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在学校管理的各要素中,教师是最根本的要素,是管理的核心,调动教师的积极性、主动性、创造性,增强教师的亲和力、凝聚力和战斗力是提高现代学校管理效率的重要条件。因此,摒弃传统学校管理模式的弊端,发掘现代的人本管理模式就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

教师专业发展标准的制定是教师专业地位确立的主要标志,是教师专业化进入正规的起点,同时也是教师专业队伍素质整体提升的保证。本文从教师专业发展与专业标准之间的关系入手,客观分析美国《科学教师培养标准》对美国科学教师专业发展的促进作用,同时为我国科学教师,乃至整个教师队伍专业地位的提升和社会认可以及教师包括科学教师专业标准的制定提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

自主性孤立是当下学校主流的绩效管理模式下的教师生存状态。要改变现状,必须进行管理变革,由绩效管理走向文化管理,这可谓教师管理新的诉求和选择。文化管理的核心旨在提高教师队伍的向心力,构建激情、信任、合作专业团队是学校文化管理的精髓。  相似文献   

When beginning to teach a secondary education course focusing on interdisciplinary curriculum together, four women teacher educators determined changes we hoped to make for the following semester. For example, we took up the notions of difference, arts integration, and collaboration all under the umbrella of interdisciplinary curriculum. We were in search of a model of interdisciplinarity that could incorporate our understanding of education and our teaching interests. We designed this model in order to guide our students into identifying themselves as educators rather than purely content-area specialists.Similarly, we saw this course as an opportunity to encourage collaborative practices. We could model team-teaching as our students planned interdisciplinary units together. Likewise, we could demonstrate to our students that transcending their own disciplines allows for more powerful teaching and learning. We saw redefining interdisciplinary curriculum as a route to encourage preservice teachers to teach for social justice and to show teaching's potential as a collaborative profession.This article narrates how we experienced the changes of crossing disciplines, co-teaching sections of the course, exploring arts integration, and providing practical experiences in four different voices. We use our varied voices as we hope the reader may then come to better understand our individual experiences as well as our collaborative journey. While we encountered several roadblocks on our travels, we also found that we offered opportunities for creating new knowledge among ourselves and our students.  相似文献   

教学创新:构建师生互为主体的平台   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
教学创新是教育创新重要的组成部分 ,是知识经济时代的内在要求 ,是推进素质教育的根本途径。教学创新的基础是师生互为主体。师生互为主体是主体性教学的内在要求 ,是实现教学互动的条件。教学双向互动是实现教学创新的关键 ,教学互动的根本又在于“善教”与“乐学”  相似文献   

This study examined preservice teachers’ (PSTs) capacity for lesson planning in a university-based teacher preparation program in the USA Participants (n?=?126) wrote lesson plans in three approaches: synthesis, creation, and modification. Findings indicate that PSTs who modified preexisting lesson plans produced better lesson plans than their peers and reported higher efficacy in their use of the lesson plan in their field experiences. This study supports the notion that the efficacy of first-year teaching lies more appropriately in the area of enacting curriculum than in the area of designing curriculum. With respect to career-long learning, PSTs’ abilities to do curriculum work are likely to improve, as they grow more familiar with students and existing excellent curricula over years. Although the study presents a snapshot of U.S. preservice teachers’ capacity for curriculum design, the findings may serve to inform the literature on the developmental aspect of curriculum design for teacher education systems across the world.  相似文献   

This article reviews the evidence on the way that schools and school systems find, share and use research in their work, with a particular focus on the role of school and district leaders in increasing the prominence and value of research in their work. It reviews the evidence on the ways in which practitioners in education find and use research and the role of organisation factors in promoting the use of research. The article concludes with a discussion of steps that school and district leaders could take to increase the profile of research in their organisations.  相似文献   

大学教学质量高低很大程度取决于大学教师的授课水平。在顺应全球化教育时代的开放性和不确定性的特点的前提下,大学教师必须充分尊重学生个性的多样性发展。这次研究将大学教师定位在建导师(facilitator)的角色上,通过教师个人内在思想展现,以达到百分之一百的书本知识加上百分之一百的教师知识——百分之两百的教学效果,让教师和书本的作用都得到了极大的发挥,也提高了学生各方面的能力。  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy has been identified as a variable accounting for individual differences in teacher practice and student outcome. Because teacher efficacy is a specific rather than a generalized expectancy, an examination was done on the validity and reliability of a teacher efficacy instrument designed specifically for the area of writing. Consistent with previous teacher efficacy research, a factor analysis of the instrument yielded 2 dimensions: 1 measuring personal teaching efficacy and the other general teaching efficacy. Both factors were reliable and only slightly correlated with each other. The reported classroom practices of high- and low-efficacy teachers differed, providing further support for the validity of the instrument. It was also found that variation in efficacy scores was related to teachers' beliefs about how to teach writing.  相似文献   

国内教师心理健康研究述评   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1 引言 近年来,随着素质教育的全面推进,教师具有健全的心理素质已成为素质教育得以实施的必要条件之一,再加上由于教师教育行为不当而导致的学生心理困扰的师源性心理伤害现象的增多,因此,要求教师具有健全心理素质的呼声愈加强烈,而心理健康作为衡量人心理素质的重要评价指标,必然引起  相似文献   

师生关系是一种教育关系,是教育活动的表现形式,是支撑教育大厦的基石。传统的师生关系长期受二元对立思维模式的影响,严重阻碍了师生关系的发展。哲学解释学把"理解"作为人的存在方式,那么就是把"人"作为根本问题来研究。把师生关系看成是"我—你"的理解与对话关系,为新型师生关系的建构奠定了哲学基础。  相似文献   

This survey of 8–12 middle school year leaders' and deputy heads' attitudes to both year leader and deputy headship roles identified the particularly distinctive properties of each. A further analysis revealed, for both roles, a common core of behaviours and, for each role, areas of positive behavioural congruence. These findings tend to suggest the absence of role conflict between year leaders and deputy heads in this type of school with a year group organizational structure.  相似文献   

This contribution reviews research that links students’ and teachers’ ethnic background to students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior, teacher treatment of individual students, and student achievement and subject-related attitudes. The review mainly includes studies from the United States, Australia and the Netherlands and a few Asian countries (Singapore, Brunei and Taiwan). The literature revealed that ethnicity is consistently associated with students’ perceptions of their teachers, that the way teachers communicate varies according to the ethnicity of their students and that teacher interpersonal behavior may be more important for immigrant minority students’ outcomes than for their indigenous peers. The article finishes off by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The need for coherent programmes of environmental education in all aspects and in all phases of education systems has been strongly and persuasively argued within the European Union (EU) and beyond. However, nowhere yet across the EU has environmental education been introduced in a consistent or coherent fashion into pre‐ or in‐service teacher education programmes. Although a range of factors are at work here, the lack of a commonly understood and agreed pedagogical‐didactical basis to this aspect of the curriculum and the lack of teaching/resource materials may be seen as a major contributory factor to this lack of consistency and coherence. As a consequence, opportunities for broad pan‐European developments in this essential area are constrained. This paper discusses development work carried out under the auspices of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) with the assistance of funding from the European Commission's Directorate General XI and from individual institutions. The five papers which follow are written by members of the project and provide examples in greater detail of work carried out in five member states. Fuller detail of the work of the Environmental Education into Initial Teacher Education in Europe project in all eleven countries has been reported to the Directorate General XI and a number of aspects have already been published (see Brinkman & Scott, 1994).  相似文献   

职业院校教师素质建构"三步曲"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业院校教师的素质,主要指职业院校教师顺利完成所从事的活动,以及实现自身发展的内在力量.职业院校教师素质具有时代特征,可从三个层次来建构,即"三步曲".一是指职业院校教师作为一个自我主体的、具有完整人格的普通人应具有的生存素质,即"现代人的素质";二是职业院校教师作为一种社会职业,社会发展所要求职业院校教师作为一个职业人应具有的素质,即"职业人的素质";三是教师作为一种专业,在教育教学过程当中实现其功能应当具有的专业素质,即"专业人的素质".本文试着从这三方面来阐述职业院校教师的素质建构.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课是大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道。充分调动教师和学生的积极性,才能实现课堂教学中师生的互制耦合,从而构建高职思想政治理论课和谐课堂,增强思想政治理论课教学的实效性。  相似文献   

评述了费恩曼对教师职业的态度,兼及其教学风格,教学理念,教学方法,教学及科研成果等等。  相似文献   

科学有效的评价体系可为教师发展学校建设提供目标与动力,以评促建是构建教师发展学校建设长效机制的有效路径.浙江省通过政府部门、高校与中小学多元主体的协同合作,在标准化评价指标的指导下,以自评与他评相结合的方式,对教师发展学校的协同合作、组织管理、资源保障、课程建设几方面进行评价,在以评促建方面积累了诸多经验.但其中也逐渐暴露出一些问题,如第三方评价对评价结果客观性的消极影响、评价工具不够完善、评价内容不够全面、评价过程过于烦琐和不够深入等问题.未来可从完善第三方评价、改良评价工具、丰富评价内容、优化评价方式等方面着手,推动教师发展学校长效运行.  相似文献   

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