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孟玲 《山东教育》2007,(9):34-36
幼儿的分离焦虑已经成为每年新生入园时幼儿园和家长非常重视和关心的问题,也被教育工作者视为教研工作的重点。但是新生入园时是否只在幼儿身上存在分离焦虑呢?作为家长,面对与幼儿的分离又会有什么样的问题呢?[第一段]  相似文献   

分离焦虑是新入园幼儿表现出来的一种特殊情绪,也是幼儿园在新生管理中面临的一大难点。本文通过对农村幼儿园实际工作的研究和探索,从操作层面分析当前衡阳市农村幼儿园在降低幼儿入园焦虑方面普遍采取的措施及存在的问题。在此基础上对幼儿入园初期分离焦虑的成因进行归纳阐述,并分别从家长、教师、家园合作三方面提出幼儿分离焦虑的解决对策。  相似文献   

正上幼儿园是幼儿从家庭迈向社会的第一步。年幼的孩子离开了熟悉的生活环境,离开了与他朝夕相处的家人,恐惧、不安时刻伴随着他们,使他们对新的、陌生的环境产生了心理上的排斥,这种不适应的过程被称为"分离焦虑"。为了尽早消除幼儿分离焦虑情绪,我们幼儿园统筹安排,有计划地奏响了新生入园"三部曲"。一、接触期——幼儿园了解入园新生的开始,家长了解幼儿园的第一步接触期是新生入园"三部曲"的"序曲",  相似文献   

王艳梅 《家教世界》2014,(Z2):105-106
<正>多年来,解决新生入园时所伴随的分离性焦虑情绪一直是幼教人员和新生家长十分关注、担忧的问题。幼儿刚从家庭进入幼儿园,对新的环境既感到新奇,又感到陌生,同时面临与依恋对象的分离,会出现明显的焦虑情绪。"分离性焦虑"情绪是幼儿离开家人进入幼儿园时的正常现象。分离焦虑不是一件坏事,是儿童在成长过程中出于对自身保护的一种能力。但如果引导措施不得当,很有可能会导致焦虑症或其它  相似文献   

<正>刚踏入幼儿园的孩子,语言发展不够完善,无法用语言表达自己情绪上的不安,他们会用各种方式向大人们诉说自己内心的焦虑和安全感缺失,于是,在每年的9月份,幼儿园都会出现这些场景:教室里,孩子们哭得"撕心裂肺",教室外,家长们泪眼朦胧……分离焦虑是刚入园的新生幼儿都会遇到的情况,也是现在的奶爸辣妈们比较关注的问题。通过对新生幼儿和家长的观察,我们发现,分离焦虑不只出现在幼儿身上,在家长身上也有不同程  相似文献   

幼儿园生活是孩子成长过程中的一个关键转折期,会使幼儿产生"分离焦虑"和"陌生焦虑"。为了帮助孩子尽快适应幼儿园的集体生活,顺利度过焦虑期,我们就必须帮助孩子克服"恐惧",排除"焦虑"。首先我们要做好家长工作,其次家长应该配合老师做好孩子工作。在家长、教师的共同努力下,宝宝们都能够尽快摆脱入园分离焦虑,能够更快地适应幼儿园生活。  相似文献   

每年23岁托班新生入园的时候,幼儿园里常常是哭声一片,而且持续时间较长。有些孩子在情绪上表现出紧张、不安、恐惧等,有些则会在行为上表现出哭闹、厌食、攻击性行为等,这些都是"分离焦虑"的表现。"分离焦虑"给幼儿入园造成了一定的困难,使家长产生困扰,使教师的工作也加大了难度。如何缓解幼儿入园时的分离焦虑,帮助他们尽快地适应幼儿园的生活,需要幼儿园和家庭双方的密切配合,更需要托班教师的积极应对,机智处理。  相似文献   

每一名幼儿离开家庭,走进幼儿园,适应一种新的集体生活时,都要经历一段“艰苦”的心理历程,如何帮助幼儿克服分离焦虑,顺利适应幼儿园的生活,成为新生入园工作的核心。随着幼儿入园年龄的提前(由3岁半提前到3岁3个月),更增加了新生入园教育工作的难度,家长也为此更加担扰。了解孩子是教育的基础和关键。家长在与幼儿朝夕相处的过程中,最了解自己孩子的特点,所以与其让老师们在与幼儿的接触中逐渐了解幼儿,不如通过既快捷又简便的问卷方式了解孩子。所以本学期我们推出一项新的举措———使用“新生家长调查表”。“新生家长…  相似文献   

幼儿入园焦虑不只出现在幼儿身上,也表现在不少家长身上。家长的焦虑主要表现为:心神不定,与孩子依依不舍;心中牵挂,反复询问、叮嘱教师;心中内疚,对孩子过分迁就,等等。这些焦虑表现会不知不觉地感染孩子,加重孩子的适应困难,延长孩子的入园适应期。因此,减轻家长焦虑是幼儿园新生入园工作的重要组成部分。1郾开放幼儿园入园前,幼儿园向新生及其家长开放,孩子可借此机会熟悉环境,家长可进入班级观摩活动,了解幼儿在园学习、生活的每个细节,做到心中有数,从而减轻自己的紧张和焦虑情绪。2郾召开家长会在新生入园前召开家长会,由园长和新生班…  相似文献   

唐秋荣 《广西教育》2014,(5):126-127
正每年新生入园的第一周,幼儿园里常常出现幼儿的哭闹声,幼儿的哭闹让家长不舍,让教师心疼。很多幼儿只有3岁,习惯了父母每天悉心地照顾,在熟悉的环境里"为所欲为",忽然要在一个陌生的环境里生活,肯定会不适应,并且产生恐惧心理,于是就产生了入园分离焦虑症。那么如何让幼儿在短时间内消除入园焦虑,尽快适应幼儿园的生活呢?笔者认为可从以下几个方面去做。一、幼儿园引导家长做好物质准备和  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of holding age-eligible children out of kindergarten in a single Northern California county, and the changes in this phenomenon over time. The sample included 861 boys and 843 girls in 1988 to 1989 and 975 boys and 894 girls in 1991 to 1992, from 30 schools. In 1988, approximately 19.3% of kindergarten boys and 9.1% of kindergarten girls throughout the county were older than their classmates as a result of having been held out of school. In 1991, the corresponding figures were 11.4% and 3.7% for boys and girls respectively. Parental soeioeconomic status (SES) was associated with holding out boys, but not girls, in both 1988 and 1991. Specifically, schools with higher SES parents overall had a higher percentage of boys held out. A significantly greater percentage of parents in 1988 were concerned about the appropriateness of the kindergarten classroom for their child than parents in 1991. This study was unable to identify relationships between holding-out and teacher reports of change in kindergarten expectations, practices, and enrollment policies.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Children from families of lower socioeconomic status (SES) enter kindergarten with less developed mathematical knowledge compared to children from middle SES families. This discrepancy is present at age 3 years and likely stems from differences in the home learning environment. This study reports SES-related differences both in the quantity and quality of mathematical support children receive in the home and in parent beliefs about early mathematical development and then compares both with children's performance on a comprehensive mathematics assessment. Participants included 90 children in their 1st year of preschool (2 years before kindergarten entry) and 88 children in their prekindergarten year (the year just prior to kindergarten entry). Both cohorts were balanced for SES and gender. The results suggested minimal SES-related variation in mathematical support received in either cohort but clear SES differences in parents’ beliefs about early mathematical development. Middle SES parents of children in both cohorts held higher expectations in terms of skills they expected children to possess by age 5, as well as a more accurate understanding of which skills are within the developmental range of most children by age 5. These differences accounted for unique variance in children's scores on the mathematics assessment. Practice or Policy: Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Kindergarten has undergone dramatic changes since the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002. The literature on the challenges facing kindergarten teachers as a result of NCLB focuses primarily on curricular and instructional issues; little attention has been paid to NCLB's impact on the relational aspects of kindergarten teaching, such as partnership with parents and collaboration with colleagues. To address this gap, this article presents findings from a recent qualitative study of two veteran kindergarten teachers' challenges managing their relationships with the first-grade teachers at their school and with their students' parents. Participants demonstrated a range of successful strategies for responding to these difficult relational situations. Because many preschool and primary grade teachers are presently facing similar challenges, this study can contribute to teacher educators' ongoing efforts to ensure our programs prepare students to be effective in today's NCLB–influenced classrooms.  相似文献   

In Germany, there exists a traditional gap between kindergarten and primary school. Transition research has led to a new understanding of the need for cooperation between different educational institutions and the family at this time. This article emphasises that educational transitions affect not only the child but also the parents, who actively cope with a family transition. A team from the State Institute of Early Childhood Education and Research (Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik) in Munich has formulated developmental tasks for children and their parents during transition, based on interviews with children and parents as well as on the research literature. This approach to transition has informed initiatives at different administrative levels within Germany, as well as a European project for training transition experts in order to support children and their parents to cope with transitions, and enhance collaboration between families and educators in kindergartens and primary schools.  相似文献   

Delaying school entry for a year beyond a child's chronological eligibility for kindergarten is a controversial practice. However, it is unclear from the available literature exactly how common this practice is. The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of delayed kindergarten entry in a suburban school district over a 12-year period. In this district, school personnel did not make formal recommendations to parents to delay kindergarten entry for their children. A review of the incidence data indicated that, in general, there had been a significant increase in the number of children who had delayed school entry. Furthermore, significantly more males than females had delayed kindergarten entry, and the majority of children who delayed school entry had autumn birthdates, making them the youngest group of children in this study. Implications for school practices are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines patterns in the kinds of discourses parents use to think about when to start their children in kindergarten in the US. Parents of three- to six-year olds were interviewed to gain an understanding of how parents make the ‘redshirting’ decision and the extent to which parental concern for sons’ achievement of successful masculinity plays into that choice. Focusing on the parents of male children, this analysis reveals parents employ two gender-related discourses: (1) the ‘failing boys’ backlash debate, surrounding the notion that schools are assumed to favour girls and how girls learn, and (2) a discourse involving the importance of hegemonic masculinity in competition with other boys.  相似文献   

Delaying school entry for a year beyond a child's chronological eligibility for kindergarten is a controversial practice. However, it is unclear from the available literature exactly how common this practice is. The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of delayed kindergarten entry in a suburban school district over a 12-year period. In this district, school personnel did not make formal recommendations to parents to delay kindergarten entry for their children. A review of the incidence data indicated that, in general, there had been a significant increase in the number of children who had delayed school entry. Furthermore, significantly more males than females had delayed kindergarten entry, and the majority of children who delayed school entry had autumn birthdates, making them the youngest group of children in this study. Implications for school practices are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in the promotion of social and emotional learning in schools, and research has shown positive outcomes. However, relatively few studies have been conducted in kindergarten classrooms or considered the feasibility of kindergarten implementation. This study examined the effects of Strong Start on the social and emotional competence of 67 kindergarten students, using a time-series design. Four kindergarten teachers taught the ten Strong Start lessons in their classrooms. Results indicated gains in students’ prosocial behaviors and decreases in internalizing behaviors, as rated by teachers and parents. Implementation integrity and teachers’ ratings of social validity were high, suggesting the program’s feasibility and potential effectiveness in natural classroom settings. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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