  相似文献   

本文对木竹脚手架的构造及技术要求先进行了简单的说明,并对其搭设要点及遇到门窗时洞口时的搭设方法进行了详细阐述,最后就脚手板的铺设以及拆除时应注意的事项做了简单的强调,以充分的保证脚手架使用安全.  相似文献   

对教师支架类型体系的理论探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
只有从一种新的教学理念的视野出发,我们才能真正认识支架式教学的本质,并在此基础上探索教师可以利用的支架类型体系,从而推动教学实践的发展。  相似文献   

对教师支架类型体系的理论探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
只有从一种新的教学理念的视野出发,我们才能真正认识支架式教学的本质,并在此基础上探索教师可以利用的支架类型体系,从而推动教学实践的发展。  相似文献   

"支架理论"对早期阅读有六点启示:澄清观念为基本前提、儿童为本为核心理念、多样化阅读为集中体现、语言环境创设为关键因素、师幼互动为现实途径、多元评价为检验方式。  相似文献   

建构主义是当前流行于全球的一种社会科学理论,其教学理论越来越受到教育界的推崇。在建构主义的教学模式下,目前已开发出的教学方法主要有以下几种:支架式教学、抛锚式教学和随机进入教学。其中支架式教学强调根据"最临近发展区"建立概念框架,鼓励独立探索、协作学习和效果评价。结合支架式教学与口译教学的特点,提出探索实施口译技能训练的有效途径。  相似文献   

The scaffolding metaphor was originally developed to describe the support given by a more expert individual in a one-on-one interaction. Since then, the notion of scaffolding has been applied more broadly, and it has been transformed and generalized. Most recently, it has been used by researchers in the learning sciences to describe features and functions of technological artifacts, especially those of educational software. In this article, we present an analytic framework that we believe can guide and systematize these new uses of the scaffolding metaphor. In this new framework, "scaffolds" are not features of artifacts or situations, nor is "scaffolding" something that may be occurring (or not) in a given situation that we observe. Rather, a scaffolding analysis is a kind of comparative analysis that we perform on learning interactions. Because this analysis is comparative, it always produces results that are relative to specific choices that we make in framing the comparative analysis. In this article, we present a theoretical argument for our proposed framework and illustrate the definition by applying it to two software environments.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Children’s ability to tell stories and to understand the stories of others typically emerges in early childhood, supported by primary caregivers and educators. This article reviews instruction designed to foster children’s narrative skills in preschool and kindergarten settings and examines the effects using meta-analysis. The review covers more than 3 decades (1980–2013) of experimental research (k = 15 studies, 28 effects). The findings showed that verbal scaffolding, alone or in combination with other strategies, was the predominant teaching approach. The meta-analysis revealed average effects (weighted for sample size) for narrative expression (.50) and a slightly larger effect for comprehension (.58). These effects were unrelated to the duration of instruction. However, when verbal strategies were combined with nonverbal ones, such as engaging children in enacting stories or in telling stories with props, the effects for expression increased (i.e., children’s storytelling improved more from pretest to posttest). Practice or Policy: The review indicates promising strategies for supporting narrative skills. Furthermore, the studies identified can serve as a resource for practitioners by suggesting diverse kinds of verbal scaffolds, complementary nonverbal approaches, and storybooks that have been used effectively to foster narrative competencies among young children.  相似文献   

近年来,"支架式教学"受到了应用语言学界的广泛关注。本文依托现代教学模式完整结构的五大要素(理论基础、教学目标、教学程序、实现条件、教学评价),并结合支架式教学的基本教学环节,对商务英语课程支架式教学模式进行探讨,旨在转变陈旧的教学理念,优化传统教学模式,为商务英语教学改革和教学质量的提高提供一定的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,“支架式教学”受到了应用语言学界的广泛关注。本文依托现代教学模式完整结构的五大要素(理论基础、教学目标、教学程序、实现条件、教学评价),并结合支架式教学的基本教学环节,对商务英语课程支架式教学模式进行探讨,旨在转变陈旧的教学理念,优化传统教学模式,为商务英语教学改革和教学质量的提高提供一定的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

A brief overview overview is provided of how the scaffolding metaphor has been defined in educational contexts. This includes a discussion of what theories guide decision-making regarding what to scaffold as well as considerations as to whom or what does the scaffolding (human teachers, peers and tutors or computer tutors or support tools designed for learning environments). The scaffolding construct intersects instruction and assessment in that instructors assess learners to determine what type or level of scaffold is sufficient to help learners reach their potential. Such assessments are dynamic and ongoing and can occur through dialogue and social interactions with or without the use of technology. Hence scaffolds are provided when and where necessary but they are also removed when evidence of learning exists. This article describes how the contributors to this issue have extended the scaffolding metaphor to open-ended technology based environments. Empirical studies are reviewed with regard to how they extend the scaffolding metaphor in terms of the theories that guide the design of scaffolds, the metrics designed to assess how scaffolding affects learning and in terms of teaching scaffolding techniques to others.  相似文献   

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