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This report describes a case study of asecondary school mathematics internship wheremost of the elements of the internship ecologywere aligned with calls by the National Councilof Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] for reform.Much research has been done on the lack ofimpact of teacher education programs on teacherclassroom behavior. Often this results fromdissonance between the philosophy and goals ofuniversity teacher education programs and thoseof schools. The case documented here offers aninstance of alignment between the universityprogram and the school internship site. Thefindings showed that within this supportiveatmosphere the reform curricular materialsbeing used in the classroom had a strong andlargely positive influence on the character ofthe internship experience, and on the intern'slearning. The form and content of the materials– Core-Plus Mathematics Project'sContemporary Mathematics in Context –supported reform-oriented development for theintern by providing particular foci to theplanning discussions between the intern and thementor. These areas of focus were: (a) themathematics content itself, (b) conceptualunderstanding as a main goal for instruction,and (c) the use of questioning as the bestmeans of guiding students to thatunderstanding. The findings highlight theimportance of developing reform-supportiveenvironments for intern teaching placements.  相似文献   

社会产业升级需要大量的应用型人才,而培养应用型人才是地方高校转型发展的客观要求,成果导向教育是以预期学习产出为中心来组织、实施和评价人才培养。呼伦贝尔学院网络工程专业基于成果导向教育理念来设计应用型人才培养目标和标准,以学习产出结果为衡量依据,以核心能力为主轴,对人才培养模式、课程体系、课程教学策略、学习产出成果评价进行精心设计,在实施过程中,利用三级项目驱动的方式对课程体系进行模块化设计,利用三位一体的评价机制开展学习产出成果评价。实践表明,基于OBE理念的工程应用型人才培养模式可有效提高学生工程实践与创新能力,为培养高水平工程应用型人才提供可操作的理论指导和经验参考。  相似文献   

本文首先考察了美国工程教育成就卓著的麻省理工学院化学工程学课程的设置与演变,发现其化工学科课程的设置是与化工产业发展和社会需求紧密相关的;其次,对麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、密西根大学和乔治亚理工学院等四所大学的化学工程、机械工程、电子工程与计算机专业的培养目标、课程结构进行了比较分析,进一步发现这些大学工程学科从培养目标到课程设置都体现了回归工程、服务社会的工程教育理念;最后,针对我国高等工程教育的现状,提出了一些值得思考的问题.  相似文献   


The notion of “resources” is often framed in an economic sense: money, time, equipment and the like. The authors reconceptualise this notion, situating resources as embedded in curricular frameworks, teacher practice and student experience. This leads them to define resources as “the potential to participate in socio-cultural action” which is illustrated in this article through a series of reflections on the part of the authors, all within the context of engineering education. First, they demonstrate that curriculum can be productively thought of as a route marker for the development of resources that students need in order to enact their role as professional engineers. Thereafter, they show that lecturers bring tacit resources of trust, care, creativity and credibility to the teaching and learning space, and that these are necessary to overcome the inertia that often resists the transformation of teaching and learning practice. Finally, they reflect on how students’ prior learning experiences can be harnessed as a resource for teaching and learning. In so doing, they present resources as tied to sociocultural practices and personal and institutional histories, and encourage others to take up these ideas so as to consider how resources, viewed in the authors’ sense, are valued within (engineering) education.  相似文献   

新世纪以来的俄罗斯基础教育课程改革,以以人为本、公平平等为课程理念,以全面协调、循序渐进为课程目标,以人文关怀、务实应用为课程内容,以负担合理、侧重专业为课程设置的依据,以统一考试、结合专业为课程评价的标准,以三级管理、自主赋权为课程的管理模式,以法律规范、财政投入为课程改革的保障。虽然俄罗斯课程改革取得了一定的效果,但在课程标准的规范、实施难度和教师的财政保障方面仍存在问题。新世纪俄罗斯基础教育课程改革的启示是:制定明确的课程质量标准,课程内容生活化、侧重专业式发展,坚持同一性和多样性的课程评价,加强课程改革的管理保障、法律保障和财政保障。  相似文献   

基于计算机技术的大学英语听说课程,分析了"以学习者为中心"的教学设计对提高学生语言能力和自主学习能力重要性。提出基于技术的教学设计应该以学习者为中心,把教学技术与学生借助技术需要掌握的技能紧密结合起来,以最优化的学习模式促进学生能力的发展。  相似文献   

周琪 《教育教学论坛》2020,(16):282-283
该作者以湖南工程学院纺织工程教育认证为背景,开展了纺织类专业课程纺纱学的课程建设。第一,从调节理论教学和实践教学比重、新增安全生产教育与企业文化学习与校企联合开发课程的实践教学内容优化课程设计;第二,构建学校和纺织企业联合的大学生创新创业实践基地,建立人才培养新模式与机制;第三,建立教学过程质量监控机制,明确教学环节质量要求,有效评价课程质量;第四,利用信息化技术建设纺纱虚拟仿真实验室提升教学资源配置,为更好地开展工程教育认证奠定基础。  相似文献   

It has become increasingly common for tasks traditionally carried out by engineers to be undertaken by technicians and technologist with access to sophisticated computers and software that can often perform complex calculations that were previously the responsibility of engineers. Not surprisingly, this development raises serious questions about the future role of engineers and the education needed to address these changes in technology as well as emerging priorities from societal to environmental challenges. In response to these challenges, a new design module was created for undergraduate engineering students to design and build temporary shelters for a wide variety of end users from refugees, to the homeless and children. Even though the module provided guidance on principles of design thinking and methods for observing users needs through field studies, the students found it difficult to respond to needs of specific end users but instead focused more on purely technical issues.  相似文献   

对职业能力的不同认识,将演绎出不同的职业教育人才培养目标、课程模式、教学方式方法和教学评价体系。德国行动导向的学习理念,以综合职业能力为培养目标的学习领域的课程模式已经成为职业教育界和高职院校的共识,职业资格研究可帮助人们科学地确定和描述典型工作任务,并将其转化为可实施的课程。  相似文献   

基于工作过程系统化的课程开发理念,通过市场分析、社会调查,明确《园林工程》课程目标,按照资讯、计划、决策、实施、检查、评估6项工作步骤设计5个学习情境,运用多媒体、图纸点评等教学方法,采取过程考核+项目训练考核+期末考试对学生进行综合性评价,最终实现《园林工程》课程教、学、做一体化教学。  相似文献   

创新创业教育作为一种全新的教育理念,在我国高校教育中已形成广泛共识,并成为我国高等教育人才培养模式新方向的切入口。本文针对工科类专业学生进行创新创业课程授课和讲解,加强学生创新创业能力的培养。课程内容以工科专业为依托,将创新创业教育和相关学科竞赛及大学生创业训练项目相结合,下分十个专题讲授,用以激发学生们的创新创业热情和兴趣,锻炼和培养学生们创新创业精神和能力,试图为当前我国高校创新创业教育提供改革思路。  相似文献   

测绘工程专业的人才培养方案修订应主动适应新工科的发展形势,努力融入新工科的建设理念。文章在简要介绍测绘工程专业、新工科建设的基础上,重点介绍融入新工科的培养方案修订的具体举措,包括课程体系的设置、德学兼修的引领、开设学校的特色课程、设置新工科的标志性课程,最后,提出新培养方案修订后应关注的重点。  相似文献   

作为第三次工业革命的重要增长点,机器人及人工智能技术正渗透到各行各业,机器人带来的产业大爆发对我国高等工程人才培养提出了新的挑战,迫切需要探索机器人工程专业建设,以满足经济和社会发展的需求。文章介绍了机器人专业发展现状,讨论了面向新工科的机器人专业创新人才培养方案,通过构建有序化和个性化相结合的产学研多主体协同育人人才培养模式,设置以创新和实践为核心的交叉学科课程体系,建设基于教学科研资源转化的创新实践平台。经过实践,证明了创新人才培养模式的有效性。  相似文献   

Curriculum reform is a key topic in the engineering education literature, but much of this discussion proceeds with little engagement with the impact of the local context in which the programme resides. This article thus seeks to understand the influence of local contextual dynamics on curriculum reform in engineering education. The empirical study is a comparative analysis of the context for curriculum reform in three different chemical engineering departments on the African continent, located in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. All three departments are currently engaged in processes of curriculum reform, but the analysis shows how the different contexts in which these efforts are taking place exert strong shaping effects on the processes and outcomes for that reform.  相似文献   

教学档案是工程教育专业认证专家重点考查的资料,教学档案袋内容的丰富程度和管理规范程度直接影响了工程教育专业认证的通过与否.以工程教育专业认证为契机,以上海交通大学航空航天学院航空航天工程专业为例,结合疫情环境下的课程在线教学,对课程教学档案构建进行探索,分析了教学档案袋对课程发展的促进作用,并通过在具体的实施中发现问题...  相似文献   

以信息技术为背景,结合我国工程教育课程体系的实践,提出应按五个方向进行革新:①针对信息社会大学生知识结构,加强综合工程学基础的课程建设;②处理通识教育与专业教育关系,促使科学教育与人教育整合;③革新实验课内容,夯实创造性能力培养基础;④专业课程模块化;⑤构建课程国际合作体系,实现课程内容动态优化。  相似文献   

课程体系是改进和保障教育质量的关键要素之一。针对自动化学科发展对人才培养模式所提出的最新问题,介绍了湖南大学自动化专业的课程体系现状,具体分析了课程体系与工程教育认证标准的吻合度课程设置具体情况、实践教学体系设置情况、毕业设计(论文)设置等。最后对自动化专业课程体系建设提出了若干思考。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a system for formally characterizing elements of an introductory science class, measuring the performance of a class based on this characterization, and modeling the value of the class based on the measurements. This system allows the iterative improvement of any educational presentation through a model, test, iterate cycle. We propose formal practices involved in iteratively improving an educational experience be called educational engineering.  相似文献   

In this article I present an activity introducing statistical concepts to engineering students to help them develop inductive reasoning and problem‐solving skills.  相似文献   

义务教育数学课程标准2001年实施以来,取得明显成效,也发现一些问题。2005年开始修订义务教育数学课程标准。修订组在广泛调查研究,征求多方面意见的基础上,对标准进行了认真修订。修订后的标准在体例与结构上略有调整,增加了目标行为动词的解释,三个学段统一表述实施建议,案例作为附录后移;理念与目标的表述更加清晰;三个学段的课程内容做了一些调整,内容总量基本未变,具体内容和要求几个学段有不同程度调整。数学课程标准的修订是课程改革十年经验总结的结果,对于义务教育阶段数学课程与教学改革将产生重要影响。  相似文献   

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