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In this feature, guest writer Kondwani Wella presents an overview of his PhD – a study which investigated the information experience of serodiscordant couples with HIV and AIDS in Malawi. In particular, for this article, he considers the information behaviour of people who need HIV‐ and AIDS‐specific information and the role of the librarian in helping to deliver what is needed to support engagement in relevant learning. H.S.  相似文献   

This feature has been co‐authored by Anna Cunningham and her supervisor Frances Johnson. It is based on the research Anna conducted for her dissertation, which she completed as part of her MA in Library and Information Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. The study explored how people assess the trustworthiness of online health information, and the participants were asked to talk aloud whilst viewing information on the consumer health information website patients.co.uk. The study confirmed that their assessment was based on the information usefulness and credibility as well as identifying the factors relating to information quality and website design that helped to form these judgements. A. M.  相似文献   

Information seeking is part of information science, and its aim is to study how people seek and use information in their work, for what purpose the information is sought, how this information influences the effectiveness of the work and what barriers people perceive in their search for, and use of, necessary information. This study examines information seeking in pre-trial police investigation. There has been no previous attempt to examine information seeking in pre-trial police investigation, of the earlier studies in information seeking only those concerning lawyers represent a somewhat similar field. In both fields the work is subject to confidentiality, which is strictly regulated by law. This study was carried out partly in cooperation with another study, which examines documentation in pre-trial investigation. During the research project it became obvious that information seeking with its different components is something also to be taken into account in documentation and records management.  相似文献   

施亦龙  许鑫 《图书情报工作》2013,57(24):123-131
健康信息搜寻是日常生活信息搜寻研究中的重要内容,与人们的生活休戚相关。随着互联网的发展,越来越多的人选择通过网络浏览、搜索、征询以获取各类健康信息。通过研读分析国内外在线健康信息搜寻的相关文献,从在线健康信息搜寻的影响因素、内容、平台及相关技术等几个方面展开综述,在梳理现有研究进展的同时分析现有研究的不足,并结合国外相关研究探讨其对于我国在线健康信息搜寻研究工作的启示。  相似文献   

This paper is based on Rachel Butler's dissertation carried out at the University of Sheffield as part of the MA Library and Information Services Management. The study examines people's online health information seeking skills, with the specific aim to identify how libraries and health services can work together in supporting digital and health literacy. A survey approach is used to explore online searching habits as well as librarian and health professionals’ views on health literacy. The key findings indicate that whilst the majority of respondents consider themselves to be health literate, there was an overall agreement that effective education and support could be achieved through the collaboration between libraries and health services, and specifically to signpost information and to provide targeted education. The limitations of the research for dissertation are recognised leading to recommendations that further study focuses on the impact of signposting and education on health literacy.F.J.  相似文献   

Though special libraries share concerns with their more general academic, public, and school counterparts, they also have unique characteristics which merit separate consideration. Libraries of all types are evolving, and just as special libraries can learn from the general literature on libraries, practitioners in general libraries can learn from the experiences and methods of special libraries. “The Specialist,” appearing in even-numbered issues of this journal, addresses the administrative concerns of special libraries. The column's scope includes corporate, non-profit, government, and independent libraries as well as the specialized departments and branches of academic and public libraries. Contributions from practitioners and scholars on any aspect of special libraries are welcome. Interested authors are invited to contact the editor at tmurray@stamps.org for submission guidelines.

In library and information science, there is a strong emphasis on technical skills like indexing, database design, and information retrieval. This column shows the importance of interpersonal skills, which reference librarians have traditionally employed, to the current special library environment. Librarians increasingly recognize that people seek information and knowledge from each other just as much if not more so than from databases and documents. Given appropriate mechanisms, experts readily share their knowledge. Decision makers seek information selected and curated by a knowledgeable human being, not just raw data.

At the same time, successful organizations recognize that the most important part of information management is not the library but the librarian, who can employ information strategically. The special library community should worry less about library closures and more about ensuring that librarians understand the work of their clients and deliver relevant information at the appropriate time with context and interpretation, making them an integral part of organizational decision-making.  相似文献   

This article is the second student contribution to the Dissertations into Practice feature. It reports on a study that investigated the everyday health information-seeking practices of a small group of the 'general public' and the implications for information-seeking theory and health information provision. The first student article, about the implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) in a hospital library, was very different, and the two articles illustrate the broad spectrum of possible subjects for the Dissertations into Practice feature. This study was conducted in summer 2011 by Abir Mukherjee for his MSc dissertation in the Library and Information Sciences programme at City University London. Further information and copies of the full dissertation may be obtained from Abir Mukherjee or David Bawden. AM.  相似文献   

This feature considers the challenges that academic librarians are increasingly being faced with in the delivery of information skills training to large student numbers with limited time and staff resources. A case study is presented of how an academic liaison librarian used a blended learning approach and innovative teaching practice to successfully deliver information skills training to large student numbers within the Faculty of Health and Social Care at Hull University.  相似文献   

This feature looks at the challenges for information literacy in rare and orphan diseases. In particular, it focuses on the information difficulties faced by those living with a rare condition or awaiting a diagnosis, and also those of the health professionals in charge of their care. The feature also highlights some of the key issues that library and information professionals need to be aware of when providing information support in such circumstances. H.S.  相似文献   

Objective: To document and describe the University of Zambia Medical library’s responses to the fight against HIV/AIDS in Zambia. Methods: The methodology adopted was a case study approach combined with an analysis of the literature such as annual reports and official documents. This was augmented by personal reflections of the author having worked at the Medical Library. Results: The University of Zambia Medical library has over the years instituted and implemented HIV/AIDS information provision programmes that include the provision of information in various formats ‐‐ print or electronic and, in addition, capacity building in HIV/AIDS information literacy skills. Conclusion: A library’s social responsibility calls for it to be part of national responses to crises that arise in society. As HIV/AIDS has affected every aspect of Zambian society prevention, treatment, care and support there is an understanding that the library’s role should be using the cri tical and strategic resource at its disposal – information ‐‐ as part of their contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS. In this context, libraries should source, collect, organize and disseminate information on HIV/AIDS in a way that is easily accessible to researchers, HIV/AIDS programme implementation agencies and the ordinary public.  相似文献   


The increase in information explosion has left information users with the option of adopting the best means to access and make ethical use of the right information. The role information plays in the society cannot be overemphasized. Information is required for individual, institution and societal development. Hence, efforts must be expended to acquire the right information in a world where information is being produced exponentially with almost no control. Accessing the right information is vital for any form of development hence the academic libraries’ role in ensuring an effective delivery of the right information to their users. Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service is one of the means through which libraries achieve this. The study investigates SDI service adoption and use by academics at Redeemer’s University, Nigeria. Statistics kept in the Reference Unit of the library were used to elicit information used for analysis. Sixty-sis (66) out of a total of 135 academics working in the institution at the time the statistics were taken were used for analysis. The study reveals that majority of the academics who sought SDI service were staff of the college of Management Sciences. The study reveals that majority of the academics sought SDI service for the purpose of research. Comments of users from records kept in the unit shows that users’ information needs were adequately satisfied. Users’ comments also reveal areas of improvement on the service. Recommendations geared towards the improvement of SDI service in the university library were given based on the conclusion drawn.  相似文献   

Background: The relationship between health information seeking, patient engagement and health literacy is not well understood. This is especially true in medically underserved populations, which are often viewed as having limited access to health information. Objective: To improve communication between an urban health centre and the community it serves, a team of library and information science researchers undertook an assessment of patients’ level and methods of access to and use of the Internet. Methods: Data were collected in 53 face‐to‐face anonymous interviews with patients at the centre. Interviews were tape‐recorded for referential accuracy, and data were analysed to identify patterns of access and use. Results: Seventy‐two percentage of study participants reported having access to the Internet through either computers or cell phones. Barriers to Internet access were predominantly lack of equipment or training rather than lack of interest. Only 21% of those with Internet access reported using the Internet to look for health information. Conclusion: The findings suggest that lack of access to the Internet in itself is not the primary barrier to seeking health information in this population and that the digital divide exists not at the level of information access but rather at the level of information use.  相似文献   

指出早期用户信息行为研究主要集中在结构化的工作、学习信息查寻行为方面,而日常生活信息查寻行为由于其随机性与高度环境依赖性没有得到足够的重视。从日常生活信息查寻行为的概念界定、行为特征及其影响因素、理论成果与研究框架以及研究方法等方面梳理对该领域的研究进展,凝练出日常生活信息查寻行为研究中值得关注的一些问题,以期能为进一步的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This article represents two‐firsts for the feature – it is the first to report on a study outside the UK and the first to examine the health information needs of community health workers. Sonika Raj is pursuing PhD at the Centre for Public Health, Panjab University, Chandigarh, in India and she conducted her research in Chandigarh. The article outlines the important role that health workers at community level play in determining health outcomes in the developing world, including Chandigarh. It demonstrates that while those workers recognise their information needs, there are many issues affecting their ability to access health information effectively, not least their limited access to appropriate technology and training. AM  相似文献   

跨源健康信息搜寻的动机、信息源选择及行为路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探究用户面临多种健康信息源时的跨源健康信息搜寻行为,揭示这类信息搜寻行为的动机、信息源选择和行为路径。结合日记法和半结构化深度访谈法,收集并分析了26名参加者的健康信息搜寻日记及跟踪访谈数据,使用NVivo11分析数据。研究发现医生-用户交流障碍、信任缺失、用户自我调节和用户安全心理的需要是促使跨源健康信息搜寻行为产生的动机。相似病症用户的自我陈述、用户的路径依赖(习惯)、从众心理、信息源的权威性及可信度是影响用户跨源过程中信息源选择的主要因素。此外,用户跨源搜寻健康信息的过程中,其心理需求大于实际需求、凭“感觉”感知网络健康信息质量等特征较明显。本研究构建了跨源健康信息搜寻行为路径模型,研究的结果有助于提升用户健康信息搜寻行为认知,改善其跨源健康信息获取能力,提升其健康信息素养;同时,也为相关部门制定提升公民健康信息素养策略及支持跨源健康信息搜寻行为的信息系统的开发和设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Background: The way a person responds to health information, for instance by actively seeking it out or avoiding it, is an important part of overall coping with health issues. This study starts from the assumption that there are individual differences in information behaviour in charged contexts such as when faced with the stress and anxiety of compromised health. Objective: To shed light on mechanisms through which personal characteristics (locus of control) and world views (sense of coherence) influence health information interest and health information seeking in relation to health status. Method: The methods used in this study are quantitative. The material consists of data procured via a postal survey, which was posted to a representative sample group consisting of 2500 Finnish citizens aged 18–65 years. The statistical analysis consists of F‐tests for means, frequency analyses and cross tab‐analyses (chi‐square and Goodman–Kruskal gamma). Results: Persons with perceived health problems are comparatively more characterised by external locus of control and by lower motivation to act on health issues. Conclusion: More research is needed before these complex relationships are fully understood. However, the results of this study show that internal locus of control entails high interest in, and low avoidance of, health information.  相似文献   

This study is based on Gerardo Ruiz’s doctoral thesis on the information seeking patterns of psychiatrists in Mexico City, which he completed in January 2018 from the Autonomous National University of Mexico. The paper presents the key findings from a survey and interview involving 92 psychiatrists to identify the differing roles and information behaviours of three types of mental health practitioners. Similarities and divergences were found in their behavioural patterns in obtaining information to make clinical decisions, depending on purpose for the sought information which aligned to the role of the psychiatrist and on the information contexts of institutions in which they work. The implications for practice highlighted in this study focus on the influencing factors of time and availability of sources in enabling the mental health specialist to search, disseminate and evaluate information to be used in clinical practice, as well as to have in place broader communication with colleagues in order to enrich clinical care for better diagnosis and treatment.F.J.  相似文献   

为引进信息搜寻行为量表并分析该量表的信度、效度,评估其在中国大学生中的适用性,随机选取200名医学专业大学生进行包括30个题项的信息搜寻行为量表的测试,其中20名学生两周后进行了重测。结果显示信息搜寻行为量表的Cronbach’s alphα系数为0.872,分半信度为0.835,重测信度为0.876;各分量表的信度均在可接受的范围内,信度指标良好;各题项与量表总分的相关性显著,各分量表之间及其与总量表之间均呈显著相关,该量表的内容效度与结构效度良好。研究表明,此量表具有良好的测量学指标,可以作为中国大学生信息搜寻能力研究的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

重大突发公共卫生事件中公众信息搜寻行为影响因素探究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 在重大突发公共卫生事件中,公众对于相关信息需求旺盛,信息搜寻成为公众了解和应对风险的重要途径。面对风险信息,公众对信息搜寻的态度如何塑造其行为?哪些因素会影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为?不同人群间是否具有差异性?解答这些问题有助于为公众提供针对性的信息服务、助力提升个体应对效能、开展有效防疫工作。[方法/过程] 以在线问卷形式调查国内719名受访者,探究重大突发公共卫生事件中影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为的因素。[结果/结论] 研究表明:不同地区、年龄、学历的公众信息搜寻态度与行为具有显著差异;感知风险、情感反应、信息充分性、信息主观规范与知觉行为控制正向影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为;信息搜寻态度在各因素与信息搜寻行为间起中介作用。基于研究结果,分别从信息发布渠道、信息传播过程与信息搜索平台等角度提出意见。  相似文献   

Using the PICO (Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome)(1) framework, this feature presents a case study on the information skills strand of a continuing education programme delivered at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland for nurses and head nurses. H.S.  相似文献   

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