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少数民族汉语教学应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语教学不能只停留在汉语本身即汉语语音、词汇、语法结构的教学。要真正达到最佳汉语教学效果,必须注意不同语言文化的关系与差异。  相似文献   

我国教育普及程度不断提高,人们都希望自己的孩子能够接受良好教育。但教育并不只有希望,教育理念、教育方式的不当同样会孕育风险与危机。过分注重分数、升学,不能真正地因材施教都会使相当一部分学生得不到良好的教育而脱离正常的教育轨道。而一旦学生成为边缘化的学生,情况将更加糟糕,这不仅使学生对自己失去信心,家长希望破灭,社会也会多许多不稳定因素。因此,教育机构、教育主管部门以及全社会都应该积极努力对待,为学生创造积极向上的学习环境。  相似文献   

1 Introduction When we talk about grammar, we will usually refer to the detailed instruction rules of grammar. In China, grammar is usually taught explicitly in formal instructions, which is different from that in some western countries. So there are some controversial questions coming out: Should there be formal instruction of grammar?  相似文献   

学习汉语的过程是学习汉民族悠久深厚文化的过程,在教学中传授汉文化知识是汉语教学的不可忽视的一方面。本文简要分析了针对维吾尔族学生的汉语教学中,汉维语文化的差异在词汇、语法、语用等方面的表现及教学中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

交际性英语语法教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语法在外语教学中占有重要的地位,其目的是培养学生掌握语言规律和语言运用的能力,而传统的语法教学是为学语法而学语法,是以教师为中心进行的灌输式教学,教学方法单一陈旧,缺乏互动性,对英语教学产生了消极影响.交际性语法课堂则是以学生为中心,通过组织真实生动、互动性强的各种交际活动,充分实现师生互动、生生互动的交流,促进学生的语法知识向语言实际运用能力的转化.  相似文献   

近年来语法教学在外语教学中的地位再次引起了人们的普遍关注。语法是可教的,关键在于如何教。目前争论最激烈的明示教学法与暗示教学法,其不确定性停留在语法教学的可显度上,把握好可显度是语法教学的关键。  相似文献   

以往认知语言学的研究大多集中于理论的探讨,从实践操作层面进行的研究相对缺乏。运用认知语言学及认知语法的研究成果能加深教师对语法习得过程进而对二语习得过程的认识。教学过程中教师应改变单一的规定性的讲授方法,关注语法的语义特性,加强整体性教学,使学生体验语法特性,增强对语言现象的敏感性,从而获得较强的语法能力。  相似文献   

「·てくださぃ」是二外日语语法项目中较早接触的一个重要知识点,也是日常交流中使用频率很高的一个语法点.笔者通过对晋城职业技术学院外语系08初级教育(1)班和(2)班的学生进行问卷调查,对二外日语教学中「·てくださぃ」的教学及习得情况进行了系统研究.  相似文献   

对于新形势下民族师范院校英语专业学生的语法教学,应注重从学生的认知心理和认知能力出发进行语法教学,考虑推理等认知因素对教学的启示。在教学过程中,采用"精心导入—推导归纳—教.练结合"的教学模式,可发掘学生的语言意识,使学生感受到学习英语语法的乐趣,培养学生的学习能力。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe the development and implementation of a co‐teaching model at a small state university in the northeast. In addition, this article will share lessons learned from this experience by two professors, as well as describe the impact on the beliefs and teaching behaviors of their students. One of the professors is a member of the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, and the second is from the Department of Professional and Secondary Education. The co‐teaching initiative began in 1996 and continues until the present, with a graduate course on inclusionary practices taught collaboratively each fall. The impetus for the initiative came from an identified need for general education and special education teachers to co‐teach in classrooms where students with disabilities are included. Given that co‐teaching is an expected teacher behavior, the practice must be taught with intent and modeled by professors to increase the likelihood that it will be implemented successfully in P‐12 classrooms.  相似文献   

对新建本科院校英语专业二年级学生进行了问卷调查和访谈,旨在了解该类学校英语专业独立语法课的教学现状。调查结果表明:96%的学生认为语法教学很重要,对语法教学有着很大的需求;一半以上的学生缺乏对显性语法知识的了解和对语法能力的运用;90%的学生认为语法课时不够;87%的学生希望用英汉结合(主要是汉语)授课;学生获取语法知识的渠道单一;学生的自主学习性不强;教师的教学方法、教学能力以及责任感对学生语法的兴趣取向有着很大的影响。  相似文献   

传统的语法教学是静态地教语法结构和语法规则,学生只能进行一些机械性的练习,交际能力普遍较弱。实际上,不同的语法形式在不同的语境中具有不同的交际功能,体现不同的语用内涵。因而,语法教学应该与语境紧密结合起来,教师在语法教学中要注重对学生语用意识的培养。  相似文献   

Since the 1970's,as the main course of Chinese middle school,English became important day by day.For many years,traditional teaching method was used in English teaching that is the Grammar Translation Method.It emphasizes the importance of memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary.This viewpoint caused a result:the students call get high marks in examination,but their ability of using language is poor.Although they mastered many grammar rules,remembered a lot of new words,they were unable to communicate with each other by language.This kind of situation must be changed.Therefore,new teaching method Was called for.For more and more people realized that English should be regarded as a kind of communicative tool and be taught as a kind of skill,not just a subject in school.Since the early years of the 1970's,an advanced method-the communicative approach prevailed in the world and later was introducod into our country.However,some teachers still insisted that grammar learning should be paid more attention,because the entrance examination to college still put more emphasis on this.They also thought that communicative approach had nothing to do with the grammar teaching.So the aim of the paper is to illustrate the advantage of the communicative approach by introducing the basic knowledge of this method.  相似文献   

IntroductionAsacollegeteacherofEnglish ,Ihaveexperiencedvariousproblemsinmyreadingcourse .SinceEnglishisoursecondlanguage ,mostofthetimemystudentsfacethelan guagebarrierinsuchareasaslistening ,speak ing ,readingandwriting .Amongalltheprob lems,themostcommono…  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是我国高等教育体系的组成部分。普通高校在自考助学过程中必须全面贯彻党的教育方针,加强自考生思想政治教育,为社会主义现代化建设培养德才兼备的专门人才。为了使自考生思想政治教育收到实效,要改进“两课”教学,抓好爱国主义、明行为规范、树立良好学风等方面的教育,加强思想政治教育工作队伍建设。  相似文献   

英语语法教学一直是外语教师关注的话题,外语教学总是在赞成语法教学和反对语法教学这两种不同的观点中发展。通过十余年高校英语语法教学实践,我认为英语语法还是应该教,但教法应该改革创新。  相似文献   

We show that Malaysian Commerce students construct a future for themselves as they construct a vocation through education. Such a vocation is dependent on aspirations which are culturally and linguistically constructed. The students we taught were participating in an English medium Commerce degree taught at a Malaysian university. We enquired as to their home language use and the language they expected to use once they had graduated and were in a position in commerce. They appeared to downgrade the significance of their home languages in preference to English. Such a preference is understandable and advantageous in their educational setting. Whilst it is possibly disadvantageous for a realistic assessment of the linguistic capacities which they will need in the workplace, it reflects an awareness that standard English is advantageous for selection and promotion purposes. We take this to be an example of a neo-colonialist affective stance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cooperative editing had lasting benefits for remedial freshman composition students. Conducted 3 semesters after the original study, the follow-up study indicated that students who had been taught the application of standard written grammar through cooperative editing exercises in the initial remedial composition course made a significantly higher mean grade (p<.05) in first-semester freshman composition than students who had been taught in the remedial course using the lecture/discussion/textbook exercise method. Additionally, the experimental students had a higher retention rate (82%) in first-semester freshman composition than the control students (63%).  相似文献   

杨婧 《滁州学院学报》2012,14(3):110-113
随着中外合作办学项目的升温,越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学,雅思成为他们必须要参加的一门考试。雅思阅读有生词量大、文章专业性强、篇幅长等特点。学生因为词汇量小,句型结构不会分析,阅读习惯的不良以及英语阅读焦虑心理等导致成绩不高。因此学生应该通过猜词、构词法等扩大单词量,掌握略读、扫读等阅读技巧,教师也应该对学生进行阅读教学的心理激励,尽快提高学生的雅思阅读成绩。  相似文献   

Translation activities are an effective means of language teaching.They help to improve students′ vocabulary study,grammar learning,reading and writing proficiency and cross-cultural sensitivity.On the basis of a discussion and analysis of feasibility as well as practice in intensive reading class for English majors of the first two years,the paper points out that a multiplier effect will be achieved with proper employment of translation activities.  相似文献   

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