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If I lose my key in Canada, for instance, and I search for it in the United Kingdom, how long will I take to find it?

This paper argues that problems in education are caused by non‐professional teachers who are employed when trained teachers move in search of promotion friendly activities or financially rewarding duties. This shift of focus means that policy makers in education act without adequate professional guidance. The problems in education, therefore, result from demands made on mainstream education based on misconceptions about what education can offer.

It is argued that the implementation of e‐learning in education faces the risk of developing on the basis of unproven theories. This scenario increasingly sees the replacement of formal education activities in institutions of learning with non‐formal and informal education practices. Given that the contents and influences of non‐formal and informal education are not under the control of the teacher, the experiences that learners bring to education settings are increasingly difficult to manage. The paper proposes that by integrating e‐learning in teacher education and rewarding ‘good teaching’, there is a potential for a successful e‐learning revolution in education.  相似文献   

G ood M orning,ladies and gentlem en。Today I’d like to tell a story.Eleven years ago,there was once ahappy fam ily in a village of H enanProvince.B ut all of a sudden,it was com-pletely changed because of their father’sspecial illness and loss of w ork,whichcaused their m other’s leaving w ithout say-ing“G ood-bye”.The eldest brother had nochoice but to support the whole fam ily w ithhis tender little shoulder.H e was then only12years old.D ay after day,year afteryear,he was alw ays p…  相似文献   

Educational leaders continually must be vigilant about their actions as they speak volumes about the values that the leader supports. It is impossible for an educational leader to take an action without generating some comment about how things should be done—which by definition is moral action. What's more, everyone is watching—especially the students.

This article explores leadership relationships, interrelationships, and interdependence—and how administrative “moral leadership” rests with the institution's leader. First, it examines the concept of systems thinking to determine how relationships, support structures, and decisions made by school leaders impact the entire school—especially the students and the community at large. Second, it explores and furthers our understanding of moral leadership models by synthesizing concepts in the literature and offers a new paradigm of moral leadership for educational leaders in the 21st century.  相似文献   


New models for prison ministry are crucial during the current era of mass incarceration in America—a time when the potential reach of prison ministries can grow as the population of incarcerated individuals grows. In this article, I lift up one prison ministry in New Jersey as an example of how Christian evangelicals who are engaged in traditional prison ministry can bravely open their minds and hearts to models of religious education that go beyond individual conversion toward communal transformation.  相似文献   

Life in the 21st century will be different form life in the 20th century,be-cause many changes will take place in the new century.but what will thechanges be?  相似文献   

Language and communication are at theheart of the human experience.The United States must educate students who are linguistically and culturally equipped to communicate suc- cessfully in a pluralistic American society and abroad.This imperative envisions a future in which ALL students will de- velop and maintain profwiency in English and at least ore other language,modern or clasical.Children who come to school from on-English backgrounds should also have oppor- tunities to develop further proficiencies in their first language.Statement of Philosophy Standardsfor Foreign Language Learning  相似文献   

Reflecting a French perspective, the author presents a scenario whereby universities in the Twenty‐First Century will devote a considerable portion of their time and effort to continuing education (or training) as part of an essential effort to make lifelong learning available to all. This shift in emphasis will, among other things, lead to the transfer of certain specializations from initial education (undergraduate education) to continuing education to be offered on demand in reaction to the needs of business partners and of the labour market. The importance of co‐operative links with enterprise, business, and industry, is bound to increase and to become a crucial cornerstone of higher education in the future. As increasing numbers of adults‐‐mature learners‐‐will be (re‐)entering higher education through continuing education programmes, university pedagogy must adapt itself to these students who will be studying and working simultaneously. University research will also be affected by the emphasis on continuing education. The future of the university is bright provided it opens itself up to society at large, develops an entrepreneurial spirit, and is able to engage in dialogue in the broadest sense.  相似文献   

The employment prospects for most higher education graduates worldwide are bleak for a number of reasons including the negative effects of the massification of higher education, rapid technological change, the crisis in the conception of work in highly developed societies, and the neo‐liberal political and economic agenda. A number of survival strategies are proposed to students as well as ways to improve the link between employers and higher education institutions so as to improve the study/future employment match. Students are advised to be flexible, able and willing to innovate, entrepreneurial, proactive, and not only to be willing to take risks but to consider risk and uncertainty as forms of opportunity.


It is difficult to know what to do with meaning. Some kinesiologists, particularly those in the humanities, would argue that it should be given due attention—perhaps even priority attention. Others would argue that meaning is unimportant or simply impossible to study in any objective way. This conundrum can be solved by adopting a new research paradigm, one that places meaning on a level playing field with muscles, cells, genes, and other movement-related phenomena. I argue that we might be in the middle of a Kuhnian paradigm shift. This new way of conceptualizing reality has significant implications, not only for how we do research, but also for how we understand our field. I identify five implications of the new paradigm for kinesiology.  相似文献   

Concern has been expressed about the vulnerability of the ‘academic profession’ as a consequence of threats from productivism, managerialism and the like (Beck and Young, Br J Sociol Educ 26(2):183–197, 2005). I question the apparent self-understanding of academe as a profession. Referring to thinking from higher education (Barnett, High Educ 40:409–422, 2000a; Educ Phil Theor 32(3):319–326, 2000b; Realizing the University in an age of supercomplexity, 2000c; Stud High Educ 25(3):255–265, 2000d; Lond Rev Educ 2(1):61–73, 2004a; Piper, Are professors professional? The organisation of University examinations, 1994; Taylor 1999), and from the sociology of the professions (in particular Evetts, Int J Sociol Soc Policy 23(4/5):22–35, 2003a; Int Sociol 18(2):395–415 2003b; Curr Sociol 54(1):133–143 2006a; Curr Sociol 54(4):515–531, 2006b), I propose that significant shifts in self-understanding and practice are needed for academe to claim a social role as a ‘profession’.  相似文献   

技术专长与创新能力——将更加重要。今后将越来越需要在计算机、产品推销和管道工程等方面既懂理论又有实践经验的人。  相似文献   

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