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通过分析CAD的含义及结构CAD课程的地位,提出本课程的知识要点.结构CAD课程应符合计算力学、课程综述、贴近实战的特征要求,以设计为中心,以材料特性、计算单元为主线编排课程内容,运用多种辅助设计软件培养学生的计算能力与分析能力,引导学生构建合理的知识结构.  相似文献   

从汶川地震谈对建筑结构抗震的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震损失惨重,建筑物毁坏极多,土木建筑工程结构问题引起了很多结构工程师的关注,试从中国地震活动概况、建筑抗震设计规范等方面谈谈对建筑结构抗震的思考。  相似文献   

建筑结构试验中应注意的几点问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对建筑结构试验认识上和主要环节上出现的几点问题进行了探讨,旨在引起广大科研、教学和工程技术人员的高度重视。  相似文献   

本文针对建筑结构试验认识上和主要环节上出现的几点问题进行了探讨,旨在引起广大科研、教学和工程技术人员的高度重视.  相似文献   

建筑结构概念设计及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前建筑结构设计中墨守成规的现象,提倡采用概念设计思想来促进结构工程师的创造性,推动结构设计的发展,结构概念设计在建筑结构设计中居首位,尤其在采用计算机进行计算及绘图的时代,更具有战略意义。  相似文献   

目前,高层结构计算都采用计算机,但计算机并不能完全代替设计人员的设计概念。近几年来电算工作的经验表明,上机前后,设计人员有必要对高结构的设计概念、程序的计算原理及适用范围进行深入了解并对计算结果做认真的分析,才能确保工程设计质量。  相似文献   

简要回顾国内结构CAD软件近几年的进展情况,初步探讨结构CAD软件操作系统从DOS向windows过渡的必然性,以及以AutoCAD为图形平台内置开发结构CAD软件的可行性。  相似文献   

基于PCK结构框架的数学课例分析主要分析内容组织、学生理解、教学目标、效果评估、教学策略。分析程序特点是根据分析结果,重新备课上课评课,检验分析结果。这种课例分析法关注教学目标的合理性,关注教学任务、练习、评价与教学目标的一致性,关注教学策略的有效性,指导教师跳出自我框架,培养问题意识与批判性思维能力,重新解释经验,渐进解决教学问题,是一种操作性强、实践先行、基于教师最近发展区、参与式的教师教育方式。  相似文献   

上好色彩写生训练课,让学生掌握观察和比较的方法是关键。首先应该要求学生熟练掌握色彩基础知识;其次要教学生养成整体观察与对比的习惯;再次在素描的基础上运用色彩知识整体对比,反复地比较,把色彩关系找出来,把对象表现好,还要多临摹好的作品,勤于练习。  相似文献   

Research findingsThe study focused on 90 five-year-olds from fifteen Dutch schools. The children scored among the 30% lowest on literacy tests. Half were randomly assigned to a phonological skills program on the computer, the other half to a book program. Both programs consisted of 15 ten-minute sessions. During the phonological skills program children's mouse behavior was registered every tenth of a second. Intelligence, phoneme skills, and regulatory skills were tested. Children scoring average on regulatory skills benefited from teacher-free encounters with the phonological skills program, children scoring low or high did not. Typically, the lowest-scoring children showed more meaningless mouse activity and more random clicking.Practice or policyComputer programs can be used to stimulate early phoneme skills of poorly performing kindergarten children, but not for all children. Children with poor regulatory skills did not benefit from the intervention program.  相似文献   

Super Skills for Life (SSL) is a transdiagnostic program targeting children with internalizing problems. This study aimed to evaluate: 1) The Spanish SSL program's fidelity level; 2) the relationship between the implementation fidelity dimensions; 3) outcomes at posttest and 12-month follow-up depending on implementation fidelity; 4) mediation effects of self-concept dimensions to reduce internalizing and externalizing problems at follow-up. Participants were 119 schoolchildren aged 8–12. Two groups were established: high (HFG) and low fidelity (LFG). At posttest, HFG presented lower depression, anxiety, total difficulties, and externalizing symptoms, and higher academic and family self-concept than LFG. At follow-up, LFG presented higher depression, total difficulties, and internalizing symptoms, and lower academic, social, and family self-concept. All posttest self-concept dimensions had a significant impact at follow-up on internalizing symptoms. Academic, social and physical self-concept dimensions impacted externalizing symptoms. Thus, although SSL program is effective for treating emotional symptoms even with low implementation fidelity, it is more effective with high implementation loyalty.  相似文献   

对社会体育设施中以“基本计划 (个别指导计划、集团指导计划 )”和“特别计划 (活动计划、小组计划、法人会员计划)”为基础建立的健康体育计划结构进行了初步的理论探讨。  相似文献   

本文就目前比较流行的面向对象程序设计给出了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   

本文论述了古籍的重要价值及古籍使用的种种方法及对古籍数字化发展方向的再思考,通过对比分析论证了计算机化网络化并不是古籍数字化唯一方案,为推动更好地保护我国古籍和使用古籍数字化做了方法的探索。  相似文献   

方言节目的兴起作为近来一种备受关注的传播现象,其出现是有深刻的心理原因的,一方面,传播者出于竞争心理和贴近原则制作方言类节目,而节目的参与者则是出于一种亲和交往动机以及自我实现需要,最后,节目的受众则是因为一种求近心理而喜欢方言节目。  相似文献   

This paper presents a quasi-experimental evaluation of a required, teaching-focused, new faculty program at a large research university. The study makes use of institutional data, including student evaluations of teaching and faculty participation in educational development activities, which are available on many campuses yet rarely used in program evaluation. Results show positive impacts. Faculty found the program valuable and reported increases in their preparation for a range of teaching tasks. In comparison to earlier cohorts, program participants received stronger student evaluations on two global items, and demonstrated significantly more connections with the teaching center in their early careers.  相似文献   

英语分句建立在词组的基础上,其结构形式比较比较划一,因而可予以概括性的描述。而在分句的基础上通过增加修饰成分和使用附属分句扩展而成的句子结构形式就很复杂,难以以简单几句话加以概括,这必然给翻译过程增加难度。本文就法律出版社2003年8月新版《国际商事合同通则》(中译本)中的一些法律条文英译汉中由于未理清句子结构而常出现的误译进行了分析。  相似文献   

选取贵州师范大学贫困大学生为研究对象,通过采用问卷调查的形式对其计算机应用能力现状进行了调查分析,内容涉及所读中学开设计算机课程的情况、对一般常用软件的应用能力、对网络的了解运用等。结果发现,贫困大学生计算机应用能力现状令人堪忧。  相似文献   

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