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跨文化现象在对外汉语教学的各个方面都有所体现。留学生不同的文化背景为汉语学习带来诸多问题,影响了留学生对汉语的掌握。在对外汉语教学中,必须要提高跨文化意识,在教材与课堂教学中,强化跨文化训练,引导学生参加各层次的课外活动,在实际中学习汉语,不断提高对外汉语教学质量。  相似文献   

This article has dual aims. First, it proposes an explicit focus on emotion as a means of enriching thinking about employee health and wellbeing in the higher education (HE) sector. Second, in order to bring conceptual clarity to a highly complex area, it presents and illustrates (using a fictional scenario) a framework for understanding emotion. The article begins with an overview of recent published research relevant to the HE workplace as an affective domain and argues that research with an explicit focus on emotion is a so far little exploited means of investigating aspects of working life in HE that have implications for health and professional practice. It then presents a conceptualisation that views emotion as a system within which individual and environmental factors interact in highly intricate ways in emotional experience (Lazarus in Emotion and adaptation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991, 1999). Viewed from this perspective ‘emotions’, as opposed to less powerful ‘affects’ (such as attitudes, beliefs and opinions), are uniquely relevant to physical and mental health. The article concludes by considering implications arising from this perspective on emotion for researchers and other practitioners in HE with an interest in how the university workplace impacts on the wellbeing of an increasingly diverse workforce.  相似文献   

教学理论的文化研究是现代教学论发展的一个新生点。从文化的视角可以看出,教学具有明显的文化境域性,是一种文化的体现形式。教学与文化的关系是形式与本质、手段与内涵的交互影响关系。构建本土教学理论需要从文化的角度对现代教学理论进行必要的反思与批判。从当前实际来看,构建具有民族文化特色的本土教学论体系,需要促使教学论研究方法的文化转向、教学论学科文化的自觉及教学学科文化与大众文化的统一。  相似文献   

A group-based educational programme on life skills was implemented with eleven participants with moderate learning difficulties, aged 17–18 years, for nine months. The aim of the programme was to enhance autonomy by means of group cohesion and the teaching of social skills. Teaching was based on the internalisation cycle model. The analysis of group processes was completed by means of content analysis of the teacher's detailed reports. Students' outcomes were computed on three questionnaires that were administered at the beginning and end of the programme: the Quality of Life questionnaire ( Schalock & Keith, 1993 ), The Progress Assessment Charts of Social Development ( Gunzburg, 1972 ), and the Self-Concept scale (Fitts,1964). Significant changes occurred in the area of social integration; at the end participants expressed a more positive feeling concerning friends. Significant improvements occurred in nearly all areas of social skills: self-help, socialisation, communication and occupation. No changes occurred in the self-concept; it was high and positive at the beginning and at the end the programme. The findings confirm the efficacy of a group-based educational programme with participants with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

顺应论,以一种新的视角和途径来考察语言使用,揭示了语言使用的本质特征.本文从顺应论的角度探讨了广告语言和广告翻译中的顺应性解释及顺应性对它们的启示.指出不论是广告语言还是广告翻译都必须顺应各种语境才能迭到广告的目的.  相似文献   

教学文化是在共同解释的基础上,人们赋予教学的物化资源和行动方式的意义。从解释和赋义角度把握教学文化概念,可以防止出现过于泛化和实体化的倾向,防止把文化符号当作文化本身。教学文化基于"共同"解释,这种解释以"共同知识"为基础,并与群体价值和利益相关联,这三者构成了教学文化变迁的基本出发点。  相似文献   

从语境顺应论的观点出发,分析了语用文化如何在动态的翻译过程中顺应语境融合下的语言结构语境、心理世界、社交世界和物理世界。认为只有动态地顺应不同的文化语境,避免翻译中出现文化信息传递障碍才能达到语用等值的翻译目标。  相似文献   

确立科学教材观:教材创新的根本课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统教学论把教材限定于概念和法则的观点是片面的,必须广义地界定教材概念,赋予其新的涵义.在教学实践中是"教教科书"还是"用教科书教",清晰地反映了两种教材观的歧异,它是区分新旧教学的分水岭.科学教材观认为,优质教材不是冷冰冰的死板的教条或教义,而应当是富于"人文情怀",引导儿童展开对话的一系列文化探究.教材创新是时代赋予我们的使命.  相似文献   

在“两课”教学改革中,《法律基础》课程的改革应重点放在教学手段上,即使用“案例教学“。案例教学符合课程开设的目的和宗旨,针对学生法律意识的现状及课程实际困难,能取得事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

Teaching culture along with language in the foreign language classroom is not an easy job.The definition of culture varies from different context,and non-native speakers do not share the same background with native speakers,thus it brings many difficulties to those who want to learn or teach culture along with a foreign language.Challenges in teaching culture along with English will be discussed as an exemplar in this essay.Meanwhile,suggestion on how to teach culture in the English classroom will be proposed at the end of this work.  相似文献   

教学管理制度作为凸现组织正规性的重要手段,是获得国家和教育行政部门等认可的外部合法性的重要依据。但是高校内部对制度执行不彻底或者不执行等表现又凸现了制度内在合法性的危机。对这一矛盾以组织合法性理论中对合法性的分析逻辑为视角进行阐述具有适切性。合法性危机的解决从组织建设层面看,可以从管理者的建制理念、制度目标的选择、制度传递途径的多元化以及学校共享文化的建设等方面来综合考虑。  相似文献   

精品课程建设是实施《高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程》的重要组成部分,研究机械制造技术精品课程建设有着积极的现实意义.基于提升毕业生就业竞争力的视角,对《机械制造技术》精品课程建设进行了探索.  相似文献   

函数教学既要解构,也要建构.解构是从数学的视角理解函数概念,分析函数及其相关概念构成的网络体系,找出概念的核心所在;建构是从教学的视角理解函数,将分解后的函数各相关内容重新建立联系,还原成一个整体,在寻求联系中,螺旋上升地建构函数的结构体系.  相似文献   

本文从大学英语教学中的文化教学角度出发,阐明了文化教学在英语教学中的重要性及其作用,并针对现阶段文化教学的欠缺情况,提出了在教学中加强文化意识的措施和建议。  相似文献   

在社会发展城市化的背景下,农民工“城市融入”成了热门话题,而农民工“市民化”作为“城市融入”的基本路径,几乎成为多数研究者的共识。但是,这种“教育或塑造农民工”的单向度研究理路和文化范式,是与多元文化主义思想相背离的。从多元文化主义视角看,农民工城市融入是农民工与市民的对话及相互磨合与适应的过程、城市文化与乡村文化的双向作用与融合的过程、生长出新的社会文化的过程;从过程本身看,农民工城市融入是在他们的社会行动与不断反思中实现的;从演进条件看,农民工城市融入需要一个平等、支持的外部环境。  相似文献   

农村大学生普遍存在交际困难、对网络的依赖性增强、角色转换与适应不顺利、学习与生活的压力大、情感困惑和危机、就业压力大等心理问题。要从搞好新生教育——学会适应、学会学习、学会生活,加强职业生涯规划和就业心理辅导,建立心理危机预警机制,创建立体关怀氛围,营造和谐的校园文化环境,架起良好的家校沟通机制等方面着手,消解其心理问题,促使其健康地成长。  相似文献   

本文探讨了“以学生为中心”的外语教学的渊源、内涵及我国推行“以学生为中心”的教学模式所遇到的困难和阻力,分析了影响该教学模式推行的因素:传统的师生观,传统文化的影响,学习的特点等,并指出“以学生为中心”是一种理论上、较理想化的教学模式,将其完全付诸于教学实践仍需探讨。  相似文献   

To explore whether teaching quality was improved by the Taiwan Ministry of Education's implementation of the Teaching Excellence Program after the massification of higher education, the authors used data from a 2007 student survey to build a Teaching Quality Assessment Model to analyze university students' views of the Teaching Excellence Program's improvements in teaching, identify problems with teaching quality, and compare differences between the viewpoints of students from different backgrounds regarding teaching quality. This research from the student perspective indicates that universities receiving Teaching Excellence Program grants failed to meet the expectations of students in terms of teaching equipment, training and internships, teaching evaluation systems, graduate employment and career counseling, fair evaluation of instructors' teaching, and building a learning culture. Once universities received the teaching improvement funding, they made immediate improvements in teaching yet failed to fully meet the expectations of students. After universities expand in size, we recommend that the leadership of such universities deeply examine and establish a more comprehensive teaching quality mechanism to continuously improve teaching quality.  相似文献   

CBI核心教学理念是将语言学习和学科内容有机地融合在一起,通过学习学科知识自然地获得语言发展能力。CBI主题模式为我国陷入困境的大学英语课堂教学模式改革提供了一条新的思路。通过分析CBI教学模式的理论基础和英语教学的实践优势提出了CBI教学法运用于我国高校英语教学中的紧迫性,并且对实际运用存在的困难进行分析并提出解决方法,为下一步大学英语教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ramifications of masculinized military culture and operational stress on cross-cultural adaptation. The author examines how characteristics of military culture may obstruct effective cross-cultural adaptation by promoting a hypermasculinity that tends to oppose effective management of trauma, and thereby suppresses skills of social interaction (e.g., adaptive emotional resilience, behavioral flexibility) that could assist military members with cross-cultural interactions. Because these cultural aspects may tend to exacerbate difficulties members have when transitioning between cultures and dealing with trauma effects, possible approaches in counseling intervention to mitigate these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

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