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科技期刊编辑在防范学术不端行为中具有重要的作用与责任,"科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统"(AMLC)为检测学术不端问题提供了强有力的工具。本文根据编辑工作的实际,总结了应用AMLC界定与防范期刊来稿中学术不端行为的经验,并探讨了AMLC存在的不足以及科技编辑的应对措施和建议。  相似文献   

学术不端行为是学术腐败的重要表现,是当前学术界必须解决的问题。期刊编辑应充分利用学术不端检测系统把好初审关,公正遴选审稿专家做好论文评审工作,在完善管理制度的同时注意提升自身素养。通过硬件检测系统、审稿专家库、反学术不端联盟等构建立体化反学术不端体系。  相似文献   

学术不端行为愈演愈烈,一些科技期刊在其中扮演了不该扮演的角色。科技期刊的版面费、核心期刊、办刊体制、编辑控制、网络出版等期刊出版中的问题都可能导致学术不端行为的发生,而学术不端行为不只影响我国科技创新能力的提高,也不利于社会的道德建设。  相似文献   

随着培养单位对研究生学术要求的提高,大批优秀的研究生学术成果涌现,对繁荣学术研究起到了重要的促进作用。但受到社会不良学术道德风气的影响,部分研究生学术不端问题呈现出来,一定程度上影响了研究生层次人才培养质量,造成了学术资源的浪费,给学术不端行为的治理提出了新的挑战。高校学报编辑接触到大量研究生来稿,从中窥见了部分研究生学术论文中的抄袭等现象。文章通过分析学术不端行为产生的原因,提出了加强学术道德素养教育、构建多维度的学业评价标准、完善学术道德制度建设和强化编辑把关责任等研究生学术不端行为的治理措施。  相似文献   

编辑在防范学术不端行为中的能动作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要有效地防范学术不端行为,除了加强作者的自律和科学共同体的制度建设外,科技期刊编辑应充分发挥自身主体意识,从提升职业道德和专业素养、严把初审关、遴选合适的审稿人、充分利用学术不端检测系统、与作者建立良好的沟通等方面下功夫,尽可能地降低学术不端行为事件的发生概率。  相似文献   

学术诚信问题受到了全社会的密切关注,学术界对学术不端行为采取了"零容忍"的态度。编辑作为学术论文发表的"第一道关"应充分发挥其主体性,积极有效地防范学术不端行为,为学术风气的净化贡献一己之力。文章立足于编辑主体性缺失导致工作中最易出现的不端方面,尝试从用稿规则制定、稿件初筛、稿件送审、稿件发表等日常工作环节中,探讨学术期刊编辑如何在工作中发挥主体作用,有效防范学术不端行为。  相似文献   

通过对目前出现的各种学术不端现象进行调查,分析学术不端产生的根源,针对科技期刊学术论文发表流程,从编辑初审、专家审稿以及作者撰稿等环节进行预防,杜绝学术不端行为的产生,从而提高科技期刊学术质量,净化科技期刊学术环境。  相似文献   

学术不端行为虽然有别于学术腐败,同样具有违法性。长期以来,我国将学术不端行为简单定性为不道德行为,对其处罚过轻是这一行为愈演愈烈的最直接原因。认识学术不端行为的社会危害性,重视法律矫正手段,提高违法成本是遏制学术不端行为的有效途径。  相似文献   

2010年11月1日.“学术期刊数字化出版与版权保护论坛”在中国·成都召开,国内部分高校、省属社科院负责人和学术期刊编辑部的相关人员出席了论坛。会议期间,与会代表围绕学术期刊及数字化传播与版权保护议题,进行了深入交流,并达成如下共识:  相似文献   

2010年11月1日,“学术期刊数字化出版与版权保护论坛”在中国·成都召开,国内部分高校、省属社科院负责人和学术期刊编辑部的相关人员出席了论坛。会议期间,与会代表围绕学术期刊及数字化传播与版权保护议题,进行了深入交流,并达成如下共识:  相似文献   

The academic dishonesty literature generally focuses on the causes of academic dishonesty, and outlines deterrence strategies, as well as the punishment methods used in formal sanction. Student self-monitoring techniques are becoming a more visible alternative that places greater emphasis on proactive prevention methods as opposed to reactive punishment policies. Increasing the formal level of student responsibility in deterring academic dishonesty assumes that students will actively monitor the behavior of their classmates. Our findings indicate that student perceptions of campus climate and gender differences are important factors when explaining student reporting of suspected academic dishonesty and may illustrate important prerequisite conditions that must exist prior to the establish of a successful student self-monitoring programme.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is believed to have predictive ability for subsequent behaviours in the workplace. This study adds to the literature by investigating Malaysian business students' attitudes to academic dishonesty and their attitudes to ethics issues in business. This study also explores the association between these two constructs. The form of academic dishonesty being investigated here is related to assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Employing data collected from 153 business students from different academic years, this exploratory study concludes that business students may have found that some level of dishonesty is acceptable in some academic settings as well as in business settings. The study's outcomes highlight the possibility of using students' attitudes to academic dishonesty to explain their attitudes to ethics in business contexts. The findings of this study, to a certain extent, indicate that years spent in business education might contribute to such unfavourable attitudes. This exploratory study also draws attention to several issues related to the teaching of ethics within business education.  相似文献   

Cheating among college students has generally been studied from a student perspective. The research discussed here looks at student cheating from a faculty perspective. Utilizing the responses of 789 faculty members at 16 institutions located throughout the United States, it examines typical faculty responses to incidents of student cheating and how the presence of a student honor code influences faculty responses. These findings are compared to student perspectives on how faculty address incidents of cheating using data collected from over 3,000 students at the same 16 institutions in an earlier phase of this research project.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty in higher education is an increasingly visible problem throughout the world and in Romania in particular. A total of 1127 university students from six public Romanian universities were surveyed for their experiences and beliefs with 22 behaviors that might be considered academically dishonest. A five-factor solution to the frequencies of these behaviors was interpretable and accounted for more than half of the total variance. How acceptable students believed the behaviors were and how often students witnessed other students engage in these behaviors were consistent predictors of the frequency of the behaviors, with small to medium effect sizes. Demographic predictors of these behaviors, including gender, academic specialty, year in school, institution, grade average, and scholarship status, predicted very little variance in the behaviors. Implications and limitations of the study, as well as limitations of research in the field, are discussed.  相似文献   

我们都是父母的子女。我们都可能成为有子女的父母。子女的生命来自父母。父母的给予、父母的付出,似乎天经地义,我们是否思考过其中的无私和伟大?父母的爱、父母的关心,润物无声,我们是否考虑过要对他们感谢和回报?  相似文献   

Although the literature on both academic dishonesty and scientific misconduct is extensive, research on academic dishonesty has focused on quizzes, exams, and papers, with the virtual exclusion of the classroom laboratory. This study examined the distinctions undergraduate chemistry majors made between academic dishonesty in the classroom laboratory and scientific misconduct in the research laboratory. Across the spectrum of undergraduate chemistry courses, from the introductory course for first‐semester chemistry majors to the capstone course in instrumental analysis, we noted that students believe the classroom lab is fundamentally different from a research or industrial lab. This difference is so significant that it carries over into students' perceptions of dishonesty in these two environments. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 47–64, 2004  相似文献   

本文以期刊在图书馆藏中所占的重要地位为中心 ,从实践经验中归纳出三种提高期刊服务质量的思路 ,对怎样提高期刊服务质量为广大读者服好务进行探讨  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of academic dishonesty and the students who engage in it is necessary to develop appropriate policies and educational interventions to discourage such actions. The present study examines the frequency of academic dishonesty and the characteristics (i.e. gender, course enrollment, and grades) of students who engage in distinct forms of the behavior by surveying undergraduates at a large public university in the USA. Of 292 students, 57.19% reported some form of academic dishonesty in the previous six months, with cheating on a test being the most frequent form (51.71%). Men and students in a study strategies course had a significantly higher report rate for both plagiarism and making false excuses in comparison to women and students in a science course, respectively. Low grades corresponded with high rates of academic dishonesty, specifically in terms of having provided false excuses. Implications for college teaching settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is a fundamental issue for the academic integrity of higher education institutions, and one that has lately been gaining increasing media attention. This study reports on a survey of 1206 students and 190 academic staff across four major Queensland universities in relation to student academic misconduct. The aim of the survey was to determine the prevalence of academic misconduct, and to investigate the extent to which perceptions of dishonesty are shared between students and staff, as preliminary steps toward developing effective strategies to deal with the academic dishonesty/misconduct problem. Results indicate a higher tolerance for academic misconduct by students in comparison to staff, particularly with respect to falsification of research results and plagiarism, as well as considerable underestimation by staff of the prevalence of virtually all forms of student academic misconduct. Overall, the study’s findings confirm the significance of the issue of academic dishonesty within the Australian tertiary sector, indicating considerable divergence between students and staff in terms of perceptions of the seriousness and prevalence of student academic misconduct. We suggest that university administrators need to examine this issue closely in order to develop mechanisms for managing and curtailing the level of academic misconduct, since a failure to do so may lead to a further undermining of the academic integrity of the Australian tertiary sector.  相似文献   

特色栏目是地方高校学术期刊办出风格和个性、提高核心竞争力、实现可持续发展的重要途径.地方高校科技期刊要想创办特色栏目品牌,就必须做到:找准特色;栏目构建要因地制宜,准确定位,确保学术资源独一无二;栏目的发展要因时制宜具可持续性;栏目的编辑要具备高素质,最好是学者型编辑;要做好特色栏目的宣传推介工作.  相似文献   

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