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概念卡通在小学科学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概念卡通以建构主义学习理论为基础,结构简单、形象生动,为科学课的教学提供了一个崭新的视角。科学课教师可以运用概念卡通实施建构式建学,并在此基础上因地制宜地加以创造性的发挥。在教学过程中,教师应注意慎重选择概念卡通、适时干预、采用多元策略、寓教于乐等方面的问题。  相似文献   

科学概念是科学理论体系的基础,小学生科学概念学习的两个阶段———概念获得和概念应用,是通过科学理论的解释和预测功能联系起来的。从小学生的科学认识过程入手,从解释和预测功能视角出发,对北京市小学科学教学评优视频进行整理和分析,发现在科学概念教学中存在的问题为:注重概念结论,忽视方法引导;注重概念获得,淡化概念应用;概念获得和概念应用未能协调。提升小学科学概念教学质量的对策为:概念获得的过程与方法并重,概念获得和概念应用缺一不可,概念获得和概念应用有机联系。  相似文献   

I will analyse the individual and collective activities of fourth grade students while trying to explain a schoolfellow's mistake in the use of a geometrical schema (shared by the class) of the sunshadows phenomenon. The study aims at detecting productive links between context-related argumentation, mathematical modelling (here concerning sunshadows) and conceptualization (inclination of a straight line to a plane), as well as discussing their relevance for mathematics education. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

类=规律。归纳论证与演绎论证结合群有两种类型:独立结合型,演绎论证强度决定了结合群的论证强度,其论证强度为演绎;连锁结合型,归纳论证强度决定了结合群的论证强度,其论证强度为归纳。简单枚举归纳反驳,从推理形式上看,它是简单枚举归纳推理与演绎推理的结合,但因其是连锁结合型,从论证强度看仍是归纳,故称它为归纳反驳,仍是名实相符。  相似文献   

Television is among the many mechanisms that transmit information about sex-appropriate behavior to children. In order to examine whether television cartoons portray male and female characters using science and technology in a different manner, we examined the amount and type of science and technology utilized by characters in popular children's cartoons. Results revealed that most characters in these cartoons were male who were often depicted using science and technology, usually while being aggressive. When female characters were shown, they were portrayed as both able and prosocial, using science and technology for the greater good of others, rather than for destruction. In addition, female characters performed prosocial behaviors such as caring and sharing, showed self-confidence and explained things to others, and were less angry and violent than were male characters. Our findings suggest that the portrayal of female characters as competent may be successfully linked with the tendency to also show them as prosocial. Despite relatively positive portrayal of female characters, however, their appearance was rare and most likely not the main focus of the action.  相似文献   

STEM教育理念融入小学科学教学既有可行性也有必要性。教师在将STEM教育理念融入小学科学教学实践过程中,可采取以下四环节教学策略:第一,引入生活,创设情境,提出科学探究问题;第二,设定方案,选择材料,制作解决问题工具;第三,小组合作,科学验证,技术检测解决问题;第四,归纳分析,得出结论,联系实际归纳提升。这个过程中,可培养学生的科学素养、工程素养、技术素养和数学素养,进而在综合性的科学课堂教学中提升学生的动手能力和创新思维。  相似文献   

中国的科技界与教育界在共同推动中小学科技教育发展中虽有很好的合作传统,但是这种合作尚未“体制化”。科技团体是科技界的重要力量和参与社会活动的主要代表。本文比较了美国科促会、英国皇家学会、中国科协介入中小学科技教育的不同模式,并分析了造成这些差异的社会原因,提出应构建多元资源体系以支持中国科技教育的发展。  相似文献   

小学科学教学质量因为种种原因总体处于低水平状态。就如何提高小学科学课教学的有效性,提出了小学科学教师教学准备的策略、教学过程策略、教学评价策略。  相似文献   

The paper aims both to foster and to assess "school scientific argumentation" among secondary science teachers during their pre-service education. For these purposes, the paper uses the recta-scientific construct of"theoretical model" (proposed by the so-called semantic view of scientific theories from contemporary philosophy of science) in three different and complementary conceptual levels. Firstly, the paper suggests teachers to argue using theoretical models (as opposed to propositional items) from science as a key component of their arguments. Secondly, the paper tries to scaffold teachers' argumentation practices modeling them with paradigmatic exemplars (which the author calls "epitomes"). And thirdly, the paper uses a four-component model of school scientific argumentation as an analytical tool to inspect how science teachers argue. The teachers' argumentative texts that are discussed in the paper arise from their participation in teaching-learning sequences designed to improve their argumentation skills via three synergic model-based operations: analyzing epitomes of arguments, (co-)constructing new arguments, and meta-theoretically reflecting upon them.  相似文献   

我国中小学科学教育的价值取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学科学教育的价值是指中小学科学教育对于社会发展、科学技术发展和人的发展的作用与意义,中小学科学教育的价值取向是指中小学科学教育价值活动的方向。当前,我国中小学科学教育的价值取向,应在教育目的上坚持以人的发展为本,在教育目标上追求提高学生的科学素养,在课程设计上彰显人本化、个性化,在课程文化上将科学教育与人文教育相结合,在课程内容上实现现代化、综合化、生活化,在课程实施上以科学探究为核心,在课程评价上体现多元化。  相似文献   

课堂话语互动与学习辩证地联接在一起。学习科学的新发展要求不应仅仅研究课堂话语互动环境与结果,更需要实时分析课堂话语互动过程。交互论证分析超越了传统的静态的图尔敏论证模式,能够动态地实时分析课堂话语互动。基于此,本研究聚焦于争论这一典型的课堂话语互动形式,借助交互论证分析,对研究案例进行三步骤分析,不但揭示了学生话语互动中所运用的交互形式,阐明了话语互动质量,而且清晰地描绘了课堂话语互动如何促进个体的深度学习,学生个体的意义构建如何影响小组论断形成,以及作为机构代表的教师如何促进学生的学习。研究表明课堂争论有效促进了学生的深度学习,同时也进一步指出构建新型的教师角色的必要性。  相似文献   

依据《全日制义务教育科学(3-6年级)课程标准(实验稿)》,科学素养的培养是小学科学教学的核心,小学科学教师应该改变过去注重知识传授的倾向,坚持以探究为主的学习活动,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,关注学生的科学探究过程,合理科学的评价学生的学习质量,把握好与初中科学课程知识点的衔接。  相似文献   

思维品质是指个体在思维活动中表现出来的智力特点或个性特征,是思维能力的重要组成部分。思维品质包括思维的深刻性、敏捷性、灵活性、批判性和创造性,教师要创设有利于培养学生良好思维品质的教学情境,孩子的思维在课堂上尽情地畅想,鼓励学生进行知识间的转化,提高解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

小学科学课程改革中的问题与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新一轮的小学科学课程改革从目标、内容、教法、评价等方面进行了全方位的改革,取得了进步。但是,从整个基础教育的现状来看,小学科学作为核心学科的地位至今没有得到真正的确认,而且由于缺乏重要的基础理论研究,出现了过程和内容目标不平衡、课程内容设计不连贯以及课程实施缺乏横向联系的问题,需要在今后的课程改革实验中加以重视和解决。  相似文献   

陈亦人 《台州学院学报》2011,33(5):69-73,82
对台州市部分小学骨干科学教师问卷调查显示,小学科学教师兼课兼职过多过重,学生班额过大,实验室和仪器不足,教师科学素养存在缺失和差异性,制约着科学课教学质量的提高。会爱科学、会学科学、会懂科学、会用科学、会教科学是小学科学教师最基本的科学素养。建议从关心重视、职前培养、职后培训、自身养成四方面加强小学科学师资队伍的建设。  相似文献   

文章以日本小学理科教学大纲(理科的目标和内容)为线索,简要系统地回顾了战后日本小学理科课程七次修订的历史,阐述了日本小学新理科课程的基本理念。  相似文献   

文章在后现代课程观的基础上,反思当前小学科学课现状,认为不确定性是小学科学课程的发展目标,实践性是小学科学课程的核心要素,境域性是小学科学课程的时空和文化共生平台,隐喻性是小学科学课程的方法和逻辑的重新共融。随着近年来我国新课程改革的推进,对小学科学课程的哲学反思越来越重要。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that instruction in the criteria of scientific arguments, in combination with constructivist epistemic beliefs, would produce greater learning about physics concepts. The study was a randomized experiment, where college undergraduates (n = 88) discussed, in pairs over the Web, several physics problems related to gravity and air resistance. Prior to their discussions, one‐half of the dyads received information on the nature of scientific arguments. All students were classified epistemologically as relativists, multiplists, or evaluativists. We found that students in the treatment group incorporated more scientific criteria into their discussion notes and accordingly developed better arguments on several dimensions. In addition, significantly more participants in the treatment group adopted the correct answer to one of the problems. Outcomes also differed in relation to students’ epistemic beliefs. Specifically, multiplists were less critical of inconsistencies and misconceptions, and interacted with their partners less than other belief groups, whereas evaluativists interacted more critically, bringing up different ideas from their partners. Evaluativists also solved one of the physics problems more accurately and tended to demonstrate a reduction in misconceptions. We discuss the results in light of instruction in scientific argumentation, conceptual development and change, and epistemic beliefs.  相似文献   

Science Activities That Work: Perceptions of Primary School Teachers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many primary school teachers in Australia tend to be reluctant to teach science, partly because they are not confident in science and have limited science background knowledge. However, quite a number of primary school teachers still manage to teach some science. When they plan to teach science, many of them use the term science activities that work. Such activities seem to be related to science pedagogical content knowledge for some primary teachers. In order to better understand what the term activities that work means, twenty teachers from several schools were interviewed and asked what they understood by this expression. Themes that emerged suggest that activities that work are hands on, are interesting and motivating for the children, have a clear outcome or result, are manageable in the classroom, use equipment that is readily available, and are preferably used in a context where science is integrated into themes. Implications for curriculum and for preservice teacher education are considered.  相似文献   

学科教学知识(PCK)是教师知识的核心,发展PCK是教师专业发展的重要途径。文章阐述小学科学教师PCK的内涵,即教师为适应不同能力和兴趣的小学生,在将特定科学知识转化为学生易于理解的课堂教学形式时所使用的知识,它由小学科学课程知识、学习者知识、教学策略知识和学习评价知识构成。小学科学教师PCK的发展策略主要有:根据PCK内涵进行反思;加强专业阅读,进一步学习科学知识和科学教育知识;在学习共同体成员的交流中建构PCK。  相似文献   

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