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Counselling is usually conceptualized as a psychological activity closely resembling psychotherapy. This paper presents an alternate orientation, showing how counselling can be viewed as a social practice organized around the social concept of status. Thirteen counselling policies are described.Paper presented at the IRTAC International Consultation on Counselling for the Integration of the Handicapped in Society, Florence, Montecatini-Terme, Italy, April 1981.  相似文献   

Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D., and E. Jane Burkhead, Ph.D., are Assistant Professors with the Program in Counseling Psychology and Human Systems, Department of Human Services and Studies, at the Florida State University. D. Anthony Clark, M.S. is a Doctoral Candidate at the Florida State University.  相似文献   

Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund (SDR), i.e. Swedish National Association of the Deaf, in co-operation with the Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, carried out and evaluated a research program concerning supportive interventions in group with therapeutic direction for hearing parents of deaf and hearing impaired children. The program which was based on a pilot study (Backenroth, 1976) demonstrating an actual need for a psychological supportive program focusing on the parents, was carried out between 1976 and 1979 in different parts of Sweden: Boden, Gävle, Göteborg, Lund, Malmö and Stockholm. Altogether 76 parents constituting eleven groups participated in the program which was financed by Delegationen för Social Forskning, i.e. the Delegation for Social Research.  相似文献   


Some children, particularly those who are hearing impaired, experience difficulties in developing spoken language. Such difficulty typically results in reduced literacy skills and academic achievement. Research suggests that short‐term memory problems are a contributing factor to those language difficulties. Specific training strategies are discussed which may improve the short‐term memory ability of a child with impaired hearing.  相似文献   

With few exceptions, a hearing perspective controls the direction of deaf education nationally and internationally. People who are hearing have a powerful influence over decisions that affect legislation, policies, professional organizations, research agendas, and curricular decisions related to deaf education. Although this situation is changing in some arenas, people who are deaf often have relatively less influence than their hearing counterparts in shaping the educational agenda. The authors, one deaf and one hearing, relate their views on the challenge of changing this imbalance of power and discuss their personal experiences as friends and professional collaborators as they offer strategies for creating and nurturing partnerships between people who are deaf and people who are hearing.  相似文献   

This study explored the comprehension and production of sentences derived by syntactic movement, in orally trained school-age Hebrew-speaking children with moderate to profound hearing impairment, aged 7;8-9;9 years. Experiments 1 and 2 tested the comprehension of relative clauses and topicalization sentences (with word orders of OVS [object, verb, subject] and OSV [object, subject, verb]) using a sentence-picture matching task. Experiments 3 and 4 tested the production of relative clauses using two elicitation tasks. Experiment 5 tested the comprehension of relative clauses with and without resumptive pronouns. As a group, the children with hearing loss failed to understand object relatives and OVS topicalization sentences. In the production tasks they either avoided producing a sentence with syntactic movement, by using a relative clauses with a resumptive pronoun instead of a gap or by producing a sentence without a relative clause, or produced ungrammatical sentences. They understood correctly object relatives with resumptive pronouns, which are not derived by movement. Both comprehension and production of the hearing-impaired group was significantly different from that of the hearing control group. Individual performance was strongly correlated with the age of intervention: only children who received hearing aids before the age of 8 months performed well in the comprehension tasks. Type of hearing aid, duration of use of a cochlear implant, and degree of hearing loss did not correlate with syntactic comprehension.  相似文献   

Despite a significant increase in the incidence of visual impairment (VI) in early years children, research has afforded the subject scant attention. Perhaps as a result of underfunding, research into VI typically adopts a single case study approach, with the training needs of early years professionals largely ignored. This paper seeks to inform the debate by presenting empirical evidence from a questionnaire designed to gather data on the incidence of VI in early years settings and the nature and extent of awareness training available. Data from the questionnaire survey and the qualitative dimensions of the study indicate an increase in the incidence of VI and, despite high levels of interest, a paucity of training on issues related to VI. Concern was expressed with delays in diagnosis, the lack of screening available and the extent to which the differing terms used militate against interagency collaboration.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence and characteristics of tinnitus in 331 children with profound hearing impairment. Tinnitus implies an auditory perception of internal origin (noise) rarely heard by others. In view of the medical significance of tinnitus in adults, it is reasonable to believe that the same in children may have significant implications for medical and rehabilitative management. In the current study, one out of every three children had tinnitus. This finding raises some professional challenges regarding the effect of tinnitus on the affected children's behavior and performance in school.  相似文献   

Although the number of students with both learning disability and hearing impairment (LDHI) currently enrolled in secondary and postsecondary programs has not been precisely determined, it is clear that these students are currently receiving inadequate assessment and support in many institutions. The best route for serving these students would seem to be collaborative efforts between deaf educators and learning disabilities specialists, yet serious gaps exist between these two professions in regard to interpretation of laws governing special services, training of professionals, and locations of educational programs. The difficulties of developing collaborative work have been compounded by controversies within each field and the heterogeneity of the populations served by both disciplines. Those interested in creating good LDHI assessments should begin by considering the qualifications needed by those conducting evaluation procedures. The inadequacies of current formal assessment devices for this population need to be recognized; informal procedures, such as teacher observation and curriculum-based assessments, are still some of the best tools available for identification and educational planning.  相似文献   

This article considers how a sample of Norwegian school children, ages 6 through 10 with hearing impairment, master three different types of elementary arithmetic problems presented in a nonreading format. The article outlines the effect of task-specific factors on the level of difficulty, as well as the children's understanding of problem structures. The results showed that semantic structure of the problems affected the level of difficulty. The problems were not solved significantly better by students from grade 4 than students from grade 1. Qualitative analyses revealed that the children interpreted the meaning of the imposed problems in three different ways: (1) as numbers and procedures, (2) as take-away situations, and (3) as part-part-whole relations.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of constructionist therapy with a reflecting team of hearing therapists seeing deaf clients. Using findings from two in-depth interviews, postsession reflections and a review of the literature, we propose that this model has the potential to cater to the diversity of the lived experiences of deaf people and also to address issues of power and tensions between medical, social, and cultural models of deafness. The interviews found there was real value in sharing multiple perspectives between the reflecting team of hearing therapists and these deaf clients. In addition, the clients reported feeling safe and comfortable with this model of counseling. Other information that emerged from the interviews supports previous findings regarding consistency in interpreting and the importance of hearing therapists having an understanding of the distinctions between Deaf and hearing worlds. As the first investigation of its kind in Australia, this article provides a map for therapists to incorporate reflecting teams with interpreters, deaf clients, and hearing therapists. The value of this article also lies in providing a much needed platform for future research into counseling outcomes and the efficacy of this constructionist model of therapy.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,并辅以访谈,对江西部分聋校教师、学生进行调查的结果显示:书面语是听力残疾儿童与听力健全人沟通非常重要的语言沟通方式,口语是学语前重听儿童、学语后耳聋儿童、学语后重听儿童与听力健全人沟通能够使用的语言沟通方式,手语是听力残疾儿童与听力残疾人沟通最重要的语言沟通方式.学语前耳聋儿童、学语前重听儿童接受早期语言训练将减少与听力健全人沟通的障碍.聋校教师较难根据听力残疾儿童的听力残疾状况运用不同的沟通方式组织教学.  相似文献   

A temperamental understanding of humor communication and exhilaratability   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined humor creation from a communibiological perspective. Employing Eysenck's temperamental framework (based on the super traits of extroversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism ‐ ENP), the study found positive relationships between humor orientation, humor assessment, and sense of humor with the super‐trait extroversion. Additionally, an examination of the super‐trait of exhilaratability (cheerfulness, seriousness, and bad mood) determined that humor assessment, humor orientation, and sense of humor related to exhilaratability. The STCI (State‐Trait Cheerfulness Index) and the ENP index were shown to be related instruments. Overall, it was found that while an individual's sense of humor may be culturally influenced, her or his propensity to use humorous communicative messages (jokes and stories) is largely temperamentally based.  相似文献   

In recent decades, Higher Education has undoubtedly changed giving rise to an increasingly diverse student population. However, there has been only limited research on students with parental responsibilities. When they are considered, this is often in a somewhat pejorative way. The challenges faced by such trainees are often invisible. This paper is focused on the contextual understandings and perspectives of university based staff involved in training pre-service teachers with parental responsibilities. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on the concept of institutional habitus, and questions whether the actions of individuals and practices within the often rigid structures of universities make teacher training more difficult for some groups than others.  相似文献   

Constructivist views of learning have been applied to science education largely as a response to attempts to understand the origins of students' misconceptions in science, and therefore the learning process. As part of this effort to understand learning in science lessons, Appleton (1989) proposed a learning model drawn mainly from Piagetian (1978) ideas and generative learning theory (Osborne & Wittrock, 1983). This paper explores the development and evolution of the learning model as other constructivist view were applied, and as the model was tested against students' responses in science lessons. The revised model finally arrived at is then examined. It was found to be a useful means of describing student's learning processes during a science lesson. Specializations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science, cognitive change and learning theories. Specializations: secondary science teacher education, chemical education.  相似文献   

The future of educational provision for pupils with special educational needs can be seen to be central to educational debate across Europe and the USA. Legislation from many countries has focused upon the means by which the achievement of a more inclusive education system can be achieved. This article suggests that whilst the socio‐political and moral arguments for inclusion have been well established, insufficient attention has been given to the development of an understanding of classroom practices which are conducive to creating an inclusive education system. The moral imperative for inclusion is clear and few teachers would deny that a move towards a more equitable education system should be regarded as a priority. Yet, moves towards the achievement of greater inclusion have been slow. Existing research has demonstrated that under some circumstances inclusion can be efficacious, yet many teachers remain uncertain with regard to its implementation in their schools. This article argues that there is a need to move forward from debating the justification of inclusion and to shift efforts in the direction of an analysis of effective classroom practice to meet the needs of those pupils who are currently presenting the greatest challenges to teachers.  相似文献   

This study used measures of pretend play and maternal scaffolding to explore and compare the early development of deaf children, typically developing children, and children showing advanced intellectual development. Marked differences were found among the groups in both play development and characteristics of mother‐child interactions. In particular, children who scored above 130 IQ at four years of age were found, as toddlers, to have demonstrated significantly advanced pretend play. In addition, the mothers of the high IQ children engaged in scaffolding behaviors involving higher stages of pretend transformations, verbal analogies and world links. The findings are discussed in relation to children's learning in Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development, as well as possible implications for future research on early gifted development.  相似文献   

When hearing people and deaf people work together, two languages and two cultures come into contract. The purpose of this study is to describe some necessary prerequisites for social interaction in bicultural groups between hearing people and deaf people working together. The method used was one in-depth interview. The result indicated the need for counselling on an individual level as well as on a group level. On an individual level the motivation for contract and positive attitudes toward on another were most frequently reported. On the group level the ability to collaborate and hearing colleagues' competence in sign-language were most frequently reported. A combined counselling and guidance model was suggested on both levels. Furthermore, regarding the working group, group therapeutic approaches were also needed. Counsellors proficient in sign-language were suggested.  相似文献   

Given the important role of parent-youth communication in adolescent well-being and quality of life, we sought to examine the relationship between specific communication variables and youth perceived quality of life in general and as a deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) individual. A convenience sample of 230 youth (mean age = 14.1, standard deviation = 2.2; 24% used sign only, 40% speech only, and 36% sign + speech) was surveyed on communication-related issues, generic and DHH-specific quality of life, and depression symptoms. Higher youth perception of their ability to understand parents' communication was significantly correlated with perceived quality of life as well as lower reported depressive symptoms and lower perceived stigma. Youth who use speech as their single mode of communication were more likely to report greater stigma associated with being DHH than youth who used both speech and sign. These findings demonstrate the importance of youths' perceptions of communication with their parents on generic and DHH-specific youth quality of life.  相似文献   

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