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行动学习法:促进教师反思的有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动学习法为教师提供了团队学习的机会,小组成员间的建设性争议能促进教师反思的有效进行.教师的反思分为行动前的反思、行动中的反思和行动后的反思(对行动的反思)三类.行动学习法通过对行动前的反思与行动后的反思的推动,促进教师形成教育智慧,推动行动中反思的进行.在行动学习小组中,"对话"促进了反思,团队反思促进了个人反思.  相似文献   

教学反思是指教师借助行动研究不断探究与解决自身和教学目的以及教学工具等方面的问题,将"学会教学"与"学会学习"统一起来,努力提升教学实践合理性,使自己成为学者型教师的过程.它具有超越性、实践性、过程性和主体性的特点.开展教学反思有利于教师升华教学经验、形成实践性知识体系、增强职业幸福感.通过培养良好的反思意识,以专家型教师为样例,加强教育理论学习,开展多元化的对话交流,可以有效地提升教师的教学反思能力,加速教师的职业成长.  相似文献   

对反思型教师的一些基本身角度,对何谓反思型教师、教师反思什么、如何成长为反思型教师等基本问题做出了归整和反思,指出教师常通过"开展对话,学习提高;开展行动研究"等来进一步成长.  相似文献   

教学反思是一种有益的思维和再学习的活动,教师可以通过教学反思不断地丰富和完善自我。美国心理学家波斯纳认为:没有反思的经验是狭隘的经验,至多只能是肤浅的知识。他提出了教师成长的公式:成长=经验+反思。教学反思既是对过去经验的总结,又是做出新计划和行动的依据;它需要认真思  相似文献   

行动学习法:教师专业发展的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动学习法以学习者的需求为中心,基于个人实践中碰到的问题,注重反思和体验,强调团体合作和"对话"式学习.行动学习法是促进教师专业发展的有效模式之一,是探索和研究教师自主专业成长的新方法、新尝试.它使教师从知识的传授者转变为儿童发展的促进者和同构者,从知识的权威转变为不断寻求发展的学习者,从教育活动的践行者转变为研究者,从而使教育真正以儿童自主持续发展为目标.  相似文献   

一线教师是教师专业发展的主体,他们以何种姿态、何种水平参与其专业发展,直接关系到教师专业发展的最终成败.然而,长久以来,无论是在理论还是实践上.经常存在一种"轻视教师"的倾向:认为一线教师至多是一个"忠实的执行者",教师专业发展的主角应该是教育专家和管理者.这是一种错误而危险的观点.我们必须认识到:必须还教师以其专业发展的主人翁地位,教师有必要也完全可以以研究者的姿态主动投身教育行动研究,在行动中反思.在反思中行动,在行动与反思中成长.  相似文献   

一、行动学习法及其运用 "行动学习"是一个以完成预定的工作为目的,在同事支持下的持续不断的反思与学习过程(Ian McGill and Li Beaty,2001).在行动学习中,由小组的成员将一个在实际工作中遇到的问题带到小组,参加者则通过协同解决问题,反思自己的经验,从中相互学习和提高.  相似文献   

语文教师的专业化发展是一种动态发展的过程.对教师来说,接受新的教育理念并不难,难的是如何把理念落实在教学实践中.这需要培训者给予切实可行的、具体的实践指导.教师要在经验中学习,在反思中成长.其中最有效的方法是教师结合自身的教育教学实践开展行动研究.  相似文献   

随着学习化社会的来临,未来的教师将是"发展的教师"。校本教师教育是促进教师专业化成长的重要方式。通过建立PDS的伙伴合作关系,推进基础教育的同时改革;开展课题研究,构建学习型学校,创造教师成长环境;教师开展行动研究,从经验中学习,在反思中成长,教师才能不断提高自己的专业水平和专业能力。  相似文献   

美国著名教育心理学家波斯纳提出一个教师成长公式:教师成长=经验+反思.此项公式体现出当代教师成长的具体过程,是一个总结经验、捕捉问题、反思实践的具体的过程.在新课程形势下,一个称职的教师决不能如"教书匠"般地"照本宣科",而要在教学中不断反思、不断学习."思之则活,思活则深,思深则透,思透则新,思新则进."为了学生的全面发展,为了自身的专业成长,化学教师同样必须进行教学反思.然而,现在的中学教师教学任务很重,教师们会有些零散、间断、片段的思维层面的反思,但系统、书面的反思很少.下面就针对这些情况谈谈化学教学反思的重要性.  相似文献   

This paper describes an exploratory study that examined the content of preservice elementary teachers’ reflections of their documented early field experiences of science teaching in authentic contexts. The study used an early field experience model that was focused on the objective of profiling an elementary science teacher as the practical merit of reflection. Preservice elementary teachers individually and collaboratively reflected on their early field experiences and used the resulting reflections to construct profiles of an elementary science teacher respectively in synthesis papers. Data sources included journal entries and synthesis papers resulting from individual and collaborative reflections. Thematic analysis revealed that profiles of an elementary science teacher constructed from both individual and collaborative reflections were based on the roles of teacher as a guide and teacher as a mediator. Analysis further revealed that classroom management and discipline and safety were the key foci factored within individual reflections while what promotes learning and the difference between what is effective and ineffective scaffolding respectively, served as the foci within collaborative reflections. Also, collaborative reflection provided a structured approach to reflection as it drew preservice elementary teachers into collective dialogue and negotiation capturing the tensions they faced when trying to make sense of the practice of other teachers. Implications include the need to frame early field experiences with objectives that are understood by all parties involved in early field experiences; and, the need to instill the importance of observation, documentation, and reflection which collectively sum up preservice teachers’ early field experiences.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: Many researchers agree that teachers’ learning processes are social and that teachers need to be brought together to learn from each other. Researchers have also stated that intellectual and pedagogical change requires professional development activities that take place over a period of time in school. The purpose of the study presented in the article was to develop knowledge about the teachers’ learning when taking part in a school-based development project. Main argument: The study shows that it takes some time before the teachers identify with the work in school-based development. Even though the national authorities decided what to focus on during the development work, the participating teachers felt that they had autonomy in the work. The study presented in the article shows that it is important for the teachers’ learning culture that they are listened to and taken into consideration and that the leaders have competence in leading school-based development to support the teachers’ learning. Sources of evidence and method: The article is based on a study connected with school-based development in three lower secondary schools. Qualitative interviews were used as the data-collection strategy to capture the teachers’ and school leaders’ experiences and reflections. Conclusion: The article presents new knowledge connected with teachers’ learning in school-based development. The study presented in the article shows that schools’ learning culture can make a difference for the teachers’ learning and their job satisfaction and wellbeing.  相似文献   

教师作为研究者的内涵究竟是什么,教师作为研究者并不是让教师和专业的研究者那样去做研究、出研究成果,教师作为研究者的内涵实质在于教师研究性思维的养成和运用.实证研究和实践探究作为教师研究性思维养成的方法,都可以统一到杜威提出的科学思维方法上来,两者都需要教师在个人实践经验中产生困惑和问题,进而提出假设,进行反思、实验,更新教学观念,改进教学行为,获得教学专业发展的自主性,最终促进学生智识的发展.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teachers’ learning in a research and development (R&D) work project. The teachers are working in a lower secondary school, and the cooperation between them and the researcher lasted for two years. The aim of this article is to show what teachers can learn and how they can learn during such a project. In the qualitative study conducted within this R&D project, observations, reflection dialogues and log‐book entries were key data collection strategies. This material shows that teachers want to reflect together to learn, but both the form and content of these collective reflections have a major impact on their learning. Before the teachers are ready to challenge each other, they have to have confidence in each other. Once they have this confidence, the form of the reflection dialogues can change. During the R&D work the teachers learn how reflections become part of the planning process for their next teaching sessions, and after a while theories become a tool that can help them with their reflections.  相似文献   

本文采用定性研究的方法分析了英语专业师范生通过见习在教育教学认知与职业态度上的变化,从社会文化视角探讨了影响师范生变化的主要因素:校园环境以及与见习指导教师的互动。目的在于探究教育见习课程对职前英语教师专业发展的影响,为教育见习和职前教师培养摸索经验。  相似文献   

田野亲子活动是幼儿园、家庭、社会“三位一体”教育的重要形式,是实现教育资源的最佳整合与利用的一种主要途径。其特点是:多主体参与、多向互动、家园一致、课程实施的开放。活动的产生可根据家长的需要,或根据阶段教学的需要,或根据幼儿成长中典型问题的需要。活动中家长的角色是多方面的,既是教师的协助者,又是活动的参与者、支持者与观察者。  相似文献   

Our aim was to highlight the issues of the reflections of pre-service mathematics teachers in their learning portfolio about the teaching-learning process taking place in a university teacher-training classroom. Category systems were designed which, together with the analysis system used, could provide a method helpful to teacher educators, teachers and to future research. The pre-service teachers showed difficulty in considering themselves as ‘authentic’ mathematics teachers. The study revealed that the preparation of a portfolio can help pre-service teachers learn more about themselves and provide educators insight into how to help pre-service mathematics teachers engage in the teaching-learning process.  相似文献   

The science curriculum is a focus of repeated reform in many countries. However, the enactment of such reforms within schools rarely reflects the intended outcomes of curriculum designers. This review considers what we know about the experiences and reflections of teachers in the enactment of externally driven school science curriculum reform. ‘Externally driven’ signals a focus on studies of teachers who did not make a proactive choice to adopt a particular curriculum reform initiative. This is a very common experience for teachers in many school systems, and one likely to highlight issues of professionalism and authority that are central to the work of teachers. The review analyses 34 relevant studies. These include studies of teachers’ experiences of national curriculum reform, and also studies focusing on more regional or local curriculum reform activities. The studies examine individual teachers’ beliefs, practices and reflections associated with curriculum reform, the response of teacher communities to reform (e.g. within school departments), and teachers’ (and other stakeholders’) experiences across school systems. A wide range of factors influencing teachers’ responses are identified. These are characterised in terms of personal, internal and external contexts of teachers’ work. The review also highlights issues of authority, professionalism and the process of meaning-making in response to external curriculum reform. The discussion section identifies important areas for future research and gives recommendations for the design of curriculum policies that recognise and support the professionalism of science teachers.  相似文献   

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