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双语言语产生中的词汇通达:竞争选择还是反应选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语言语产生的机制一直备受心理学家关注。过去人们认为,竞争选择是双语言语产生的实质,在此基础上,提出了非特定语言选择假说和特定语言选择假说,但两种观点都有一定的局限性。新近,有研究者提出用反应选择假设替代竞争选择假设。但就目前学界的研究来看,此假设还需进一步梳理。  相似文献   

物化视图的选择是数据仓库设计重要的决策之一.探讨在一定维护代价约束条件下,在检索过程中总检索成本最优化的问题,并提出新的动态算法一最小/最大侯选变换算法.该算法的关键是基于最小有效的极大基数配比技术和通过构建索引而设计的代价计算模型来获得最大候选集.实验结果显示这个算法是高效的、动态的、近似最优的.  相似文献   

This study compares the patterns of degree selection among women in the years 1970–71 and 1978–79. The selection pattern for women is compared with that of men; the rate at which the representation of women in a field of study changes is judged by an index of rate of change; and the redistribution of women among fields of study is analyzed. The changes in patterns of degree selection are described from several explanatory perspectives.  相似文献   

This study examines response patterns of pilot schools in the neo-institutional perspective to make improvements on the pilot school systematic framework. In order to achieve this goal, in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain qualitative data. The results show that pilot schools either (a) actively adopt or (b) ceremonially adopt an education policy through the process of implementation and internalization. Among the sampled schools, only one school showed active adoption, and the other three schools pursued ceremonial adoption. Each school’s response varies according to the internalization level, technical core focus, institutional pressure, and reception of legitimacy. The findings of this study suggest that in order to operate the pilot school ‘as a policy school,’ the school members should truly understand the concept of the policy and actively practice the internalized value through various activities and programs. Furthermore, this study calls for a greater attention to the institutional factors and local contexts.  相似文献   

This study presents a theory by which to understand how pigeons learn response patterns in simple choice situations. The theory assumes that, in a choice situation, patterns of responses compete for the final common path; that the competition is governed by two variables, the overall reinforcement probability obtained by emitting the patterns,T, and the differences in reinforcement probabilities among the patterns,D; and that the ratioD/T determines the final strength of specific response patterns. To test these predictions, three experiments were run in which pigeons were more likely to receive food when they pecked the momentarily least-preferred of three response keys. On the basis of previous research, it was predicted that the birds would be indifferent among the keys (molar aspect) and would also acquire a response pattern that consisted of pecking each key once during three consecutive trials (molecular aspect). The present theory went further and predicted that the strength of that pattern would increase with the ratioD/T. In the first two experiments,D was manipulated whileT remained constant, and in the third,T was manipulated whileD remained constant. The results agreed with the theory, for the strength of the response pattern increased withD and decreased withT, whereas overall choice proportions were always close to the matching equilibrium.  相似文献   

Inconsistent response patterns have been used with other measures to screen for child maltreatment. To date the inconsistency (IC) scale, a validity scale on the Child Abuse Potential (CAP) Inventory, has not been used as a screening criterion for physical child abuse. The present study examined the responses of 89 physical child abusers and 108 comparison subjects to determine if the CAP Inventory IC scale has any utility in the screening for physical child abuse. While results indicated the CAP Inventory IC scale scores were significantly higher for the physical child abuse group, a series of discriminant analyses indicated that the IC scale did not account for any meaningful variance after variance related to child abuse factors was removed. Further, the results indicated that dependence on the IC scale alone for physical child abuse screening purposes could be expected to produce excessive false positive and false negative classifications.  相似文献   

The study examines the behavioral patterns of high, average and low achievers in classrooms implementing an individualized instructional strategy. The study makes use of an observational instrument modelled on Medely's Personal Record of school Experiences (PROSE). Seventy-two boys and girls chosen from 12 first, second and third grade classrooms were included in the sample; 1/3 were ranked by the teacher as high achievers, 1/3 as average and 1/3 as low achievers. The findings revealed that students spent about 2/3 of their time on independent work; and the time spent interacting with teacher was about equal to the time spent interacting with classmate.The results also showed that interaction patterns between teacher and individual students are related to the student achievement level. In addition, distinctly different work patterns of independent activity were discerned in high and low achievers indicating higher involvement in on-task activities among high students compared with low achievers. Similiar patterns of interaction between students were found for high, average and low achievers demonstrating either on-task or off-task interaction of a verbal nature among students of the same sex. Implications for teachers, teachers trainers and instructional developers are discussed.  相似文献   

理想的多形态蠕虫可以避开任何基于特征的入侵检测系统,为此提出了基于字符特征匹配和数据挖掘的多形态蠕虫检测方法.基于蠕虫攻击模型,提出了通过数据挖掘,如Bayes和ANN,识别JUMP地址检测多形态蠕虫的方法.通过对多种实际蠕虫及其多形态变种进行测试,结果表明该方法检测率和性能比传统的IDS有大幅的提升.  相似文献   

基于动力半空间理论及路基与半空间的等效条件,得到考虑频响特性的路基频变等效参数;采用有限元法建立无砟轨道-路基动力分析叠合梁模型与梁板模型,并考虑轨道不平顺激励的轮轨力施加于钢轨的不同位置,分析不同荷载施加情况下的轨道结构动力响应特性,并将数值模拟结果与现场实测值进行对比,验证建模方法及路基等效参数计算方法的可靠性。该方法真实地反映了轨道-路基结构的频响特性,不仅可应用于轨道-路基动力响应分析,也可应用于整个线路系统的动力分析中。  相似文献   

Moving ships and other objects drifting on water often impact a bridge's pile foundation. The mechanical model of the piles-bridge structure under horizontal forcing was established, and a time-domain approach based on Finite-difference Method was developed for analyzing the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure. For a single pile, good agreement between two computed results validated the present approach. The slenderness ratio of the pile, the pile-soil stiffness ratio and the type of the structure influence the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure. The computed results showed that the stiffness of the structure determines the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure under horizontal forcing. Project (No. 001110442) supported by the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheimpactonpiles bridgestructuresbymovingshipsorotherdriftingobjectsoftende stroysthebridge,soitisimportanttostudythe  相似文献   

数据加密已经被广泛的运用能够有效的对抗逆向分析,而加密技术的关键是延长数据被逆向分析预计的有效期限.通过介绍相关的密码学、数据加密以及基于公钥加密算法的方法与步骤,详细介绍了多态加密的原理与方法.  相似文献   

从世界和我国的远程教育发展趋势来看,计算机网络远程教育将成为一种主导的远程教育形式。随着网络技术的发展和学习社会化、终身化的要求,通过网络进行学习必将成为远程学习的时代发展走势。本文以"数控技术"专业教学为例,从课程的选择上进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This study examines the prevalence, contexts, and demographic correlates of monotonic response patterns (MRPs) in online student evaluations. Results of two-level hierarchical generalized linear models show evidence of careless monotonic responses to a survey administered to students enrolled in a university-level foreign language course in the Republic of Korea. All else being equal, freshmen and students in classes with fewer survey participants were more likely to choose monotonic response patterns in course evaluations. Possible factors at work in generating MRPs are identified and discussed. The severity of the MRP problem in online ratings underscores the importance for administrators to consider possible validity threats in student evaluations before using them as tools to inform instructional and administrative decisions. It is also important to design course evaluation surveys in such a way as to minimize careless responses and to identify means to induce more thoughtful responses from college students.  相似文献   

A new absorbing boundary condition(ABC) for frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain algorithm for the arbitrary dispersive media is presented.The concepts of the digital systems are introduced to the (FD)^2TD method.On the basis of digital filter disigning and vector algebra,the absorbing boundary condition under arbitrary angle of incidence are derived.The transient electromagnetic problems in two-dimensions and three-dimensions are calculated and the validity of the ABC is verified.  相似文献   

为了深入研究驾驶人应急转向操作行为下车辆的横向响应状态,在车辆受力分析的基础上,建立了车辆应急转向响应力学模型。通过驾驶人应急转向行为下车辆横向应急响应实车试验,采集了驾驶人应急转向操作力度与车辆横向响应等关键数据,对比分析了实车试验数据与模型计算数据。试验结果表明:所建立的模型计算得到的数据误差较小,相对误差均在10%以内,能够反应驾驶人事故前应急操作,可用于道路交通事故再现的研究。  相似文献   

A practical suspen-dome project, Changzhou Gym roof, is adopted as an example and its transient analysis based on the multi-support excitations of the earthquake wave is carried out. Compared with the single support excitation, the position and value of the maximum stress under multi-support excitations both change and the amount of elements with obvious changes is large and more than 70% of the total. Moreover, when other terms are not changed, this influence will decrease as the span decreases, but increa...  相似文献   

随着应用程序向云计算技术的迁移,将移动多态应用程序模型与云计算架构相结合成为自然的趋势。从结构分析入手,以医院信息系统为例,提出基于对云计算的移动多态技术可以应用到所有采用SaaS参考模型实现移动多态的领域的设想。  相似文献   

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