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Intelligence in the Wild: A Dispositional View of Intellectual Traits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most accounts of intelligence are abilities-centric. They aim to explain intelligent behavior in terms of IQ or other measures of intellectual aptitude. However, several investigators have proposed that intelligent behavior in the wild—in everyday circumstances in which carefully framed tests do not tell people exactly what intellectual task to attempt—depends in considerable part on thinking dispositions. Definitionally, dispositions concern not what abilities people have, but how people are disposed to use those abilities. Everyday language includes a number of dispositional terms such as curiosity, open-mindedness, and skepticism. We review several dispositional constructs that researchers have investigated, sometimes under the label dispositions. The findings in trend show that dispositions are stable traits that help to explain intellectual performance over and above measures of intellectual aptitude. It is argued that a dispositional view of intelligence is warranted, and that it is an important area for continued research.  相似文献   

将多元表征渗透到数学课堂教学中,一方面可以调动学生多感官的认知因素,促进知识的理解,培养学生的数学思维以及促进学生数学智慧的生长;另一方面通过对问题进行多元化的表征,为学生解决数学问题提供了新的平台,从而有助于提高学生对问题多角度的解释能力和创新能力。数学中多元表征的教学策略为:精深挖掘资源,探索数学表征的多元化;运用教育机智,达到多元表征的最优化。但要注意,多元表征不是每堂课都适用,也不是每个学生都能在课上得到最大的收获。  相似文献   

提高课堂对话的有效性是发展高质量课堂教学的重要抓手,构建面向世界经济合作与发展组织提出的教育2030远景目标,并立足中国数学学科发展的数学课堂对话评价体系,有助于为中国数学课堂教学评价和监测提供第三方依据和指南.评价体系的建设坚持科学性、通用性和可操作性,包括8个一级指标与22个二级指标,经检验具有较好的信度与效度,可为大规模课堂教学分析与比较及课堂对话规律挖掘等提供有效支撑,为创建优质高效的数学课堂奠定良好基础.  相似文献   

教师实践智慧:课堂教学的活力之源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂教学需要教师的实践智慧,然而现今很多教师的课堂教学是缺少实践智慧的,教师实践智慧的缺失可归结为教育制度的规约和教师的自我束缚两方面的原因。对教师实践智慧的呼唤不光是课堂教学本身的需要,也是作为教学主体的教师和学生的迫切需要,它是让课堂教学焕发出生命活力的源头活水。  相似文献   

This article describes how we can teach students more effectively by teaching for successful intelligence. Teaching for successful intelligence involves instructing and assessing analytically, creatively, and practically, as well as for memory. Such teaching helps students recognize and capitalize on strengths, and at the same time recognize and correct or compensate for weaknesses. The article describes how to teach for successful intelligence and presents empirical evidence that teaching for successful intelligence really works in the classroom in raising student achievement.  相似文献   

中西智慧在本质上都希望主客体关系协调统一的发展。中国智慧的思维特性表现为主客融合,强调客体主体化,但往往导致主体自我中心的遮蔽;西方智慧的思维特性表现为主客对立,强调主体客体化,又往往导致主体自我中心主义。如果二者结合,既注重客体的自然世界丰富,又注重主体的心灵世界的丰富,则是人类理想的思维方式。  相似文献   

学业负担过重向来是义务教育改革难以攻破的瓶颈,"双减"政策从校内教学和校外培训两方面为当前的减负工作指明方向和路径。从校内教学的视角来看,减轻学生过重学业负担的关键不仅在于作业的减"量",更需要课堂教学的增"质"。人工智能技术可以为课堂教学减负提质提供支撑引领,助力教学过程精准高效,为学生量身定制个性化作业,全流程数据驱动教学评价降低考试压力。然而技术理性使课堂教学面临人本关怀缺失,教学评价重量轻质,学生学业负担再度加重的风险。对标"双减"目标坚守教学育人本义,人机协同教学实施因材施教,动态监测学业负担,科学精准减负,统整量化质化评价是减负提质的可行路径。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以漳州市三所中学434名高中生为调查对象,运用《情绪智力量表》和《学生学习自我控制量表》进行测试。结果发现:1)高中生的情绪智力不存在学校、性别、年级和专业的差异;2)高中生的学习自控力存在学校和年级的交互作用;3)情绪智力与学习自控力具有中等水平的相关;4)高中生的情绪智力、学习自控力与学业成绩都达到中等程度的相关,学习自控力对学业成绩具有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

彭悦 《海外英语》2012,(14):100-102,126
该研究旨在探索学习风格和多元智能之间的相关性。研究通过对广州美术学院205名学生的问卷调查,经SPSS分析,发现美术专业的学生在学习过程中所偏好的学习风格多为动手型,而所擅长的智能类型多为自我认识型和视觉/空间型,其学习风格和多元智能中多项呈正相关关系。研究希望能通过对这些美术专业学生的调查和分析,加深对他们特性的了解,从而得到外语教学上的启发,并应用更合理的教学策略,帮助他们在英语学习上取得更大的进步。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how teachers’ trust in their students relates to reading comprehension achievement in socially and ethnically segregated elementary schools in Flanders (Belgium) by taking into account class composition characteristics. It is examined how student variables, ethnic diversity and the proportion of non-native students in the class, and teachers’ trust in their students relate to reading comprehension achievement and learning growth. A 3-level multivariate repeated measures analysis was conducted. At 2 measurement occasions, reading tests and questionnaires were administered to a sample (n = 417) of 7- and 8-year-old students in 32 classes. Teachers’ trust in their students was found to be a key factor relating to learning growth in reading comprehension, and mediated the relationship between the level of ethnic diversity in the class and learning growth. Teachers with a higher level of trust in their students seem to foster more learning growth in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

在人工智能视域下的课堂教学智慧评价中,基于中国优秀传统文化中的知行哲学和大脑认知活动的信息自由能理论构建的学习发生知行模型,描述了学习发生的条件与路径、学习风格、有效教学方法等,关涉学生学习发生这一教育核心问题。学习发生知行模型批判地吸收了ELT、4MAT等学习理论中富有启发性的观点,将知行与外在可观测的语言刺激(四何)数据关联起来,使学生内部认识活动与外在教学环境的相互作用即课堂认知活动具备了人工智能可分析的可能。它将学习发生的认知过程划分为外界信息的处理过程(不涉及大脑自由能减少)和内部世界认知模型的调整过程或思想练习(减少大脑自由能)两类,提出的人工智能课堂认知活动量化评价指标框架,尝试解决现有机器分析无法覆盖课堂思维方式、教学风格等重要维度的问题,为完整性的、本土化的、易理解的课堂教学智慧评价分析系统的设计提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》已明确将探究学习作为一种重要的数学学习方式加以提倡。如何在课堂教学中实现这一基本理念,需要结合小学数学教学,构建以探究学习为特征的小学数学教学模式。此模式的构建应包括模式的理论基础、模式的教学目标、实施程序及教学策略等方面的内容。  相似文献   

人工智能教育应用背景下,面对巨量的信息洪流与便捷的获取方式,为获得而学正面临着极大的挑战。为理解而学的提出旨在回应深度学习的真实发生、高阶思维的发展及个人价值的实现。为理解而学旨在发展学习者能够基于移情理解开展意义性联系与反思性运用,强调以迁移与运用为本的知识学习过程,进而实现知识与理解间的转化与生成。  相似文献   

文章以“就业导向、工学交替”理念为基础,研究“学岗交融”高职教学模式教学质量评价体系,以专业、学业、企业为评价要素,着重构建“以学生为本”及“以职业能力形成为核心”的质量评价体系.  相似文献   

Structured thinking activities (STAs) are pedagogical tools used to support metacognition in classrooms. Despite their popularity, little is known about how pupils use STAs as platforms to think about and manage their own thinking (i.e. as metacognitive tools). This case study investigated pupils’ use of STAs in relation to metacognition throughout a school year. We focus on two 8-year-old pupils, Amy and Laura, as they completed two specific STAs through weekly class meets and termly achievement logs. Data were triangulated through participant observation, qualitative interviews and analysis of written texts. We found clear differences between Laura's and Amy's written STAs, however observation and interviews revealed that engagement with STAs was similar beyond that suggested by the written evidence alone. Whereas Amy used easily spelt ‘stock’ responses, Laura used ‘bare minimum’ responses to meet teacher expectations. As such, neither Amy nor Laura used STAs as metacognitive tools, however in negotiating STAs, both exhibited strategic regulatory skills indicative of metacognition. Whilst our findings highlight that pupils may still be developing explicit metacognitive knowledge necessary to take full advantage of STAs, we highlight the clear value of persistent approaches to using STAs as tools to support developing metacognition, particularly in association with teacher–pupil interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, assessment and learning is reconceptualised as an integrated and dialogic process. Positioned in a sociocultural framework, the experiences of academics and students at an Australian university were examined to understand how they think about and participate in formative assessment to support learning. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were used to investigate the lived experience, individual meanings and context of participants. The sociocultural issues that participants emphasised were highlighted through a power, risk and reconceptualisation analytical framework. Findings showed that academics and students give high value to dialogue as a device of trust and power for building learner capacity through assessment, and that academics’ familiarity with students’ individual learning reinforces student trust in the integrity and reliability of assessment. This study contributes to understandings of learning and assessment by offering their reconceptualisation as an integrated and dialogic whole when considered from sociocultural perspectives of the lived experience and context. Importantly, the study proposes that the design of intended learning experiences in assessment can also facilitate development of specific dispositions for thinking and being in students as learners and future citizens.  相似文献   

集体智慧在开放教育资源学习中的作用日渐凸显,Cohere作为一款在线社会性语义注释及知识地图工具可以有效地支持和利用开放教育资源学习中的集体智慧.Cohere实现了网页注释、语义连接和信息筛选的功能,形成了包括文本、观点和社交的协作网络概念模型.在开放教育资源的学习中,利用Cohere可以进行知识管理、思维的可视化和协作式辩论学习.  相似文献   

Carole Bignell 《Literacy》2012,46(1):48-55
At the time of writing, primary English education is, once again, at a crossroads. Within the context of a continuing focus on underachievement in writing for key groups of learners and a large body of research, which suggests that classroom talk is a powerful means of improving children's success in all areas of the curriculum including writing, this article considers two current approaches to talk in the primary curriculum – Talk for Writing and Towards Dialogic Teaching. In doing so, it critically analyses these texts through the theoretical lens of education as social reproduction with a view to identifying their ideological assumptions about the purpose of talk in the curriculum. Discussion considers how such assumptions may influence classroom practice and contribute to the teachers’ understanding of the role of oracy within the primary classroom. The article concludes that whilst both texts might suggest a socially reproductive approach to education, both have the potential to empower the learner through the skilful implementation of oracy as the foundation of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this interdisciplinary study was to explore the impacts of tablet technology in a college classroom on students' perceptions of their own learning. Students were asked about oral, written, and graphical communication and critical thinking skills. Mid-semester and end-of-semester surveys were administered to tablet-enabled classes for collection of self-report data. Additionally, objective performance data were gathered from sections of the same courses taught using traditional methods and compared with learning outcomes of those taught using tablets. Students reported that using tablet technology was beneficial for all three types of communication skills. Findings also indicated that tablet usage contributed to a positive effect on dimensions of critical thinking. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

As the benefits of outdoor learning have become of increasing interest to the education sector, so the importance of understanding and overcoming challenges associated with this pedagogy has gained greater significance. The Natural Connections Demonstration Project recruited primary, secondary, and special schools across south-west England with a view to stimulating and supporting ‘learning in the natural environment’ across the region. This research paper examines qualitative data obtained from case study visits to 12 of these schools. The results from teaching staff interviews and focus groups show that schools face many and varied challenges to embedding outdoor learning, and a raft of strategies are presented for tackling these challenges and integrating learning in the natural environment into much of the current curriculum.  相似文献   

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