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新课程目标向教师提出了在基础教育阶段全面实施素质教育的实质性内容和具体要求。加强教师培训,是新课程实施的重要环节。在教师培训中,应及时对传统培训观念、教学过程、组织和培训方式进行反思,以适应新一轮课程改革的要求。  相似文献   

教师在职培训课程基本特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师在职培训已成为教师专业发展常态性的期待,但由于理论上缺乏对教师在职培训课程基本特性的认识,教师培训实践出现了一定程度的偏差,教师在职培训的实效性受到了质疑。教师在职培训课程的基本特性是由教师在职培训的特殊性决定的,具体表现为课程目标的多样性、课程内容结构的非正规性、课程展开方式的实践性以及课程管理的开放性。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法和比较分析法,从体育课程资源的概念、分类、体育教师课程资源开发能力培养的必要性等方面进行较深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了对体育教师课程资源开发能力培养的建设性对策。  相似文献   

论高师办学与课程实践的互动发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培育高素质师资是教师教育改革与基础教育发展的共同责任。实施新课程六年来,中小学教师存在诸多矛盾和困惑,既有教师在职专业持续发展方面的原因,也有职前教育中高师院校办学方面的原因。互动新课程中,基于教师专业化理念,高师院校重审教师教育的优势和特色,实施切实可行的专业引领策略,促进课程改革不断深入,既是坚定教师专业情意态度的职责使然,也是提升教师教育理性价值的现实要求。  相似文献   

教师生活在错综复杂的社会关系中,拥有多种社会身份,扮演多种社会角色。所谓“教师角色”是指处在教育系统中的教师所表现出来的由其特殊地位决定的符合社会对教师期待的行为模式。分析教师的角色,明确教师自己的角色身份,对教师充分地扮演好教师角色具有积极的意义。随着素质教育的深入人心和新课程目标的全面启动。作为教师只有客观地、科学地、合理性地反思自己的角色。对自己的角色重新定位,才能充分发挥自身的角色作用,才能充分理解新课程,保证新课程的有效实施。  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the findings of a research project, the main objective of which is to identify curriculum components that promote personal development as a nuclear part of teacher professional identity formation through pre-service teacher education. Curriculum is viewed as an ecological scenario with different subsystems and both as formal and informal. Identity formation is conceived as an ever-provisional result of a double transaction: the biographical one and the relational one. The curricula of four different historical periods of pre-service teacher education in Portugal and the professional identity of teachers trained within them were characterised through collection and analysis of documents and biographical narratives. Crossing results from the four periods, the quality of school climate emerges as an important variable to the quality of the teachers’ identity. The lifelong learning ethos seems to emerge when the training curriculum connects everyday learning with everyday life, namely by urging the students’ involvement in school life, peer learning activities and peer and teacher educators’ informal learning activities.  相似文献   

以2010年贵州省普通高中课改实验教师远程培训项目为研究案例,深入分析了教师网络远程培训的优势和存在的问题,提出了在新课改背景下开展教师网络远程培训的建议。  相似文献   

新课改将使我国基础教育教学发生历史性的变革。面对新的变化,语文教师要胜任新角色,必须具有现代教育思想和改革创新意识,较高的专业化素质、深厚的文化底蕴、超凡的科研能力、强烈的成就动机和崇高的职业境界。  相似文献   


In this paper, two case studies of elementary school teachers in the Republic of Cyprus are constructed to discuss how curriculum making relates to teacher biographies and sense of professionalism, as those are shaped at the intersection of their professional history and projections for the future, informed by and informing their constitution as professionals in local institutional and broader social contexts. Drawing on the ecological model of teacher agency, the two cases are utilised to examine how teachers’ narrated professional experiences in past and current schools were at interplay with their general sense of professional role and purpose as teachers. This complex interplay is simultaneously connected to the ways they perceived and constituted their pupils as well as to the ways they themselves were constituted by others as professionals. The examination of the two cases foregrounds the notions of teacher agency and of curriculum making as contingent, negotiated and negotiable, and opens up the space to consider the politics of both as those are permeated by micro-processes of subjection and subjectivation.  相似文献   

新时期教师培训方式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时期对教师继续教育工作有新的要求。在开展教师继续教育培训时,应采取科学、灵活、有效的培训方式,提高培训效果。  相似文献   

In 2010, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in Cyprus introduced a ‘new’ national curriculum for all public schools of the Cypriot republic. The overarching purpose of this study is to examine how the ongoing educational reform in Cyprus could set a different ideological framework, within which intercultural education may be developed and implemented. To this end, it provides a number of important insights into the intercultural dimension of the ‘new’ national curriculum by exploring the formal and the ideological levels of the curriculum. More specifically, it indicates the ways in which the ideological curriculum has been formed by the complex and often counteractive discourses of monoculturalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism due to the socio-historical context of Cyprus. The conclusions of this study assert that further research should be conducted to examine the implications pertaining to teachers’ practice and student learning with regard to intercultural education.  相似文献   

英国很早就开始关注初任教师的入职培训问题,二战期间就有了初任教师研修制度,以培养初任教师的实践指导能力,于上世纪70年代后期在全国实施,90年代以来又实施了一系列的初任教师入职引导政策,取得了显著成效,对我国初任教师入职培训及专业化发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"双师型"教师培养作为职业院校突出办学特色、提高教学质量和水平的主要途径,成为各职业院校发展的重点。基于这种形势,通过开展校本培训、建立专兼职教师机制、制定激励机制等途径和措施,探讨职业院校"双师型"教师培养的新途径,以期能够给广大职业院校以帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

Curriculum reforms have led to discursive and organizational changes in Argentina. These reforms have reshaped school knowledge and institutional patterns of school administration. We analyse the process of this 'curriculum reterritorialization', the contradictions and displacements it produces, and the hybrid products that result from it. Reterritorialization is traced through four interrelated movements: the hybridization of discourses; the design of new maps of relations between the centre and the periphery of the educational system; the new 'regime of truth' that emerges out of these changes; and the role of the intellectual in educational reform. Although they are different in scope and magnitude, these movements provide the tools required to analyse the many ways in which curriculum reform is transforming Argentina's educational experiences.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育大众化快速发展时期,地方高校师资呈快速增长态势.为提高教学质量,青年教师在岗培训成为一个重要问题.本文分析了地方高校原有教师在岗培训方式的弊端及其原因,提出了地方高校教师为适应大众化教育发展要求的在岗培训新途径.  相似文献   

历史即是一面镜子,学生受到良好的历史教育,将照亮学生的一生。为此,我们历史教师须真正认识到其中的重要性,知晓自身肩负的担子有多重!随着社会经济的发展,科技的日新月异,历史教师须深刻领会新课改精神,树立终身学习理念,以最饱满的热情迎接新课程改革,进而适应新课程改革。  相似文献   

我国新一轮基础教育课程改革对教师专业发展提出了新的挑战。这就要求教师必须适应课程改革的要求,全面提升素质,实现专业发展。本文阐述了新课程对教师专业发展提出的新挑战,探讨了新课程改革视域下促进教师专业化发展的基本策略。  相似文献   

英语学科教学论课程设置刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高师英语教育以高度的紧迫感和责任心加强对英语教育专业,尤其英语学科教学论课程设置的研究,以培养出合格的、高素质的英语师资。  相似文献   

课题组在调查分析四川省中学英语教师的实际情况和新课程培训需求的基础上,研究中学英语教师新课程培训的创新模式,模式结构包括理论引领、观摩实践、合作交流、自主学习、综合评价等五大板块。该模式在多次新课程教师培训工作中实践并不断改进,旨在更新培训观念,探讨培训模式,促进新课程师资培训不断深入发展。  相似文献   

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