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近年来,积极心理学领域内相关研究日益增多,学者们对于快乐这个古老而又流行的话题从各个角度作了相应的研究探讨,包括快乐的定义、快乐与幸福的区别、快乐的影响因素等,研究显示影响快乐的因素主要包括人格、社会支持、认知、生活目标、生理特征、金钱等,同时也提出并求证快乐是可以学习的观点。但目前的快乐心理研究中存在着概念混淆、理论建构不明、研究方法和测量技术过于主观等问题,因此还难以形成有关快乐心理的科学结论与解释。未来的研究还需要从理论探讨和实证技术两方面更注重研究的科学性和严谨性,以更有效地提升人类快乐的研究水平。  相似文献   

当今社会迅猛的财富增长并未给人们带来幸福感的相应增加,这导致经济学和心理学都开始反思和探讨财富与幸福的关系。对两门学科历史的回顾表明,现代经济学和心理学都背离了学科建立伊始时追求幸福快乐的初衷,而积极心理学和行为经济学的兴起则标志着这两门学科向“快乐”方向的回归。目前,经济学与心理学在对幸福的理解及其影响因素的探讨和对快乐计量指标的开发上都体现出合作和互补,且此趋势正在进一步增强。  相似文献   

跨越与发展——主观幸福感的过去、现在与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸福是人文知识的核心命题,心理学的终极目的是促进人类幸福。主观幸福感研究始自上世纪60年代,研究从外部因素深入到内部机制,从哲学思辨转移到科学实证,从理论研究转移到社会应用,从学术研究转移到幸福感提升,激发当代“幸福革命”。早期重点是调查幸福感,主要是沿着入口统计维度进行实证调查,侧重比较不同群体的幸福感差异;中期重点是解释幸福感,理解幸福感形式的内部机制,主要有从上而下和从下而上两种理论框架;近期重点是侧量幸福感,更加重视幸福感理论与测量的互动,建构出主观幸福感、心理幸福感、社会幸福感三种测量模式;现代的重点则是应用幸福感,融入社会发展体系,成为重要的社会指标,具有诊断、调整、互补、发展功能;未来的核心是提升幸福感,力图把幸福感的学术研究成果转化为充满温暖的幸福体验,实现人类幸福的最大化,创造幸福的社会。  相似文献   

论积极心理学与幸福的教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极心理学致力于研究人的发展潜力和美德,它提出主观幸福感、自我决定性、乐观等三种主要的积极人格特质。幸福感是一种与多种人格积极心理有关的变量。教育要培养学生进取向上的态度、体验幸福的能力、提升自我的心灵、快乐达观的情绪和优秀美好的品质等积极心理以达到人生幸福的目的。  相似文献   

孔子的学习之悦、交友之乐及君子之乐,人称"孔门三乐",是孔子幸福观的具体阐述。"孔门三乐"承载着深刻的文化内涵,把孔子幸福观与现代积极情绪研究结合起来,可以清晰地看出二者存在着有形或无形的、直接或间接的传承关系。  相似文献   

守法与幸福的辩证关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幸福不同于快乐,它不仅仅是个人主观的心理感受,更是为追求理想目标不懈奋斗的动态过程。在现代化的法制社会里,只有通过守法的基本途径,才能实现幸福这一人生的终极目的。但是在守法过程中,社会幸福和个体幸福有可能会发生冲突。这就更需要通过守法,尤其是通过积极守法,才能使二者达到平衡与和谐。  相似文献   

师范生群体是未来教师的主体,他们的心理素质、道德品质、精神面貌和幸福感指数将直接影响到国家的发展和民族的未来。近年来随着社会生活的急剧变化,国家对教育提出了更高的要求,也对师范生的素质提出了更高的要求。师范生承受的学习压力、专业压力、就业压力、经济压力和社会压力不断增加,心理问题呈上升趋势,极大地影响了师范生的身心健康。文章选择从积极心理学的视角,对师范生的主观幸福感进行探讨和研究。根据对首师大和北师大主观幸福感调查问卷的统计,分析了影响当代师范生主观幸福感的因素,探讨了提升师范生主观幸福感的途径方法。  相似文献   

积极心理健康教育奏响幸福主旋律——先让学校幸福起来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
积极心理健康教育的终极目标是奠基幸福人生.今年两会召开,“幸福中国”引起了全国人大代表和政协委员的高度关注,“让人民更幸福”成为中国政府未来工作的主题.本文重点介绍了积极心理健康教育主张先让学校幸福起来的观点,系统论述了:为啥要创建幸福学校,理想的幸福学校是啥样,如何创建幸福的学校,从而为办幸福学校和发展幸福学校联盟奠定了理论基础,指明了方向.  相似文献   

人所具有的这一切是需要借助教育来实现的,幸福是教育的出发点也是最终目的,教育存在的价值就是为了人,为了人的幸福。然而在现实教育活动中,教育的工具性、实用性、功利性的价值取向,使教育失去了本真的价值,导致了教育与幸福的背离。要还原教育的幸福本义,教育就必须要超越它的工具性、实用性、功利性,切实地做到“以人为目的”。  相似文献   

Signalong Indonesia (SI), a key word signing approach, was created to support the development of Indonesian inclusive schools. A mixed methods approach collected data about teacher’s beliefs and experiences regarding SI from the first two schools to pilot it. Thirty-two teachers completed questionnaires, followed by interviews with nine teachers. Three themes emerged: understanding the nature of SI, the stigmatisation of signers and its reporting by teachers, and the nature of happiness in inclusive pedagogy. The latter reveals, for the first time, the importance of Suka as a culturally mediated intrinsic part of Indonesian inclusive pedagogy. The findings suggest recommendations about SI materials and training, and indicate a new research area regarding inclusive pedagogies within different cultures.  相似文献   

This research investigates the perceptions of refugee children, refugee parents and school staff regarding the positive adaptation of refugee children in a new social context and the effects on mental health and psychological well-being. This included an exploration of resilience and the role of risk and protective factors. Few studies have focused on views from a resilience perspective, and these have tended to use quantitative rather than qualitative measures. This mixed methods piece of “real world” research adopted a “what’s working well” perspective and explored the important voices of these children, parents and school staff. Staff, parent and child responses were triangulated to provide a rich picture of the potential protective factors operating within the school and family environment. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

教育是心灵的事业,教师应当是一个幸福的职业。但审视现实,教师的职业压力日益增大,教师的职业倦怠也在悄然地蔓延,幸福似乎正在远离教师的职业生活。教育幸福是教师职业的幸福不同于其他职业幸福的特殊性。教师的积极心理品质影响教师的教书育人效果、教师自身的身心健康以及教师的专业发展,教师的积极心理品质是教师职业幸福感的基石。培养和发展教师的积极心理品质,是有效缓解教师职业压力,减少教师身心健康问题,提升教师职业幸福感的重要途径。  相似文献   

幸福是人生的目的。快乐、欲望、利益等同幸福密切相关,但不等于幸福。幸福问题作为哲学问题就是要询问做人的根据,人的根据在自身,社会本性规定了幸福本性。幸福生活方式是一种社会合作方式,内在地要求乐人之乐的他者立场。追求幸福就是要追问生活的意义,生活的意义在于寻求美好的事物,在实践理性上建立人与人之间公正、和谐的社会关系,在创造性给予中体验幸福。  相似文献   

心理弹性是指个体的心理功能并未受到严重压力(逆境损伤性影响)的发展现象。心理弹性通过保护性因素,使有弹性的个体在面对逆境时积极应对。积极心理学作为一股新的心理学思潮,主张心理学应该对人类自身拥有的积极品质进行研究。积极心理学理念与心理弹性相结合,进一步增进个体积极的情绪体验、增强心理弹性、培养个体积极的人格品质;进而促进个体身心健康,更快、更好成长;它具有现实意义。  相似文献   

幸福之德育与德育之幸福   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新时期,人们在拥有比以往任何时候都更丰富的物质与闲暇的同时,幸福感却没有同比例地增长,甚至更多了人生意义的失落,多了病态幸福的危机;德育必须反思自身,在教育理念、内容、方法上进行改革,科学地进行幸福的德育教育,使德育变成帮助学生确立正确的幸福观、体验幸福、培养幸福能力的过程。  相似文献   

To date, the historical entanglement of disability and happiness has not been considered an object worth of historical inquiry. Nor has the intersection of disability and emotions been used as a lens to examine the history of disability. Our paper aims at filling this academic void by analysing a wide range of philosophical, anthropological, pedagogical, popular and poetic texts dealing with the following question: “Who is unhappiest, the blind or the deaf?” On the basis of a comparative study of Belgian, Dutch, German, Swiss, Austrian, British and American primary source material, we argue that the transformation of western concepts of happiness during the nineteenth century was reflected in attitudes towards people with sensory disabilities. If at the turn of the eighteenth century happiness was considered a sensory experience, it very soon became dependent on the intervention of an educational expert. On the basis of our source material we draw the conclusion that happiness has been an overlooked factor in the construction and problematisation of disability in western societies. Analysis of the ways in which nineteenth-century authors have dealt with this question also shows how happiness became connected to new ways of wielding power, and in particular to the rise of the educational expert.  相似文献   

With increasing concerns in the UK about the positive mental well-being and flourishing of children, this research, using drama and creative writing with primary school teachers, children and a theatre company, looks at the links between creative processes and children's well-being. This pedagogy applies a capability approach and we use this lens to examine children's critical reflections on the project. Interview data highlight the link between agency, social imagination and subjective well-being. The study offers some concrete examples of the ways in which creative processes can move beyond an outcome-based understanding of the curriculum by offering a legitimate space for children to explore their values and develop competencies which are crucial for well-being in the 21st century.  相似文献   

以《积极人格特质测量量表(VIA-IS)》简版优势调查表为研究工具,对158名大学生进行了问卷调查。调查表明,大学生群体具有良好的积极人格特质,男女生在创造力、判断力、洞察力、宽容、自律、感恩六个维度上存在显著差异,学生干部具有更高的坚持特质和社会智力水平。要进一步培养大学生积极的人格特质,学校应积极开展心理咨询和生活辅导,构建积极的校园环境。  相似文献   

基于积极心理学取向,采用DOME规划过程训练法对高职学生进行心理健康自我训练。结果表明,训练式教学可为学生的心理健康注入积极的心理因素,提升其幸福感。  相似文献   

This article explores the perspective that well-being and creativity can be nurtured in children through understanding and addressing the diverse ways in which children learn, communicate, and develop (inner diversity). In particular, our working hypothesis is that focusing children’s and young people’s learning towards the realization of their well-being supports and enables creativity. But it also requires, firstly, addressing how children perceive, engage with, and express creativity in different ways and, secondly, nurturing the development of core capacities to, in turn, underpin their capacity to develop key competences and skills in formal and non-formal learning settings. In recommending that education systems take the well-being of children as their central purpose, we are suggesting that there are capacities, ranging from personal qualities to behavioural skills, which are necessary for the development of the personal resources to enable lifelong and life-wide learning.  相似文献   

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