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There have been calls in the literature for changes to assessment practices in higher education, to increase flexibility and give learners more control over the assessment process. This article explores the possibilities of allowing student choice in the format used to present their work, as a starting point for changing assessment, based on recent studies and current examples of flexible assessment practice in higher education. The benefits of this flexible assessment format approach are highlighted, along with a discussion of classic assessment considerations such as validity, reliability and marking concerns. The role of technology in facilitating assessment method choice is considered, in terms of new opportunities for providing student choice in the way they evidence their learning and present their work. Considerations for implementing flexible assessment choices into the curriculum are presented, along with a call that further research into such practice is needed to develop a comprehensive set of practical recommendations and best practice for the implementation of flexible assessment choice into the curriculum. The article should be of interest to curriculum developers and academics considering implementing changes to the assessment process to increase student ownership and control.  相似文献   

国际技术教育课程评价:困境、经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着技术教育成为各国基础教育关注的热点领域,其课程评价日益成为一个共同的焦点问题。技术教育课程应该由谁来评价?评价什么?怎样评价?有哪些合适的评价方式?通过对别国及地区的实践考察,技术教育课程评价应积极建立基于"专业"与标准的国家质量监测体系,努力寻求适合"技术"自身特性的多元评价方式。  相似文献   

针对高职院校工科专业建设在教学资源、课程体系、实训环节、师资建设等方面存在的矛盾和问题,提出重视专业体系的标准化建设、规范考核制度、完善实训软硬件建设以及提高专业教师待遇等解决对策,并指出今后10年高职教学改革的重点。  相似文献   

新课程改革与心理教育范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程改革为心理教育的发展提供了新机遇、新平台和新思维。新课程改革呼唤着心理教育的理性反思,推动着心理教育范式的变革,走融合创新之路是心理教育范式建构的必然选择。  相似文献   

根据多年的《连锁企业物流配送管理》课程教学实践,针对课程教学存在的课程内容偏重理论,系统性较差等主要问题,进行课程教学改革。改革路径包括优化整合理论教学内容,强化实践教学环节;采用多媒体教学法、案例教学法和情景模拟教学法;构建以能力为导向的多元化课程考核方式。通过改革,达到了增强该课程教学效果,提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

文章以日本、美国等环境教育发达国家作为参考,与我国高校环境类研究生的教育体系、招生条件、课程设置及论文考核等方面进行比较和研究。通过对比得到以下结论我国环境教育体系相对不够完善,在招生流程、考核方式、社会实践和科研论文写作方面还存在一些问题。但在理论知识储备方面我国环境类研究生要优于国外,同时近些年我国在课程种类和科研资助两方面的提升也比较快。文章旨在为提升我国环境类研究生培养模式提供参考。  相似文献   

The article reviews different views of creativity, building on the work of Czikszentmihaly. It offers a definition of creativity in terms of trait/process/product. The issue of how creativity might be assessed is explored using this definition and some illustrative examples are provided. The article concludes that creativity can and should be assessed but that this must be with an appropriate methodology. Such assessment is important not only for assessing students' work but also for evaluating curriculum content, in order to promote curriculum development in the teaching of creativity.  相似文献   

课程是教育工作者系统化整理并逐步应用到教学过程中的重要资源。随着教育的发展,课程在内涵、特征、类型等方面发生着深刻改变,主要表现为:课程核心功能更加凸显,内容范围拓展深化,技术融合趋向深度;课程改革逐渐显现出丰富化、多样化、校本化、定制化、智慧化的发展倾向;课程开始演化为基础课程、发展课程、综合课程、生命课程、数字课程五种类型。课程的变革离不开实践的检验,在未来,课程实施要求深化师生未来意识导向、聚焦核心素养价值目标、营造未来课程实践氛围,不断推动未来教育的变革发展。  相似文献   


In this article three questions regarding teaching and teacher education are addressed. The first question deals with the identification of elements of competent teaching. Relevant elements of competent teaching are described in terms of a teacher's knowledge base, the development and use of practical theories and the idea that teachers should also be ‘researchers’. The opinion is held that being a competent teacher is based not on one perspective or paradigm, but on a ‘grand strategy’ or integration of perspectives or paradigms.

The second question deals with some characteristics of the everyday teaching practice. First of all, teaching seems to be a profession under pressure. In addition, teaching in reality is considered to be a complex and holistic activity. It consists of three phases (planning, execution and reflection) which usually coincide in reality. Teaching, therefore, is to a large extent a matter of routine.

The third question deals with the professionalization of teachers. To answer this question it is necessary to regard teaching as a profession. For this purpose it is essential to pay (renewed) attention to the curriculum and didactics of teacher education as well as to the relationship between pre-service and in-service teacher education. In this respect much work still needs to be done, which should be a collective effort on the part of researchers, teacher educators, curriculum developers and school managers.  相似文献   

我国小学科学教师职前培养已形成了四种主要模式。不同模式的小学科学教师教育在科学类专业课程、教育类专业课程和专业实践课程上差异较大,在小学科学教师继续教育和专业发展方面也存在多种多样的方式。当前我国小学科学教师教育存在的五个方面的问题,针对这些问题作者提出了改进小学科学教师教育及其专业的五条建议。  相似文献   

美国通过评价来切实保障教师教育课程的质量。美国的教师教育课程评价大体可以分为教师教育机构外部专业组织开展的认证和机构内部的学生学习评价两部分。美国专业组织开展的教师教育认证由于标准的清晰性、人员的专业性、过程的规范性、结果的透明性,能够对教师教育专业及其课程起到重要的指导与监督作用。美国教师教育机构内的各门课程都非常重视对学生学习过程和结果的评价,作品评价、表现性评价和成长记录袋评价等评价策略得到广泛使用。这启发我们,应该重视对教师教育课程评价的研究并切实改进我们的评价实践。  相似文献   

为适应基础教育课程改革,培养综合型科学课程师资,高师院校应加快建设科学教育专业,构建综合的课程体系。在传统师范教育课程体系基础上,按加强基础、学科并重、拓宽知识和整体优化的理念,构建了以必修课、限选修课和任选修课形式设置的普通文化课程、教育学科课程、教育实践课程、教育技能课程和学科专业课程组成的五模块课程体系。  相似文献   

Globalization has been widely discussed and much contested. It has been claimed that the process of globalization has impacted greatly on the capacity of the nation-state to formulate policy (e.g. Reich, 1992). Moreover, globalization has been accompanied by, or at least runs parallel to, a seemingly endless process of change within education. This process has assumed a worldwide character,as policies have migrated around the world; thus there have existed many similarities in terms of, for instance, curriculum provision, or school governance, between New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. This article examines the nature and extent of education change in general terms, and the concept of globalization, before analysing the links between globalization and the process of change in one area of education, that is, the development of national frameworks for curriculum and assessment within anglophone nations.  相似文献   

文章讨论了在新课程背景下,民族地区教师应有的教育观念,提出了教师应树立促进学生发展的教学目标观;开放、科学的课程观;民主、对话的师生观;关注个性、多元的学生学业评价观。  相似文献   

高职新生专业入门教育课程建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了高职新生专业入门教育课程存在的主要问题,阐述了高职新生专业入门教育课程的必要性。提出高职新生专业入门课程的实施应从课程标准及教材编写着手,并从教学内容、教学实施及考核等方面进行。最后就如何建设好新生专业入门教育课程提出了思考和体会。  相似文献   

"学习性评价"是在"形成性评价"基础上发展演变而来的、为适应新一轮国际基础教育改革而产生的课堂评价理论及其指导下的课堂评价实践。"学习性评价"的五大核心理念体现了国际基础教育评价理念经历的重大变化。"学习性评价"与"形成性评价"既有密切联系又有显著区别。我国需要从评价制度(如督导)和政策层面上确立"学习性评价"在课程与教学中的地位,积极发挥"学习性评价"对课程与教学改革的促进作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which early education classrooms across Indiana implemented evidence-based practices and how well the classrooms of different types of early education programs in our state compared with one another. Evidence-based effective curricula increase children’s learning compared to those that are not effective. This article addresses the question: “Are the curricula used by the teachers effective?” The 81 participating classrooms included 28 in licensed child care centers, 27 in Head Start, and 26 in public school prekindergarten. Of the 81 classrooms, 80 teachers responded to the question: “What curriculum or curricula do you use in your classroom?” We used a three-step process to determine whether each response named a curriculum based on the Head Start definition; whether studies of the curriculum met the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) guidelines for being evidence-based; and if the WWC reviews identified the curriculum as effective in increasing children’s learning. Findings revealed that only 2 of 80 responding teachers used a curriculum determined by WWC to be effective. Other teachers used curricula that did not meet the Head Start definition, used curricula that did not meet the WWC standards for evidence, or used curricula with evidence but that were ineffective. These findings suggest that administrators and teachers should opt for a curriculum determined to be effective and to choose whether the curriculum will be math- or literacy-based since no comprehensive curriculum has been determined to be effective. A challenge for implementation is that the WWC has shown only five curricula to be effective.  相似文献   

基于分享课程开发权力与职责理念的体育课程校本化开发具有特别重要的意义,它是体育课程改革过程中承上启下的联动环节.体育课程的校本化开发是一个在国家课程愿景、地方课程方案与本校课程情境之间不断调适的动态过程,它是体育课程有效实施的前提条件.从基于"泰勒原理"的经典的目标模式来看,体育课程校本化开发包括分析体育课程情境、确定体育课程目标、选编体育课程内容、预设体育课程实施、开展体育课程评价等基本步骤.  相似文献   

能力测评是高职学生学习效果检验的有效方式,在职业指导课程考核改革中建立能力测评体系事关教学绩效的评价及教学质量标准的导向。对职业指导课程考核改革的意义、内容以及如何建立能力测评体系提出了看法。  相似文献   

“健康第一”是当前社会时代下体育课程和健康课程目标的指导思想,通过对体育课程和健康课程长期以来的课程目标取向问题进行分析、总结,运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对“健康第一”这一指导思想与增强体质、运动技能学习、竞技运动项目教材化、学习评价体系及与该课程本质之间的关系进行了探讨,对如何理解“健康第一”主流价值取向和如何在体育课程实施中贯彻落实“健康第一”的指导思想提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

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