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顶针格 顶针格的特点是前后两句的首尾相接。如《大观园》:大,大观园,园,园真美,美,美如画,画,画红楼,楼,楼真高,高,高过天,天,天安门,门,门前清,清,清明节,节,节日好,好,好朋友,友,友情深,深,深似海,海,海真大,大,大观园。  相似文献   

人出生,性本纯,近朱赤,近墨黑,近雅士,取人长,过相规,业相助。曰诚信,言与行,诚为根,信为本,诚真切,不含糊,诚待人,不虚假。事守时,讲信义,重信誉,忠信守,言必行,行必果,守承诺,循无违。曰团结,重交谊,事业上,各有争,求知识,宜领先,看效果,有参差。人胜我,找差距,人喜庆,心不妒,比我弱,热情待,诚心助,不歧视。富无种,穷无根,穷思变,工读先,既自立,又自觉,年计春,日计晨。曰自强,刻苦学,有恒心,方可及,知国史,思爱国,知地理,守疆域。我先贤,聪且慧,发明多,创在前,造纸术,印刷术,指南…  相似文献   

知识类别要点归纳目标话题情感态度重点词汇1.重点单词:lighting,mysterious,tense,silky,owner,product,如。Wledge,shiny,skin,eream,toothPaste,endangered,uneomfortable,useful,Pink,serve,de- sign,eamPaign,smoke,aim,sPeeially,eonfuse,mislead,wedding,annlversary,vase,hostess,host,arrange,免minine,ProP饥tradition,ehe叩ly,embarrass,quality 2.重点短语:aimat,leam斤om,几rinstance,stressedout,玩epout,比ead of time,follow the rules,think of,at times,let’5 say,make m…  相似文献   

为人师,讲师德,爱学生,敬职业。昔孔子,弟三千,教有方,德才兼;陶行知,创晓庄,举志士,后人赞;陈嘉庚,办学堂,育栋梁,兴中华;邵逸夫,惠桑梓,功当代,利千秋。中华史,五千年,古今贤,代代传。育学子,神圣业,陶冶人,师之责。顽皮生,需爱心,贵在诚,妙在导,尊人格,不体罚,笃真情,智必达,学困生,多关心,精诚至,金石开,教诲人,晓以理,动真情,做表率,尖子生,勿偏心,常激励,方成器,导清泉,育桃李,播芳馨,泽后人。学不倦,诲不厌,谦受益,满招损。苦钻研,业务通,勤实践,勇创新。取人长,补己短,重教…  相似文献   

一、单元学习要求 1.掌握本单元39个词语用法 engineering,solar,significant,mankind,constitution,likely,zone,private,grasp,master,perfect,arrange,set foot(in),rely on,failure,locate,valley,brand,luggage,achieve,organ,boom,put forward,break through,agency,announce,evolution,super computer,eureka,economic,hi-tech,technological,overseas,silicon,rejuvenate,impressive,genome,element,byte,humanoid 2.学会运用下列交际用语  相似文献   

耒阳市教育局机关现设有办公室,人事股,计财股,基础教育股,职成股,社会力量办学管理办,师训股,法规股,审计股,基建办,纪检监察室,勤工俭学站,电教仪器站,招生考试办,教研室,督导室,  相似文献   

青少年健身三字经徐世豪健身卷,身心顾,德智体,要全面。青少年,七八年,长身体,增智慧,塑人格,铸灵魂,时虽短,重也哉。年两寸,增身高,岁五斤,长体重,体型异,不为奇。(1)七岁前,齿二十,上学后,均要换,十岁后,出血齿,年十五,牙廿八,系恒牙,不再换...  相似文献   

扫盲千字文一年有二十四节气,每季有六个节气,每月有两个节气。春天的节气有:立春,雨水,惊蛰,春分,清明,谷雨;夏天的节气有:立夏,小满,芒种,夏至,小暑,大暑;秋天的节气有:立秋,处暑,白露,秋分,寒露,霜降;冬天的节气有:立冬,小雪,大雪,冬至,小...  相似文献   

材料与工具:三夹板,四块长方体积木,蓝、黄色不干胶,美工刀,榔头,钉子,可乐瓶,种种纸盒,白胶,双面胶,乒乓球若干,磁铁块若干,彩纸,牙签,水池滤,木棍或竹竿。  相似文献   

1766年。德国的天学家提丢斯在数列:3,6,12,24。48,96,192.…的前面加上0,即0,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,…,再把每个数都加上4.得到如下数列:4,7,10,16,28,52,100,196,…,然后再把每个数都除以10,最后得到:0.4,0.7,1,1.6,2.8,5.2,10,19.6,…,  相似文献   

南朝梁七部小说的成书年代分别是 :《殷芸小说》成于天监十三至十四年间 (5 14— 5 15 ) ,《周氏冥通记》成于天监十五年 (5 16 )十一至十二月 ,《续齐谐记》成于天监元年至普通元年间 (5 0 2— 5 2 0 ) ,《迩说》成于天监十八年至普通五年间 (5 19— 5 2 4 ) ,《古今刀剑录》成于普通元年至大同二年间 (5 2 0— 5 36 ) ,《金楼子·志怪篇》成于承圣二年 (5 5 3) ,《研神记》成于普通元年至承圣二年间 (5 2 0— 5 5 3)。  相似文献   

关于明代宗学开始正式设置的时间,目前学术界看法不一,有“嘉靖九年六月说”、“嘉靖二十四年说”。通过考证认为,“嘉靖九年六月说”、“嘉靖二十四年说”皆无法成立。明代宗学的设置经历了一个过程,嘉靖初至嘉靖四十二三年是明代宗学设置的探讨阶段,嘉靖四十四年,明政府将设置宗学写入《宗藩条例》,以法规的形式同定下来,确立为国家制度,然至隆庆三年,这一制度才开始得到逐步落实。明代宗学于隆庆三年开始正式设置。  相似文献   

周绍恒先生认为,慧震卒于梁大同三年闰九月至五年七月之间,其还乡国的时间为普通七年九月之前,因而推出刘勰卒于普通四五年间的新说。笔者认为周先生引的史料有误,因而推出的结论不实。慧震与刘勰在定林寺撰经,功毕回乡国的时间应为湘东王第一次任荆州刺史的大同三年闰九月至五年七月之间,其卒年应为湘东王第二次任荆州刺史的太清元年正月至二年十月之间。因而,刘勰应卒于大同三四年间。  相似文献   

枚乘约于文帝后元七年与或景帝前元元年去吴游梁,景帝后元元年返回淮阴,武帝建元三年(前138)卒,时年约七十三岁;枚皋生于景帝前元元年(前156),武帝建元二年上书梁共王后为郎,建元四年获罪后逃亡长安,元光元年(前134年)遇赦,并上书自荐,以赋才为郎。  相似文献   

杜甫卒于大历五年,几乎成为了“杜诗学”中的一项定论。文章从三个方面对杜甫的卒年进行了重新考察,不仅认为大历六年的秋天杜甫尚滞留于长沙,而且被历代杜诗研究者称之为“绝笔”的《风疾舟中》一诗的作年,乃在大历六年的秋冬之际。被《研究》一书作者语含讥讽的“则公之卒.大历六年仍嫌稍近,当迁延至大历七年春后矣”云云,其实是一种最接近杜甫卒年历史真实的说法。  相似文献   

史载张说"三登左右丞相","掌文学之任凡三十年"。所谓"三登左右丞相",并不是作了三次宰相,而是指其在开元年间作了三次左右丞相,分别是十三年十一月、十七年二月、十七年八月;张说确实作了三次宰相,即所谓"前后三秉大政",分别是睿宗景云二年正月至本年十月、玄宗先天二年九月至本年(开元元年)十二月、玄宗开元九年九月至开元十四年四月;所谓"掌文学之任凡三十年"应是从久视元年张说参预修撰《三教珠英》开始成为修书学士到开元十八年卒。  相似文献   

Primary teachers in their first year of teaching, and two groups of students in their final year of university, were surveyed in order to determine the nature of attitude changes during teacher education and in the first teaching year. One group of students was followed into its first year of teaching. The attitudes of the trainee teachers and novices were contrasted with those of experienced teachers and non‐education students over a two‐year period, using a semantic differential instrument.

The overall finding was that Lortie's contention that the attitudes of American teachers are based on their own early experiences as pupils in school holds for Australian teachers also. While there was some change in student attitudes during the final university year, towards the ‘progressive’ orientations of the university course, this orientation did not persist far into the first year of teaching.  相似文献   

At the request of the production team, a study was carried out on the BBC children's general knowledge programme, Corners, in order to test how suitable and enjoyable the programme was for its intended audience (five to seven year olds). Three age groups of children (six, seven and 11 year olds) were tested on memory and liking for one episode of the programme. Eleven year olds were significantly better at remembering the programme than the younger age groups. But there was also an unexpectedly large significant difference between seven and six year olds. Six year olds found particular difficulty in answering questions based on large numbers. The programme was most popular with seven year olds and least popular with 11 year olds. Popularity of individual items was not associated with superior recall. Results are discussed in terms of their usefulness in guiding production decisions for the next series of Corners, and also in terms of possible developmental factors which could account for the age differences  相似文献   

Student evaluations of instruction were obtained from two groups. Students in the first group were “reverse transfer” students (N = 97) who completed their freshman year at a university and then transferred to a two‐year college for their sophomore year. Students in the second group were “early transfer” students (N = 78) who completed their freshman year at a two‐year college and then transferred to a university. All students had one year of attendance at a two‐year college and one year at a university. The purpose of the study was to analyze the ratings of both groups of students with regard to their academic experiences at the university and at the two‐year college. An adaptation of the Student Instructional Report (SIR) was used to obtain ratings on overall college experiences from all students at the end of their sophomore year. The findings revealed: (1) considerable similarity of ratings given to the two‐year college and the university, (2) differences between ratings of early transfer and reverse transfer students, and (3) generally high ratings for both the two‐year college and the university.  相似文献   

南宋利州路分合频繁,经考证认为达九次之多,即绍兴十四年分,乾道三年四月合;乾道三年六月分,乾道四年合;淳熙二年分,淳熙三年合;淳熙五年分,绍熙五年合;庆元二年又分,嘉定二年复合;嘉定十一年短暂分、合又于次年五月再分,同年八月又合;嘉定十六年再合;战乱中实又分矣。  相似文献   

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