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本文从多方面、多角度分析了小学英语情感教育的内涵、定义及存在的认识误区,并针对分析产生误区的原因,提出有效的解决策略。  相似文献   

Edna Vahter 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):263-278
In 2010, the renewed national curriculum was legislated in Estonia. Major changes include a new list of cross-curricular topics, increased importance of integration and specification of the components of the art learning process. In this situation, the question arises – how to fully implement the challenges of the renewed curriculum in primary school visual art classes. One possibility is to use a consistent teaching model. This article gives an overview of such model as applied during an action research project, analysing the participation and involvement of the pupils and their study experiences.  相似文献   

There is currently a strong belief in accountability as a policy of action and standardized testing has been implemented in several countries. This article examines tensions that occur in meetings when primary school teachers in Norway discuss national testing, and how these are handled. In particular, tensions revolve around what is seen as internal (teachers' everyday work) and external (policies and practices outside the main frame of teaching). Even though national testing is mainly seen as external to teachers' work, teachers involve in boundary work and reshape professional discourse in order to create relevance and maintain legitimacy following new expectations.  相似文献   

随着"国学热"这一思潮的的涌现,教育逐渐成为传承传统文化的媒介,而小学教育更是成为弘扬传统文化的首站。我国英语教学的发展突飞猛进,但小学英语课程中却到处充斥着西方文化价值观,我国优秀的传统文化知识严重缺失。对此,我们应该及时研究与分析,使小学生在英语学习中了解西方文化的同时,继承我国优秀的传统文化。  相似文献   

"艺术教育课程"是中职学校美育最主要的载体和最有效的途径,是培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义现代化建设需要的高素质技能人才必不可少的。目前中职学校艺术教育课程在课程体系中地位不高,笔者从中职学校中了解艺术教育课程的地位现状,从观念偏颇、体系杂乱、基础资源缺失等原因进行分析,并提出提高中职学校艺术教育课程地位的思考。  相似文献   

This small-scale research project explored the perceived impact which selective mutism (SM) training, delivered by an educational psychologist (EP), had on school practitioners' understanding of the condition and their subsequent professional practice. Three teachers were interviewed and a thematic analysis elicited four superordinate themes. Participants recognised that they had little previous knowledge of SM and many misconceptions; they also identified key ways in which their understanding of SM, and their practice as school professionals, had developed. In addition, staff highlighted central challenges which nevertheless remained, one of which involved working with parents. This research highlights the limited knowledge which teachers have of SM, whilst demonstrating how staff training and school development might contribute to improved outcomes for children with the condition. Implications for teacher training programmes and future research are considered.  相似文献   

以就业为导向,注重岗位能力的培养,培养学生的社会适应能力,是高职院校的基本出发点和重要任务。高职院校艺术设计专业学生岗位能力的培养途径与方法有六个方面:优化课程设置;建立工学结合的教学模式;提高教师自身专业素养;建立校企合作的办学模式;注重毕业创作的实战性。  相似文献   

杜晓敏 《教育学报》2001,(11):46-49
课程的开发受到诸多因素的制约,价值观和课程目标的确定是其中的两个重要因素.由于各个国家的国情不同,课程设置存在一定的差异.本文试图介绍英国国家课程的价值观和课程目标,以期对我国基础教育的课程开发起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Mastering spelling is important for children to progress in writing. The National Curriculum in England details spelling lists linked to each year group in primary education. Assessment practices also emphasise the importance of teaching spelling. However, to date, little is known about how teachers feel about teaching spelling nor the instructional methods that they use in primary schools in England. This study addresses this gap by investigating approaches to teaching spelling. An online survey was distributed to primary-based teaching staff with roles in supporting teaching and learning. The survey asked for information about the respondents’ teaching experience and school setting, and about their attitudes and approach to teaching spelling. The survey was completed in full by 158 respondents. Approaches to teaching spelling were varied and over two-thirds of the sample highlighted that their school did not have a spelling policy. The importance of explicit teaching of spelling was supported by the majority of teachers. This judgement was more frequent and rated more highly by teachers supporting younger children. Teachers largely reported devising their own spelling resources, highlighted that the curriculum spelling lists lack guidance for teaching spelling strategies and questioned their suitability for pupils of varying abilities. A range of spelling programmes and strategies were recorded. The findings provide insight into universal instructional approaches. Practical implications for teacher training and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   


The focus of this article is upon progression in the curriculum, its relation to a particular psychological model, and implications for policy and practice. The illustrative case is the National Curriculum for England and Wales. Focusing primarily upon the history and the science curricula, the author offers and justifies the idea of a three‐dimensional model for the curriculum to account separately for profiles in acquiring knowledge in a variety of contexts, and for progress in the ability of students to handle increasingly complex concepts. Without a theoretically justified notion of progression, the author concludes that the implementation of the National Curriculum, including its assessment procedures, will continue to be problematic.  相似文献   

优秀的艺术作品,在形式结构背后都蕴含着丰富的感情,或思想,或意蕴,或某种意味等等精神内涵,即意蕴美。在审美直觉刺激了鉴赏者的感觉后,将不满足于停留在表面的连锁反应,教师应积极调动自己的生活体验和审美经验,激起他们丰富的想象和情感。  相似文献   

Globalization has been widely discussed and much contested. It has been claimed that the process of globalization has impacted greatly on the capacity of the nation-state to formulate policy (e.g. Reich, 1992). Moreover, globalization has been accompanied by, or at least runs parallel to, a seemingly endless process of change within education. This process has assumed a worldwide character,as policies have migrated around the world; thus there have existed many similarities in terms of, for instance, curriculum provision, or school governance, between New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. This article examines the nature and extent of education change in general terms, and the concept of globalization, before analysing the links between globalization and the process of change in one area of education, that is, the development of national frameworks for curriculum and assessment within anglophone nations.  相似文献   

To gain insight into how teachers' judgment accuracy can be improved, we investigated effects of cue-type availability. While thinking aloud, 21 teachers judged their fourth grade students' (n = 176) decimal magnitude understanding. Sensitivity (correctly judging what students did understand) did not improve from availability of both answer cues (students' answers to prior practice problems) and student cues (knowledge of students triggered by knowing their names), and was lower when only answer cues were available, compared to only student cues. Specificity (correctly judging what students did not understand) was higher when only answer cues were available, compared to only student cues or both student and answer cues.  相似文献   

教学需要艺术,体育教学同样如此。本文重点从教师的教学理念与教学艺术,师生情感交流艺术,学生个性化教学艺术几个方面进行了分析与研究,旨在提高体育教师的教学艺术修养与教学能力,促进学校体育教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of curriculum reform on teaching practice in primary mathematics in mainland China. The participants included 58 fifth grade mathematics teachers from 20 schools. Thirty-two of the classrooms had utilized a reform curriculum for 5 years prior to conducting the study, and the remaining 26 had been using the conventional curriculum. Each of the 58 teachers was videotaped for 3 of his/her classes during a 3-day period and the videotaped class sessions provided the data source for the study. The focus of the study was on the instructional tasks that were implemented in the classrooms and on the teacher and student interaction. Results indicated that a greater proportion of high cognitive level tasks were implemented in the reform classrooms when compared to those in the non-reform classrooms. Numerical symbolic representation as well as single-solution strategies were dominant in the instructional tasks for both groups. However, in the reform classes a higher proportion of instructional tasks were used that involved visual illustrations and hands-on manipulation and multiple-solution strategies. An analysis of classroom discourse showed that most of the teacher questions were related to memorizing exercises and explanations of answers. However, the teachers from the reform classrooms were more likely to ask students to describe the procedure that led to an answer and to inquire further into students’ responses. The results indicated positive changes in classroom practice resulting from implementation of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

教学反思是教师提高教学水平的重要途径。文章对以观察、访谈等方式获取的具体小学实例进行分析,从教师自身与学校环境两个方面归纳、总结出小学教师教学反思的影响因素,深化小学教师对反思性教学的认识,对于推动小学教师反思性教学的有效实施具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

小学英语教师的良好语音素养是顺利开展英语基础教育,提高小学英语教学质量的重要保障。本项研究调查了陕西省36名参加"国培项目"的农村小学英语教师的语音素质,并通过测试与访谈,发现他们在语音知识、语音技能等方面存在较多问题,主要集中在字母发音、语音常识、单词重音、句子重读、语调等方面,其语音素质的提升可从夯实语音基础知识、转变语音教学观念、加强同伴互助与集体研修、定期参加集中培训几个方面入手加以解决。  相似文献   

This research attempts to comprehend the traits and behaviors of vocational high school principals in implementing curriculum reform. In-depth interviews with experienced principals of three vocational high schools sought to identify the leadership roles and tasks that led to successful curriculum reform for vocational high school programs.  相似文献   

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