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根据西方“从学校到工作过渡”的职业教育理论和我国残疾人从学校到工作过渡的现状,提出残疾人从学校到工作过渡的几种模式:特殊学校—工作模式、特殊学校—职业培训—工作模式、特殊学校—双元培训体系—工作模式、特殊学校—职业教育—工作模式等。希望它能对我国残疾人的职业教育理论与实践工作有所启示。  相似文献   

“从学校到工作”是职业教育的核心,是职业教育的根本出发点,是人的发展与经济发展的结合点与实现途径。随着残疾人事业的发展,辅助器具在残疾人从学校到工作的过渡过程中的作用越来越明显,可以帮助残疾人改善功能、实现职业康复、改变生活环境、代偿残疾人身体缺陷的部分功能。而辅助技术服务在残疾人从学校到工作过程中的作用主要体现在:评价残疾人的需要和辅助技师的技能;提出所需辅助技术器具的要求;选择、设计、修理和制造辅助技术系统;与其他理疗和作业治疗项目合作,开展服务;培训残疾人以及陪伴残疾人使用辅助技术装置的人员。  相似文献   

STC理念下美国职业教育课程改革的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入21世纪,STC理念主导了当前美国职业教育改革发展的方向。“学校到生涯”(STC)理念在继承“学校到工作”(STW)理念的基础上增加了新内涵——关注学生,着眼于个体生涯的终身发展,帮助学生从学校到生涯顺利过渡。STC理念下美国职业教育课程改革的特点和实施情况出现了新的趋势和特点,对我国职业教育课程改革具有借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

残疾人职业教育的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析残疾人职业教育问题的基础上,运用"从学校到工作"的理论,提出了解决残疾人职业教育问题的对策:开展"从学校到工作"的职业教育,促进残疾人就业;开展以学校为基础的残疾人职业教育,有计划地安排残疾人就业;开展以职业为基础的职业教育,促进残疾人自主就业;残疾人的职业教育要因地制宜、区别对待.  相似文献   

2007年7月12日,由江苏省武进职业教育中心承担的国家社科基金“十一五”规划(教育学科)2006年度国家青年基金课题“学做技术工人——从职业技术学校到工厂过渡的实证研究”子课题之一——“职业学校开展职业价值观教育的案例研究”开题会议在江苏省武进职业教育中心南校区(常州市武进技工学校)隆重举行。  相似文献   

在残疾人工作体系中,不同部门、不同机构对残疾人从学校到工作的对象的要求是不同的。根据我国残疾人职业教育制度、劳动力市场、就业政策、文化背景以及社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,残疾人从学校到工作可采取“学校-工作单位”、“学校-自由培训机构-工作单位”、“学校-双元培训体系-工作单位”、“学校-职业教育机构-工作单位”四种模式。  相似文献   

三类残疾人从学校到工作过渡的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用西方“从学校到工作的过渡”的职业教育理论,对三类残疾人从学校到工作的过渡作了界定,分析了近年来三类残疾人从学校到工作的过渡的现状,归纳了他们从学校到工作的过渡的问题,并针对存在的问题提出了解决策略。  相似文献   

为了了解并探索亚太地区青年学生从学校到工作过渡的有效策略,推进技术和职业教育与培训(TVET)的发展,2007年1月23日至30日,日本国立教育政策研究所(NIER)与联合国教科文组织职业技术教育与培训国际中心(UNESCO-UNEVOC)在日本东京组织召开了“从学校到工作——当代技术和职业教育与培训的地区经验”国际研讨会。  相似文献   

<正>现代社会的人们大多要接受时间长短不一的教育,然后进入职场,这就有了一个从学校到职场的过渡问题。学生从学校到职场的过渡,受到多种因素的影响,诸如家庭的阶层地位、教育组织的性质和层次以及成年人在劳动力市场中的流动等。但是,从教育社会学的角度来说,最重要的还是要看学校教育和职业岗位之间的匹配程度。一般来说,如果学校教育与职业岗位之间的联系比较紧密、匹配度较高,毕业生从学校到工作的过渡就会相对顺  相似文献   

培养高职学生职业能力的几点思考   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
从高职教育本身去寻找造成高职教育与经济发展不相适应的问题与原因时,我们会发现:高职学生职业能力的欠缺是一个主要方面。因而,高职教育的改革要从由不同岗位未来战略能力分析确定职业素质要求,构建修正与弹性的教学体系;制定“技术准备计划”,进行培养方案、实施方法和评价体系的改革等方面来提出对策,从而培养和帮助高职学生顺利完成“从学校到工作的过渡”。  相似文献   

以“平等·参与·共享”为核心的新残疾人观,运用现代社会的文明、进步、科学的观念来认识残疾人和残疾人问题,对我国残疾人事业的持续健康发展有着积极的促进作用。本文简要回顾了我国残疾人观的沿革和新残疾人观的形成,分析了新残疾人观的深刻内涵和重要意义,并试图从中寻求对今后的残疾人工作的一些启示。  相似文献   

Transition to post-statutory education and employment for young people with learning disabilities has become a hotly debated issue among professionals in education and support services in the UK. Partnerships between educational institutions and voluntary sector providers are supposed to be ideal vehicles for delivering transition services and securing outcomes for young people with learning disabilities. In this article, Axel Kaehne and Stephen Bayer of the Welsh Centre for Learning Difficulties report the findings of a survey of the views of special educational needs co-ordinators and professionals who are involved at operational and strategic levels in the work of transition partnerships. The data show that undue emphasis is often placed, by all stakeholders, on the soft, rather than the concrete, outcomes of transition; that smooth transitions are still hampered by insufficient flow of information between collaborating agencies; and that there are still significant gaps in provision, in particular in the supported employment field, due to funding or referral restrictions. To deliver first-class transitions, argue Axel Kaehne and Stephen Bayer, partnerships that support young people with learning disabilities need to address these difficulties with some urgency.  相似文献   

论网络对残疾人教育的促进作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
残疾人教育是一个重要的社会问题,社会还没有给残疾人提供一种无障碍的教育环境,而高科技的网络工具能极大地改善残疾人的外部学习条件,创造平等的学习机会,从而提供一种无障碍的教育环境。网络对残疾人教育有着积极的影响,但目前在残疾人教育中应用网络技术还有很多困难和问题,需要政府、社会各界和残疾人群体共同为积极推动和加快发展残疾人的网络事业做出贡献。  相似文献   

The legislation and guidance require that transition planning takes place for all children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. The research reported here was undertaken by Linda Ward, Professor of Disability and Social Policy at the University of Bristol, where she is director of the Norah Fry Research Centre; Robina Mallett, Carer Support Officer at the Home Farm Trust; Pauline Heslop, Research Fellow at the Norah Fry Research Centre; and Ken Simons, Senior Research Fellow at the Norah Fry Research Centre until his untimely death in January 2003, to find out how well this legislation and guidance works in practice from the perspective of young people with learning disabilities and their families. Based on information from questionnaires completed by parents and separate in-depth interviews with youngsters with learning disabilities and their parents, this article reveals that many young people in the study left school without any transition planning, as far as their parents were aware. Where transition planning had occurred, there was a stark mismatch between the topics families wanted to cover and those addressed by the professionals involved. Many of the youngsters who did receive transition planning had little if any involvement in the process; parental involvement was also significantly less than it should have been. In drawing conclusions from their research, the authors review the most positive aspects of the process from the perspective of the young people and their parents; parents' ideas for improving transition planning; and messages from the research for professionals, including those working in education.  相似文献   

Transition services are required by law for students with disabilities in many developed countries. In Malaysia, however, there is still no specific legislation mandating that school‐to‐work transition planning and services be provided to students with disabilities. This study investigated the state of the transition services provided by educational organisations to students with disabilities in Malaysia. A mixed method research design, which utilises both quantitative and qualitative research techniques, was employed to obtain information from 23 government organisations and NGOs involved in the education and training of students with disabilities. This study found that the organisations surveyed were aware of the lack of transition support and call attention to the importance of instituting a national policy on school‐to‐work transition services and supported employment systems for students with disabilities. The legislative and educational implications for Malaysia are discussed.  相似文献   

促进残疾人的政治参与,是实现社会和谐的重要保证.实证研究表明:制度缺失、制度冲突、制度曲行对残疾人政治参与的机会与质量有着不同程度的影响;制度困境是制约残疾人政治参与的根本原因.要促进残疾人的政治参与,就必须进行制度创新:一是要健全残疾人政治权利表达机制;二是要建立基层民主决策制度;三是要完善残疾人非政府组织建设.  相似文献   

This study reports on an assessment system for school‐leavers with disabilities to identify their capacity for work and the type of transition‐to‐work programme best suited to each person. Participants were 1,556 high school students in four cohorts who left school between 1999 and 2002. Each school‐leaver was assessed by rehabilitation counsellors for functional ability and capacity for work. In a supplementary study, the 2002 cohort was assessed by special transition teachers using a short screening tool. The results demonstrate that there is a predictable hierarchy of functional acquisition among school‐leavers with disabilities and that the single best predictor of future capacity for work and need for transition‐to‐work programmes among this group of young people is the capacity to manage activities of daily living. The results also demonstrate that a short screen used by teachers, together with a behavioural assessment, is sufficient to stream school‐leavers with a disability into a range of transition‐to‐work programmes.  相似文献   

The South African education crisis is well documented in the literature. While strides have been made to rectify the inequalities in education arising from apartheid era policies, and while South Africa ratified the United Nations Conventions for the Rights of People with Disabilities, these actions have yet to translate into meaningful changes for persons with disabilities. To investigate the status of educational attainment, this article uses South Africa’s National Income Dynamics Study to analyse the disparities in education for adults with and without disabilities. Education is a key mechanism of leverage for functionings. The findings show that persons with disabilities fare worse in educational attainment than persons without disabilities, but that race and geographic location play a larger role in predicting educational attainment than disabilities. In addition, age also contributes to educational disparities. The findings of this study are integral in the call from the Presidency to ‘strengthen the country’s response to the needs of [persons with disabilities] … and to monitor progress’ of educational attainment for persons with disabilities (20-year review, 2014, p. 73).  相似文献   

Students with intellectual disabilities aged 18–21 are increasingly receiving transition services on college campuses during the last years of public schooling. These students may attend college courses, work in the community, access community recreational activities, and engage in age-appropriate experiences with peers without disabilities. However, there is little research that documents the types of practices included, the perspectives of consumers, or the outcomes of these transition services. Results from this case study depict how one public school program on a community college campus incorporated recommended transition practices and how students with intellectual disabilities and their families perceived these practices.  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the role of vocational-technical training in facilitating the transition from school to work of adolescents with learning disabilities. The present study provided 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up data on such students who had attended vocational-technical programs. Matched groups of students without disabilities from vocational-technical programs, as well as randomly selected students without disabilities from regular high schools, were also included for comparisons. Results of the study raised several questions about the value and purpose of vocational-technical training for adolescents with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

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