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德育显示课程和隐性课程是当今高校对学生进行德育教育的两种最基本形式。二者各有优势,需要把二者结合起来,尤其要促进德育隐性课程显性化。艺术院校大学生有其自身特点,其德育隐性课程显性化也要通过不同的途径得以强化。  相似文献   

在“澄怀味象”中“澄怀观道”,或由“感物兴怀”而“神超理得”,一直是视觉艺术所追求的理想境界。单点布光、三点布光、综合布光等灯光语言表达必须遵循勾股定律、黄金分割定律以及双曲线定律和对角线原理等方能因常、反常皆合道。由此所造就的视觉艺术造型方能以象为基础,情为中介,理趣为归宿,实现“道一”、“道无量”、“圆融”三境相合相生的意境深层审美结构中道之认同境层。  相似文献   

面对加入WTO的挑战,大学艺术教育需确立重视基础知识学习、注重能力结构完善、注重发展学生个性、强调培养良好品质和强调培养国际意识等理念。然而,艺术教育在作用上的普遍性和发展上的不平衡,要求我国的大学艺术教育加大发展的力度。因此,大学需要调整优化专业结构,注重艺术教育在育人中的地位;变革大学课程结构,发展全球化的课程体系;让学生参与教学和管理,构建艺术教育的教学环境;建构与惯例相符的艺术教育质量标准,完善质量评估系统;建立现代大学制度,保障大学艺术教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

The motivation and methodology for measuring intelligence have changed repeatedly in the modern history of large-scale student testing. Test makers have always sought to identify raw aptitude for cultivation, but they have never figured out how to promote excellence while preserving equality. They’ve settled for egalitarianism, which gives rise to “culturally fair” tests that substitute vagaries for knowledge, deprive students of any real appreciation for language, and trivialize education. Robert Jackson yearns for traditional oratorical approaches to schooling that venerate and imitate essential, time-tested masters. Unfortunately, he writes, such an education defies measurement with today’s multiple-choice instruments.
Robert L. JacksonEmail:

Robert L. Jackson   is associate professor of English and education at The King’s College, New York, NY 10118; rjackson@tkc.edu.  相似文献   

艺术教育是学校全面推进素质教育不可缺少的组成部分,是实施素质教育的重要途径,源远流长的中外艺术教育历史都充分说明,艺术教育可以在潜移默化中提高学生的思想道德素质、文化素质、业务素质、身心素质,增强学生的创新意识、创新能力、创新精神.  相似文献   

阿拉木图国立大学美术教育的课程设置、教学方法与原则、毕业设计与答辩是落实培养目标的重要保证 ,阿拉木图国立大学美术系实行学位改革后 ,经过几年的调整已形成了具有自己特色的艺术教育体系  相似文献   

The arts at the end of the 20th Century are dynamic: they are playing an increasingly important role in the life of individuals and the structuring of society. But they are also changing dramatically. It is my argument that arts education will need to change practice to match. The aim here is to discuss some of the key changes and values that will require a response from schools. Where do we look for evidence of these changes? Can we say what they are? I believe that we can. There are specific themes or directions now current in the arts which are likely to continue into the future. In the main they stem from the dynamism created by the interaction between art, technology and social change.  相似文献   

以忻州师范学院艺术系的特色发展个案为研究对象,探索新建本科院校艺术专业教育的特色发展之路,通过对其教学实践、科研创新以及师资和硬件基本建设发展的分析,认为走特色发展之路是新建本科院校发展的生命,立足地方经济文化发展的需要是新建本科院校走特色发展之路的前提,办学理念与特色办学实践的双重探索是形成大学特色的关键。  相似文献   

微型学习:成人教育的新途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人教育有利于推进社会发展与全民综合素质的提高,已经成为教育事业极为重要的组成部分。微型学习作为教育体系的新兴有机组成部分,以其灵活易用和个性化等特点在成人教育中凸显了明显的优势。通过文献分析法厘清微内容、微型学习的内涵,在探究微型学习应用于成人教育适切性的基础上,提出微型学习应用于成人教育的建议,以使微型学习更好的服务于成人学习。  相似文献   

张斌 《甘肃高师学报》2004,9(1):110-112
在美术教育实践中 ,存在一些认识和实践方面的误区 ,并在一定程度上影响着教育效果。因此 ,应从造型与写实 ,素描与速写 ,结构素描与明暗素描等方面 ,对这些概念进行正反两方面的分析与论述 ,并且相应地提出了一些可行性的教学建议  相似文献   

Artistic activities are frequently touted as being imaginative or valuable in helping develop the imagination of students. However, it is not always clear what is meant by the imagination. Is the imagination a faculty of the mind? Do some people have it while others do not? Is it something that can be developed? Or is having an imagination having the ability to conceive of ideas in a certain way? If having an imagination is an ability to conceptualize in a certain manner, can educators provide experiences which foster this ability? How does this ability differ from creative ability or the ability to fantasize? These questions, among others, must be dealt with if we are to come to an understanding of what we mean by the concept of imagination. Having a clearer understanding of what we mean by the imagination still leaves unanswered questions concerning why we should want to be imaginative and why being imaginative is important for arts education. These are the questions to be addressed in the following paper.  相似文献   

教育的目标是培育全面发展的“文化人”,人文教育起着非常重要的“人学”作用.艺术英语作为一门新型人文素质教育课程,其魅力主要体现在通过课堂教学、科学研究活动和社会实践活动教导人明确人的本质、教导人构建正确的价值观和教导人营造精神家园.  相似文献   

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