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Autonomy as a personal ideal presupposes a conception of the self who owns and rules in a life that exemplifies the ideal. Philosophical discussion of autonomy continues to be injuenced by the thesis that the governing core of the self resides in our capacities for disengaged rational reflection, even when the thesis is not explicitly avowed. This conception of autonomy is shown to be inadequate because it alienates us from what matters in our lives. An alternative conception of autonomy is presented that accords a substantial role to rejection and choice within an autonomous life without falling preq, to the charge of alienation. Some divergent implications of the two rival conceptions of autonomy for an understanding of liberal education are examined. Finally, the question of the value of autonomy from a social perspective is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The ideal of personal autonomy enjoys considerable support in educational theory, but close analysis reveals serious problems with its core analytical and psychological components. The core conception of autonomy authorizes individuals to employ their imaginations in troubling and unhealthy ways that clash with sound ideals of moral character. Lucas Swaine argues in this essay that this gives grounds to deny that the core conception of autonomy should be promoted in democratic education. What is more, according to Swaine, young citizens appear to have no right to be educated, in public schools, for the purpose of becoming autonomous individuals of the kind he describes and criticizes in this account.  相似文献   

This article points out an internal tension, or even conflict, in the conceptual foundations of Harvey Siegel's conception of critical thinking. Siegel justifies critical thinking, or critically rational autonomy, as an educational ideal first and foremost by an appeal to the Kantian principle of respect for persons. It is made explicit that this fundamental moral principle is ultimately grounded in the Kantian conception of autonomous practical reason as normatively and motivationally robust. Yet this Kantian conception openly conflicts with Siegel's own two‐component theory of critical thinking, which on close inspection turns out to be a version of the Humean conception of instrumental practical reason as normatively and motivationally powerless. It is concluded that Siegel cannot have it both ways: he cannot appeal both to means‐end and to robust rationality. Siegel's Kantian justification of the critical thinking educational ideal is, therefore, found wanting in terms of his own Humean premises.  相似文献   

The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational equality. It focuses on Brighouse and Swift's well worked out meritocratic conception and finds it irretrievably flawed; they should, instead, have pursued a radical conception they only mention. This conception is used as a starting point for developing a luck egalitarian conception, pluralistic and complex in nature. It is argued that such a conception accounts for the appeal of equality of opportunity, fits with other values in education and meets many of the objections. Thus, equality is reasserted as what morally matters most in education.  相似文献   

The paper explores challenges for the interpretation of the ideal toleration that arise in educational contexts involving children. It offers an account of how a respect-based conception of toleration can help to resolve controversies about the accommodation and response to diversity that arise in schools.  相似文献   

In this article I consider contemporary philosophical conceptions of human nature from the point of view of the ideal of gender equality. My main argument is that an essentialist account of human nature, unlike what I take to be its two main alternatives (the subjectivist account and the cultural account), is able coherently to justify the educational pursuit of this ideal. By essentialism I refer to the idea that there are some features common to all human beings (independent of individual, cultural and historical factors) that are conducive to a good life and human flourishing. I also consider the main philosophical challenge of essentialism, the naturalistic fallacy, and the ways in which contemporary versions of essentialism might escape this charge.  相似文献   

The 'Futures' of Queer Children and the Common School Ideal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on an especially urgent challenge to the legitimacy of the common school ideal—a challenge that has hardly been addressed within contemporary debates within liberal philosophy of education. The challenge arises from claims to accommodation by queer people and queer communities—claims that are based on notions of queerness and queer identity that are seriously underrepresented within contemporary liberal political and educational theory. The paper articulates a liberal view of personal autonomy that is constituted by a conception of practical reasoning rooted in thick communal experiences. It is argued that common schools concerned with equal concern for the autonomy of all children must attend to the specific communal requirements needed to developing the autonomous practical reasoning of queer children—requirements for what is termed a sense of 'futurity'. Five practical recommendations for common schools are briefly outlined. The paper concludes with some reflections on the divergent and convergent interests of queer theory and liberalism, and considers some possibilities for a partial reconciliation of the two theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

教育管理现代化是教育现代化的组成部分,是内涵十分丰富的科学概念,具有理念化、民主化、自主化、开放化、绩效化、精致化、技术手段现代化等特征。其推进策略包括确立现代管理理念、实现技术手段的更新、变革教育组织、实施民主管理和法制管理、加强队伍建设等。  相似文献   

Managerialism has changed the nature of the curriculum and imposed upon us new conceptions of the teacher and teaching. In this paper a brief outline and critique of it are provided and its reductionist effects noted. Against this managerialism a conception of the school as an educational community is developed, based on Oakeshott's work. From within this conception a critique of planned or utopian change is mounted and a concept of incremental change outlined. At the same time a concept of teacher autonomy is elaborated which is in contrast to rational autonomy but which restores a voluntaristic role to teachers.  相似文献   

教育管理现代化的理论诠释和推进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育管理现代化是教育现代化的组成部分,是内涵十分丰富的科学概念,具有理念化、民主化、自主化、开放化、绩效化、精致化、技术手段现代化等特征。其推进策略包括确立现代管理理念、实现技术手段的更新、变革教育组织、实施民主管理和法制管理、加强队伍建设等。  相似文献   

大学理念是一个上位性、综合性的教育哲学概念,它包含了人们对于大学的理性认识和理想追求。“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”是我国传统大学理念的灵魂。近代中国大学教育出现理念继承上的断裂,西方大学“学校自治、学术自由”的思想一度成为占主流地位的大学理念。当前,大众化的教育质量观引发了教育界对走向实践理性的大学理念的探索。  相似文献   


Drawing on the work of Berger, Giddens and others, this article explores ways in which curricula might be reformed to lake account of the experience of the self in the modern world. A degree of consonance is noted between the trajectory of the self in the circumstances of late modernity and the liberal educational ideal of personal autonomy.  相似文献   

A popular justification of education for autonomy is that autonomy possession has intrinsic prudential value. Communitarians have argued, however, that although autonomy may be a core element of a well‐lived life in liberal societies, it cannot claim such a prudential pedigree in traditional societies in which the conception of a good life is intimately tied to the acceptance of a pre‐established worldview. In this paper I examine a recent attempt made by Ishtiyaque Haji and Stefaan Cuypers to respond to this challenge by reestablishing the intrinsic prudential value of autonomy, and I argue that although their work has merit in some respects, it suffers from a notable theoretical deficiency as well as a practical deficiency. Like Haji and Cuypers, I wish to argue that autonomy has intrinsic prudential value; but my argument is not grounded on the claim that autonomy is a necessary part of well‐being. I argue, rather, that it stands to reason—and that liberals and traditionalists alike have reason to accept—that autonomous assent to a conception of the good life is an intrinsically prudentially better state of affairs than nonautonomous assent to the same. My goal in this essay, then, is to clarify the prudential significance of (and to provide a justification for) education for autonomy in a manner that will be appealing to liberals and traditionalists alike.  相似文献   

Pádraig Hogan has argued for a powerful conception of education as epiphany that is illuminated by the work of Heidegger and Joyce. But what are we to make of Stephen Dedalus’ intention (pretension?) to ‘Remember your epiphanies’? Developing the phenomenological Erinnerungsversuch or ‘essay in memory’ of David Farrell Krell, I will examine three ‘epiphanic fragments’ from the literature of education. The problem of the temporality of the educational epiphany will be identified and a resolution will be attempted. I hope thus to extend an ontological account of memory into the educational experience, and also to develop the educational significance of the remembered or recollected epiphany. The article concludes with some emerging thoughts on the relation of education, literature and vocation.  相似文献   

In this review of Christopher Winch's new book, Education, Autonomy and Critical Thinking (2006), I discuss its main theses, supporting some and criticising others. In particular, I take issue with several of Winch's claims and arguments concerning critical thinking and rationality, and deplore his reliance on what I suggest are problematic strains of the later Wittgenstein. But these criticisms are not such as to upend Winch's powerful critique of antiperfectionism and 'strong autonomy' or his defence of 'weak autonomy'. His account of autonomy as an educational aim is important and in several respects compelling.  相似文献   

赵康 《学科教育》2011,(2):60-66
教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征。使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色。教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关。个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的。如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开。哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式。  相似文献   

佛教可以融贯地支持作为教育理想的人的自立。自立是指人能够根据自己所认可的原则进行思考和行动,这显示了此理想和拥有一个持续的自我之间的关系。分析佛教的三个原则,即缘起、无常和无我,表明在自立与佛教哲学之间只是有表面上的冲突。龙树引入"两种真理观"的理论,指出在一方面自我有实在性,而在另一方面却是一种虚构,这样可以化解这个表面上的冲突。这种方法从一个新的角度看待人的自立,认为这在人追求解脱的过程中,仅具有外在的价值,解脱完成,其价值也随即消失。  相似文献   


Language is a crucial feature of national and personal identity. Where Nationality is contested or controlled a particular language may be promoted or prohibited and the language of instruction is often informed by a ‘national’ political agenda. In Spain Franco attempted the suppression of Catalan identity prohibiting the public use of Catalan, schooling was conducted in Castilian. After Franco, in 1975 the new constitution promoted autonomy and self government for Catalonia. The regional government developed an educational policy, teaching Catalan to all children and using Catalan as the vehicular language in schools. The present population of Catalonia is approximately six million, over four million speak Catalan as their first language but there is significant population whose first language is Castilian. The article moves from a discussion of identity and nationalism, to an account of the dynamics of language in Catalonia and the development of Catalan education policy and its implications for questions of identity, nationality, education and language.  相似文献   

Autonomy and Commitment: compatible ideals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fears of alienation and anomie in liberal societies have driven many writers to emphasize care and commitment as essential ingredients of human well-being and as educational aims. Conceiving autonomy to be incompatible with these values, they have concluded that autonomy should be replaced with alternative conceptions of human well-being and of education that emphasize care and commitment. The claim I will try to defend in this paper is that, in contrast to these views, there is no contradiction between autonomy on the one hand and care and commitment on the other; hence acknowledgment of the importance of the latter pair of values need not lead to the rejection of the ideal of autonomy.  相似文献   

Autonomy operates as a key term in debates about the rights of families to choose distinct approaches to education. Yet, what autonomy means is often complicated by the actual circumstances and contexts of schools, families, and children. In this essay, Terri S. Wilson and Matthew A. Ryg focus on the challenges involved in translating an ideal of educational autonomy into the “nonideal” contexts and circumstances that surround families' choices. Drawing on the methodological insights of Elizabeth Anderson and John Dewey, they sketch out a nonideal approach for exploring autonomy. Wilson and Ryg particularly focus on Dewey's notion of an ideal, his treatment of autonomy as a concept, and his view of the self. Such a nonideal approach draws attention toward the specific circumstances, habits, and environments that make autonomy possible. Wilson and Ryg illustrate the salience of this nonideal approach by exploring one example of an empirically engaged study of autonomy.  相似文献   

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